After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad

Chapter 66: Attacking Mr. Mo


Gu Jiaming happily counted some money. In one afternoon, after excluding the capital and wages, the family of three earned another 4,500 yuan, exceeding the goal.

Gu Xiaoyao asked the shopkeeper for a black plastic bag, put all the change in it, picked it up and looked, it was a big bag. Gu Xiaoyao happily stuffed this bag of money into President Mo's pocket, so as to ensure that he would not lose it!

It's a pity that President Mo doesn't have such a big pocket, so he can't stuff it in.

Gu Xiaoyao pulled off President Mo's clothes and was about to stuff them into his chest.

Mo Yunqi took it helplessly, held it in his hand, handed Gu Jiaming water, and asked him in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

Gu Jiaming raised his eyes, squeezed his eyes at him, and gave him a look that you understand, and his eyes were full of smiles. He is a goblin, how could he be tired

Mo Yunqi looked at his smiling face and wanted to lean over to kiss him.

Due to the crowd, Gu Jiaming shyly raised his hand to block it, and warned him to be more honest. As a big boss, even if he goes bankrupt, he should be reserved!

But what President Mo meant, everyone understood.

The cameraman wiped his sweat while filming. The couple probably just wanted to sweeten him to death. After the broadcast, even the audience would have to be slapped in the face by dog food.

President Mo picked up Mo Zeyang, who was tired from running, and let him sit on his shoulders, and discussed with Gu Jiaming: "There is still some time, do you want to go shopping or eat?"

Gu Jiaming thought for a while, "Eat!"

"Okay, let's find a place to eat first." The family of three walked in front, and the staff followed behind. Seeing Mr. Mo's familiar movements, everyone couldn't help sighing. Seeing that Mo Zeyang was sitting on his father's shoulders. .

This family of three is so warm that no one can get jealous, it's so warm.

The family of three went to eat ordinary sliced noodles, which cost 8 yuan per person, and the food was very delicious. The life of a rich man is just like this. No matter how high his net worth is, he can eat a bowl of ordinary noodles with his lover and children. Gu Jiaming snatched Mo Yunqi's eggs and put all the bean curds into Mo Zong's bowl. It's very sweet.

After eating, the sky had already darkened, so Boss Mo gave Mo Zeyang 500 yuan.

Gu Jiaming never gave Mo Zeyang so much pocket money, and Mo Zeyang was holding five red tickets in his little hand with a dazed face, why did he give it to him? How will he spend it

Mo Yunqi held him in his arms, and pointed to the toy market opposite, "This five hundred yuan will be your capital, use what you have learned and seen today, try to double it. Make money You can return the five hundred to me, and the rest will be your pocket money. It doesn’t matter if you lose it, I still have it here, so go ahead and do it boldly.”

To cultivate a child's business acumen in the early stage is to encourage him to do it boldly, not to be afraid of losing money, but to look for business opportunities with a quick mind. He is his son's backing, and he is not afraid of losing money.

Encouraged by his own father, Mo Zeyang put the money in his pocket, sat in Mo Yunqi's arms for a few minutes, and then jumped down suddenly.

He has an idea!

Gu Jiaming was speechless, his son had changed more and more, and Mo Yunqi's education method was completely different from his.

Mo Zeyang went to the toy wholesale market and bought 20 cars at a wholesale price of 25 yuan. He bargained with the boss and aunt for 23 yuan, and the remaining 40 yuan was used for packaging. In your pocket, hide it carefully.

The people in the program team asked him with a smile: "Why didn't you spend the forty yuan?"

Mr. Xiao Mo said very seriously: "Daddy said before that no matter what business you do, you must give yourself a chance to stand up before doing business. What if you lose money?"

staff member:"… "

They really don't understand the education methods of rich people. Even a child knows to give himself a chance to stand up!

Mo Zeyang asked his fathers to help and took the toys to the gathering square. Now is the time when there are many people, especially the square dancers, and many children also play there. Mo Zeyang set up a street stall. A car costs 30 yuan, and he earns 7 yuan each.

Taking advantage of his cute appearance, Xiao Mo, who is over four years old, earned his first pot of gold, one hundred and forty yuan.

I wanted to go to wholesale another batch, but all the people from the program team came back, and there was not enough time.

Xiao Mo hugged his father's neck in a very depressed mood, "It's not doubled!"

I earn less, so sad_(:з」∠)_

"It's already great, my cub!" Gu Jiaming hugged Mo Zeyang in circles, "Your dad knew how to eat when he was your age, but he didn't know how to make money!"

Mr. Mo, who knows how to eat: "..."

Mo Zeyang was not happy at all, "That's why Daddy is so poor now, he can't afford a panda, nor can he afford a small tiger shark that can only grow to a size of five centimeters."

The very poor President Mo: "..."

Gu Jiaming nodded to his son Shunmao, "Yes, yes, it's too miserable for him to be so poor. You must work hard to make money in the future and take care of us!"

Mo Zeyang instantly had the fighting spirit, and he said seriously with his fists clenched: "Don't worry! I'll raise you up for nothing when you get old!"

Gu Jiaming glanced at Mo Yunqi, imagined the white and fat appearance of the other party, "Pfft!"

Boss Mo shook his head helplessly, and gave him a doting look, "You just have to be skinny!"

Gu Jiaming put Mo Zeyang down, and said regretfully: "I don't seem to have done anything today, and I didn't make any money. I might as well be better than our little boy." He will behave well in the future!

"No, you eat a lot," Mo Yunqi reminded him with a smile: "Didn't you eat fried chicken all the time when you were selling fried chicken? Where did you pretend to be?"

Gu Jiaming grabbed the other's hand touching his stomach, jumped up behind Mo Yunqi, put his arms around his neck, and warned him in a low voice, don't make trouble! There are many people watching this, but it will be on TV in the future!

Little did he know that his familiar and intimate movements made people pay more attention to the relationship between the two. My son is so old, and he is still in love, you are a real family, it can't be more real!

The photographer took this shot with a numb look on his face. After following them for a day, he suddenly realized that he was about to form antibodies, and even if he ate too much dog food, it tasted the same.

In the end, the program team made a summary. Gu Jiaming's family made the most money. The other two came together for some unknown reason, rented two small carts, sold pancakes and sold roujiamo, and earned a full two thousand yuan.

In front of the little white wolf, Mo Zeyang took the steps of a king, raised his head, raised his chest, turned around with his hands behind his back, pointed to his head, and warned the other party in a tone similar to that of Mo Yunqi: "Use your brain! You Use your brain!"

Naked contempt of the king!

The little white wolf looked up at his uncle in disgust, if his father was here, he would have earned this little money a long time ago, you would know how to eat and use your brain every day! You have to use your brain! Do you want to lose the wolf? You lost to a fox!

The little fox walked past them swaggeringly, with his belly sticking out, looking very imposing!

Bai Qiyun's childish nature was immediately diverted by Mo Zeyang, and he ignored his uncle, calling Mo Zeyang to play together.

Mo Zeyang doesn't want to play with him, he hates him!

The little white wolf started flattering the little fox, praising him for making money, amazing~

Mr. Xiao Mo gave the other party a look of understanding, reluctantly playing together for a while.

President Mo →_→

It was only at this time that the program team revealed the purpose of earning the money. Tomorrow they will use the money to buy things and visit orphans and widows in orphanages. Go back to the hotel today and rest well. Tomorrow morning at 8:00, everyone will gather at the parking lot and go shopping together.

After returning to the hotel, Gu Jiaming and Mo Zeyang threw themselves on the bed together. After Mr. Mo washed up briefly, he found that the two foxes had rolled on the bed.

Although Mo Zeyang only has one tail, he has no tendency to grow another tail like his father recently, but the color of his coat has changed a little.

It was white like snow before, like a pompom, but now the tip of the hair on the back has turned a little bit silvery.

It's just a small hair tip, and you can't see it if you don't pay attention to it. Now that the moon is out, the moonlight comes in through the window and shines on the two bodies, and the color of Mo Zeyang's body can be distinguished. President Mo walked over, lay on the bed, hugged one of them with one hand, and stroked his belly.

In the end, President Mo was beaten by two tails!

The father and the father all rejected his behavior of touching his belly!

In this way, it seems that they eat a lot of the same!

This two-legged beast must dislike them for being fat!

Overwhelm it with your weight!

The two foxes jumped onto Boss Mo's body together and pressed their belly against his face!

Boss Mo buried under the furry belly: "..."

In fact, it's really a bit heavy ▼_▼

Mo Yunqi started dreaming again, since he dreamed of the separation of the two a while ago, he has not dreamed of them, and now he suddenly dreamed of a big battle.

To be precise, that real feeling is no longer a dream, but a memory.

The two came together again for some unknown reason, "Since the heaven and the earth are not compatible, then I will overthrow the heaven and the earth. If there is no place for us to stay in these three realms, then there is no point in staying. I will overthrow the three realms and the six realms." The person standing in the sky flicked the long sword in his hand, shaking off the bright red blood on it, and the tone of his speech was still unhurried, but the expressions of all the people chasing and killing them changed, "If you want to move him, you should step on me first!" corpse."


"I'm obsessed with sex!"


Facing the words of the old people opposite, the man just chuckled lightly and didn't bother to reply.

Mo Yunqi can feel that kind of disdain personally, I stand in that high palace according to your requirements, I am your god. Now that I want to live for myself, I am betraying you. After all, these old guys are only thinking about themselves. What's the point of keeping this world, these three realms, and these six realms

Turning around again, Gu Jiaming pinched a pill and asked suspiciously: "What kind of medicine is this? Is it delicious? Pills don't have any effect on my body, just taste it, it's fragrant and sweet , Bitter, astringent, what kind of taste is this?"

"Don't eat!"

He didn't stop the opponent's movement, he could watch him eat the pill, and said helplessly: "This is the pregnancy pill, do you want to give birth to a little fox or a little fairy boy?"

"This... it shouldn't be of much use to me, I often eat pills as jelly beans, it's okay!"

"How many pills did you eat?"

"I don't know. There are a lot of medicines in this row. I've taken them all. I'll go grab them after they're finished. Anyway, they have a lot of them." Gu Jiaming didn't care what he took. He lay on his back and hugged him. At his waist, he asked over and over again, "It's agreed, you can't leave me alone, and you will die together if you die."

He smiled and patted his hands on his waist: "Don't worry, I won't ruin our future in the hands of others. I will find a place where no one can find us, and I will be with you forever and ever."

As for what happened later, President Mo still hasn't remembered, because President Mo was kicked on the chin by a fleshy little foot, which woke him up.

Mo Zeyang was being playful, he didn't want to sleep alone tonight, so he stayed on their big bed, but the little guy didn't look like a human being when he slept, and he was still playing Mengquan.

Looking at the sweet appearance of the big one taking a nap in front of him, Mo Yunqi's face softened, and he hugged both of them in his arms, quietly feeling the tranquility now.

Why the little guy in his arms was not born in the hospital seems to have found the reason for this question.

Mo Yunqi looked at the logo on his wrist, as time passed, the pattern became clearer and clearer, as if it was the shape of the jade he was wearing. Look at the piece of jade hanging around his neck, the color is getting lighter and weaker, and it could be broken at any time.

How did his previous memories exist in this jade, how did they get into Gu Jiaming's hands, and what happened afterwards? What caused Gu Jiaming to lose his previous memory is unclear. But what made him clear was that both his big baby and little baby were there, and he wanted to protect them and do his best to protect them for the rest of their lives.

Boss Mo looked at the lightning that was beating at his fingertips, and changed them into little foxes as he wished. After changing for a while, the corner of his mouth twitched, completely out of the realm of human beings.

Gu Jiaming narrowed his eyes, "If you don't sleep at night, what are you thinking about?"

I've been peeking at you for a long time!

Mo Yunqi whispered: "If you want to go back, do you want to check your body?"

Gu Jiaming was speechless, Mo Yunqi was so childish when he stayed up in the middle of the night and secretly played this kind of game, tsk tsk~

No, what is on this finger? !

Gu Jiaming sat up slowly, "When did you become like this?!"

Secretly concealing the fact that President Mo remembered many things: →_→