After Becoming Enemies With the Lord God

Chapter 99: Savior 16


Yan Zhao felt miserable.

Is there anything more painful than "I treat you as my lover, but you treat me as a sex partner"

His gloomy expression was too obvious, Rong Yu asked: "You don't want to?"

Yan Zhao: Who wants to be a sex buddy

Then I thought, with Rongyu's charm, there would naturally be a lot of people willing to do it.

In the 6666 world, there are countless demons, ghosts, and even immortals who want to climb onto the devil's bed and have sex with him. Strength, appearance, power, status, Rong Yu all stand at the top of the world, and all living beings below worship him.

At that time, Rong Yu didn't like any of them, and walked alone for many years. What is the joy of love? The devil has no such worldly desires.

In the small world, perhaps because he lost his power and status, and did not have a variety of ways to relieve boredom, he thought of finding a bed partner for comfort.

Thinking of this, Yan Zhao felt even more miserable.

The devil who used to be clean and self-disciplined has become a man of games. Is this his fault again? He keeps shooting himself in the foot.

"If you don't want to, forget it. You were the first to climb onto Daddy's bed, which was really disrespectful. You have appetites, you have needs, isn't it good for each of us to get what we need?" Rong Yu said, "Seeing that you look unwilling, do you want to end this relationship? That's fine, I won't force you. From now on, I'm still the dad, and you're still the son, and we'll continue to maintain our father-son relationship."

Yan Zhao: “…”

"No!" he objected.

Rong Yu tilted his head: "Why is it not working again? You look unhappy, isn't it because you are tired of playing and want to end the sex relationship?"

Yan Zhao: ... I am not happy because I want to be sincere with you!

But he didn't say this out loud.

The devil's current cynical look clearly showed that he did not believe the truth. Even if he spoke, he would not get a response and would most likely be ridiculed.

In this case, I would rather maintain the status quo.

Otherwise, the kidney will be gone.

The relationship has become so close, if he works harder, maybe he can knock on Rong Yu's door. If he goes back, the road ahead will be even more difficult.

Yan Zhao said aggrievedly: "I don't mean to end it."

Rong Yu crossed his arms and said, "Who are you showing your displeasure to?"

Yan Zhao took a deep breath and said calmly: "It's just that I'm not satisfied with my desires."

Rong Yu: “…Huh?”

Yan Zhao adapted to his new identity in a second, and pushed Rong Yu back to the bed, whispering, "You are full, but I haven't eaten yet."

The silk nightgown was taken off, and Rong Yu calmly pointed out: "The crystal core is in the space."

Yan Zhao's eyes were deep: "I have an appetite, so I'll use you to satisfy my hunger."

He accepted this identity and would hold Rongyu in high regard and fulfill his duties as a sex partner from now on.

Yan Zhao was furious. The artillery fire was so fierce that Rong Yu was almost barely alive from the bombardment.

Rongyu grabbed the pillow and suddenly had the urge to set fire to the sun.

Among the worlds, this sun's skills were definitely the worst, bar none. The zombie sun at least knew how to be gentle and not to make him uncomfortable, but this one was really trying his best to kill him.

A whole morning was wasted, and Rong Yu thought painfully that the good technologies of the other Suns all came at a price, and were obtained at the cost of his current suffering.

Yan Zhao was unconscious and looked at Rong Yu, who was lying on the bed with no strength left. He said smugly, "Why? Better than your ex-husband, right?"

He has already secretly become competitive and is even competing in this.

It is extremely hurtful and insulting for a lover to call someone else's name in bed. Yan Zhao is upset and must make Rong Yu admit that he is better than wild men in this aspect.

Rong Yu: “…Hehe.”

Yan Zhao had been in the world of all gods for a long time and did not understand the mocking meaning of this laughter among humans.

But he can understand what people say.

Rong Yu's next sentence was: "How dare you bring that up? You're the worst at your job out of all of them."

“…” Yan Zhao was shocked.

Soon he came to his senses and found a bigger blow.

"What do you mean by everyone?!" Yan Zhao raised her voice in disbelief, "Besides an ex-husband, who else do you have?!"

"There is also an ex-fiancé." Rong Yu said lightly, "His name is Fu Qianzhi, and his sex skills are ten times better than yours."

He disappeared on the eve of the wedding, and Fu Qianzhi was indeed her fiancé. Then he went to marry Chu Zhuo, and there was no problem with the logic.

Yan Zhao: “!!!”

Fiancé? Has this reached the stage of discussing marriage?

Ten times stronger than him

A day ago, Yan Zhao thought that nothing could be worse than Rong Yu having an ex.

The facts told him that it was true, Rong Yu had two ex-girlfriends.

Yan Zhao felt so green on his head, with one green hat after another on his head.

No, he didn't even have the qualifications to be a cuckold. He wasn't even Rong Yu's legitimate lover, just a sex partner who got what she wanted.

Yan Zhao smiled bitterly and asked, "Do you still like him?"

Rong Yu said honestly, "I like him. He has a big penis, is good at sex, has a great body, is in a high position, has great looks. I don't just like him, I love him to death."

… Although they were clearly talking about love, Yan Zhao felt no emotion at all this time. I wonder if he was numb from being hurt.

Wait a minute…

Yan Zhao suddenly grasped the point: "Then do you like Chu Zhuo?"

Rong Yu nodded: "I like him. He has a big penis, good sex drive, a great body, a high position, and a great appearance. I don't just like him, I love him to death."

Yan Zhao: “…” Is there any difference between this sentence and the previous evaluation of Fu Qianzhi!

Yan Zhao continued to ask: "Then do you like me?"

"Of course I like you. After all, you are pretty and have a good figure..."

Yan Zhao asked again: "Then do you love me?"

This time Rong Yu was silent.

Yan Zhao felt a lump in his throat.

After a while, Rong Yu shook his head firmly: "I don't love you."

Yan Zhao asked calmly: "Why?"

Rong Yu: "You are too big to be alive."

“…” The damage is extremely high.

Yan Zhao laughed when he heard this.

I see.

Rong Yu not only doesn't love himself, he also doesn't love Chu Zhuo, Fu Qianzhi, or anyone else. His likes are superficial, as long as the external conditions are good enough, he can easily say he loves everyone.

But this is not love.

True love is unique.

Yan Zhao didn't understand before, but he understood after falling in love with Rong Yu. In the past, the sun was high above, overlooking all living things, but now the sun's gaze only stays on Rong Yu.

After seeing the extremely gorgeous red dress, you can no longer see the colorful world.

If everyone loves, then no one loves.

Yan Zhao's heart strangely calmed down, and he even felt a little strangely happy.

Although I just found out that Rong Yu has an ex.

But I also learned that Rongyu doesn't love anyone.

Compared to having one's heart completely tied to another person, this kind of romantic situation without ever giving any real love made Yan Zhao feel relieved.

It is easier to pursue a selfless person than a person who is devoted to others.

Yan Zhao is also very good at finding angles to comfort himself.

Blood Jade Bracelet: Big devil, what are you doing? Chu Zhuo and Fu Qianzhi are obviously the Lord God!

Rong Yu: Is he feeling aggrieved

Blood Jade Bracelet: Of course!

Rongyu: You have to hold back your grievances.

Rong Yu: He felt relieved after feeling aggrieved.

Blood Jade Bracelet:…

Wait, the Great Demon King's tone is wrong.

The Great Devil wouldn't realize that the Lord God is really the Lord God now, right

It was obvious that in the last world, the Great Demon King no longer hated the Lord God, and he didn’t torture him that much. The only cup of poisoned wine he gave was to make the Lord God happy... Unexpectedly, in this world, the Great Demon King wanted to make the Lord God, who knew nothing about it, sad again.

Unless the Great Devil knew that the Lord God was not completely ignorant but was pretending not to know, the Great Devil also pretended not to know.

The blood jade bracelet shuddered.

Wouldn't it be miserable for those who helped the Lord God to deceive the Great Devil

Help, why do you have to interfere with this couple's performance

Should it notify the Lord God

…Forget it, don’t worry about it. If the Lord God doesn’t take the initiative to contact it, it can’t pass on the message to the Lord God.

In the small dark room in the morning, the Lord God did not take the opportunity to contact it.

—Of course. The devil was so enchanting and soul-stirring, how could Yan Zhao use him for two purposes at this time

After much thought, the Blood Jade Bracelet decided to pretend to be dead.

‌The family status between the Lord God and the Demon King has been seen. You can ignore the Lord God’s words, but you must not betray the Demon King!

"Are you crazy?" Rong Yu was surprised, "I told you that you are dying, and you are still laughing?"

Yan Zhao pursed his lips quickly, but his eyes were still full of misfortune.

The blood jade bracelet was too painful to look at. Lord God, you don't know that those people are you, so what's there to be proud of being cuckolded like this

The Blood Jade Bracelet does not understand the main god's thought process.

If he only knew that Rong Yu had an ex, then this would undoubtedly be terrible news.

But he had worse news—Rong Yu fell in love with someone else.

So in comparison, Rongyu doesn't love anyone and just has two ex-boyfriends who she dated. Can this be considered bad news

This is great news!

Facing Rong Yu, Yan Zhao almost lost his bottom line and standards.

"Help me put on my clothes." Rong Yu said lazily, "I want to go for a walk around the base."

Yan Zhao put on a long-sleeved T-shirt for him: "Where are you going?"

"Zone D."

Rong Yu was interested in Area D because Luo Shui said there was a trading market in Area D. People would place some items to exchange for medicine, food and daily necessities.

"The trading market adopts the form of barter, and currency has completely become waste paper in the end times. Many jewels that were priceless before the end of the world can now be exchanged for a few packs of instant noodles. Even so, few people are willing to exchange them. Now food is priceless, and jewels are worthless." Luo Shui said.

How can jewelry be worthless? Rong Yuxiang.

He likes these things the most.

Area d.

Compared to the comfortable and bright apartments in Area A, people in Area D live in tents. Electricity is very precious and there is no electricity here at night.

People would seize the daytime to set up stalls and sell things, eager to exchange for food for the day.

In the trading market, a woman sat on a small bench, with a carpet in front of her filled with dazzling jewels. She was a wealthy lady before the end of the world, shopping, getting beauty treatments and drinking afternoon tea with her friends every day, and her life was very comfortable. But after the end of the world, her husband and son turned into zombies, and she lost her ability to survive.

She once looked down from the bright floor-to-ceiling windows at the workers working hard to move bricks under the scorching sun, and laughed at the lower-class people who toiled all day long and thought that she was born with a good life.

Children from poor families grow up early, but she grew up like a princess. Once a child from a poor family went around trying to sell cigarettes and asked her to buy a pack of cigarettes with a lighter as a gift. She pushed him away with contempt: "My husband doesn't smoke low-quality cigarettes."

Things have changed, and now she has become the lowest class in the apocalypse. Not to mention the exquisite afternoon tea, she can't even fill her stomach.

She used to make a living by selling designer bags, which were practical because they could hold things, but jewelry was completely useless, and her business was bleak, and she made nothing for several days.

If she can't exchange it for food, she will starve to death.

Desperately, no one stopped to patronize her jewelry; they passed by and stopped at the next stall, preferring to trade their food for a lighter.

In the apocalypse, jewelry is not as valuable as lighters.

What’s dramatic is that the stall owner next to her was the kid who originally sold cigarettes to her.

The lighter was exchanged for two boxes of biscuits, and the hungry child immediately opened the biscuits and started chewing them.

The woman watched with envy, her stomach growling. Hunger makes people crazy, and the child was left without a parent, so she even thought about snatching the box of cookies.

"Here." The child suddenly handed her the remaining half box of cookies.

The woman was stunned.

"I heard your stomach growling," the child said, "I'll give you some."

The woman blushed.

This was not out of shame. The child did not recognize her. She was now ragged, haggard and miserable, and was completely different from the glamorous lady she once was.

She felt ashamed of her past thoughts.

As she ate the cookies, her eyes welled up as she remembered sharing the snacks with her son.

"I didn't know you still like these jewels. They are not as beautiful as the crystal cores." A man's voice came from above.

"Didn't I feed all the crystal cores to you?" another young man said lazily.

Crystal core? It's a mutant!

People with special abilities are definitely the big customers in Area D, and they usually have no shortage of food.

The woman stood up awkwardly and was stunned when she saw the two people in front of her.

She had never seen such a handsome man before the apocalypse. Moreover, after the apocalypse, everyone was dishevelled and they stood out from the crowd.

"Do you two guests like anything?" she asked quickly.

Rong Yu glanced at it and said, "I want them all."

The woman was stunned: "All, all?"

Yan Zhao also frowned: "All?"

"What? You don't want to buy it?" Rong Yu sneered.

Yan Zhao said: "You see, all of them are inferior. If you want one, I'll take you to a jewelry store."

Is this before the apocalypse? Why is it so easy to go shopping in a jewelry store? There are zombies everywhere outside. The woman thought dully.

"Buy it and smash it for fun." Rong Yu gave another heavy blow.

Woman: “…” All her acts of showing off wealth before the end of the world were not as crazy as this man’s.

Yan Zhao's eyebrows jumped. This hobby... is very devilish.

"Are you unwilling to buy it for me? You don't love me, right? You even hesitated." Rong Yu suddenly got angry, "Ming Huai used to buy everything for me without saying anything."

Yan Zhao: "Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you."

Three seconds later.

"Who is Ming Huai?!"

The woman shuddered. These two people must not fight in front of her stall.

Rong Yu said calmly: "My ex-boyfriend."