After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 87: Savior 4


Tan Li and Yuan Hang stood still. The road had been cleared, but they still had no intention of leaving.

"Brother, no, sir, I have some supplies in my car, please see if you need them..." Yuan Hang consciously changed his honorific.

In the last days, the strong are respected. The power that the young man just displayed is no longer something he can call his brother.

Rong Yu found these two people annoying: "I said I won't exchange the crystal core."

"No, it's not an exchange. You just saved us, so it's only right for us to express our gratitude by giving you supplies." Yuan Hang said quickly, "Our car is over there, you can go take a look and take whatever you want."

That's true. Rong Yu is not the type to do good things without asking for anything in return. Although his main purpose of burning the zombies was to collect crystal cores for the sun, it was not a bad thing that he indirectly saved these two people.

Rong Yu nodded: "Let's go then."

Tan Li looked at the crystal cores on the street: "This crystal core... don't you want it?"

There were white crystal cores scattered all over the ground, which was definitely a lot of resources that would make people jealous. If Rong Yu didn't say anything, they would be too embarrassed to pick them up, after all, the zombies were burned to ashes by Rong Yu.

Rong Yu glanced around and waved his hand to collect all the crystal cores into the space.

He would not be so kind as to leave the crystal core to others, but only to the sun.

Tan Li screamed in shock: "Space-related abilities?!"

Yuan Hang is a relatively stable person, and when he saw this, he also wanted to exclaim.

Among all known superpowers, speed and strength are the most common, water, fire, wood, earth, and thunder are more common, and time, space, and healing are the rarest. Space-based superpowers generally serve as storage materials. The items in their space will not rot and deteriorate, and can be carried with them. Before level 5, they are all logistics personnel. The only difference is that the higher the level, the larger the space capacity, and the wider the range of items that can be grabbed.

After level 5, the space ability will change from auxiliary to offensive, and can use space division to generate lethality. However, there are only a handful of people with abilities above level 5 in the world, and there is only one person with level 6 space ability, who is in a foreign base. It was also that person who let humans know that space ability is offensive in the later stage.

Rong Yu did not show the aggressiveness of his space-related abilities in front of them, but judging from the fact that he could collect the crystal cores covering an entire street with a wave of his hand, he was at least a fifth-level space-related ability user.

Moreover… He was a fire-type mutant at that time. Judging from the power that could burn down a street and kill level 4 zombies in seconds, he must have started at level 5.

A dual-powered person whose two powers are no less than level five... It's no wonder that such a skilled person dares to venture out alone with a zombie.

It would be great if we could invite this expert to join the S City base. With such a strong man in charge, the base's security performance will be improved by ten levels.

Yuan Hang thought to himself and said, "My name is Yuan Hang, and she is my girlfriend Tan Li. May I ask your name, sir?"


"Okay, Mr. Xi, are you coming to S City alone?" If he has been active in S City, the S City base cannot be unaware of such a strong man, so he must be an outsider.

"Are you blind?" Rong Yu pointed at the zombie sun, "We are two people."

Yuan Hang's mouth twitched: "... Yes." If you say so, then so.

"Then Mr. Xi has never joined any base before?"

"I'll take him with me." Rong Yu glanced at the zombie sun, "Is there any base that dares to take him in?"

Yuan Hang thought: That’s because you have no idea of your own strength.

The base is the last safe fortress of mankind, and accepting a zombie is nothing short of a fantasy. But if it is a strong man like Mr. Xi... then the base might consider agreeing.

The appearance of a zombie in the base would certainly cause panic, but the protection of a dual-element level 5 supernatural power expert could calm the entire base. When the sense of security given by the latter outweighs the fear brought by the former, the base's choice is self-evident - as long as it conceals it from the masses and controls the zombies and prevents them from coming out, it will be fine.

"You can join the S City Base." Yuan Hang made a sincere invitation, "Our S City Base is the second largest and safest base in the country, second only to the A City Base. But A City is far away from here, so staying here is the best choice. I know your concerns, but..."

Yuan Hang hesitated for a while: "If it were you, there is a 99% chance that the S City Base would accept this...your lover for you. Our base really needs strong people to guard it."

It should be said that any base in the world would like to have one more such a fighter.

Rong Yu asked: "What about the remaining 1% possibility?"

"… What?"

"There's a 99% chance that you'll accept him reluctantly in order to win me over. There's a 1% chance that you'll hold him hostage in order to control me, or hurt him to appease the people if something unexpected happens, or secretly kill him because you're worried."

"… "

"So let's not talk about it."

He doesn't gamble with the sun on people's hearts.

"Well, that's a pity." Yuan Hang knew he couldn't convince the other party. He also had a lover, and he understood the other party's mentality of not wanting his lover to be hurt.

"You said that the base really needs strong people to guard it." Rong Yu asked, "Why? Are you short of manpower? Isn't the S City base the second most secure base in the country?"

Yuan Hang smiled bitterly: "The so-called safety is only relative, because other small bases that lack manpower are more dangerous. Every day, a small base is breached by zombies and the entire army is wiped out... We don't know how long we can hold out. When zombies occupy 90% of the population, humans are struggling to survive."

He wanted to make one last push: "So I really hope you can join us in protecting the base, for the future of mankind."

It's really passionate and touching.

Unfortunately, he is a demon and cannot empathize with the survival of humans. Just like many endangered animals in the world between life and death, most humans don't even give them a second glance.

"I refuse to join." Rong Yu was unmoved.

Yuan Hang's eyes were dim, and Tan Li was also in a low mood. They knew the situation in S City. More and more level 1 zombies appeared, and more and more teams went out and never came back... No one knew how many tomorrows they had left.

"You know more about the situation in S City than I do." Rong Yu said, "The base should know where in the city there are high-level zombies?"

Tan Li nodded: "Of course. These places where level 1 zombies are active are all dangerous areas. Our resource-searching team usually avoids them. Only level 1 mutants will take the risk to take their crystal cores, but most of them... never return."

"Okay, tell me all the coordinates." Rong Yu nodded, "Leave me your contact information. If you find new level 1 zombies appearing, please be sure to tell me the coordinates as soon as possible. Leave it to me." This would save him from running around the city aimlessly.

Tan Li was stunned: "...Ah?"

Rong Yu said seriously: "Although I cannot join the base due to concerns about the safety of my lover, as a strong man I have the obligation to deal with the high-level zombies for the future of mankind." For the wisdom and beauty of the sun.

Blood Jade Bracelet: … Is the big devil possessed by the protagonist of a second-year hot-blooded anime

Tan Li was deeply moved: "You are so great! But can you take the risk alone? Do you need me to apply to the base to send you a cooperative team?"

Rong Yu shook his head: "I can do it alone, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties." No one should try to snatch the crystal core from him, otherwise he will be the first to kill his teammate.

Tan Li looked at Rong Yu as if she was looking at a great hero.

Blood Jade Bracelet:…

The big devil becomes a hero of mankind, it is truly magical.

"Ahem." Yuan Hang coughed, "Mr. Xi, our car has arrived."

He drove out in a van, with rice, flour, instant noodles... mainly food piled on the back seat.

Zombie suns do not need to eat human food, they can satisfy their hunger with crystal cores. Of course, no matter how full they are, they cannot eliminate the attraction of human flesh to zombies. Rong Yu swept several service stations on the way, and the food he collected in the space was enough for him to eat for several years. At present, food is not particularly attractive to him.

Being able to get information about the area where the high-level zombies are located makes it worth it for him to save these two people.

But don't miss it.

Rong Yu pointed to the box of Red Fuji apples at the bottom and said, "I want this."

Yuan Hang was stunned: "A box of apples?"

"Hasn't I made it obvious enough?"

"No." Yuan Hang was too embarrassed to lie. "Mr. Xi, apples are good for digestion and make you feel hungry. In the apocalypse, everyone wants food to stay in the stomach longer. No one eats apples. Do you want to change?"

Yong Yu: "That's it. I like eating apples."

Yuan Hang: "...Okay."

The great god only acts according to his preferences, without having to consider survival.

Rong Yu put the apple into the space and asked again: "Do you have a fruit knife? An unused one."

"Oh, yes. I originally planned to bring it for self-defense." Tan Li took out a brand new fruit knife with a sheath. "But Mr. Xi, do you still need a fruit knife for self-defense? Once your special ability is used..."

"What do you mean by self-defense?" Rong Yu thought they were weird. "A fruit knife is of course used to cut fruit."

Tan Li: “…”

To be honest, after the apocalypse, she had forgotten the original purpose of the fruit knife.

Apples should be peeled before eating, they are more delicate.

People who are really short of food can't help but swallow the apple core, not to mention the apple peel.

"Well, Mr. Xi, it's getting dark. Where are you staying tonight?" Yuan Hang asked.

Rong Yu: "Where is the most luxurious hotel here?"

Yuan Hang responded reflexively: "That must be the Grand View Hotel. It costs 100,000 yuan a night before the end of the world."

Rong Yu: "I'll live there."

Yuan Hang: "...would you like to think twice—"

Rong Yu: “Address.”

Yuan Hang told him the address, but couldn't help but say, "Mr. Xi, that place was a prosperous area before the end of the world. There are so many zombies, it's really not safe..."

Tan Li quietly pulled her boyfriend's sleeve and whispered in his ear, "Can't you see? The master doesn't care about the degree of danger at all, he only cares about the quality of life."

Yuan Hang: "…I was overthinking it."

After separating from Yuan Hang and Tan Li, Rong Yu took the zombie sun and went to the legendary Shengjing Hotel which cost one hundred thousand yuan a night.

The height of this hotel is almost comparable to that of a skyscraper. Before the end of the world, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the upper floors and overlooking the earth, you can see a bustling scene with busy traffic and flashing neon lights.

But now, all that is left is devastation. The survivors dare not turn on the lights at night, as the light and sound will attract zombies.

Rong Yu entered the hotel bedroom safely (the zombies along the way were not safe) and felt that it was nothing special.

"It's not much better than where I lived before." Rong Yu was picky.

Blood Jade Bracelet: You used to live in either a white cloud couch or a golden house, what's there to compare them to

Rongyu went into the bathroom and pressed the faucet, but there was no water.

As expected. The world has been without water and electricity for a long time. In addition to relying on stored hydropower, humans also rely on water users and lightning users to generate electricity. Rong Yu has been washing with mineral water all day, which is definitely a luxury in the end of the world.

He is omnipotent, but he cannot create water. The saying that water and fire cannot coexist is no joke.

After washing with mineral water and changing into silk pajamas bought from a big-name clothing store, Rongyu walked out of the bathroom with the scent of shower gel on her body.

Zombie Sun stood outside the door, looking at him quietly.

There was a huge sofa for multiple people in the bedroom. Rongyu raised his chin and motioned for Taiyang to sit on it.

Zombie Sun took a minute to interpret the meaning of this action, and finally sat down on the sofa uncertainly.

The next second, a mountain of white crystal cores fell down, all piled up on the sofa and submerged the zombie sun.

"Take your time to absorb it." Rong Yu yawned, climbed onto the big bed, took a pillow and hugged it in his arms, "I'm going to sleep first."

Being expensive has its advantages. At least the bedroom is big enough and the bed and the sofa are far enough apart that he won't smell the odor of zombies.

"… "

The zombie sun stretched out his hand with difficulty, crawled out of the crystal core pile, and silently stared at the young man sleeping on the bed.

There are always only two words in the simple brain of a low-level zombie.



Now there is a third word.


Jealous of the pillow in his arms.