After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad

Chapter 29: want to sleep with you


Gu Xiaoyao, who didn't need to sleep, slept lazily, and woke up the next day still alive and well.

Mo Zeyang rolled eighteen times on the bed in a row, and when he got up after rolling, he was also full of energy. He got up early in the morning, jumping and jumping, very happy.

Only President Mo woke up from time to time throughout the night to look at the two goblins lying beside him, for fear that they would suddenly disappear again. The same style of ears and tail, thinking of the fluffy touch, Mr. Mo couldn't sleep well all night.

Gu Jiaming approached Mo Yunqi, and pointed to his tired face with concern, "You didn't sleep well? The brat kicked you?"

When Boss Mo saw him, his gaze shifted from the top of his head to his buttocks, he shook his head coldly, and said seriously, "It's nothing."

Gu Jiaming was overjoyed, this cunning human two-legged beast didn't tell the truth, how could it have such a face when it's nothing? Gu Jiaming reached out to touch Mo Yunqi's forehead, and said with a smile: "Little boy, you don't look like a human being when you sleep, you crawl when you say you want to crawl, you roll when you say you want to roll, and sometimes kick people under the quilt, so don't follow me tonight." He slept together, and he should have no energy to go to work during the day."

Mo Yunqi immediately felt a cool feeling coming from Gu Jiaming's hand, and the feeling of fatigue was swept away. Looking at Gu Jiaming's smiling eyes, they were clear without any impurities. Qi raised his hand to hold Gu Jiaming in his arms, bowed his head and kissed him, Gu Jiaming's eyes widened nervously, before he could refuse, he felt his butt rubbed.

"What are you doing?!" Someone touched the sensitive part, Gu Xiaoyao immediately blew up, and pushed away Mo Yunqi with a shocked face, Gu Jiaming's eyes seemed to be looking at some kind of perverted hooligan, I don't know Is the fox's ass untouchable

President Mo explained seriously: "I just want to see, do you have a tail?"

Gu Jiaming was so frightened that he jumped back, his back almost hit the wall, and there was no money here, sophistrying: "I'm a human! Where did I get the tail?"

Mo Yunqi nodded, and said slowly: "I seem to see you showing a big tail last night, maybe I'm dreaming, don't worry about it."

When he said this, Gu Jiaming immediately calmed down a lot. This is definitely a dream, because he has more than one tail, he has ten! Ten!

One look and you can tell it's not an ordinary vixen!

Mo Yunqi smiled, "I just said I saw it, why are you excited? I think you look good with a tail."

Gu Jiaming stood in the same place in a daze, and his heart was already stirred up. Mo Yunqi actually said that he has a tail. If he knew that he really had a tail, would he faint from fright

Mo Yunqi didn't force him, and gave him time to think about it. If he wanted to untie Gu Jiaming's knot, it would definitely not be solved in a few words, otherwise Gu Jiaming would not have taken the child to steal run.

Before catching this little elf, he will make full preparations. This is a little elf who knows mana, and he is an ordinary person. If Gu Jiaming can run for the first time, he will dare to run for the second time. If he lost this memory, how would he find him

Mo Yunqi will not do things that he is not sure about, and he is still very interested in the mysterious department that Gu Jiaming joined. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be invincible.

Gu Jiaming still doesn't know that his vest has been stripped clean by Mo Yun, and now he is planning to get in touch with his world, and lay a net around him, and slowly close the net, so that he has nowhere to escape. What Gu Jiaming is most worried about now is: Was Mo Yunqi testing him just now? Could it be that Mo Xiaozai had already revealed clues before he knew it

Before he could think deeply, Mo Yunqi changed the subject to interrupt his train of thought, "Yesterday, the principal of the kindergarten, Mao, said that he would take the children to go camping. Today is a day off. Let the parents prepare food and camping tools. Tomorrow they will go camping." Yanluo Mountain in the suburbs, I will stay there for one night, and I won’t come back until the day after tomorrow.” Speaking of this, Mo Yunqi frowned, a little dissatisfied with the arrangement of the kindergarten, “Have you ever organized such an activity before? Going to the mountains? Didn’t you think about safety issues when you took a group of children to the school in the mountains?”

The corner of Gu Jiaming's mouth twitched, safety issue? What safety needs to be considered when a group of goblins go to the mountains in a group? Whoever came to make trouble directly organized a group to beat him up. The school has also organized this kind of activity before, to exercise the little goblin's ability to survive in the wild. The school will invite big goblins to act as teachers to protect the children. There are fewer and fewer offspring in the goblin world. Their goblins are very concerned about offspring, and safety issues must be guaranteed. But it is said that they don't need to take action every time, because Yanluo Mountain is as small as a hill, there are only rabbits and mice in it, not even a wild boar, no matter what comes out, it will be caught by the goblin group.

"I used to go to the mountains, and Director Mao would take a lot of people to take care of them. Safety should be... no problem." Gu Jiaming explained dryly, but his tone suddenly changed, "Why don't I know about this? I'm the one His father."

At this moment, Gu Jiaming deeply felt that his parental status was not guaranteed.

Mo Yunqi pondered for a while, and said seriously: "It should be that you are too busy, so I didn't notify you." He thought for a while, but still worried, "I'll talk to the school and let the parents participate together."

Gu Jiaming was startled by the other party's thoughts, "You don't want to participate, do you?" A group of goblins and cubs went out to play, and you, an adult human in his thirties, messed around? After going there, I accidentally saw a group of monsters dancing wildly, so I was scared to death

President Mo said deeply, "I'm not worried."

Gu Jiaming paused for a moment, and a sentence suddenly popped up in his mind, a loving mother is a failure!

"Other children are fine, and our little one should be fine too." Gu Jiaming tried to correct the other party's thinking, "We have to trust him, he can do it.

President Mo was obviously very concerned about this matter, "After dinner, let's go shopping together and prepare the things for camping."

Gu Jiaming laughed dryly, and turned his eyes to the side, "Hehe, do you know where the doors of the supermarket open?"

President Mo confidently took out the navigation. He didn't know where the supermarket door opened, but he knew how to get there.

Gu Jiaming was speechless, hating human high technology for the first time!

While talking, Mo Zeyang, who was wearing a bear's shoulder vest and bear's chubby corners, ran out of his room sleepily, and ran towards Gu Jiaming with his bare feet, coquettishly: " Dad, I need a big, big lunch box, full of a schoolbag of rice."

Gu Jiaming and Mo Yunqi looked over together, and saw Mo Zeyang running, with a fluffy tail behind his buttocks, whoosh out of his fat bed, shaking happily.

Gu Jiaming: "..."

Mo Yunqi: "..."

"Father, Daddy, what's the matter with you?" Mo Zeyang ran over and hugged Mo Yunqi's legs, shook the tip of his tail, and the ears on the top of his head popped out, and also trembled.

Mo Yunqi was completely stunned, he was a little hypoxic by Mo Zeyang's current appearance.

Gu Jiaming came to his senses, rushed over excitedly, slapped Mo Zeyang's tail and ears in, looked at Mo Yunqi with a pale face, his nervous heart clenched.

It's over!

Mo Yunqi must have seen it!

If the other party treats them as monsters and arrests them, no, in the eyes of human beings, they are monsters, monsters.

Gu Jiaming looked at Mo Yunqi apprehensively, as long as the other party made a little aggressive move, he would immediately leave with Mo Zeyang in his arms, and he would not come out until Mo Yunqi died of old age. Thinking of this, he quickly hugged Mo Zeyang in his arms, and wanted to run away after a disagreement.

Mo Yunqi smiled under Gu Jiaming's guarded eyes, and said gently, "I really didn't sleep well, my eyes were blurred, I seemed to see Zeyang has a pair of cute little ears just now."

Gu Jiaming blinked, but still didn't believe the other party, did Mo Yunqi really think he was dazzled

Mo Yunqi stretched out his arms to hug the child, "That look is very cute, how about this, let's take a set of animal portraits for him after shopping, and leave some dark history when he is still young, and wait for him to grow up Show him."

Gu Jiaming hesitated for a moment, not daring to give him the child, he had an urge to run away now!

Mo Yunqi clicked his tongue, and simply hugged the two of them, with a smiling tone, as usual, without seeing anything unusual, "If you have no objections, I will arrange for someone to contact the photographer."

Gu Jiaming looked at Mo Yunqi nervously, seeing that he really didn't seem to be overreacting, and the breath that was stuck in his chest gradually dissipated, so he dared to nod slowly. As for leaving some dark history for his son, it seems It's not impossible.

Mo Zeyang was transferred into Mo Yunqi's arms, pouted his mouth, puffed up his cheeks in displeasure, "You want to film black history for me? Do you think I will cooperate?"

When he said the word "black history", he didn't even avoid him, which is too contemptuous of him!

Facts have proved: Mr. Xiaomo's family is not a democratic family, children have no right to speak, no matter whether he deserves to cooperate or not, his father immediately asked someone to contact the photographer in order to coax his father, and he had to take pictures, no You have to shoot.

Mo Zeyang: QAQ

Really, dear father!

While Mo Yunqi was driving, Gu Jiaming held Mo Zeyang's face and pinched it angrily, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so careless?"

Mo Zeyang touched his forehead with an innocent face, expressing that he didn't know what happened.

Gu Jiaming worriedly explored the aura in Mo Zeyang's body, and gradually frowned. Mo Zeyang's talent is so good, he deserves to be transformed into a spiritual fetus with a hundred years of cultivation, and his demonic aura grows longer as he grows up. The faster he is, the smaller he is and he doesn't know how to control it at all. If it goes on like this, then he will have to run back and forth with his tail.

"Boy, don't sleep at night, let's bask in the moon with Dad." Gu Jiaming decided to teach Mo Zeyang to practice. The first step is to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. At night, sit on the window sill and bask in the moon, feeling the aura inside. For a For demons who don't like to use their brains, this is a straightforward and simple method.

In Mo Xiaozai's eyes, there was such a worry, "Father, it's better for younger brothers and sisters not to follow you in the future, or I will be too tired."

Gu Jiaming: "..." What do you mean?

Mo Zeyang spread his small hands flat, "Long!" The ears grew out.

"Close!" Ears closed.

Facts have proved that he can control himself, and his control ability is the best in the class, but sometimes he is too sleepy and forgets...

Gu Jiaming: "..."


Mo Yunqi is pushing the trolley in the supermarket, and Mo Zeyang is sitting in the car, and Mo Zeyang's kid keeps reaching out to take food from the shelves and put them in the car.

When Mo Zeyang turned his head to get it again, Gu Jiaming secretly took it out, and put all the unnecessary ones back on the shelves. The kid Mo Zeyang wondered, "Why is this car so big? I've always been dissatisfied with it."

Gu Jiaming spread his hands without guilt, how would he know

After witnessing all this, Boss Mo didn't want to answer his son's questions. He pointed to the tent on the shelf and asked Gu Jiaming, "Should I bring the tent? Will the teacher make a tent?"

"You shouldn't need to bring them. There are more than 100 children in the school. If each person pitches a tent, plus the teacher's, how much will it cost? According to past experience, it should be a tent for one class and one extra-large. All the children Live in it." As soon as Gu Jiaming finished explaining, President Mo's expression changed, he was very concerned about this question, "Do boys and girls live together?" As a gentleman, such a scene is absolutely difficult for him accepted.

Gu Jiaming was speechless, "What does it matter?"

"It's not good to be taken advantage of or take advantage of others." Mo Yunqi picked up the tent and looked at it. If the school is too poor to afford a tent, he can subsidize each of them to have one.

Gu Jiaming muttered nonchalantly: "He hasn't celebrated his fourth birthday yet."

President Mo had already said to the salesperson not far away, "Well, give me two hundred."

Gu Jiaming laughed angrily, and waved his hand to the stunned salesman, "He's just joking, we don't want this!" After speaking, he quickly pulled Mo Yunqi away, "Do you want your son to set up a tent in the kindergarten's lunch room? "

Mo Zeyang nodded interestedly, "It seems very interesting." In the lunch break room, he was the only one who had a tent. Thinking about it, he stood out from the crowd, so cool!

Gu Jiaming rewarded him immediately, "Don't make trouble!"

Mo Zeyang: QAQ

After the father stopped kissing, the father also started domestic violence.

In short, as a normal person with a normal way of thinking, President Mo was very worried about his kindergarten son's camping, "Do you want a backpack? It can hold some food and necessities."

Gu Jiaming had a cold face, "No, he has a schoolbag!"


"No need." It's fine to lick it if you get hurt, and only weak humans use medicine.

"Sleeping bags, non-slip mats, moisture-proof mats, inflatable sleeping pillows?"

"No need." When you don't have a bed, you can sleep in the straw nest, so what are you using these things for

President Mo paused, and thought of something reliable, "Buy him a mobile phone, and call us if you need anything."

Gu Jiaming's face is already expressionless and numb. The way the domineering president raises his son is really different from that of us goblins. According to his way of raising a son, pack some food and put a water bottle, and give him a pack of paper to wipe his butt. Everything else is fine. no need.

In the end, Boss Mo bought his son the newest and most expensive mobile phone with pupil unlocking, voice control, solar charging, calling daddy and never calling daddy. Gu Jiaming thought it was better than his own. Before I got home, I decisively changed it with my son.

Mo Zeyang climbed onto Gu Jiaming with an aggrieved face, trying to snatch his new phone back, "Dad, you are an adult, why do you even snatch my things?"

Gu Jiaming is very principled, and he won't give it when he holds the phone, "It's said that rich girls raise daughters and poor children, you boy, it's not in line with the rules to raise children if you want such expensive things, and you can buy them yourself when you make money. It's about honoring your father."

The child was dumbfounded, is this okay?


After returning home, Boss Mo packed his son's schoolbag like the old nanny, Gu Jiaming put his card into the phone, and went downstairs while playing to see Butler Buck who packed the lunch.

He didn't want to discuss with Mr. Erkongmo about what to bring for the child. Gu Jiaming regarded all these things as burdens. They were things that humans need to bring for camping, and they goblins don't need them at all. But Mr. Mo didn't understand what he said, so he simply gave up.

Mo Zeyang was following Buck in a small car, and asked with interest: "Grandpa Buck, are your white hair and beard natural? Why didn't you dye them black?"

Buck smiled gently, "If the young master wishes to turn his hair and beard black next night, he can dye them black next night."

Mo Zeyang tilted his head and continued to ask: "Why do you listen to me? Don't your hair and beard belong to you? It should be whatever color you want it to be."

Buck explained with a good temper: "Because you are the master's son, and I am your steward."

Mo Zeyang continued to ask: "What do you mean by housekeeper? Are you in charge of the house? Does that mean you will be in charge of my family's money? My father will not give you money."

Buck opened his mouth, and in the end there was only a helpless smile, "I won't ask for the master's money, please rest assured, the butler's duty is to take care of you."

Mo Zeyang finally understood a little about the duties of a housekeeper, which is to take care of the family members regardless of money. He continued to ask: "Can I touch the horn of the housekeeper's grandpa?"

With 100,000 whys in his belly, Mo Zeyang finally found an outlet, and the questions couldn't stop coming out. Buck raised his eyebrows in surprise. Mo Zeyang, such a small goblin, actually saw his Original body, what kind of talent is this

"Young master, do you know what my body is?"

Mo Zeyang rode his small car around the table in the restaurant, and the child's voice was crisp and clear, "Bighorn goat, you can see it at first glance, forget it, let's watch it when Daddy is not at home."

This time, not only Buck was surprised, but even Gu Jiaming was surprised. He only knew what kind of demon the other party was when Buck swore an oath. Although he didn't know Buck's Taoism, he could tell that he had practiced for a long time. Mo Zeyang alone The cub who hasn't been weaned can tell it at a glance

What if my son is so smart? This talent has even surpassed him.

Gu Jiaming's conclusion is: Dad has good genes and can evolve!

Yes, it has nothing to do with his father, whatever is good is up to you.

Mo Zeyang was still circling around Buck, asking him endless questions, "You are also white-haired, so do you know the white-haired Santa Claus? How did he crawl in through the chimney when he was so big? "

Butler Buck laughed, "I need to think about this issue carefully."

Gu Jiaming pulled up a chair and sat down, kicked Mo Zeyang's car on the buttocks, and sent the child flying out. The car slid quickly and swished into the hall. No one was making trouble anymore, Gu Jiaming said to Buck straight to the point: "Mo Yunqi doesn't know our identities, you should know that Huaguo has regulations before you come, right? We can't show our faces in front of human beings."

Buck nodded politely, took half a step back, and said respectfully: "Young Madam, don't worry, I won't do unnecessary things. But there is one thing to remind Young Madam, Young Master is not an ignorant person. If you want to hide it, you may not be able to hide it from him."

Gu Jiaming frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Young Madam should have noticed it long ago. Although Young Master is an ordinary human being, he has a strong spiritual energy. After meeting you, the spiritual energy has become stronger and stronger. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used that piece of evil jade to cover it up. I guess, the young master may not be an ordinary person. Even if you hide it from him now, even if he will not investigate privately, fate will let him enter this circle one day. "

Gu Jiaming gasped in surprise, and before he had time to say anything, he ran back upstairs, pounced on Mo Yunqi who was sitting on the bed and looking at a photo album, fell down, tore off his clothes and rummaged around, anxiously Ask: "Where is that piece of jade? Where is the piece of jade that Dong Xin gave you?"

If Buck, the old goat, hadn't reminded him, it would be abnormal for the careless Gu Jiaming to not have noticed that Mo Yunqi has aura. He used to think that there are different types of human beings. Didn't Dong Xin have yin and yang eyes? There's nothing wrong with Mo Yunqi having a bit of aura on his body. When Old Buck mentioned this, he suddenly realized something was wrong. The jade pendant that Dong Xin gave Mo Yunqi could cover the aura on his body, but it couldn't prevent the aura from being exposed, so the aura in Mo Zeyang's body grew so fast during this period, because Father and son often sleep together!

Mo Yunqi felt Gu Jiaming's sudden enthusiasm, spread his hands without saying a word, and let Gu Jiaming ride on him to search.

Gu Jiaming touched Boss Mo's chest to his waist, and suddenly felt something on his buttocks. Gu Jiaming touched it subconsciously, and when he realized what it was, he gasped in shock. Feeling cold, the frightened Gu Xiaoyao wanted to run away instantly.

Mo Yunqi, who had figured out his true nature, grabbed his belt, pulled it back to wrap his arms around his waist, turned over and pressed the little goblin who teased him under him. The pupils smudged by lust seemed to be lit with a flame, with dangerous aggression, Mo Yunqi looked into Gu Jiaming's eyes, his voice had become hoarse, "Did you do something to you?" Responsible?"

Gu Jiaming was so frightened that he shook his head quickly, "I, I didn't do it on purpose."

Who knew that human beings have such a strong sexual desire, he just touched it, and really didn't do anything!

Mo Yunqi smiled and put his head on Gu Jiaming's forehead. The two breathed intertwined. If they were close, they only needed to lower their heads a little to kiss Gu Jiaming's lips. He said in a deep voice, "I can tolerate your willful escape from marriage." , tolerate your indifferent attitude towards me, find a perfect excuse for your lies, hide behind you for your acting career, there is only one thing, I don’t want to bear it any longer.”

Gu Jiaming's eyes widened, he held onto Mo Yunqi's shoulders tightly, and pulled out a deep wrinkle in the white shirt on the other's body. His mood was just like this wrinkle, and it was difficult to heal.

"I'm sorry." Gu Jiaming pursed his lips, and his heart began to ache again. Hearing the other person's words, he suddenly felt that he was such a scum, and whenever something happened, he was timid and frightened and wanted to escape, but he never thought that this fragile human being had flesh and blood Thoughtful, he never considered what Mo Yunqi, who alone suffered the consequences of his willfulness, thought.

After realizing his mistake, Gu Jiaming touched Mo Yunqi's face apologetically, "I'm sorry, if you are angry, you can beat me up to vent your anger. Anything is fine except unspoken rules!"

Mo Yunqi narrowed his eyes, "What a coincidence, I'm not interested in other things except for your unspoken rules."

Gu Jiaming frowned instantly, nervously pressed Mo Yunqi's shoulders and pushed back, "No, no, you humans often say that twisted melons are not sweet, you can't be so hungry!"

"You humans?" Mo Yunqi laughed, being so frightened, he forgot to hide it

Gu Jiaming quickly shut up, swallowed nervously, and almost revealed his secrets.

Mo Yunqi lowered his head, and gently kissed Gu Jiaming's lips, gently prying his teeth open, deepening the kiss little by little. Gu Jiaming didn't have time to refuse, his heart suddenly felt sore and swollen, and he was faintly moved and satisfied, which made him want to cry with excitement. Can't help wanting more, let him hold Mo Yunqi's shoulder tightly, reluctant to let go.

After receiving the response, Mo Yunqi's eyes darkened, and he could hardly control his desire. The jade in the pocket of Mo Yunqi's jacket accidentally fell down with the movements of the two of them, and Mo Yunqi suddenly jumped out of his body. A huge aura, this aura came and went quickly, and was gathered into Mo Yunqi's body in an instant, like a cluster of epiphyllum that suddenly bloomed, making people defenseless.

Gu Jiaming's heart trembled when he was shocked by this aura, and a picture suddenly popped up in his mind: on a mountaintop shrouded in white mist, warm wind blew gently, he pulled Mo Yunqi's sleeve that was blowing in the wind, He rushed over with a smile, put his arms around Mo Yunqi's neck, and asked mischievously: "I have already prepared a generous betrothal gift, when will you take me to pay homage to your mountain?"

Gu Jiaming was just so stunned by this scene, his head started to hurt. Could it be that they knew each other before? Does it have something to do with his lost memory

Is Mo Yunqi human

Noticing Gu Jiaming's distraction, Boss Mo untied his belt in dissatisfaction, and asked in a deep voice, "Why haven't you been learning well?"