After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 85: Savior 2


The low-level zombie had no consciousness and had been hungry in the warehouse for who knows how long. When it smelled the scent of a living person, it pounced over and instinctively wanted to bite Rongyu's neck.

Rong Yu's eyes were cold: "Try and try if you dare."

"..." The zombie paused, reluctantly retracted its sharp teeth, and wanted to stick out its tongue to lick the fresh meat.

Rong Yu sniffed and kicked him away mercilessly.

The zombie's fatal weakness was in the head, and it had no sense of pain, so Rong Yu's kick was completely merciless. The zombie was kicked two meters away, and its back hit the boxes stacked in the warehouse. Just as it was about to stagger up, a large pile of boxes on top fell down and covered it tightly.

Zombie: “…”

Blood Jade Bracelet: …Big Devil, this is domestic violence.

Why do you have to react so violently? Don't you know that it's the Lord

Rong Yu picked up a perfume bottle and sprayed himself several times: "It's been a long time since I washed my hair, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. You still want to get close to me."

His double standards only go as far as not burning the other person to death. As for him accepting close contact with this stinky zombie, he's just dreaming.

There were a lot of supplies in the warehouse, including biscuits, instant noodles, chocolate, perfume, shower gel, mineral water... everything. Rongyu opened a pack of biscuits and ate them, and opened a few boxes to take a look. He didn't see the rest, so he snapped his fingers and all the boxes in the warehouse disappeared instantly.

The Blood Jade Bracelet thought silently: The Great Devil’s finger snap is truly almighty.

It can be used to kill people and set fires, but it can also store resources. Isn't this better than the golden finger portable space that is a must-have in apocalyptic literature

The Demon King's abilities are more than just fire. He can travel freely in the universe and has a strong control over the laws of space. Although he only has 1% of his power now, the area of space he can open up can hold an ocean. If he can recover more power, he can even use space distortion to directly cut into pieces a living being.

However, as the Red Lotus Karma Fire, he is used to and likes to solve everything with fire.

Unlocking more power, he can also unlock teleportation and flying skills, and it is not a problem to travel thousands of miles at night to reach the base in City A. But these skills are like road running, which requires physical strength. For the original big devil, it is easy, but Xi Wang's body can't breathe after two steps... Flying is not faster than flying, and it is more tiring.

‌ Plus now I have a burden...

Rong Yu looked at the zombie with disdain. Without the box pressing on it, the zombie had already struggled to stand up and was slowly moving towards Rong Yu. The scene was truly terrifying.

Rong Yu raised the perfume bottle and sprayed it at him.

Zombie: “…”

After making sure that the perfume had covered up the stink on the zombies, Rong Yu reluctantly said, "Follow me, and keep a distance of three meters."

The low-level zombies had no intelligence and could not understand Rong Yu's words. When they saw Rong Yu turning around and leaving, they immediately followed him.

Rong Yu was moving fast, and the zombies' joints were stiff, so no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't catch up, and were soon left behind. On the empty road, there was a man and a zombie, one in front and one behind. The one behind wanted to catch up, but could never get any closer, like an abandoned child, feeling sad and wronged.

Blood Jade Bracelet: No way, big devil, you really don’t want to be the master anymore.

Rong Yu had a blank expression on his face: "If I didn't want him, would I be lying here with my legs bent?"

After leaving the store, Rong Yu no longer used the children's skateboard and walked instead. Otherwise, he really couldn't catch up with the zombie sun.

It’s not like now, maintaining a distance that is neither far nor close.

The lowest level zombies have no intelligence. It's hard to tell whether the guy behind him is chasing his lover or prey.

Blood Jade Bracelet thought about it. The Great Demon King was not so cruel. It used to think that the Great Demon King confirmed the identity of the Master by status, appearance, the ring on the Master's hand, and the protection he gave him. But the Master in this world has fallen to the bottom in terms of fashion and appearance. He has nothing to prove his identity. The first thing he did when he saw the Great Demon King was to pounce on him and bite him. The Great Demon King actually...

It was able to recognize it at a glance, one step faster than it even with its sensory input.

If this isn't love.

The Blood Jade Bracelet thought that the last time it saw fairy love was in the 999 world. Now it felt that devil love wasn't bad either.

Different races, but the love is the same.

Wait, what is the master doing

The Blood Jade Bracelet screamed in horror: Big Devil, you are dead, look back! ! !

Rong Yu kept walking: "Why, he lost us?"

Blood Jade Bracelet: The master is digging out the zombies’ brains ahh ...

Rong Yu stopped suddenly.

There were many zombie corpses on the road, all of which were hit and crushed by passing vehicles.

Zombie Sun squatted beside a corpse, opened the zombie's skull with his bare hands, and reached in to stir the zombie's brain.

Rong Yu: “…”

This sun is dirty, can he throw it away

The blue-gray hand dug out an unknown object wrapped in brain matter from the skull, and the zombie sun put it into his mouth without even looking at it.

Rong Yu immediately came over and said sternly, "Don't eat!"

He didn't want to think of the image of tasting brains in this mouth every time he kissed the sun in the future.

The zombie sun paused. It didn't understand Rong Yu's words, but it sensed that this human seemed very angry.


Does he want to try it too

Zombie Sun handed the brain in his hand to Rongyu, as if generously sharing food with him.

Rong Yu said word by word: "I don't eat brains."

The zombie sun tilted its head, brushed off the layer of brain matter, revealing the crystal clear red crystal core inside, and handed it to Rongyu again.

In many cases, people in the car did not dare to get off the car to dig out the zombie crystal cores because the corpses still had crystal cores in their heads.

Zombies are not interested in their own brains, but these crystal cores can also help them upgrade. Unintelligent zombies don't know this, and they generally don't attack their own kind. Only intelligent high-level zombies will do things like dig out the crystal cores of other zombies.

The sun is not a high-level zombie, but it is naturally smarter than other zombies. It discovered the attraction of the crystal core when it was at the lowest level.

But if this human wants.

It felt that it was not impossible to give it to him.

Unfortunately, Rongyu did not appreciate it.

"I don't need a crystal core either."

Seeing that he didn't take it, the zombie sun was at a loss. It held the crystal core in its palm, not knowing whether to take it or put it down, and it was not easy to think about eating it.

Rong Yu asked the Blood Jade Bracelet: "Is he really completely irrational now?"

He didn't believe that the sun would let him go to this extent. At least he had to have a high-end hidden identity, right

Blood Jade Bracelet: No, the master is the lowest level one zombie. Zombies have to reach level three to have simple wisdom, level five can speak, level seven is no different from ordinary people, and level ten is the highest level zombie king...

Rong Yu asked: "How to upgrade?"

Blood Jade Bracelet: In addition to eating human flesh, it also absorbs the crystal cores of other zombies.

Rong Yu frowned: "Do you have to eat it?"

Blood Jade Bracelet: Not really…

As he was speaking, the blue crystal core that had been in the zombie sun's hand for too long suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the blue-gray color on its hand also faded a little, becoming closer to the skin color of an ordinary person.

Blood Jade Bracelet: Just place it in the palm of your palm and absorb it like this.

Rong Yu frowned, took out a bottle of mineral water from the space, poured it on the zombie sun's hand to wash it clean.

"You can dig out the brain with your bare hands, but can you use weapons?" Rong Yu asked while washing its hands.

At this stage, the first-level zombies cannot speak.

The blood jade bracelet answered for its master: With the master's current joint flexibility, it is impossible to perform such difficult movements. You have to wait until you reach level three before you can use weapons other than nails.

Rongyu took a deep breath and put on a pair of gloves.

"I can only feed you to level two at most." Rong Yu said viciously, "After that, go find food on your own."

Blood Jade Bracelet: It will take a long time to gain wisdom.

Rong Yu: "Why? Aren't there zombies everywhere on the streets?"

Blood Jade Bracelet: The higher you go, the more difficult it is to upgrade. Level 1 zombies are all ordinary zombies. Crystal cores of the same color can be absorbed by all zombies, but they are not very helpful for high-level zombies. Zombies above level 2 will stimulate different abilities, and different abilities will have crystal cores of different colors. Fire is red, lightning is purple, water is blue, wood is green, earth is yellow, and there are also speed, strength, and spirit... Zombies above level 2 can only absorb crystal cores of zombies of the same color.

Rong Yu stared at the zombie sun with his eyes gradually losing warmth: "Since he is so picky about food, let's just throw it away."

Blood Jade Bracelet was quick-witted: The first instinct of zombies is to bite people. Even if the master lost his mind, he didn't bite you! What does this mean? It means that his first instinct is to love you!

I shouldn't have said anything wrong this time, right? After the Blood Jade Bracelet finished speaking, it quickly reflected on itself. Well, there was nothing wrong with it this time.

Rong Yu stabbed another zombie's skull on the ground with a cold face and dug out the red crystal core: "I would rather die than have him stay and disgust me."

He didn't even want to look at the zombies because they were so ugly, but now he had to face such a disgusting scene.

Sun, what are you going to give me in return for what you owe me

The Blood Jade Bracelet kept silent.

The big devil is honest but his mouth is full of complaints. It’s nothing to say a few words, but in his actions, isn’t he honestly digging crystal cores for the master

After digging out all the crystal cores from the heads of the zombies on the street and throwing them to the zombie sun to absorb, it was almost dark.

Rongyu's body needed rest, so he didn't travel at night and found a nearby residential building to stay for the night.

There were many zombies wandering in the residential building. When they heard the sound of the door opening, they gathered together.

Rong Yu originally wanted to burn the matter to be over, but when he turned around and saw the glutton following him, he rubbed his temples and felt a headache.

He had to precisely control the force of the flame, picking up intact crystal cores from a pile of ashes and throwing them all to the zombie sun.

All the crystal cores are yellow. Most humans are ordinary, and the same is true for zombies, with most being level one.

After completing this series of tasks, Rong Yu was extremely tired. He went into the bedroom, closed the door and fell asleep.

The zombie sun was left in the living room. Rong Yu didn't want to see it for the time being, and couldn't stand its smell.

Just don't want to face reality.

He didn't want to admit that the thing was his lover.

There was no other way, he could only take her with him and feed her one crystal core at a time. He had done his best!

Blood Jade Bracelet felt a little reluctant: "Aren't you going to give the master a bath? The master has bathed you many times before."

The master loves cleanliness so much! He definitely doesn't want to become like this!

With the Zombie Sun's current IQ, it won't be able to take a bath independently without help.

Rong Yu said coldly, "He bathes beauties, and I bathe zombies. How can it be the same? Wait until he becomes intelligent and then bathes himself."

The disdain was written all over his face.

Blood Jade Bracelet:…

Okay, I know you are a beauty, no need to emphasize it.

Blood Jade Bracelet: That would take several months, and the master would have to follow you all the time, can you bear it

I couldn't stand it.

Rong Yu felt suffocated just thinking about it.

Now I can barely cover it up with perfume, but in a few months, what will happen

Rong Yu said reluctantly: "Let's wait until he becomes a decent person. I really don't want to touch him now."

With my current grayish-blue skin, will it become better looking if I wash it


Or leave some fantasy for yourself.

The Blood Jade Bracelet said with deep feeling: Is it the body of the Lord that you love

Rong Yu asked in surprise: "What if it's not true?"

Blood Jade Bracelet couldn't believe it: How could you be so...

Rong Yu spoke for it: "Alas, I am so superficial. What did you want to say just now?"

Blood Jade Bracelet: …It’s okay, good night.

In the living room.

Zombie Sun sat quietly on the sofa, looking in the direction of the bedroom door.

The door of this family was kicked open by Rong Yu, and it couldn't be closed now. If a zombie passing by wanted to enter the house, the zombie Sun on the sofa would turn his head, reveal his fangs, and let out a low roar. The volume would not disturb the sleep of the person in the house, but it was enough to drive away the zombies outside the door.

It sat on the sofa all night, its eyes almost never leaving the bedroom door.

Like a zombie.

Or a guardian statue.