After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 27: Prison 1


As Rong Yu was teleported to the new world, a fist was swung towards him with the sound of wind.

He tilted his head slightly, and the man's punch missed, brushing past his hair and hitting the hard wall behind him, causing him to pull his hand back and blow out in pain. The man bared his teeth, his face grim, and wanted to raise his fist for another punch.

Rong Yu grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it with his backhand. There was a crisp sound of bone fracture, accompanied by a scream like a pig being slaughtered. Rong Yu kicked the man to the ground and stepped on his back. The man who was about to get up fell back down in an instant and almost vomited blood.

"What are you doing?" Rong Yu stepped on the man so that he couldn't move, and his eyes casually swept over the other people one by one.

This is a prison cell. Apart from the one he was standing on, there were six other men in the cell, all wearing the same grey prison uniform. They all looked big and strong, fierce and fierce, and all were muscular men with well-developed limbs.

He was also wearing prison uniform, brand new. The original owner was also one of the prisoners, and he seemed to be new.

Rong Yu looked down at his hands. Fortunately, these hands were slender, clean, beautiful and white. This body was also very thin. This made him feel relieved. He was really afraid that birds of a feather flock together. It turned out that the main person was also a muscular man. He immediately quit the job.

As a stunningly narcissistic beauty, Rong Yu would never accept his ugly appearance and sturdy body, which was more unbearable for him than going to jail.

Last time I started in the vegetable market, this time I was in jail, and for a moment I couldn’t tell which one was worse.

The situation wasn't too good at the moment. Even though Rong Yu had knocked down one, there were still six left, staring at him covetously. The way they looked at him became even more unfriendly, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes.

I didn’t expect that this pretty boy is actually such a ruthless character.

Yes, those who can enter the Endless Prison can't be good people. Judging people by appearance is not a good habit.

However, such a ruthless beauty—

The burning desire in the prisoners' eyes grew stronger.

I want to see him conquered.

"What are you looking at?" Rong Yu flexed his wrist and smiled as brightly as the bright colors wrapped around a poisonous snake. "If you look again, I'll dig your eyes out."

A group of people laughed.

"My little beauty, you may have some skills, but I advise you not to be too arrogant. Everyone here is very capable." A scarred man stepped forward with a grin, "If you are willing to let me take you, I will protect you in the future. How about that? This is a place where people are eaten without leaving any bones. A beauty like you is coveted by many people..."

During this long conversation, Rong Yu got a piece of information: the original owner was a beauty.

Okay, he was relieved.

Scarface came forward with ill intentions, trying to pounce on Rongyu and kiss her mouth. Rongyu raised her eyebrow, quickly grabbed Scarface's hair and slammed his head against the wall. After several heavy hits, she said with contempt, "Shut up."

“…” The scarred man was knocked unconscious by the blow, and slowly slid down to the ground. His forehead was stained red with blood, and he was unconscious.

Lying together with the one who was stepped on by Rongyu, it was a double kill.

Other prisoners: “…”

Several people exchanged glances, without hesitation, and rushed forward, ready for a group fight.

Five minutes later, Rong Yu was standing, and there were five more people lying on the ground wailing.

He knocked down all seven Aboriginals in one cell.

“Stop it, stop it!” A man cried while holding his broken kneecap. “We recognize you as the boss!”

The other prisoners who were so arrogant just now were now trembling with fear and quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, you are our boss."

Damn, they thought there was a new little white flower that they could bully at will, but it turns out that this is a fucking carnivorous plant that came to bully them.

Rongyu walked across the human carpet without looking around, and chose the cleanest and most comfortable bed to sit on - but that was only relatively speaking, the prison environment was dirty and messy, and it was really horrible for Rongyu to see.

Scarface said weakly: "This is my bed..."

Rongyu glanced at him.

Scarface immediately changed his tone: "It's yours now, Boss!"

Rong Yu snorted and closed his eyes to rest. The physical fitness of this body was not very good. He felt exhausted after just one fight.

Rongyu: small bracelet.

The Blood Jade Bracelet moved very quickly this time. Without further ado, it transmitted the world background over in an instant.

World No. 7012, interstellar era.

After the feudal empire was overthrown, all the major galaxies implemented a federal republic. In order to protect human rights, the federal law abolished the death penalty and the highest sentence was life imprisonment. The most heinous criminals were all imprisoned in the endless prison in the garbage planet, and they would never get out.

This abandoned planet is lonely and remote, without any energy, and does not even deserve an official name. People call it the Exile Garbage Planet because it is a place where sinners are exiled and garbage is abundant - whether it is the resources or the people on the planet, they are all garbage.

The Endless Prison is home to the most vicious and insane criminals in the entire galaxy. It is indeed a garbage gathering place. But there are exceptions, such as the original owner.

The original owner was named Ji Qingyu, 21 years old, an orphan. When he was three years old, he was rescued from a Zerg nest by a pirate captain, and he grew up on the spaceship with the pirate captain.

Different from other pirates who commit murder, arson and looting and do all kinds of evil, the captain and his family believe in the code of conduct. They do not kill innocent people and are not greedy. They only plunder necessary survival resources and other people's ill-gotten gains. They also engage in gunfights with other pirates, which to a certain extent can be considered as eliminating harm for the people.

The reason they became space pirates was that they were persecuted by the imperial nobles and could no longer become citizens. Even after the empire was overthrown, they were already accustomed to exile and could no longer adapt to normal life, so they continued to wander in the starry sky.

The old captain and his son were very kind to Ji Qingyu and protected him very well. When Ji Qingyu grew up, he developed a relationship with the captain's son, and the old captain blessed them with relief.

Later, the old captain died, and his son became the new captain. He wanted to marry his childhood sweetheart, Ji Qingyu, and also planned to quit being a star pirate. The wealth they had accumulated in the past was enough for them to live a life of ease, and the two of them began to travel romantically under the starry sky.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. On the eve of the wedding, Ji Qingyu was captured by soldiers who suddenly broke into the room. Then she was tried in court and sentenced to an endless prison, never to be released.

The reason is that he is a space pirate.

Pirates are notorious throughout the galaxy, and once caught, they will be severely punished. Although Ji Qingyu has never done anything bad, he is doomed to be involved in the pirates' affairs, and he is unwilling to distance himself from the captain and his son. In the eyes of the public, they are extremely evil, but they are his benefactors, relatives, and lovers, and he also knows that they are not that bad.

Ji Qingyu was imprisoned in the Endless Prison, and only then did he realize how terrible this place was. The resources in the prison were limited, the strong were respected, and the jailers did not treat them as human beings. The weak lived a miserable life under violent repression. Being beaten and starved was not the most terrifying thing, but the desires of men were terrifying.

There are no women in the prison. The prisoners are hungry and will eat anything, even men. Any prisoner who is not too ugly and cannot protect himself will inevitably become a tool for sexual gratification. Some have good eyesight and can get close to a strong man. They can be possessed by only one person for a short period of time, and get a short period of peace. They will be thrown out when they get tired of playing. Some are even worse. They are taken turns to be public goods, and they will be useless in a few days. There is also a ridiculous challenge prevalent in the prison - both sides fight, and the winner is on top.

The prison never cared about these things. As long as no one died, it didn't matter if the prisoner was disabled or crippled. If someone died, the prisoner would be put in the punishment room and punished. As for the dead? They were dead, and they couldn't come back to life. Their bodies would be thrown into the garbage dump and that was it.

Do you really think there are human rights in the Endless Prison

Ji Qingyu was handsome, and when he entered the prison, he was like a lamb into a wolf pack. The jackals looked at him with green eyes. The cell was a standard eight-person cell. On his first day in, he was surrounded by seven other people. The purpose was self-evident.

Ji Qingyu grew up in a star pirate den and knew some self-defense skills, but he was no match for so many big men. He bit a man's hand to resist, and the enraged man immediately punched him. Several prisoners surrounded him and beat him up, beating him so hard that he curled up on the ground, and then dragged him up and tried to continue.

Ji Qingyu was unwilling to be humiliated, so she pushed the man away and resolutely hit her head against the wall and died.

But the group did not let go of his body.

When the jailer showed up, Ji Qingyu's body was already in tatters. The prisoners, who had indulged in their bestiality, scattered in a hurry, and he was thrown into the ruins, where he was soon buried by garbage, and his luck dissipated between heaven and earth.

After a long time, the exhausted lover finally found out the news and came to the exile garbage planet, but learned that Ji Qingyu died on the first day of imprisonment. The lover dug out his body from the ruins with his bloody fingers, hugged him tightly, put their wedding ring on Ji Qingyu's ring finger, and kissed the white bone fingertips.

Tears dripped into the empty eye sockets of the skull.

At that moment, the luck disappeared and the world was destroyed.

When Rong Yu traveled through time, she happened to see a few men planning to beat up the original owner and then rape her. The original owner could not bear the humiliation and banged her head against the wall.

Rong Yu certainly wouldn't be the one who chose to commit suicide by banging his head against the wall after being beaten. He always beat people and made them die by banging their heads against the wall.

The mission in this world seems simple and clear. Reuniting with your lover after being released from prison is the ending the original owner wants most.

So the question is, how to get out of prison

The Endless Prison is a prison with iron walls and is impossible to escape. No one has ever successfully escaped from the prison. With Rongyu's current body, of course, it is impossible.

Rong Yu: Little bracelet, would you mind releasing the seal for me for just one second? I will burn down this prison.

Blood Jade Bracelet: No, you are breaking the rules.

Rong Yu: What a broken rule.

If the hard approach doesn’t work, try the soft approach.

Prove the original owner’s innocence and let him go free

It seems that it is also very difficult to implement. Most of the pirates are guilty of unforgivable crimes, which have caused public outrage. Even if the captain and his son are an exception, others will not care so much, just think that the pirates deserve to die, and the original owner who associated with the pirates is not innocent.

Rongyu gave up thinking: I really don’t like to think about things, so I’d better think about what to eat for lunch first.

Blood jade bracelet: going to jail.

Rong Yu: Is prison food delicious

Blood Jade Bracelet: It doesn’t taste good. You will vomit after eating it. No, you will vomit just by looking at it.

Rong Yu: I am your master’s boyfriend, how can you do this to me

I shudder when I mention this blood jade bracelet.

Blood Jade Bracelet: How did you recognize it

Rong Yu: I would recognize him even if he turned into ashes.

Blood Jade Bracelet:…

I can tell you hate him very much.

The blood jade bracelet simply spread out and said: Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? I am the companion artifact of the Lord God. I have been with him since he was born when he was still the Sun God. The Lord God has never been to the 6666 world. He is not the Sun God you are talking about.

Rong Yu: Oh.

Blood Jade Bracelet: And you said... you waited for that Sun God... for nine hundred and twelve years

Tolerance and correction: It is nine hundred and seventy-two.

Blood Jade Bracelet: Almost.

Rong Yuliangliang said: That’s a difference of 360 billion years.

Blood Jade Bracelet: ...My fault.

Blood Jade Bracelet: But after so long, do you still remember what the Sun God looks like

Rong Yu: I don’t remember.

Blood Jade Bracelet: That's it! You must have remembered it wrong!

Rong Yu: Little bracelet, do you think I'm a fool? Apart from your master, who else is worthy of your repeated protection

Blood Jade Bracelet: That can only prove that Gu Minghuai is my master, it cannot prove that my master is the Sun God!

Rongyu: Tsk, wolf behavior.

Blood Jade Bracelet:…

Damn, I got tricked again!

Rongyu lowered her eyes slightly, with a faint curve at the corners of her lips.

He forgot what the sun looked like, but he still remembered the warmth of the sun hugging him.