After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 74: The source of trouble 9


After getting so angry about the blood jade bracelet that he was fuming, Rong Yu felt happy and his body recovered a little, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, his happiness was built on the pain of the little bracelet.

Chu Zhuo was delighted to see him wake up: "You're awake, does your head hurt?"

Looking at the hourglass, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Chu Zhuo had been guarding the bedside.

His eyes were full of red bloodshot, and it was obvious that if Rong Yu didn't wake up, he would not be able to sleep all night.

How can a heart patient stay up so late

But Chu Zhuo's body was not so fragile. The former King of Chu was always engaged in fighting and killing, and died of illness at the age of 26. His heart could be said to be very strong.

But this strong heart, which can endure thousands of troops and the line between life and death, cannot withstand the slightest shock.

Rong Yu uttered the word "hmm" with a nasal sound. His head was dizzy, his face was pale, his skin was bloodless, and the nasal sound was as light as the low hum of a kitten.

The kitten groaned, "It hurts."

Chu Zhuo originally wanted to blame him for being willful and reckless, but now he couldn't bear to say anything: "I'll help you get up and take the medicine."

Rong Yu: What a cruel heart!

What do you mean by "I can't bear it"? This sentence is more hurtful than any scolding.

Rong Yu turned his head to the side, expressing his firm refusal with his actions.

Chu Zhuo couldn't let him do what he wanted anymore: "Don't be willful this time. I just listened to you during the day, which led to this result. When you fainted, I was really..."

It was so scary.

Cardiac arrest, that's all.

Rong Yu closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Chu Zhuo picked up the medicine bowl and blew on it: "I'll just drink it."

Rong Yu pursed his lips, pulled the quilt over his head, and huddled under the quilt so that he could not see Chu Zhuo.

Chu Zhuo: “…”

"Are you angry and ignoring me?"

Chu Zhuo looked at the bulge on the bed and sighed, "Why are you angry? I should be angry. I wanted to give you a surprise tonight, but you scared me..."

Rong Yu lifted the quilt again and sat up: "What surprise?"

Chu Zhuo: "... This time the action is quite fast."

He unfolded a painting and showed it to his eyes: "This is what you drew."

His expression and eyes fell on the painting.

It is the red plum blossom blooming in the snow.

Just like what I saw in the daytime, a pitch-black branch stretched out in the wind and snow, with gorgeous red plum blossoms blooming on the branch. The cold wind did not blow off the petals, and the scene was frozen in time forever.

With just a few strokes, the soul of the plum blossom is captured.

The ink on the painting is not dry yet, and you can tell it was painted not long ago.

Rong Yu looked at it for a while and said, "This is all you spent the whole afternoon drawing?"

"Yes." Chu Zhuo said, "Didn't you say you wanted to paint it and let it bloom forever on the branches?"

Rong Yu retracted his gaze and said, "You don't even review the memorials, but you're busy with this. You're not doing your job properly."

Chu Zhuo put the painting away: "As long as you like it."

Rong Yu poured cold water on her: "It's an ugly painting, I don't like it."

Blood Jade Bracelet: You are lying with open eyes. The Lord God draws much better than you.

But this time the Blood Jade Bracelet learned its lesson and only complained in secret, not saying it out loud for Rong Yu to hear. It was afraid of adding more fuel to the Lord God's funeral pyre.

Although it was already late, the fire was already burning brightly, so this little bit of firewood was not enough...

"Is it that ugly?" Chu Zhuo didn't believe it.

"I am not only good at fighting and killing." Chu Zhuo boasted, "As a royal family, how can I not be involved in music, chess, calligraphy and painting? Although I am not as good as you in painting, I am not bad. If you can't paint for the time being... I can paint for you."

"Any scenery you see, any scene you want to keep, I can paint it for you."

"I just want you to take good care of yourself. There are still many landscapes you haven't seen, and I haven't painted them. If you don't take good care of yourself, how can you see all the things in the world?"

Be tolerant and don't speak.

Chu Zhuo picked up the medicine bowl again and said in a gentle voice, "Just be obedient for once and drink the medicine. I'm begging you, okay?"

If Rong Yu was so easily moved and considerate, he wouldn't be the devil.

Rong Yu said coldly: "No."

Will the bitter medicine taste any better if I say more


So it's all nonsense.

Chu Zhuo: “…”

"Cough cough cough!" Retribution came as soon as it came. Rong Yu just said no, but the next moment he started coughing loudly.

The beauty in thin underwear sat at the head of the bed, her hair loose, her face pale from coughing, her eyes welling up with natural tears. Her appearance was heartbreaking and unbearable to see.

Chu Zhuo hated to see him like this the most.

Even though Rong Yu resisted so much, he forced the drink down his throat with his mouth open, fearing that he might choke.

Chu Zhuo was silent for a moment, and finally, as if he had made up his mind, he said, "I'm sorry."

Rong Yu: “?”

Chu Zhuo tilted his head back and drank a gulp of the medicine, then leaned over and kissed Rong Yu's lips.

Rongyu's pupils dilated, and her eyes were full of "Don't come over here."

However, he found that this sickly body was unable to resist Chu Zhuo's approach.

They were so close that they could feel each other's breathing, their eyelashes almost touching. The bitter medicine was passed into her mouth, and an unbearable bitter taste instantly spread. Chu Zhuo's lips and teeth pried open her tightly closed teeth, and the medicine mixed with saliva sank into her throat.

Rong Yu struggled to dodge, but was held tightly by Chu Zhuo and could not move. He simply gave up struggling and thought about pushing the bitter medicine back into Chu Zhuo's mouth, which seemed like he was responding to the kiss.

A passionate kiss.

When they parted, Rong Yu was breathing lightly, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with tears - purely out of pain.

Looks like he's been badly bullied.

Rong Yu was so angry that he was about to curse, but Chu Zhuo quickly stuffed a candied fruit into Rong Yu's mouth.

"..." Rong Yu rolled up the candied fruit with the tip of his tongue, ate one, and then gathered his strength to continue cursing.

Chu Zhuo fed him another candied fruit.

The preserves are still delicious.

Rong Yu swallowed the candied fruit silently, and prepared to attack for the third time: "You—" You exploded, did you hear that, Sun, you exploded!

Chu Zhuo's eyes sparkled with a smile: "There are still a lot of candied fruits, do you want to eat some?"

Rong Yu changed his tone instantly: "You bring it here."

Chu Zhuo covered his lower lip to hide the upward curve: "Drink the rest of the medicine, and I'll give it all to you."

Rong Yu: “You—” You’d better explode right where you are!

Chu Zhuo smiled and said, "Or do you want me to kiss you again?"

Rong Yu stared at him fiercely and said without hesitation: "Come on."

He has already experienced the pain of human diseases, which is more painful than taking medicine.

Between two evils, choose the lesser one, it is better to suffer a short pain than a long one, so he reluctantly drank a little.

But we must suffer together; he cannot suffer alone.

Chu Zhuo was stunned.

Could it be... that he is also beginning to have feelings for me

Chu Zhuo suddenly curved his eyebrows and said, "Of course I am willing to share the joys and sorrows with you."

Rong Yuxin said that sharing happiness is for me alone, sharing suffering is for you to suffer with me, so forget about him.

Another kiss followed.

Rongyu leaned against the bedside, his silky black hair scattered on the pillow, tangled with Chuzhuo's black hair. Chuzhuo grabbed his wrist, mixed the bitter medicine with the sweet love, and conveyed it to Rongyu through his lips and teeth.

Is it bitter

Medicine is naturally bitter.

Is it sweet

Love is naturally sweet.

The sweetness in Chu Zhuo's heart overwhelmed the bitterness in his mouth, and he wished he could kiss her forever.

Rong and life are hopeless, why hasn't it ended yet!

Normally, I can kiss you as much as I want and I won't refuse. Why don't you choose this time to prolong the time and torture each other? !

No matter how much medicine there is, it will all be finished eventually, Chu Zhuo thought about it with regret, while Rong Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Zhuo used a clean handkerchief to carefully wipe the medicine juice on his face and lips: "Have a good sleep, and your headache will go away when you wake up tomorrow morning."

Rong Yu leaned against the head of the bed and slowly slid back into bed.

Chu Zhuo also came in: "I will sleep with you tonight."

Rongyu rolled his eyes. Didn't they sleep together every day

"You'd better go back. If I pass my illness on to you, you'll suffer as well." Rong Yu said lazily.

We can’t live as a couple, but it’s more comfortable for me to sleep alone in bed and toss around as much as I want.

Chu Zhuo would never dare to do anything to Rong Yuxian's body, as it would fall apart if touched.

Chu Zhuo automatically understood this as his concern, and felt very warm: "If I don't stay by your side, I will be so worried that I can't sleep."

Rong Yu: "Wouldn't it be even harder to sleep if you were next to me? You have to stay by my side all night."

Chu Zhuo shook his head: "I can only sleep peacefully next to you."

Rong Yu stopped talking, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

At that moment he thought of the interstellar warden who suffered from severe insomnia and had to hug a red carp pillow in front of him to fall asleep.

If the King of Chu in this world didn't already have a man, he would have suspected that Taiyang's heart attack was caused by him.

Chu Zhuo watched him sleep, and lifted the messy black hair on the pillow to Rongyu's back to prevent Rongyu's hair from being pressed.

He was a little selfish and deliberately left a strand of hair in front of him, entwining it with his hair.

A married couple, deeply in love with each other.

He wants to grow old with this person.

The next day, Rong Yu woke up and Chu Zhuo was not around. It turned out that he had gone to court...

Of course this is not the case. This underestimates the Demon King's sleeping time.

Rong Yu slept until Chu Zhuo came back from court. He had reviewed several stacks of memorials, but he still hadn't woken up.

Yesterday, Chu Zhuo put aside the memorials and focused on painting for Rong Yu, which resulted in a backlog of tasks today. He could only deal with them non-stop while Rong Yu was still asleep.

Now that Rong Yu had woken up, Chu Zhuo no longer had the heart to work. All his selfish thoughts were focused on him.

Rong Yu usually wouldn't wake up so late, but he got sick from the wind yesterday, and he didn't know when it was day or night when he woke up. He slept until the afternoon, and when he saw Chu Zhuo was not around, his first reaction was to look for him.

He walked barefoot on the ground, walked around the screen, and saw Chu Zhuo sitting in front of the desk, concentrating on his work.

"Cough cough!" Rong Yu coughed twice and sniffed. A cold can't be cured in one day, not to mention that his constitution is weaker than that of ordinary people.

Chu Zhuo immediately looked up and saw that he had come out in his underwear. He immediately carried him back to the bed and tucked him in. "Why don't you remember? You came out without putting on clothes and shoes. Do you want to make your cold worse?"

Rong Yu's voice was slightly hoarse: "I have a very good memory."

It must be so unforgettable that every time I wake up and can't see the sun, I have to find it to feel at ease.

When it comes to psychological trauma, no one suffers more than him.

"Stop talking. Go get yourself a cup of tea to moisten your throat."

Chu Zhuo poured a cup of warm water, and fearing that Rong Yu might drop it again while holding it, he fed it to him directly.

Rong Yu drank it obediently.

Chu Zhuo helped him put on his clothes one by one. His Majesty the King of Chu was so skilled at this kind of serving work that it made people feel distressed.

"What do you want to draw today?" Chu Zhuo half-knelt on the ground and helped him put on his shoes. "I'll let you draw it."

The young man devoted himself to painting, and Chu Zhuo obviously wanted him to be happy.

Rong Yu said, "I won't keep you any longer. I see you have a lot of things to deal with."

He didn't want to see any paintings. The one who liked painting was Ji Yu, not him.

He would rather have a big meal and get pleasure from the food.

Unfortunately, Ji Yu has a weak stomach and cannot digest greasy food.

"It's not a big deal." Chu Zhuo stood up, "Besides, it doesn't take much effort to paint a picture."

Rong Yu thought for a moment and said, "Then let's just paint flowers."

"You like flowers so much?" Chu Zhuo walked to the desk and spread out the rice paper. "Is it the plum blossom like yesterday?"

Rong Yu opened his mouth: "Lotus."

Chu Zhuo paused while picking up the pen: "Lotus..."

Rong Yu snorted: "What? You can't draw?"

"I am considering what color to use. There are many kinds of lotus, blue, white, purple, pink, and colorful. The blue lotus is pure and cold, suitable for a gentleman, and it matches your appearance..."

Ji Yu's appearance and qualities make him the most suitable match for Qinglian.

Rong Yu watched coldly.

Chu Zhuo picked up his brush and used bright red ink to draw a red lotus.

"But I think the red lotus is more in line with your soul. It is as bright as fire, burning to your heart's content." Chu Zhuo threw the pen aside and said with a smile, "Don't you think so, little lotus?"

Rongyu raised his eyes.

The look Chu Zhuo gave him seemed to penetrate his icy and snowy face and hit his burning soul.