After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 120: At such a young age, I actually believed in these things!


Seeing her answer, Qiao Jin slowly curled his lips.

It was expected.

Some people can't accept their own fate, so they will attack others with a thorny shell.

Believe it or not is a matter of other people's thoughts, it is not under her control.

But that doesn't mean she is gentle.

Today: I don't have such a thing as a conscience, do what I should do, and tell your results according to your expectations.

Today: You are here for fortune-telling, and you should expect whatever result you get. You don’t owe me, and I don’t owe you either. You pay, and I’ll answer.

Today: To marry or not to marry is your freedom.

Zhao Roulan trembled even more because of Qiao Jin's attitude. Lin Siliao's eyes almost popped out when she saw the chat records of the two, so she hurriedly comforted Zhao Roulan and said, "Sister, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, it's just a misunderstanding, it's just a misunderstanding !"

"Isn't this kind of person just saying some unconscionable things just for money?" Zhao Roulan said unscrupulously: "I don't believe it, I want to report her, and this kind of harmful seller can't be allowed to survive on this kind of platform. What age is it? Still doing something like this?"

Lin Si became anxious: "Sister!"

She looked at Zhao Roulan and said, "She's not wrong. I asked you to do the fortune-telling. We should have some expectations in our hearts. You said she was a liar, but she really saved me. Fate, she only charged me a few hundred dollars, why didn't she cheat me? You think she is a liar, but the result of what she said is too terrible, you just don't want to believe it!"

"You can pretend that this incident never happened. I didn't let you tell your fortune. I'll pay you the 600 yuan!"

Zhao Roulan was also furious: "You said it lightly, but she didn't mean that your family was ruined!"

Lin Siliao also retorted: "Since you think what she said is false, why do you still care about it?"

Zhao Roulan: "..."

She looked at Lin Si, staring angrily, as if she couldn't believe the other party's obsession.

Lin Si was also afraid in his heart, if Qiao Jin's calculation was true, and Zhao Roulan's family would be ruined as soon as she got married, then... if she just sits idly by, it's not what a younger sister should do.

Even for the sake of the godmother, this kind of tragedy cannot be allowed to happen to her family.

However, the elder sister didn't believe her life and death. Lin Siliao knew that she couldn't explain it clearly. She had always disliked that brother-in-law for no reason. The trouble is with this brother-in-law. Could it be that there is something weird that they don't know

The quarrel between the two has already attracted the attention of others. Zhao Roulan knew that she couldn't understand Lin Si, so she returned the phone to Lin Si after a while, and only looked at her in disappointment: "You have gone crazy, you are so young, you actually believe in these things !"

Lin Siliao can't wait to refute her with her words, it's not you who almost died!

Death passed her by. If she hadn't been a fortune teller by accident that day, how could she have suspected Hu Wei

The female corpse who died tragically might be her!

Lin Silai: "Yes, sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't let you tell your fortune today."

After she finished speaking, she stepped aside and sent a message to Qiao Jin with her own number.

The miss is not as good as the past: Master, I'm sorry! ! Don't be angry. I recommended my sister to come here. You said that when she got married, her family would be ruined. Is it really that serious