After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 94


Ye Jia was expressionless: "What are you doing here?"

Ji Xuan stepped forward with an aggrieved look on his face: "What's wrong? Brother, don't you want to see me?"

He approached as he talked, Ye Jia had to raise his hand against the other's shoulder and turned his head: "Hey... don't get so close."

However, Ji Xuan seemed to be already familiar with the other party's trajectory.

He grabbed the young man's icy wrist and dragged him in his direction.

The distance between the two instantly shortened.

"Wait..." Ye Jia tried to struggle: "Didn't you meet Ami?"

"No." Ji Xuan raised his hand and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, leaned in shamelessly, and rubbed his chin on the other's shoulder: "I will come to you soon after the ghost leaves."

Ye Jia: "..."

He took a deep breath slowly and asked, "Then what's the point of you sending it here to spread the word?"

What an incredible choking operation.

Ji Xuan stuck to the other person like candy, and his voice was a little vague: "I regret it after I sent it out."

He buried himself in Ye Jia's neck and sniffed the cold and cold breath of the other party's body: "I don't want to be separated from my brother."

want to see you.

After the separation, every cell in the body, every moment, every second, is clamoring for this sentence.

want to see you.

Ye Jia's eyes paused slightly, he looked away, and his voice was calm: "Mother will be suspicious."

"Her purpose was to separate you and me, so that I could have better control. Now that I hide the whole city, I am out of her surveillance. If you also..." He put his hand on the other's shoulder: "Go back Well, before mother notices."

Ji Xuan's arms tightened: "Hold for a while."

Ye Jia: "No."

The figure of the man who was holding his waist suddenly shrank, Ye Jia was startled, and before he came back to his senses, the other party had turned into the appearance of an eleven- or twelve-year-old child, deftly facing his arms He burrowed into it, hugged each other with his hands and feet, and said softly in a childish voice, "Just a while."

Ye Jia was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the corner of the sofa inadvertently.

The note he picked up just now landed there, with the traces he just grabbed on the edge, and the messy handwriting on it looked a little blurry in the dim light.

Ye Jia's eyes darkened slightly.

He raised his hand and hugged Ji Xuan in his arms, his back turned slightly to the side without a trace, and skillfully blocked the paper full of words:

"… just for a while."

Ji Xuan raised his head from Ye Jia's arms, a pair of scarlet eyes, like half-coagulated blood, glistened in the darkness, he asked:

"Is there a reward this time?"

Ye Jia paused, lowered his head, quickly pecked the opponent's forehead, and asked calmly, "Is it alright?"

Ji Xuan: "It's different from last time."

Ye Jia: "..."

Take measures!

The corners of his mouth twitched, his fingers curled, and he tapped the opponent's forehead hard:

"The time is up, let me go and change back."

Facts have proved that Ji Xuan will only selectively listen to the part of the order that is beneficial to him.

So, it took Ye Jia a long time to pull Ji Xuan, who suddenly grew bigger in his arms, from his body.

He took a breath, his hair was a little messy, and he pushed Ji Xuan out impatiently:

"Go back quickly!"

"Wait a minute..." Ji Xuan held on to the door frame with great resistance, and looked at him with the eyes of an abandoned dog: "Brother..."

Ye Jia sighed: "It's not that there is no time after everything is over."

Ji Xuan lowered his eyes, his playful expression dissipated from the bottom of his eyes, with a bit of concentration and seriousness, the light in his eyes made Ye Jia's movements stagnate subconsciously:

"Then it's settled, okay?"

Ye Jia: "... what?"

The man's deep-set facial features were shrouded in a hazy dim light, and a deep shadow shrouded his eyes, with a bit of imperceptible paranoia.

Ji Xuan's gaze fell on the other party's body, Ye Jia could almost feel the temperature and weight of the other party's gaze, as if he was pouring all the fiery emotions of the world on himself, as if he could burn his skin.

His voice was low and gentle, like a whisper in a lover's ear:

"After it's all over."

Ye Jia was silent for a long time.

The figure of the youth is like a silent sculpture, shrouded in darkness, neither breathing nor moving, like a dead thing.

After a long time.

"… Um."

He responded in a low voice.


After being finally pulled and asked for a "reward", Ye Jia finally sent the other party away.

Ye Jia stroked the corner of his lips.


His fingertips gently rubbed past the wound, and the broken skin disappeared instantly.

Even after the last time, the other party's technique still did not improve, the sharp canine teeth scratched his own lips, bringing out a light bloody taste in his mouth.

Is it a dog

Ye Jia frowned.

Perhaps because of the fact that he had some of the opponent's strength in his chest, a strange pain spread from the scar.

Ye Jia was a little distracted.

He suddenly remembered that day, after the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, in the corridor, after the other party unbuttoned his shirt, the hideous scar on his chest, the fatal wound that directly penetrated the heart, was particularly shocking on the pale skin.

And now...

Ye Jia recalled in his mind the feeling when the opponent's palm penetrated his chest cavity.

There was not much pain, but it was very cold, and the cool breeze was pouring into it, and every subtle movement of the other's fingers affected his nerves.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the pain of being transformed into a ghost.

Ye Jia found that he did not know when he touched the injured part of his heart.

He laughed, but there wasn't much laughter in his voice.

Ye Jia put away the black leather notebook properly, then bent down and picked up the scattered papers on the ground one by one.

He watched the burnt clean ashes and confetti flying around the room, and finally disappeared completely.

The room smelled of gunpowder, but nothing else.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Ye Jia connected the phone.

Blast's slightly excited voice came from the side of the microphone: "This side of the Occult Authority, get it done."

very good.

In this case, his plan can begin.

Ye Jia turned to leave, a sigh landed in the empty room behind him, and disappeared into the air in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

[First of all, it must be ensured that the mother cannot return to the m city]

"I will use the ghosts to send you to the place where my mother is going to open the gate." Ye Jia said, pointing his finger at the corner of the map: "The 200,000 souls are required to be sent to that place, and the intelligence of Ji Xuan's men is also confirmed that."

"Using the props seized from the capital, do your best to hold them back."

The young man's pale fingers moved to another corner not far away and landed on the icon of m city: "And I'm back here."

Since the door was opened for the first time in City M, in the past few decades, all over the country, the malice deposited in the ground due to the killings will flow in the direction of City M.

The same principle as the Yin Well effect, Yin Qi and maliciousness will gather in low-lying places.

That's why my mother digs the spring under the city of m. However, the place where the first door is opened cannot create a second door, so this will inevitably lead to the mother need to guide the maliciousness gushing out of these springs to the present where she prepares The place where the second door was opened, and Ye Jia just wanted to use this time difference to "purify" the maliciousness in advance before it was taken away from the m city.

"It's very simple, right?" Ye Jia withdrew his hand and looked up at Wu Su's big tearful eyes.

Ye Jia: "!"

I saw a middle-aged man with a beard with tears in his eyes, and shouted: "Brother Ye!!!"

Ye Jia: "!!!"

Wu Su was moved and cried like a little girl: "So, so, you really didn't leave us!!!! woo woo woo woo scare me to death..."

Ye Jia: "..."

He turned his head to look at the other people with a calm face: "Does everyone understand?"

Wu Su: "?? Why are you ignoring me, Brother Ye!"

Chen Qingye pushed up his glasses: "I just feel hot eyes."

blast nodded in agreement.

Wu Su: "..."

My teenage heart is hurt.

"What's next?" Blast suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask, "What should we do after you've cleaned up the maliciousness?"

Ye Jia: "When the concentration of malice in the world cannot support the existence of the mother, she will be excluded from reality, but, the most primitive, the first door of the game and the real world will not be closed, those ghosts and monsters are still It will exist, but as long as the mother leaves, the balance between humans and ghosts should gradually be restored... So the first thing is to abolish the law and kill the souls of innocent people, no more..."

"Wait..." Blast interrupted him, frowning with some doubts: "What I'm actually asking is, if everything is successful, do I want to pick you up at City M or something."

He scratched his head and laughed: "Why did you start talking about post-disaster reconstruction?"

Blast continued unintentionally: "Aren't you still with us at that time anyway, so you can say no more then?"

Ye Jia paused for a while without a trace, then raised the corners of his lips and raised a smile:

"you're right."

He rolled up the map: "You don't need to pick me up at that time, I have the ability to protect myself, but you, go deep into the gathering place of the ghosts, and if you are not careful, you will die without a whole body."


The broken limbs rolled in the pool of blood, sticky black and red sticking to everything, and a strong bloody and rancid stench emanated continuously.

The clouds above were thick and heavy, and no light from the sky could penetrate.

The ghosts around were lingering and guarding, whispering:

"Is everything ready?"


"Mother should open the door soon, right?"

"That's natural, it should be tomorrow..."

Before the voice of the specter behind him could fall, he heard the roar and screams of the specter not far away. The flesh and blood splashed all over the place, instantly staining the bleak sky with a layer of blood, and the guards instantly Surprised:

"What, what's going on?"

"There is an intruder!!!!" A shrill scream came from a distance: "Ahhhh!!"

How can there be an intruder

In such a central location, the surrounding area is basically strictly guarded. How could an intruder enter this area without any ghosts being aware of it

"Hurry up! Report it to mother!" A sharp, deformed neigh came from the Specter's throat.

The other Specter shook his jelly-shaped body, and the four or five faces on his face showed the same horrified expression: "Yes... yes!"

In the distance, the scorching flames that could almost burn the air rose from blast's hands. Specter's body was twisted into a weird shape in the raging fire, and turned into charred debris in the screaming, and the Gu insect beside him. Flying densely, Ah Chang's huge pitch-black body swayed, the sharp chelicerae cut Li Gui's body in two in front of him, and the turbid internal organs flowed down.

"Hahahahaha!!" blast burst out laughing: "It's been a long time since it's been this cool!"

"Can't you be quiet at this time?" Chen Qingye glanced at him sternly: "Be careful behind your back."

The bullet flew out from the jet-black barrel, instantly smashing and piercing the Specter's head that was pounced on the blast. The skull was mixed with brain blood and splashed, and it looked like a thrilling explosion.

"Wow." Wu Su's eyes were shining brightly, staring at the new gun in his hand and whistling: "As expected of a prop in the game, the intensity is different."

Here are all the elites in the Supernatural Administration. They all came with the determination and belief to die, so the battles are also extraordinarily brave. In addition, their appearance was really unexpected, and they formed an unstoppable momentum for a while. In the blink of an eye, it advanced dozens of meters forward.

m outside the city.

Ye Jia felt that the breath of his mother left from the depths of the city.

Very good, it seems that the battle over there has been effective.

He raised his hand and pulled up his hood. A pair of scarlet pupils shone in the shadows with a fierce cold light like a blade unsheathed. In the palm of his hand, a huge sickle slowly emerged, reflecting on the thin blade like a moonlight. Blood red light in the sky.

The youth's figure melted into the darkness.

His movements were swift and fast, moving silently, silver light flashed wherever he passed, and Li Gui was cut off his throat before he could even make the slightest sound.

Ye Jia can smell the sticky stench in the air.

After becoming a Specter, his senses have been greatly improved.

He walked through the winding tunnels, as if he already knew where his destination was, without the slightest hesitation, as if a shadow was passing through the air, and it was as quiet as a part of the darkness.

He could smell that the malicious smell was getting stronger and stronger, and the distance was being rapidly pulled away.

Ye Jia raised his hand and pressed it on his chest.

The sarcoid had to be removed at the end, because the moment it was removed, the mother would be alarmed—she would know immediately what she was up to.

So, it has to be fast.

There was a slight itching in the depths of his chest.

It was only at this moment that Ye Jia suddenly realized that this wound was absurdly similar to the one on Ji Xuan's body.

It is also built on lies and shaped by the other party.

Ye Jia didn't quite know why he thought of the other party at this time. He forced himself to withdraw his mind, and his eyes were fixed in the darkness in the distance. He had already vaguely felt the imminent end of the game.

one way or another…

In order to prevent the other party from doing irrational behavior, Ye Jia left the notebook to the other party and put it in the room before leaving.

It was given to his maternal grandfather by his mother, and in a sense... a family relic.

Ye Jia didn't know if what he did was correct.

But... this is the best way to do it right now.

The door ahead showed a vague outline, and a malicious sticky smell came from it—



The mother's figure appeared on the scarlet blood pool.

She lowered her feet, her pale toes gently stirring the rotting tissue and sticky blood in the pool of blood.

"Is it still not resolved yet?" Her voice was still gentle, but it made the surrounding Specters shudder: "It's all my children, why is there such a big gap?"

Behind the mother, the high-level Specter who just arrived joined the battle.

"Bring me the fruits of your victory." The mother smiled and said in a loving voice: "Kill all those who are not marked, and sink their limbs into the pool. I will catch those who are marked."

The tip of the blood-red tongue stuck out and slowly swept across his lips: "Maybe... he will become your brother."

As soon as the high-level Specter joined, the human side immediately became difficult.

The screams of human beings came one after another, and the foreheads of the few people in front of them were dripping with sweat.

"Oops..." Blast gritted his teeth, a hoarse voice leaked from his throat, and blood gradually leaked from the corners of his lips.

How long

How long will it take

Suddenly, he saw that not far away, a Specter's figure jumped out suddenly, the slender body elongated, and the face with blurred facial features quickly approached—

It's Ami!

Blast was startled, his eyes widened slightly.

But at the moment when he was stunned, the opponent had already attacked mercilessly.

What... what's going on

"Mother." The man's familiar voice sounded from not far away: "Do you know why they invaded such a core area?"

Chen Qingye was stunned for a moment and turned to look in the direction from which the voice came.

I saw Ji Xuan's figure stepping out of the darkness behind his mother, a pair of narrow scarlet eyes drooping down, falling on the bodies of everyone below, without the slightest emotional fluctuation in his eyes: "There is an inner response."

Everyone was surprised.

"Ji Xuan, you—" Blast's eyes were flushed, and he clenched his teeth fiercely, as if he wanted to rush out and tear him apart.

Ji Xuan calmly retracted his gaze:

"Mother, you are going to open the door tomorrow, right?"

The mother looked at each other's face: "Yes, my child."

Ji Xuan: "In case of unforeseen changes, it is better to start now."

"Well..." Mother lowered her eyes, as if thinking about the feasibility of the other party's proposal: "It's not impossible..."

After 200,000 souls were thrown in, the number of blood sacrifices was enough, and the only thing left was to introduce the malice of M City into it.

as well as…

She raised her eyes, landed behind Ji Xuan, and asked warmly, "My child, what do you think?"

The young man's slender figure slowly walked out of the darkness, and his handsome face was exposed to the light.

All humans stared in disbelief, almost unable to believe what they saw—

I saw the young man's scarlet pupils lifted slightly, looking at his mother who was sitting not far away:
