After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 44: Jail 18


Ji Yu watched the two people leave, cold sweat oozing out of his back.

Fortunately, Ji Qingyu didn't seem to recognize him.

He and Ji Qingyu had only met once half a year ago, and now he was dressed brightly and beautifully, which was completely different from the tattoo artist who dressed up as a Shamatte on the Horse Hunter Star. It was normal that Ji Qingyu had no impression of him.

Ji Yu no longer had the mood to choose jewelry and returned to the Ji family in a state of confusion.

What went wrong? Since the day he impersonated someone else, he was always worried that Ji Qingyu would return to Blue Star and expose his identity. So as soon as he was reborn, he took the initiative and sent Ji Qingyu to prison, hoping that he would die there.

It was a foolproof plan...

Ji Yu sat on the bed in the bedroom and scratched his hair in annoyance.

Is fate so irreversible that Ji Qingyu is destined to be recognized by the Ji family

What should he do then

If what he did was discovered, he would definitely be sent to the Endless Prison. Having already tasted the sweetness of a life of luxury, Ji Yu could not accept returning to the bottom of society, let alone entering the terrible Endless Prison.

So it must not be discovered.

Ji Qingyu must be eradicated. At the very least, he must be forced to leave Blue Star forever and never come back.

With Ji Yu's current status, it was not difficult to expel an ordinary person from the country forever. But he did not dare to do it too loudly. If people found out that he deliberately targeted an ordinary person, it would draw attention to Ji Qingyu, which was definitely not what Ji Yu wanted to see.

"Young Master, this is the invitation letter from the Fu family. Young Master Fu's wedding will be held next month." The servant presented an exquisite red wedding invitation.

The invitations were sent to almost all of the Blue Star nobles. No one would fail to show their support for the Fu family's young master's wedding. The chief and his wife would come in person, and of course the young master Ji Yu would also be present.

"Leave it alone." Ji Yu is busy taking care of himself now, so he doesn't care who marries who.

The marriage between him and Fu Qianzhi was just a joke, neither of them had that intention. When General Fu went to the leader to cancel the engagement, the leader readily agreed. Ji Yu didn't care who Fu Qianzhi was marrying, and he didn't even know what Fu Qianzhi looked like.

The servant silently put down the wedding invitation and went out.

Ji Yu leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees and covering his head, feeling a headache.

He was tired of bending over, so he stood up suddenly. He caught a glimpse of the name on the wedding invitation out of the corner of his eye and paused.

The two names were placed side by side on the wedding invitation.

Groom: Fu Qianzhi

Groom: Ji Qingyu

Ji, Qing, Yu.

Ji Yu had an instinctive fear of this name.

He hurriedly took out his laptop, opened the search engine and typed in the name "Fu Qianzhi". Because his hands were shaking, he made a typo at first.

With Fu Qianzhi's status and position, he was certainly not an unknown person on the Starnet. He had a brilliant encyclopedia introduction. Ji Yu clicked on the search, and the encyclopedia introduction of Fu Qianzhi popped up. The photo was a photo of him in military uniform in the military academy in his early years. The young man had handsome features, sharp eyes, and a strong aura.

He was exactly the same man he had just seen in the jewelry store, walking and whispering with Ji Qingyu.

It's not a coincidence, it's not a coincidence.

The Ji Qingyu who was about to marry Fu Qianzhi was the Ji Qingyu that he had always been afraid of and wanted to get rid of.

Ji Yu hurriedly browsed through Fu Qianzhi's biography.

From his distinguished background, to the honors he had received since childhood, to his final act, he was exiled to a garbage planet and served as a warden for ten years.


Ji Yu then remembered that he had previously thought that a young nobleman was crazy to be exiled to a garbage planet to serve as a warden, but he actually forgot about another thing - Ji Qingyu was also there.

In his previous life, Ji Qingyu had never been to jail and successfully married the star pirate Feng Xing. Half a year after their marriage, he successfully met the leader and his wife by chance.

In this life, Ji Qingyu was harmed by Ji Yu and was arrested and imprisoned on the eve of his wedding with Fengxing. Ji Yu thought that this would stop the trouble from happening again, but he didn't expect that the flapping of his butterfly wings gave Ji Qingyu the opportunity to meet the warden Fu Qianzhi in prison.

Now that the person married to Ji Qingyu is Fu Qianzhi, it is even more difficult to deal with.

Ji Yu was so angry that her teeth itched. How could Ji Qingyu be so good at hooking up with men? In her new life, the man she found was even better than in her previous life.

More importantly, with the power and status of the Fu family, he could no longer quietly drive away or kill Ji Qingyu as an ordinary civilian. Moreover, he had sent Fu Qianzhi an order to kill Ji Qingyu, although it was anonymous...

From now on, everyone will be in the same circle, and we will see each other every day. The possibility of a car accident is too high.

This marriage must not take place.

Ji Yu suddenly came up with another idea.

In his previous life, after Ji Qingyu was recognized, in order to thank the star pirate for saving his son, and his son fell in love with the star pirate, the leader amended the law to reduce the punishment of life imprisonment for star pirates, and changed it to fair punishment according to the severity of individual crimes. This measure gave many star pirates the opportunity to "return to the right path and turn over a new leaf".

But now, the law has not been amended, star pirates are still unforgivable crimes, and those who are sentenced to the endless prison will never get out.

Ji Qingyu is a star pirate and a criminal. She must be protected by Fu Qianzhi to be on Blue Star. The leader is fair and strict, and hates abusing power for personal gain. He went to the leader to report it, and he didn't believe that the leader would allow such a despicable criminal to stay on Blue Star and marry into a wealthy family. He might even vent his anger on the Fu family for favoritism and bending the law.

Ji Yu made up his mind to use this method to deal with Ji Qingyu.

"I heard the salesperson call him Young Master Ji." Rong Yu chatted as they walked, "Among the Blue Star nobles, the only one with the last name Ji who can be called Young Master is the leader's son who was just recognized not long ago."

"Do you know him?" Fu Qianzhi asked, "I think the way he looks at you is weird."

"I know him." Rong Yu answered, "He is my tattoo artist."

Fu Qianzhi immediately thought of the word "wind" on Rong Yu's leg and suddenly didn't want to talk.

After a while, he said, "Father said that before Ji Yu was recognized, he had done a lot of work and suffered a lot. It's not surprising that he worked as a tattoo artist."

Being a tattoo artist is not an improper profession, it’s just that compared to the identity of the chief’s son, it feels a bit unfair.

"Isn't that surprising?" Rong Yu said casually, "That tattoo shop was introduced to me by Yiwen. He said he had the tattoo artist's contact information and could give me a 20% discount. He also gave me the tattoo artist's business card. The name on the business card was Zhou Yongjun, who is now Ji Yu. And, this Master Ji has seen the jasmine birthmark on my leg."

Fu Qianzhi's expression changed.

He is not a fool, so he can naturally understand the meaning.

Half a year ago, Ji Yu was taken back to the Ji family. Five months later, Ji Qingyu was imprisoned.

Ji Qingyu was imprisoned because of Yiwen's report, and Yiwen reported because someone had sent him an anonymous text message. That person knew Yiwen's contact information and knew that Yiwen and Ji Qingyu were good friends, so he could find out Ji Qingyu's whereabouts.

Coincidentally, tattoo artist Zhou Yongjun had Yiwen's contact information because of business dealings, and Ji Qingyu was introduced by Yiwen, so Zhou Yongjun knew that Yiwen and Ji Qingyu were friends. After Zhou Yongjun returned to the Ji family and changed his name to Ji Yu, he had enough financial resources to transfer a large amount of star coins to Yiwen's account.

The logic and timeline all match up.

Ji Yu is a member of the Ji family, and his identity and authority are at the highest level of Blue Star. If he was the one who conveyed the anonymous message that Ji Qingyu died in the Endless Prison, General Fu certainly had no authority to inquire.

Ji Yu had tattooed Ji Qingyu, so he could see his birthmark and get one for himself, and get his hair to pass a paternity test.

As soon as Ji Yu saw Ji Qingyu in the jewelry store, he lost his composure, panicked and guilty.

Ji Qingyu and the leader's wife look 70% similar.

All the clues point to one truth.

—Ji Qingyu is the real son of the leader. Ji Yu used despicable means to occupy the magpie's nest and tried to kill the real magpie.

Fu Qianzhi whispered: "Do you suspect that he is the one who harmed you?"

"To be more precise, I suspect that I am the leader's child."

Fu Qianzhi's expression darkened: "I'll help you verify it."

If it is true, then Ji Yu deserves to die.

Rong Yu suddenly changed the subject: "Have all the wedding invitations been sent out?"

"All have been sent out, and there are two left." Fu Qianzhi said, "I'll have my subordinates handle the other invitations. I'll personally deliver the two invitations to the chief and his wife to show respect."

"Just take me with you." Rong Yu said, "I want to see the leader's wife again."

I believe the chief’s wife would also like to see him again.

Rong Yu: Will the result of a paternity test on this body be the same as that of the original owner

Blood Jade Bracelet: I said the clone is a complete copy, so of course the genes are all the same. But are you planning to take action tomorrow, not waiting for the wedding

Rong Yu: I will calculate the time well.

The next day, at Ji’s house.

The chief was busy with official duties every day, and it was the chief's wife who received them.

Most of the time, the leader's wife was in a normal mental state. When Fu Qianzhi handed her the wedding invitation, she said congratulations gently, but her eyes kept staring at Rongyu.

"Have a cup of tea." The leader's wife poured tea for the two and held a cup herself. "Qianzhi is also a child I watched grow up. I am very happy to see you get married. The child you found is so cute. It reminds me of my own child. It would be great if I could also watch my child grow up..."

As he spoke, he brought up sad things again.

Fu Qianzhi comforted him with a few words, and then asked the leader's wife if she could get the people around him to leave, as he had something to say.

The leader's wife was puzzled, but she still asked the maids to leave the room: "What is it?"

Fu Qianzhi got straight to the point: "I want to ask Aunt Ruan, is your son's birthmark a jasmine flower on the inside of his left thigh?"

The leader’s wife was stunned: “Yes, how do you know Xiaoyu’s birthmark is…” They have never announced the specific birthmark to the public.

"Qingyu also has a birthmark like this." Fu Qianzhi said.


The teacup in the chief's wife's hand shattered.

"What?!" She stood up in a panic.

After a moment, she sat down again and said in a lost voice, "After Xiaoyu came back, I couldn't get close to him, and I felt very guilty about it... But the paternity test was done, how could there be a problem... Child, can you let me take a look at your birthmark in person?"

"Yes, ma'am." Rong Yu wore shorts on purpose today, so that she could be seen if she lifted them up a little.

The leader's wife murmured in disbelief: "Really, exactly the same..."

Jasmine is not a birthmark that can grow randomly. How can there be two identical ones in the world

"Are you sure the birthmarks are the same?" Fu Qianzhi asked.

"Of course I'm sure. I still have photos of Xiaoyu when he was a child. I have imagined many times what he will look like when he grows up." The leader's wife looked at Rongyu, "That's you."

She still felt incredible: "How could it be such a coincidence that both birthmarks..."

"That's probably not a coincidence." Fu Qianzhi said coldly, "Now that Ji Yu once had a tattoo done for Qingyu, and it happened to be in a place where the birthmark could be seen. It was not difficult for him to get Qingyu's birthmark and hair."

The chief's wife was shocked. When she first found the child, she also checked how the child had lived over the years, and it did say that Ji Yu was a tattoo artist before returning to Blue Star. She only felt distressed at the time, but now she shudders when she thinks about it.

The tattoo technology in the interstellar era is no different from birthmarks, as if they were born on the body. After Fu Qianzhi said this, the balance in the leader's wife's heart had completely tilted towards Ji Qingyu.

Half a year after Ji Yu came back, she still didn't feel close to him, and thought it was because she had been separated from her child for too long. But as soon as she saw Ji Qingyu, she felt a faint sense of closeness.

Rong Yu pulled out a strand of hair and handed it to the leader's wife: "I want to do a paternity test with you, and I also suggest that you do another paternity test with Ji Yu."

The leader's wife carefully took the hair: "Okay."

She couldn't help asking, "How did you doubt your identity, kid?"

"Because we discovered that someone has been secretly persecuting Qingyu and wants to kill her to silence her." Fu Qianzhi answered for Rongyu.

The leader’s wife reacted violently: “What?!”

She already regarded Ji Qingyu as her own child, and she would never forgive anyone who tried to harm her child.

"Madam, you might as well take a closer look at what your son has done in the past six months." Fu Qian knew.

The leader's wife felt dizzy: "In order to make up for it, we gave him a lot of power, and he can mobilize the manpower and resources of the Ji family at will. And out of respect, we will not check what he did with that power..."

"You can check it now." Fu Qianzhi said with a slightly unhappy tone, "Do you know where I met Qingyu?"

"Where, where?" The leader's wife had an unbelievable guess in her mind. The place where Fu Qianzhi had been staying for the past ten years was...

"Endless Prison."

This time the chief's wife really fainted.