After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 92: Savior 9


Yan Zhao was silent for a long time.

Rong Yu said, "Speak."

"Love is love, and if you don't love, you don't love. Is there anything wrong with answering this question?" Rong Yu approached and asked.

Yan Zhao subconsciously dodged: "I don't know."

The expression and movement paused.

"I don't know." Rong Yu repeated calmly, and sneered, "What a good I don't know."

Memories instantly surged through Rongyu's mind like a kaleidoscope.

In the bathtub, Gu Minghuai held his hand and said, "When I didn't love you, I didn't think about the future with you. After I love you, I will regret not loving you before."

In the punishment room, Fu Qianzhi confessed and asked again and again, passionately and crazily: "I love you, do you love me?"

He waited in the coffin underground for a thousand years. In order to keep him, the Ghost King did not dare to marry him: "I will be very happy to see you."

Deep in the palace, Chu Zhuo drew a red lotus with his brush and called him Little Lotus with a smile. He asked why there was a small word in it, and Chu Zhuo said, "Small is cute."

Finally, finally, back to this life.

"You don't love me, do you?"

"I don't know."

In fact, he should be thankful that the sun did not say "yes" with absolute certainty.

This cannot be blamed on the sun. In his time, he has indeed grown to love me more and more. Rong Yu lowered his head and thought.

During my time, I hated him less and less.

He should have anticipated the current situation.

But after hearing the sun's hesitation, I still felt a little sad, and this sadness was mixed with helpless anger.

His lover loves him less and less, but he can't blame him.

… Why

The devil is unreasonable and is determined to vent his anger on others.

Rong Yu stood up expressionlessly and slowly put on his clothes: "Forget it then, you go drive the car in front."

Yan Zhao looked at him: "Then you..."

"I'm tired." Rong Yu buttoned up the top button, lowered his eyes and said calmly, "I want to lie down in the back seat and take a nap. Drive more steadily and don't wake me up."

Yan Zhao pursed his lips.

He could see that Rong Yu was in a bad mood.

For some reason, seeing Rong Yu unhappy, he also became unhappy and felt a slight dull pain in his heart.

Obviously this body is not a human heart and should not feel pain.

Yan Zhao said nothing, opened the other door, got out, and sat back in the driver's seat.

Rongyu lay on her side in the back seat, closed her eyes, and used sleep to dispel all her worries.

Yan Zhao slowed down the car and looked back at him several times along the way. Rong Yu was sleeping soundly and showed no intention of waking up.

Yan Zhao turned his head and kept looking up unconsciously, paying attention to Rong Yu behind him through the rearview mirror.

The car is stable.

The heart is in a mess.

Rongyu was gently woken up by Yan Zhao.

He was in a bad mood when he woke up, and the moment he sat up, he looked extremely impatient: "Didn't I tell you not to wake me up?"

Yan Zhao looked at him and unconsciously reached out his hand to smooth out a strand of hair that was sticking up on Rong Yu's head.

This action made both of them stunned.

For them who had been strangers to each other for several days, this action seemed too intimate and a sign of breaking the ice.

Yan Zhao also realized that he had overstepped his bounds and withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened: "It's getting dark, let's rest in this town for a night."

Rongyu got out of the car and looked up to see the dark sky. He had actually slept for the entire afternoon.

He looked around and confirmed that he was in a parking lot. There was nothing else in his sight except cars. "There is no house nearby. Where can I rest?"

“You’ll find it after walking a short distance.”

"Still want to leave?" Rong Yu turned around and was about to open the door and get back into the car, "Why don't you just drive in?"

Rong Yu failed to pull the trigger, and Yan Zhao locked the car door.

"There was a chain car accident outside and the car can't get in." When Rong Yu got angry, Yan Zhao explained in time.

He woke Rong Yu up only after he was sure that he could no longer move.

He knew how delicate Rongyu was. She would never sit if she could lie down, and would never walk if she could sit.

But such a delicate and clean person... took the former him who even his current self despised, ran all over the city, took out the crystal cores in the zombies' brains, and fed them to him one by one to bring him back to consciousness.

Also for him, I gave up skateboarding and started walking instead.

Yan Zhao has all those memories.

The bed and the things... He has them too.

This is also the reason why he feels complicated.

It was so complicated that he didn't dare let Rong Yu know to what extent he had recovered.

There is a parking lot nearby. In the early days of the apocalypse, many people wanted to escape by car, but encountered zombies on the road, which led to a series of car accidents. Even after so long, it can be seen that the situation was tragic.

The gaps between the deformed vehicles were very narrow, and the ground was covered with dried blood and broken limbs, making it almost impossible to step.

Rong Yu could have burned down the accident scene and cleared away all the roadblocks.

It’s just that he doesn’t like the sun now and doesn’t want to let it get away with it.

He hated the smell of rotting corpses and the blood on the ground, and the sun didn't like them either.

If you want to be disgusting, let's be disgusting together.

Rong Yu was ready to step over it with a fearless attitude.

Yan Zhao stopped in front of him.

Rong Yu raised his eyes: "What? You won't let me leave?"

"The floor is dirty." Yan Zhao said, and then added, "Remember that you like to be clean."

"Not as dirty as you." Rong Yu sneered, "I didn't throw you away even though you were so dirty. Now I regret it. If I had known I would raise an unfilial son, I would have thrown you away earlier."

Yan Zhao pursed his lips and squatted in front of Rong Yu.

Rong Yu: "What are you doing? Although this place is not clean, it is immoral to urinate and defecate anywhere."

"..." Yan Zhao held back, not letting his expression look too ferocious, "Come here, I'll carry you on my back."

Rong Yu was surprised: "As a son, you suddenly want to be filial to your father?"

Yan Zhao: “…”

Why on earth did he suddenly have the urge to carry this person on his back

I know how unreasonable this person is.

"Forget it." Yan Zhao had just stood up halfway when a heavy object suddenly hit his back and pushed him back to the ground.

Yan Zhao almost lost his balance: "You—"

If he wasn't a zombie, you could hear the sound of his spine breaking by now!

"What do you mean?" Rong Yu hooked his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist without any hesitation, "Why don't you hurry up? Go!"

Yan Zhao's forehead vein jumped: "Are you riding me like a horse?"

Rong Yu whispered in his ear, "I've been riding for three days, what's wrong with you yelling 'ride'?"

Yan Zhao's ears quickly turned red.

What he could not recall the most now was what happened in those three days.

But Rongyu just mentioned it again and again, without any hesitation and boldly.

Really unrestrained and unruly.

Yan Zhao carried Rongyu on his back with forbearance.

But he couldn't say anything.

After all, he is the other protagonist, and it seems that he is the one who keeps pestering the other person. The other person tried to escape several times but was dragged back by him... It's hard to describe.

So why on earth would he do such a thing

He is a man who only follows his instincts.

Is that his instinct to treat Rong Yu like that

Yan Zhao carried Rong Yu on his back, wading through a large area of wreckage and blood, and finally found a low-rise house.

Rong Yu said in disgust: "No, this accommodation is too bad, let's go to another one."

Yan Zhao changed to another one.

“The decoration style of this house is so shady.”

"This bed is too hard. I can't sleep on it."

"The wallpaper on the wall is so ugly, I will have nightmares tonight..."

Rong Yu was very picky, and Yan Zhao stopped and asked, "What do you want?"

Rong Yu: "It should be at the same level as Shengjing Hotel."

Yan Zhao understood, it was just a show.

Where can a high-end hotel that costs one hundred thousand yuan a night be found in such a small town

Yan Zhao threw Rong Yu onto the bed and said, "This is the one. You can find another one yourself. Let's sleep next to each other."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Rong Yu: “Wait a moment.”

He took out a bucket of instant noodles from the space: "Please add some boiling water."

After eating compressed biscuits and snacks for a few days, it’s time to change my taste.

Yan Zhao frowned: "You're just going to eat this?"

Rong Yu asked back: "Haven't you always been eating this?"

Yan Zhao subconsciously said: "Shouldn't you..."

In his impression, Rong Yu only ate delicacies and could not eat ordinary food.

"Isn't it what I should do?" Rong Yu asked curiously, "This is the end of the world with food shortages. Do ordinary people have any choice?"

But you are not an ordinary person.

As Yan Zhao was thinking this, he suddenly remembered that Rong Yu was no different from an ordinary person now.

Coming to a strange world, all abilities are restricted, and without any tools.

These were all orders given by him personally.

Although for some reason, Rong Yu had unlocked some of the seals, those abilities clearly did not include cooking.

With Rong Yu's strength, he could be treated as a guest of honor and receive the highest level of treatment in any base he chose to garrison.


"If it were you, there is a 99% chance that the S City Base would accept this...your lover for you. Our base is in great need of strong men to guard it."

"What about the remaining 1% possibility?"

"… What?"

"There's a 99% chance that you'll accept him reluctantly in order to win me over. There's a 1% chance that you'll hold him hostage in order to control me, or hurt him to appease the people if something unexpected happens, or secretly kill him because you're worried."

"… "

"No need to discuss this."

What Yan Zhao couldn't understand before, he can understand now.

Tolerating him was to protect him and reject the superior life that was within her reach.

This is... why

Yan Zhao looked at him and said slowly: "I thought you couldn't stand this grievance."

Rong Yu sighed: "I can't stand it, but there's nothing I can do. Who made my son unfilial?"

Yan Zhao didn't understand: "What does this have to do with me?" Although, it was indeed related to him...

Before I knew it, I accepted his identity as my son.

"You said at the beginning that you would learn to cook for me." Rong Yu asked, "Does that still count now?"

Learn to cook

Could he even say this before

Yan Zhao, who had never needed to eat since birth and had never set foot in the kitchen, thought about it carefully and seemed to have such an incident in his memory.

But, cooking

He cooks for Rong Yu

It's so magical.

It was second only to the magic that he had just realized he had put the demon king who had been chasing him for hundreds of worlds to sleep after he merged his consciousness.

"Oh, I get it. It doesn't count." Rong Yu smiled indifferently, "Now you don't even want to make instant noodles for me."

‌Why would I make instant noodles for you

As soon as this thought came into his mind, water-based abilities emerged from Yan Zhao's fingertips with great skill. He then used fire-based abilities to heat it, injected the soul into it, and poured it into the flour bucket.

Yan Zhao: “…”

Is this the instinct of this body

Rong Yu blinked and said, "Chopsticks used by others are not clean."

What's the point of telling him this? Does he need to use his water power to help wash the chopsticks

Thinking this in his mind, Yan Zhao used his wood-related ability to conjure up a pair of wooden chopsticks.

Yan Zhao: “…”

What on earth did he use his supernatural powers for? How could he be so skilled in his movements

Rongyu was very relieved, and the unhappiness that had been accumulating in her heart suddenly dissipated.

Very good, still a good son to your father.