After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 96: Savior 13


Even though he was just moving from the wall to the floor, Yan Zhao was as excited as a chicken and practiced his cooking skills even harder.

It was a small step from the wall to the ground, but it was a big leap for his status in Rongrong's heart.

The Lord God was gifted and intelligent, and with practice, he quickly made delicious dishes that were exactly the same as the pictures in the recipe book that were marked as for reference only.

"Try it." Yan Zhao brought the tempting food to the table with a nervous tone and anticipation in his eyes.

Zombies have no sense of taste, and can only react to human flesh and blood. Yan Zhao himself cannot taste anything, so every time he makes food, only Rong Yu can taste it.

Of course, except for the loud noise caused by the explosion in the kitchen for the first time, and the black and sticky chicken wings he ate, all the disgusting food he made afterwards was secretly thrown into the trash can by Yan Zhao.

How could something like that be brought to Rong Yu

Fortunately, he did not fail many times, and now the appearance of the food is quite appetizing.

Rong Yu tasted the familiar flavor, lowered his brows, and slowly savored it.

It tastes the same as the one Chu Zhuo made for him in that world.

Of course, Yang can become a self-taught person.

He was generous in his praise: "Not bad."

The corners of Yan Zhao's lips immediately raised, but he held it back with dignity.

For a picky tongue that has tasted rare and exotic animals, being able to say "not bad" is already a great affirmation.

"Then I'll do it for you in the future." Yan Zhao said calmly, his slightly curved eyes betraying his good mood.

Qi Ye said that cooking is something that you can never learn. How difficult is it? He could get Rong Rong's praise after trying a few times, but Qi Ye was still stupid.

Rong Yu nodded slightly and said, "You are allowed to serve me."

This arrogant attitude is simply treating Yan Zhao as a servant.

Yan Zhao didn't feel anything wrong at all, instead he felt a little happy. He wasn't afraid to serve Rong Yu, he was afraid that Rong Yu didn't want him to serve her, that would be the end of their relationship.

"Okay." Yan Zhao agreed immediately, "What else do you want me to do for you?"

He really did owe Rong Yu a lot, and he wanted to do his best to make up for it, even if it meant going through fire and water.

"I suddenly want to eat an apple." Rong Yu handed him the apple and a knife, "Peel it for me."

Yan Zhao immediately followed such a simple request. His peeling skills were much better than before. He could peel the thin peel into a spiral, a long strip, without breaking it.

While peeling an apple, he asked casually, "Why did you give me the name Yan Zhao? Does it have any special meaning?"

Rong Yu calmly replied: "Because he is a person who is unforgettable."

Yan Zhao's nerves tensed up instantly: "How unforgettable is it?"

Rong Yu sneered, and said with every word: "I want to grind him to dust and make him feel heartbroken."

"..." Yan Zhao's hand trembled, and the skin that was connected together broke immediately.

He spoke with difficulty: "So the reason you gave me this name is..."

"Don't be afraid. I just want to have fun being his father." Rong Yu comforted him, "I know who is who and I won't take my anger out on you."

Yan Zhao was not comforted, but became even more frightened.

It is he who is tolerant and hateful!

Now his identity cannot be exposed, so he has to keep the vest on for a while.

Yan Zhao regretted it immensely. He shouldn't have brought this up. He knew Rong Yu's hatred for him was full, so why bother asking him about it and hurting his heart

He wanted to end the topic with silence, so Rong Yu asked again: "Aren't you curious about what he did to me that made me hate him so much?"

Yan Zhao didn't dare to ask.

He knew what he had done and he felt guilty about it.

Yan Zhao: "Since it is your sad story, let's not talk about it..."

"I want to mention it." Rong Yu did not let him go, "Do you want to?"

Yan Zhao didn't want to.

But having said that to this extent, he insisted on not saying anything, which showed his high emotional intelligence.

He was the one who did it, and he had to endure the suffering. If he didn't even dare to say it, he would be a coward.

"Go ahead." Yan Zhao closed his eyes, "I'm listening."

Rong Yu said calmly, "He is a fool who doesn't know right from wrong. He made me bear the blame for no reason, injured me, hunted me, imprisoned me, and exiled me."

He spoke calmly, as if he was telling someone else's story, and there was no intention to gain sympathy at all. He was just stating the facts.

Yan Zhao's heart felt as if it was being cut by a knife, as if he were being tortured to death. He almost wanted to stab his own heart with the knife in his hand and die to atone for his sins.

"He's a fool!" Yan Zhao cursed himself sincerely, and hurriedly comforted Rong Yu, "Don't be sad. If you see him again, I will help you scatter his ashes!"

When this world ends, will it be too late for him to book a one-stop package service from the funeral home

Rong Yu looked at his indignant expression and smiled slightly: "Keep scolding me, I love you."

Yan Zhao: “…”

So Yan Zhao racked his brains and used all the negative words he had learned in his life to attack himself. Half of it was to comfort him, and half of it was to really hate that blind self. The more he cursed, the more angry he became.

Rong Yu curled his lips slightly and finished the apple slowly: "That's enough."

Yan Zhao immediately fell silent.

"We have to go to City A tomorrow, so I need to go to bed early. Good night." Rong Yu lay down in bed.

Yan Zhao whispered: "Good night."

He smiled, but his face was expressionless the moment he turned around.

It seems that at this time, Yang already knew that he was wrongly accused.

The next afternoon, Rong Yu and Yan Zhao finally arrived in City A.

There was a long line of cars outside the base in City A, all of them were survivors who had come from all over to seek refuge.

The base was already overcrowded, and the pressure of survival was huge, so the screening of new personnel was stricter. There were countless armed guards standing on the high walls, and they would attack without hesitation if there was any abnormality.

Every outsider must be scanned and tested, and if they are found to have wounds left by zombies, they will be shot on the spot.

Due to strict testing, the team moved very slowly.

Rong Yu sat in the passenger seat, looking at the endless convoy in front of him, wondering how long the line would last.

He was getting impatient and ordered, "Drive straight to the front."

Yan Zhao stepped on the accelerator without saying a word.

He once followed the laws of order, but now he can only obey orders.

The people waiting opened their car windows and yelled: "Do you have any sense of public morality? Overtaking at a time like this!"

Someone mocked, "Tsk, another person who wants to cut in line, all those who cut in line are let in, so they just go back to the queue behind you."

The base personnel naturally saw the off-road vehicle that drove directly from the back of the team, and their faces were all fluctuating. They had seen many people cutting in line, and if they let one in, they would lose.

The off-road vehicle stopped at the gate of the base, Rong Yu and Yan Zhao got out of the car, and their appearance caused people around them to gasp.

In the apocalypse, everyone is crawling around and covered in dirt, but these two have clean clothes and are extremely good-looking. They can be big stars before the apocalypse.

The guard stopped them and said, "You are not allowed to jump the queue for testing. Please go back and line up."

Rong Yu asked: "You won't let people with fire abilities go either?"

The guard was indifferent: "Sorry, this is our rule."

Although people with special abilities are rare, they are by no means unique, and fire-related special abilities are also very common, so they are not enough to have special privileges.

Yan Zhao said: "Rules are dead, but people are alive."

Rongyu glanced at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, these words actually came from the mouth of the God of Law Enforcement.

The guard frowned and said, "If you two continue to make trouble, we will treat you as a troublemaker."

It's really sad that she is so good-looking but has such low quality.

Rong Yu asked again: "Do level 7 psychics also have to queue up?"

"What?" The guard said in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

The most powerful psychics in the world are only level 6, so where did this level 7 fire psychic come from? Even if you make up a story, you have to make it look realistic.

"What's the matter?" A middle-aged man who was inspecting saw the commotion here and immediately came over.

"Sir, these two guys want to cut in line. They say they are level seven fire-type mutants." The guard saluted solemnly, but almost laughed when he said "level seven fire-type mutants."

It's funny that he doesn't even think about telling lies.

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched, and he obviously found it funny. However, when he looked at the two men's clothes and saw the car they drove, his expression gradually became serious.

"Take them for ability testing."

To be able to remain so spotless in the apocalypse, one must either be lucky or very powerful.

The license plate of the SUV these two men drove was from City B, which is thousands of miles away from City A. To be able to get here unscathed, they are definitely not ordinary people.

Guard: “…Yes.” Sir, do you really believe it

"You two come with me to get tested."

There was another hurdle before the ability test, which was a full body scan to see if there were any wounds. Rong Yu and Yan Zhao had both passed this hurdle. Yan Zhao's appearance was no different from that of a human. A zombie of his level could even simulate a human's pulse and heartbeat. He was the only one in the world, so it was easy for him to hide from the scanner.

After passing the scan, the guard took them to a small room.

"Please put your hand there and inject your superpowers." The tester was a girl with a sweet smile. She prompted Rong Yu to put his hand on the superpower detection instrument.

Rongyu put his hand down, and as soon as a flame was released, the whole instrument was burned to ashes.

Miss testing: “…”

Guard brother: "..."

The middle-aged man who just came in to check the situation: "..."

The supernatural power detection instrument was developed by researchers in a laboratory and was made of special materials. Supernatural powers below level 6 would not cause any harm to it. As for supernatural powers above level 6, no human has yet reached this level, but it should also be within its detection range.

This material is extremely precious. Except for a small portion that is made into supernatural power detectors, the rest is used to reinforce the city walls as a defense.

Why was I so burned by the young man

"Maybe the machine is broken..." The testing lady stammered, "Can you try another one? You are in control, this instrument is very expensive..."

The Blood Jade Bracelet complained: The Great Devil has tried his best to control himself, but if he couldn't, your base would be razed to the ground.

"Is it expensive?" Rong Yu withdrew his hand, "Then it's worth it, otherwise another one will be scrapped."

The testing lady nodded as if in a dream, and wrote down in the registration book "Power: Fire, Level: Seven".

The hand that wrote was trembling slightly.

She would rather write "level unknown". Is a level 7 ability that strong? There are also level 6 fire ability users in the base, isn't the difference that big

"Your name is..."

"Xi Wang." Rong Yu reported the original owner's name, "His name is Yan Zhao."

"Okay, then Mr. Yan, are you a person with superpowers? Please do a test." The testing lady's eyes have changed.

Yan Zhao looked at another intact detector moving. In order to prevent high-level zombies from mixing in, these instruments can accurately determine whether the superpowers come from zombies or humans.

Yan Zhao pondered for a moment.

He was thinking about the feasibility of him claiming that he had supernatural powers and that he could just follow Rongrong and live off her.

"He is at level seven in the space system." Rong Yu answered for him.

The pile of resources in their space will have to be used sooner or later, so they must have a space-related ability.

The testing lady, the guard brother, and the middle-aged man: "!!!"

How come there is another level seven mutant!

Rong Yu looked at Yan Zhao and said, "Prove it to them."

How to prove it? If you use zombie power, you will be discovered as a zombie by humans. If you inject divine power, you will be discovered as a god by humans.

Yan Zhao's brain was working rapidly.

He suddenly had an idea.

Under the eager gazes of several people, Yan Zhao slowly raised his hand, and the supernatural power detector that had been burned to ashes suddenly appeared on the table intact.

The guard exclaimed: "Is this a time travel in the time system?"

Yan Zhao said: "It is the spatial restoration of the spatial system."

Everyone: “???” Space can be used like this? Learn something new!