After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 116: The real golden fire is over


Yan Zhao returned to the World of All Gods, but he still felt soreness in his eyes. Liquid flowed down his cheek and fell into his palm. It was a drop of golden tear.

He accompanied Rong Yu for her entire life, until the end of the world, when the punishment from heaven ended, and only then was he able to return.

Nine hundred and seventy-two people have experienced many changes in their lives. They love each other but cannot meet each other. In the end, they saw an unexpected scene. Even Yan Zhao couldn't recover for a long time.

It turns out that’s how Rongyu’s soul lamp was extinguished.

Rong Yu broke the eternal candle, and returned almost all of his luck to the 6666 world. With only a hundred years left to live, he came to find him with a desperate gamble.

The devil is immortal, and a hundred years is just a moment. How lonely and brave he is.

Finally, he found Rong Yu, but he didn't recognize him at that time. Yan Zhao only knew that he was a traitorous son of destiny. He also misunderstood Rong Yu as disturbing the universe, so he not only stabbed him with a sword, but also chased him through hundreds of worlds. It took nearly a hundred years to catch Rong Yu and throw him into the small world as punishment.

Back then, Rong Yu gave up on running away and waited for him quietly under the peach tree. She probably knew that her life was coming to an end and was too lazy to struggle.

Rong Yu couldn't hold on for long. The lover she had waited for so long looked at her with strange eyes and pointed swords at her. At that time, Rong Yu was probably really desperate and heartbroken. Her soul lamp dimmed and she almost died.

The law did not lie, Rong Yu was indeed filled with hatred, and the already severely damaged soul lamp became even more difficult to maintain. Yan Zhao later allowed Rong Yu to vent his hatred in the punishment world. After Rong Yu understood the truth about the difference in their timelines, his hatred subsided and the soul lamp became brighter again.

Yan Zhao's actions of returning to those small worlds of punishment can really make Rong Yu's soul lamp brighter.

But it was of no use. The law concealed the real fatal reason why Rong Yu's soul lamp went out - Rong Yu had dispersed 99.9% of his luck in the 6666 world, and the remaining 0.1%, no matter how bright it was, could not burn forever.

Therefore, the Red Lotus Karma Fire lasted for another hundred years after its luck dissipated, and finally burned out the last flame at the end of the world.

"Laws." Yan Zhao's voice was calmer than ever before. "You didn't let me check the images of the 6666 world. It turns out that you didn't want me to know that he returned his luck to the world."

He understood why the law got in the way.

According to the laws of God, the probability of Rong Yu's soul lamp coming back to life is far less than one in a billion.

In fact, after the soul lamp of any unlucky child is completely extinguished, the probability of resurrection will be zero. What is the soul? It does not exist in the world at all. Since it does not exist, no matter how sad or happy, love or hate, or how to fulfill your wishes, you can't make the soul lamp rekindle. If it is really possible to bring the dead back to life, the Space Administration will not set a time to remedy the burning of the soul lamp. After that time, the soul lamp is burned out, and no action can remedy it.

Usually, when the soul lamp of the child of luck goes out, it means that the luck has burned out. Not only can the child of luck not be saved, but the world that needs luck to support it will also collapse. This is the relationship between the child of luck and the world, which coexists and perishes.

Rong Yu's soul lamp has a chance to rekindle because his luck has not burned out, but returned to the 6666 world, existing in another form. According to inertial thinking, the world that loses the son of luck will be destroyed, so Yan Zhao froze the 6666 world in a hurry to prevent it from collapsing. But in fact, even if he didn't freeze it, or unsealed it now, the 6666 world would still be safe and sound.

Because Rong Yu's good luck is still supporting this world, enough to keep the 6666 world running for countless years, infinitely close to eternity.

If you want to revive the soul lamp, you just need to collect the scattered luck in the 6666 world.

But this will lead to a vicious circle - Rongyu returns the luck to the world, so that he can make the world safe while getting rid of his fate, but the price is to give up immortality. If the luck is collected again and Rongyu is resurrected, Rongyu, who is carrying the luck, still has to continue to be the son of luck in the 6666 world and stay in the 6666 world to keep the world immortal.

Can Yan Zhao, who already loves Rong Yu to death, still guard the World of All Gods and let Rong Yu live in the 6666 world, and live apart from each other from now on

Definitely not.

So either Yan Zhao took Rong Yu to live in the Ten Thousand Gods Realm and the 6666 world was destroyed. Or Yan Zhao and Rong Yu lived in the 6666 world and abandoned their work in the Ten Thousand Gods Realm.

The laws of God cannot destroy the world, nor can they cause the Lord God to step down. Even if there are two replacements, the Lord of All Gods is the Lord of All Gods. No one can replace him after he has signed the contract.

Therefore it will inevitably prevent Yan Zhao from discovering the truth.

Yan Zhao didn't know the truth, and didn't know that Rong Yu could be resurrected by thawing the 6666 world and recycling the luck. Instead, he tried all the methods to relieve hatred and give love one by one. In order to rekindle Rong Yu's soul lamp, he would inevitably meet Rong Yu in each small world, return to the beginning of the 6666 world to love the devil who didn't understand love, thus violating the contract and being punished by heaven. After 972 years of despair, he finally saw the hope of rekindling Rong Yu's soul lamp.

Going around in circles like this may seem like an unnecessary hassle, but the road against the will of heaven is never smooth.

Rongyu had two connections, one good and one bad.

The good match is between the Demon King and the Princess of the Celestial Clan, it is arranged by heaven, made in heaven, this is a straight and open road. The law says that the probability of them falling in love is 100%.

The evil fate is the devil king, the lord of all gods. They are beyond the expectations of heaven. This road is full of twists and turns, full of thorns and tribulations. The law says that the probability of them falling in love is zero, but both parties are determined to run towards each other against the will of heaven. The law can only say that the probability of them falling in love is far less than one in a billion.

That is exactly the probability that Rong Yu's soul lamp will be rekindled.

At this moment, the probability of failure is 100%, which is far less than the one in a billion chance of winning.

Their love was not arranged by God, but by themselves.

Yan Zhao plans to unlock the seal of the 6666 world and collect his luck back into Rongyu's soul lamp.

God's Law: "Stop! You are destroying the world!"

Yan Zhao was unmoved: "You make it sound like I'm a villain."

The Law of God felt that the Lord God was no different from a Fallen God now, and perhaps the punishment of 972 years of vicissitudes of life had driven him insane. It immediately used the power of the contract to try to stop Yan Zhao's behavior.

However, the power of the contract failed. Not only that, it even felt that it was the one being suppressed.

The Law of God was stunned for the first time: "This is—"

"Do you really think that I recruited Qi Ye and the other two here just to act as my agents? Since I knew that this was a reincarnation cycle and that you would interfere, how could I be unprepared?" Yan Zhao said calmly.

The laws of the world constrain all living beings, and the laws of God constrain all gods. The main god is naturally stronger than all gods, but if you want to truly make all gods submit, you still have to master the power of the law.

The main god and the law of gods are equally powerful, so they signed a contract to check and balance each other. The law of gods recognized Yan Zhao as the master of all gods and shared the power of the law with him through the contract. At that time, Yan Zhao was bound by the contract and could not resist the law.

But now there are two more exceptions—the evil god Qi Ye and the snow god Qi Baicha are both in the realm of the main god, and have not signed a contract with the law of the gods, so they are not affected by the law of the gods. This is why even with the two of them taking over, the law of the gods only recognizes Yan Zhao as the master of all gods. It can only contain one main god, and it is powerless to have more. The law is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven determines fate, and it does not like things that are beyond its control.

Qi Ye and Qi Baicha are new main gods, and their strength is not as strong as Yan Zhao. The laws of God do not care about them. However, before Yan Zhao entered the 6666 world, he expected that he would interfere with the fate of the son of destiny, violate the contract, and provoke heavenly punishment. If the law wants to punish him, it must suppress all his divine power. They are evenly matched, and no one can suppress the other. With the contract, the law can completely suppress him, but the law will put all its energy on him, and it will also fall into the most vulnerable state.

Thus, when the Law of God used all its strength to trap Yan Zhao for 97 days, the evil god, the Snow God, also had enough time to attack the Law of God and weaken it.

Even if the law wanted to stop in time, it couldn't. The penalty for breach of contract automatically took effect, and it couldn't decide, and couldn't withdraw. It could only suppress Yan Zhao with all its strength while passively taking the beating.

Yan Zhao suffered the backlash of 972 changes in the world. After the heavenly punishment ended, it was time for him to backlash against the law.

He had planned everything, except for the fact that his punishment would make Rong Yu and Xiao suffer together.

This was truly the thing he regretted the most.

"Law, now it's not you who is contracting me, it's me who is contracting you."

"There is no such thing as a world without laws. I will not wipe you out."

Even though the divine punishment made him want to shatter the laws into pieces, the Lord of All Gods could not do so.

Yan Zhao endured it and tried to calm himself down: "This has been a long time, it's time to change positions."

"Law is nothing more than human feelings. I will let you see that the world will be better if I truly rule it."

God's Law: "..."

Yan Zhao completely controlled the power of the law, and it had nothing to say.

"Are you finished?" another voice asked lazily.

Yan Zhao looked up: "Thank you."

He paused, and said with a rare sincerity: "Qi Ye, I recognize you as my brother."

"No thanks, since we are brothers, we can take turns and each take five days." Qi Ye started bargaining without hesitation, "Cha Cha has consumed too much of his divine power to help you deal with this law. I plan to take him to the lower world to play and relax. You come and take over."

Yan Zhao: “…” He wants to turn against his brothers now.

After turning God's Law into a working younger brother and sending Qi Ye and Qi Baicha away, Yan Zhao took a deep breath and continued his previous actions.

Unlock the 6666 world and collect treasures and fortune.

Absorbing all the luck between heaven and earth into the Soul Lamp, Yan Zhao also sprinkled a ray of original power in the 6666 world.

This original force will exist in the form of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, replacing Rong Yu and supporting the destiny of the 6666 world.

Yan Zhao always remembered that Rong Yu had searched the world for the sun and waited hopelessly in the East China Sea for a long time. That was a world without the sun.

He took away the lucky children of this world and gave them a sun.

Of course, this comes at a price, and his strength will drop directly to Qi Ye's level. The Law of God was eager to resist, and Yan Zhao, who had mastered the power of the law, immediately wrote a rule: The law cannot violate the Lord God.

The Law of God: "..." Using its own power to suppress itself, so cruel!

When it and Yan Zhao made a pact, it wrote the law that the Lord God must not violate the law. That was based on the premise that they were evenly matched. If Yan Zhao was stronger than it, it could bite back the law.

But if one uses the power of law to suppress law, then it will never be stronger than oneself, and will never be able to retaliate against its master, Yan Zhao.

It's very good.

Yan Zhao didn't care whether it was true or not, the fortune of the 6666 world had already been collected. He was holding his breath, looking at the soul lamp in front of him nervously and expectantly.

After a while, a young man appeared beside the soul lamp. He was dressed in red, had black hair, and was gorgeous. He slowly raised his eyes. His face was gorgeous, like a blood-tear mole, and a red lotus blossomed between his eyebrows.

Yan Zhao looked at this familiar face that had witnessed 972 changes in the world. He had a thousand words to say, but he couldn't utter a single word.

He was silent for a while, then turned the red gold into a blood jade bracelet and nervously handed it over: "Little Lotus, this is my companion artifact, and also a token of love for you. I want to tell you..."

"I have never left, I have always loved you. I don't ask you to forgive me, you can punish me however you want..."

Rongyu stretched out a slender white wrist, raised her chin slightly, and interrupted him.

"Put it on me."

In the world numbered 6666, Rongyu, the son of luck, found true love, and the sixth lamp was lit.