After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 43: Jail 17


Fu Qianzhi was stunned.

"How about getting married within two months?" Rong Yu said.

His stay in this world is only half a year, and four months have passed now. Two months is the maximum period.

General Fu couldn't help but say, "Two months to prepare for the wedding is too tight. Marriage is a big deal, and we need to think carefully about it."

The Fu family's young master's wedding must be grand and luxurious, and two months is a bit too short. General Fu wanted to take advantage of the engagement period to carefully observe his future daughter-in-law, so how could they get married right away

"I have considered it carefully." Rong Yu looked at Fu Qianzhi, "General, I have been looking forward to marrying him for a long time."

General Fu looked into Rong Yu's eyes, and saw in those dark eyes a depth like the sea of stars. The emotions in them were complex and turbulent, so heavy that even he was shocked, and at that moment he put away all his doubts about the young man.

Those are not a pair of eyes that can lie.

Can such a deep relationship really develop in just a few months

General Fu asked his son, "Qianzhi, what do you think?"

Fu Qianzhi was already stunned by the surprise, and immediately said, "I think it's okay. I can personally organize the wedding."

General Fu: “…” Prospect.

General Fu got up from the sofa with a gloomy face and left.

“Father, you…”

General Fu snorted coldly: "Go write you wedding invitations."

General Fu went to the study to write invitations. The two young men left the living room and went into the bedroom to rest. Of course, they slept in the same room.

As soon as they entered the bedroom and closed the door, Fu Qianzhi hugged Rongyu from behind, his eyes full of smiles: "How could I not know that you have been looking forward to marrying me for a long time?"

"There are so many things you don't know."

"When? Little Lotus, tell me."

Rong Yu turned to look at him: "Instead of worrying about this, why not think about how to hold our wedding. I don't want something too shabby."

"No." Fu Qianzhi kissed his forehead, "Our little Lianhua will be the happiest groom in the world."

After Fu Qianzhi returned to Blue Star, another piece of news went viral on WeChat Moments.

Fu Qianzhi is getting married at a young age! The person he is going to marry is the young man who got off the spaceship hand in hand with him that day!

This shattered the dreams of countless men and women in an instant.

You should know that Fu Qianzhi was a recognized male god in the military academy. He was handsome, had a good family background, and had excellent grades. There were countless girls and men who wanted to marry him, and he received countless confessions. However, Fu Qianzhi was as hard as iron and rejected them all mercilessly, exuding the aura of being single until death.

Even though he had faded out of the Blue Star noble circle for ten years, there were still many legends about him in the circle, lamenting that none of the young people today could match his charm back then. The day he came back, his good looks and demeanor immediately rekindled the hearts of countless people, who were eager to marry into the Fu family.

Unexpectedly, before he could take any action, the first thing Fu Qianzhi announced when he came back was that he was getting married.

As human life spans grow, people increasingly value the freedom of being single, and it is not too late to get married in your seventies or eighties. Fu Qianzhi is only in her early thirties, and getting married now would simply be too early to tie her life to death.

The entire aristocratic circle was asking who was going to marry into the Fu family. They had all seen the young man that day and admitted that he was indeed handsome. But if you want to marry the young master of the Fu family, you have to have more than just appearance.

However, due to the Fu family's information blockade, no one could find out Rong Yu's identity.

A space pirate and a fugitive from prison.

This identity is not to be revealed, but fortunately the Fu family provides very good protection.

As for that other glorious and distinguished identity, Rong Yu had no intention of taking it back for the time being.

He had been discussing the wedding with Fu Qianzhi for the past month on Blue Star. Rong Yu mostly made the requests, and Fu Qianzhi took care of the rest.

Rong Yu's first request was that he didn't want a Western-style wedding, which was a normal request. The requests he made later were harsh and extravagant, so extravagant that anyone who heard them would call it a waste of money. He just opened his mouth and his subordinates would go to great lengths to make arrangements.

Fu Qianzhi said yes without blinking.

A wedding only happens once in a lifetime, and his little Lotus deserves the best.

He will fulfill all of Xiao Lianhua's wishes.

From the wedding venue, layout, time, to the music to be played at the wedding, the songs played by the band, the ingredients to be used in the wedding banquet, the style of the groom's suit, the emcee and guests to be invited... no matter how big or small, everything must go through Fu Qianzhi's hands and he will select and arrange them one by one.

These days, Fu Qianzhi has the most contact with wedding companies, and he calls them almost every day.

"I plan to have a Chinese-style wedding, not in a church, but in a palace with Chinese architectural style. My wife likes it."

"Compared to a white suit, I think my lover is more suitable for a red wedding dress."

"Don't use red roses for the wedding, that's too vulgar. Don't use white roses either... Use lotus flowers. White and blue lotuses are not okay, they don't match the atmosphere... Red lotuses are okay, they are a perfect match for my love. I want 9,999 of them."

"Not that many red lotuses? I remember that there was a large-scale cultivation of red lotuses on the Water Lotus Planet... That planet has been contracted out to a private individual, right? Wait a minute."

The man hung up and made another call.

"Please help me contact the owner of Water Lotus Planet. I want to buy this planet from him."

Everyone can see how much thought and expectation Fu Qianzhi put into this wedding. Only the most sincere and strong love can make people treat it so carefully.

Rong Yu was sitting in the dressing room. The young man in the mirror was wearing a burgundy suit with two red roses in his shirt pocket. He looked delicate and handsome.

He was preparing to take wedding photos with Fu Qianzhi. He had already put on his makeup, while Fu Qianzhi was still changing clothes next door.

Blood Jade Bracelet: First of all, congratulations on your marriage. Secondly, do you still remember your mission

The Great Devil has only been concerned with wedding-related matters for the past month and has no intention of meeting the leader's son.

Rong Yu said nonchalantly, "As for missions, they can be completed simply by doing something at the last minute. It's not as important as getting married."

Blood Jade Bracelet: You are wasting your time. Marrying Fu Qianzhi will not help the mission at all.

Rong Yu looked in the mirror: "No loss at all."

Blood Jade Bracelet thought the same. No matter how grand the wedding was, after the Great Demon King and the Lord God left the world, the natives of the world would not remember it, and it would not affect the relationship between the original owner and Feng Xing.

The only ones who really remembered it were the Great Demon King and the Lord God. Considering that the Lord God was currently in a state of amnesia in every world, the only one who could really remember this wedding was the Great Demon King.

Thinking that the Great Demon King had waited for so many years just to fulfill his long-cherished wish of holding a wedding with the Lord God, the Blood Jade Bracelet immediately understood Rong Yu's current passive task.

Once the counterfeit is dealt with and the identity is restored, the soul lamp of the original owner may light up, and the big devil will have to return the identity to the original owner immediately.

Then I can’t complete the wedding with the Lord God.

The Great Devil wanted to delay leaving this world until after his wedding with the Lord God.

Thinking of this, the Blood Jade Bracelet suddenly felt complicated.

Blood Jade Bracelet: Great Devil, is marrying the Lord God your obsession

"What obsession is that?" Rong Yu said, "I just want to prepare a wedding for him that he will never forget."

Blood Jade Bracelet: It is clearly the Lord God who is preparing an unforgettable wedding for you!

It was Fu Qianzhi who took the trouble to arrange the wedding these days, while Rong Yu did nothing except making a bunch of outrageous demands.

"Little Lotus." The man's hand suddenly rested on Rongyu's shoulder.

Fu Qianzhi changed her clothes, stood behind the Rongyu chair, and looked at the two people in the mirror: "You look beautiful today."

Rong Yu said: "Reorganize the language, I am beautiful every day."

"Okay." Fu Qianzhi smiled and held out her hand to him. "Then, little Lianhua, who is so beautiful every day, can you accompany me to take wedding photos?"

Rongyu looked at him for a few seconds, then proudly put her hand on his.

We took several sets of wedding photos. Both of us are good-looking and look good in any photo. The photographer was very easy and didn't even need to do any post-production.

The two naturally held hands, hugged, and kissed in front of the camera. In one photo, Rong Yu was standing, Fu Qianzhi hugged him from behind, and Rong Yu turned his head to kiss the man.

The composition of the picture is very beautiful. The photographer took pictures of the two people like he had found a treasure.

The photo shoot went smoothly. The photos were developed that afternoon, and the two came out of the photo studio, still holding hands.

Rong Yu raised Fu Qianzhi's hand and said, "You should change your pinky ring."

Fu Qianzhi: “Hmm?”

"The pinky ring symbolizes being single, lonely, and forgetting the past." Rong Yu stared at it in dissatisfaction, "You are about to marry me, what's the point of still wearing a pinky ring?"

Fu Qianzhi took off the pinky ring without saying a word.

…didn’t move.

"It's too tight and I can't take it off." Fu Qianzhi was also slightly confused.

He didn't remember when he put on the ring, but he had always ignored its existence.

Blood Jade Bracelet: It’s useless. The ring is a divine artifact bound to the Lord God’s soul. Only the Lord God who has recovered his strength can take it off. It can also transform into various forms.

"Forget it then." Rong Yu put down his hand, "If you can't take it off, just keep it. Let's go buy a wedding ring."

"I have asked the famous jewelry designer El to design our wedding rings..."

"I don't want it, I want to buy it now."

"… also."

It's okay to wear them alternately.

So the two of them went into the jewelry store again.

Although not as meaningful as the exclusive customization by the designer, the jewelry store Fu Qianzhi frequented was also high-end luxury and valuable. The designs were all from famous artists, the styles were unique, and each star coin was priced at more than seven figures. The shopping guides here also dealt with nobles all day long, and they were eloquent and had sharp eyes.

Fu Qianzhi had just returned to Blue Star not long ago, and the shopping guide did not recognize his identity at first, but she saw that both of them were dressed elegantly and their attitudes were very attentive and enthusiastic.

Rongyu's eyes swept around casually and stopped on a ring.

It was a red gold ring carved into the shape of a golden lotus, its petals blooming like flames.

Seeing him staring at the ring for more than ten seconds, the salesperson quickly introduced: "This is also a new wedding ring. One is called Real Gold and the other is called Fiery Fire. The designer is very fond of ancient Chinese culture. The design inspiration comes from Real Gold and Fiery Fire, which comes from the Ming Dynasty's "Female Mulan" 'It is not self-praise that the real gold and Fiery Fire is like the red lotus in muddy water.' The meaning of Real Gold and Fiery Fire is that the quality remains unchanged after severe tests. If you two choose it as a wedding ring, it means that no matter how many storms you go through, your love will last forever and never change."

Fu Qianzhi asked Rong Yu: "Do you like it?"

Rong Yu reluctantly said, "Not bad."

"Then take it." Fu Qianzhi said immediately. There are not many things that can make Rong Yu reluctantly satisfied. Most of the time, Rong Yu would just sneer and say "rubbish", or simply be too lazy to comment.

The pair was worth eight figures in star coins. Fu Qianzhi swiped the card without blinking and carefully put the rings away.

After they paid the bill and were about to leave, another customer came into the store. The salesperson obviously recognized him and became more enthusiastic and respectful: "Master Ji, you are here."

Fu Qianzhi and Rong Yu turned around and bumped into the person who came.

Ji Yu came here to look at the jewelry. He was a layman who liked jewelry. He couldn't afford it before, but after becoming the young master of the Ji family, he could buy anything he liked. He was already a regular customer of this store.

But this time, he met someone unexpected.

When Ji Yu saw Rong Yu's face, he was shocked.

Why is Ji Qingyu here? !

Shouldn't he have been in the Endless Prison? Why didn't he die in there and appear on Blue Star

Ji Yu stared at Rong Yu's face, his body trembling slightly. Everyone could see that he was out of control.

Fu Qianzhi frowned, and stood in front of Rongyu without leaving any trace, blocking Ji Yu's sight, and lowered his head to Rongyu and said, "Go home."

Rongyu's expression remained unchanged. He was still talking and laughing with Fu Qianzhi. He passed by Ji Yu as if he didn't recognize her at all.

It's really an unexpected yet reasonable person.

Tattoo, body, teacher.