After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 89: Savior 6


The man lowered his head and sniffed Rongyu's neck. He instinctively showed his snow-white sharp teeth as he smelled the delicious scent that was enough to drive the zombies crazy.

A hand covered his mouth.

Rong Yu raised his tone, revealing a hint of danger: "Want to bite me?"

The man's eyes moved slightly, his teeth clenched, and his tongue gently licked Rongyu's palm.

He had indeed coveted him for a long time.

I want to eat him, possess him, and fuse his flesh, blood, and bones into one, never to be separated.

Rong Yu got out from under him and threw a set of clothes from space at his face: "Put on your clothes."

The man understood the instruction, but did not follow it. He climbed onto the bed and held the woman in his arms again, greedily sucking in Rongyu's breath.

Rong Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "You little brat has grown wings and doesn't listen to your father anymore?"

The man became more and more excessive, licking from the neck to the cheeks and then to the corners of the lips, and even pried open Rongyu's lips to take over and kiss her forcefully.

Rong Yu didn't resist.

He smelled the mouthwash in Sun's mouth. Hmm, he was a clean and kind zombie.

Rong Yu half closed her eyes and took the initiative to hook his neck and kiss him back.

The sun's kiss is strong and overbearing, careful and gentle, two sets of antonyms appear on him at the same time.

There is no kissing in the zombie dictionary, only eating. Only zombies know how much willpower it takes to hold a human tongue in your mouth and resist the urge to bite off the root of the tongue and chew and swallow it.

The domineering and overbearing manner locked him up and refused to let go for even a second; the careful and gentle manner kissed him and he dared not to be heavier.

The lingering kiss lasted for nearly ten minutes before it ended. Rong Yu was almost out of breath, and his fair face was slightly red from lack of oxygen. The sun was still pale and calm, and his skin, which was below the normal temperature of the human body, had never warmed up.

Rong Yu's power was unlocked, and the temperature of zombies was not as cold as that of ghosts, so he didn't care about the temperature difference. The man looked like a normal person, but his facial expression was not lively enough, his brain was not very smart, and his mouth could not speak. He was a dumb handsome man.

It doesn't matter. With such a perfect face, other imperfections can be forgiven.

Rongyu lazily raised her body. The man was naked and her eyes could see every reaction of his body.

"You desire me."

The man's face was calm, but there was a dark meaning in his eyes.

Rong Yu approached him jokingly and asked with a smile, "Appetite?"

His voice was light.

"Or sexual desire?"

Just one sentence stirred the man's nerves. His eyes darkened completely, and his sharp nails were like the claws of a beast, tearing Rongyu's shirt violently.

"Hiss—" Rong Yu frowned. The thin fabric could not resist the sharp claws. The fair skin was scratched by the nails, leaving a light pink scar, and a drop of blood oozed out.

Panic flashed in the man's eyes, and he immediately stopped what he was doing. He reflexively retracted his fingers and put his hands behind his back like a child who had done something wrong.

However, only a second later, he remembered that he had just awakened the water-based ability that brought healing powers. He stretched out his hand again, and a wisp of soft water vapor emerged, healing the scratch, and his skin instantly returned to normal.

Then he put his hands behind his back again, as if nothing had happened.

Rongyu stared at him with a look of horror.

The man looked away guiltily.

One minute later.

The zombie sat stiffly on the edge of the bed and stretched out five fingers.

Rongyu took the nail clippers and ruthlessly prepared to cut off his long nails one by one.

After the upgrade, Sun's appearance is no different from that of a human, and his looks are even far better than those of ordinary people. Only his sharp long nails and slightly pointed teeth show that he is a special zombie.

Teeth can be explained by canines, which cannot be seen even when the mouth is closed, but nails cannot be concealed no matter what, and the most important thing is that they look unsightly.

Teeth and nails are weapons of low-level zombies. Taiyang has many superpowers and no longer needs to attack with his nails, so Rongyu cut them off without any hesitation.

Taiyang had no choice but to obey. He didn't want the same thing to happen again, so he accidentally scratched Rongyu with his nails.

The zombies' nails were so hard that Rong Yu tried his best but couldn't move them at all, and even a pair of nail clippers were broken. Sweat broke out on his forehead, and he impatiently threw away the broken nail clippers: "Are your claws Wolverine claws?"

Seeing how angry he was, Taiyang silently used his strength ability to break his own nails with his bare hands.

Knowing that Rongyu doesn’t like ugly things, her nails are cut very neatly and the edges are smoothed, just like they are carefully trimmed.

His fingers were connected to his heart, and his movements were painful to the onlookers. However, zombies have no sense of pain, so he broke them very neatly.

If the weapon for self-defense could hurt Rongyu, he would throw it away.

Rong Yu was very pleased with this: "Good son."

Sun's hand trembled, and he almost broke off his entire finger. He calmed himself, broke off the last nail, and trimmed it into a round shape.

Rong Yu held his slender, smooth fingers, looked at them for a long time, and said, "You should wear a ring on your hand."

"I'm not used to you not wearing it."

The sun was startled.

Rong Yu quickly moved on to the next topic: "Son, Dad will give you a name."

Rong Yu didn't want to talk to the zombie sun before, and didn't give him a name. Now he can't treat him as air anymore, he has to give him a name.

The name was already ready.

"Your name is Yan Zhao, remember?"

Yan Zhao nodded slightly.

So, what's your name

"My name is Rong Yu." Rong Yu emphasized, "It's your father's name."

Blood Jade Bracelet: Why are you so obsessed with being a father

Rong Yu: Isn’t this the essence of the training system

If you get the development script but don’t enjoy the pleasure of being a father, what kind of development is that

Blood Jade Bracelet hesitated to speak: In fact, the essence of the cultivation system is...

Rong Yu: What

Blood Jade Bracelet: Forget it, you will know.

To tolerate, with.

Yan Zhao remembered these two words firmly.

As for the second half of the sentence, Yan Zhao automatically ignored it.

He kept every word of Rong Yu in mind, but there was one sentence he really could not agree with.

He wondered if their relationship should be that of family.

Probably a lover.

Rong Yu saw that Yan Zhao didn't respond, so he repeated, "Hey, did you remember?"

His answer was another hug from Yan Zhao.

Now that the nails have been trimmed, you can continue what you were doing.

A gentle kiss fell on the skin that was originally scratched by nails, as if to express apology.

Rong Yu was tickled by the rubbing: "If you can't speak, just nod your head. What are you doing now—"

The belt that was holding his waist was pulled away, and the ill-fitting trousers became loose, and even the last layer of coverage was easily slipped down to his ankles.

Yan Zhao held Rong Yu's cheeks, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

—Fuck you.

"Wait, are you wearing a condom? No, you are not allowed to come in without one! Don't you understand? I said you are not allowed to come in!" What if he is infected with the zombie virus? Can the zombie virus be transmitted in this way

However, Yan Zhao's IQ at this time had not yet reached the normal human level. He could not understand many words and could only listen selectively.

So Rong Yu's words fell into his ears as -

"No later... Not coming in... Don't you understand? I said come in!"

Yan Zhao, who originally planned to appease the old man for a while, fell into hesitation.

Rongrong... are you so impatient

Yan Zhao: Then I will satisfy him.

I won’t make too much preparation for now and will get straight to the point.

Rong Yu clenched the bed sheet with his fingers, almost exploding with anger: "... Unfilial descendant, how can you be filial to your father!"

He says east and he goes west. What’s wrong with his education method

Just before being put in solitary confinement, the Blood Jade Bracelet gloated: The essence of the training system is that fathers will eventually be fucked by their sons.

Rong Yu conducted a six-hour human experiment to prove a great discovery.

Humans who have been killed by zombies will not be infected with the zombie virus.

Blood Jade Bracelet: This is a really useless discovery. Apart from you, who else in the world would do this to zombies? Oh, I didn't see it in the confinement room just now. Is the night view from the French window beautiful

After all, the curtains in the bedroom were closed before entering the small dark room, but now they were open. It was not difficult for the blood jade bracelet to guess what happened.

Rong Yu said coldly: "What good will it do you to say sarcastic words at this time? Do you think your master is not angry enough?"

The Blood Jade Bracelet had already let it go: since it was irreversible, it might as well go through with it to the end.

After being tempered through several worlds, it is no longer the simple and innocent little bracelet it once was.

He who keeps company with vermilion becomes red, he who keeps company with ink becomes black, and he who keeps company with the devil becomes insane.

Rongyu closed his eyes and didn't have the energy to argue with it.

He could feel that when their bodies were close, Yan Zhao wanted to bite his flesh countless times, but he suppressed his instinct countless times, and finally left kiss marks of varying sizes on his body.

The body had been cleansed by Yan Zhao's water-based abilities, but the fatigue could not be eliminated instantly.

He couldn't speak, his IQ was low, his joints were stiff, his body was cold, and he was like a machine that had to work without oil. Rong Yu's anger was instantly extinguished when he saw Yan Zhao's face.

For the sake of appearance.

He endured it.

Zombies are tireless and don't need to sleep. Yan Zhao saw Rong Yu wake up and looked down at him, as if asking him what was wrong.

Rong Yu lifted the quilt and pointed to the place beside him: "Come here and lie down."

Yan Zhao did as he was told.

Rong Yu hugged the clean and fragrant Yan Zhao comfortably and closed her eyes to sleep.

Yan Zhao stiffened his body and stared at the young man's peaceful sleeping face for a long time, then curled the corners of his lips imperceptibly.

He finally replaced the damn pillow.

Having been busy until late at night the previous day, Rong Yu naturally slept until noon the next day, and did not want to go out to look for crystal cores in the afternoon.

Go on strike one day at will.

He casually changed into a set of home clothes and turned to look at Yan Zhao: "So, why are you still naked?"

Yan Zhao hesitated for a moment, picked up his clothes, and tried to put them on like Rong Yu, but because of his stiff joints, he failed every time.

Rong Yu lowered his eyes indifferently: "I know, I can't do anything except fucking me."

Yan Zhao lowered his head in shame.

"Sit down and raise your hands." Rong Yu raised his chin, "Dad will put it on for you."

Blood Jade Bracelet: Haven’t you had enough of the daddy game

Rong Yu: What's wrong

Blood Jade Bracelet: You are very easy to be fooled like this.

Rong Yu's good son put on new clothes, but something unexpected happened when he was putting on his pants.

The wolf cub was full of hot-bloodedness. Not only did he refuse to wear pants, he also tore his father's pants.

The Blood Jade Bracelet sighed in the confinement room: I'll tell you.

The afternoon passed quickly and Rongyu fell asleep again out of exhaustion.

Yan Zhao covered him with a quilt and put on his trousers clumsily.

Putting on pants was not as difficult as putting on clothes. After twenty minutes of hard work, he finally dressed himself up as a zombie in proper clothes.

"I can't do anything except fuck me." The young man's cold voice is still ringing in my ears.

Yan Zhao made up his mind to do something for Rongrong.

When he was a first-level zombie, he had almost no intelligence, but that didn't mean Yan Zhao had forgotten the memories of that period.

He remembered that Rongrong was a very clean and quiet person, but she ran all over the city for him to collect crystal cores for him.

He is now powerful enough to go find the crystal core by himself.

Yan Zhao went downstairs alone and walked out of the hotel. Outside, the sky was covered with gray clouds and it seemed that it was about to rain.

Unlike Rong Yu, who needed the intelligence provided by the S City Base to know the coordinates of the zombies, after his upgrade, he could already sense the existence of high-level zombies in the entire city and even command them.

But Yan Zhao did not want to lead such a group of subordinates to conquer the world.

He only wanted to devour more crystal cores, possess higher intelligence and greater power.

You can do a lot for Rongrong.

Rongyu was woken up by hunger at night.

When he woke up, he looked out the French window. It was dusk, rainy and cloudy, and he couldn't tell what day it was.

Yan Zhao sat on the edge of the bed with his back to him.

Rong Yu looked at the wet stains on Yan Zhao's shirt and asked sharply, "You went out?"

Yan Zhao paused with his knife-holding hand, then continued his movements.

After peeling the last piece of peel, Yan Zhao turned around and handed him an apple with pits on it.

"Rongrong, eat."