After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 61: Coffin Man 15


The Hu family thought they could have a peaceful night staying at Xiaohu's house - they all hid in this shabby house, so the ghost couldn't chase them, right

But the ghost wasn't haunting the house, it was specifically targeting them. So that night, when Mr. Hu had just gotten into bed, he saw a female ghost hanging upside down from the beam. He was so scared that he quickly climbed out of bed, and a hand stretched out from under the bed, trying to grab his feet...

Another chaotic night.

After three days and three nights without sleep, Mr. Hu had dark circles under his eyes and was exhausted, as if a ghost had drained his energy. He was sleepy and hungry, so he asked the maid to make some breakfast to fill his stomach. The maid opened the rice jar and found it was empty. She said in embarrassment: "Master, there is no rice in the rice jar."

Mr. Hu's eyes widened and he asked sternly, "Why is there no rice in the rice jar? Where did the rice go? Did you steal some last night?"

The Hu family lived a life of luxury, as evidenced by the fact that Mr. Hu was so fat. The landlord's kitchen was always filled with food, all collected from the tenants. Even if they couldn't finish the food, they would not be used to help the hungry tenants until it was eaten by insects.

There is no idle land in the world, yet farmers still starve to death.

They had tenant farmers who farmed the land and cooks who cooked the food. All they needed to do was eat rice. They didn't even have to go into the kitchen. They didn't know how the crops grew in the fields. They thought rice should be white, tender, fragrant and soft. Mr. Hu never thought that the dilemma of not being able to open the pot would happen to him.

Xiaohu's parents really did use up their last bit of food to entertain them last night, not leaving any behind.

The servant touched his stomach and said, "Master, how dare we steal food? We are hungry too... but there is really no rice in this room."

Mr. Hu blew his beard and glared: "Nonsense, this poor family is all farmers, how can farmers have no rice?!"

Butler: ...You are talking nonsense.

He reminded carefully: "But Master, 90% of the food is in the kitchen of your mansion."

Mr. Hu: “…”

Suddenly remembered.

Thinking of the plague god sitting at home, Mr. Hu had a headache and dared not get close. He really shot himself in the foot. If he had collected less rent from the tenants, he would not be starving today.

Mr. Hu refused to admit that he had brought this upon himself, and said in a gruff voice, "If this place doesn't have rice, we can go to another place. There will always be one that can give us some!"

He brought his servants to knock on the doors of the farmers who rented the Hu family's land, but every household had its doors and windows closed and refused to open the door. No matter how much Hu shouted and threatened, no one responded.

Mr. Hu said in disbelief: "Did these people rebel overnight? How dare they ignore me before?"

He never imagined that everything would change so drastically overnight.

Last night, Xiaohu and his family were sleeping soundly in their room when Rongyu kicked the door open and dug them out of bed. Xiaohu's parents woke up trembling with fear, and looked at Rongyu as if he was asking for their lives. The couple tried their best to protect Xiaohu, looking like a hero who would never come back.

At this time, Rong Yu spoke: "I will give you a task. Complete it immediately and it will be counted as rent."

Xiaohu's parents: "..."

That's it

The task given by Rong Yu was very simple. He asked Xiaohu's parents to knock on the doors of the tenants one by one to convey a message - Wen Yichu has indeed returned as a ghost, and he only intends to punish his enemy, the Hu family, and the other three families that are closely related to the Hu family. He will not vent his anger on ordinary people, nor will he pursue the silent witnesses that day, understanding that they were forced by the evil forces.

But now Rong Yu is the biggest evil force in Yuexi Town, so he asked Xiaohu's parents to warn him - he hopes that when he brings down the four major landlords, these people will no longer provide any refuge for the landlords, otherwise they will be put on his revenge list together.

Wen Yichu talks about reason, while the big devil talks about violence.

With this warning in place, who would dare to open the door to the Hu family

The ghost story was already widely spread, and when the people saw that Mr. Hu had really fallen to the point of eating and drinking for free, they believed that he must have been retaliated by the evil ghost Wen Xian. They did not dare to offend the landlord, and they did not dare to provoke the evil ghost. In addition, they also had resentment towards the landlord, so they wanted to applaud and cheer, so they would never open the door.

Mr. Hu went to several houses. In the past, he always collected rent with a proud attitude, but today he was turned away everywhere. Finally, he returned to Xiaohu's house in dejection.

Never mind, at most I'll just skip this breakfast.

As for what to do with lunch and dinner... I'll figure it out when the time comes! Mr. Hu thought in despair.

But by noon, Mr. Hu still couldn't think of a solution. He was too embarrassed to beg from other landlords, so he endured the hunger. Mrs. Hu and Mrs. Hu were both female relatives. Mrs. Hu was old and felt dizzy from hunger. Mr. Hu was also hungry and thought about what to do next...

He couldn't think of a solution, and his thoughts began to drift again. He remembered that when he was collecting rent in the past, some families with large populations didn't have enough food to eat, and some old men knelt down and kowtowed, hugged his legs and cried and begged him to reduce the rent: "Master Hu, you took so much, what are we going to do with our family of five!"

What did he do at that time? Oh, he kicked the old man away coldly: "Get out of here, what do you do has nothing to do with me? You even soiled my clothes!"

Later, he heard that the five-year-old son of that family had starved to death. Mr. Hu did not take it seriously.

Now that I suddenly think about it, I do have a little regret, but it's still not repentance. I just regret that if I hadn't been so ruthless at that time, I wouldn't be in such a desperate situation now.

He is always selfish.

At dinner time, Mr. Hu was so hungry that he leaned on the table and took a nap to relieve his hunger. Suddenly, there was a roar outside, which startled Mr. Hu sober immediately.

"Hu! Get out!" The Jin, Sun, and Wu families surrounded him outside the house and attacked him. When Mr. Sun saw him, he started to curse: "I've been looking for you for a whole day, and you found out you were hiding here. Why should we suffer for the evil things you did?!"

Mr. Hu was puzzled: "What should I do?"

"You are still pretending to be innocent!"

Several people shouted indignantly, and it took Mr. Hu a while to understand that the three people had ruthlessly cut off their relationship with him last night, but they did not get peace. Not only did the Jin family continue to be haunted last night, but even the Sun and Wu families had a terrifying night.

Unfortunately, they were all trapped in Yuexi Town by a ghost wall, and they couldn't even go out to ask a wizard to perform a ritual.

Who can not panic when encountering such a thing? Who can not blame Mr. Hu for causing the trouble

Mr. Hu: “…”

None of the four families is cleaner than the others, but why is he so unlucky? Among so many ghosts, only Wen Yichu is ridiculously strong.

"What's the point of just talking to me? You should think of a solution!"

"You caused this trouble yourself, and we have to find a solution for you?!"

"No one can escape now anyway. If you keep shirking your responsibilities, you'll be haunted by ghosts every night."

"… "

"How about," Mr. Hu suggested, "let's go to Wen Yichu and beg for mercy?"

The other three said in unison: "You go!"

They were not stupid enough to ask their servants to deliver the message, but if they couldn't even show this little sincerity, they would have no reason to live.

Mr. Hu shouted, "I won't go! I don't dare! If you want to go, let's go together!"

Wen Dao Academy.

Four middle-aged men with big bellies stood in front of the door, hesitating to knock on the door by ringing the bronze beast ring.

The other three people winked at each other and said: Mr. Hu, this is your home and you are the one who caused the trouble, so you have to knock on the door first.

Mr. Hu looked up at the plaque which had been changed from "Hu Mansion" to "Wendao Academy" and wondered at a loss whether this could still be considered his home.

They hesitated, pushed and shoved, and no one dared to step into the gate of hell first.

Before it was decided which one would be reincarnated first, the gates of hell opened first.

Thus, a familiar scene was played out once again—the seven little radish heads that were once stuck to the door were smashed into a ball of dough because of the unexpected door opening, and the four greasy-faced men were smashed into a pool of meat patties.

Unfortunately, Rongyu didn’t treat them as kindly as he did to Little Radish Head.

In fact, Rong Yu's attitude towards the little rascals was very cold at the beginning, but compared with his cruelty towards the four major landlords, it was simply a warm spring breeze.

"Have you had enough of playing card-based Landlord? Today, I'll teach you how to play real-life Landlord." Rong Yu curled his lips.

The children chattered: "How do you play real-life Landlord?"

Rong Yu gestured to the four landlords who had fallen into a pile and were temporarily unable to get up due to their heavy bodies: "Step on them hard. Whoever leaves the most footprints will be the winner."

The four major landlords: “???”

No, no, no! They shook their heads wildly, but the children were already rushing over excitedly like a herd of galloping horses.

These children were taught by Rong Yu, the great devil, and became extremely bold. Wen Yichu taught only pure white carrots and radishes, but the ones taught by Rong Yu were all black-hearted radishes.

The Great Demon King is not exaggerating when he teaches human cubs to train a whole army of demon beasts. He is vindictive and will trample back when others step on him or insult him (research shows that no species dares to do this at present). The children also learn to take revenge and not to swallow their anger.

The children accepted the trampling incident well and did not think it was wrong at all. They hated these landlords. The children did not understand anything else, but they knew that every time these people came, it was like a swarm of locusts. The food in the house was gone, the father was silent, and the mother was in tears. It was all because of these bad people. Xiaohu stepped on Mr. Hu's face fiercely. Who made him bully his parents last night

A group of children were light and could not crush four big meat shields to death, but they could still make them vomit three liters of blood. The four officials thought that Rong Yu could have a talk after he vented his anger, but who knew that after the children finished playing happily, Rong Yu directly kicked them out.

"Either you bring all your belongings including banknotes, land deeds, servants' body contracts and come to my door to beg me to spare your lives, or you will never go out again and die of traps at home every night." Rong Yugui said this coldly and closed the door without leaving a gap for them.

Jin, Sun, and Wu: What?!

All belongings

How could that be possible? That was their lifeblood! If it was lost, their ancestors would be so angry that they would rise from their graves.

Of course, even if their ancestors' true qi came back to life, Yan Zhao had the ability to kill them completely.

But at the moment, no one was willing to pay such a high price, and they immediately backed out. Even if they came to the door and got beaten up, it was not worth losing their entire fortune.

Jin, Sun and Wu came as slow as a snail and left as fast as wild dogs, leaving Mr. Hu, who had no home to return to, disheveled in the wind.

He has lost everything, but Wen Yichu hasn't let him go

As he was speaking, the door suddenly opened again.

The one who came out was Xiaohu, who had just left a shoe print on his face. He looked up at Mr. Hu, who was much taller than him, and said with his hands on his hips: "Brother Wen said that as long as your family goes to farm, you can sleep well!"

It is now the spring ploughing season, so of course the available labor force should be exploited to the fullest.

Wen Yichu wanted to overthrow the landlord, but unfortunately, the big devil was the biggest landlord.