After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad

Chapter 86: The most dangerous cub in the fairy kindergarten


Mo Yunqi touched the little fox, his eyes lit up, and he happily hugged the little fox in front of him, held it up high, and did not hesitate to praise him, "Son, you are such a little genius! You have grown again A new tail, your father was not as talented as you when he was a child! You are the best fox!"

"Tail?!" Mo Zeyang widened his eyes in surprise, and after slowly digesting his father's words, his mouth was almost full of joy, "I have grown a new tail again! Isn't it shit?!"

"Shitbaba..." Boss Mo couldn't laugh or cry, he was so confused by the child's cognition that he didn't know how to evaluate, and hugged his son in his arms, Boss Mo said gently: "Yes, you are a little fox with two tails now, you don't have to wait until As big as your father, you are a fox with ten tails, bearing the luck of the world, and the darling of the world." Mo Yunqi smiled and stroked the fur on the top of Mo Zeyang's head, leaned over and kissed his son's forehead, never like Now it is right to be so sure that I chose this world.

This place allows their father and son to live with peace of mind. No one will jump out and say that the ten-tailed demon fox is not tolerated. They are born elves, and nothing can stop their talents. His babies, big and small, can live in peace and health. here.

Mo Zeyang shook his tail happily, and wanted to shake the little tuya that just grew out again, but unfortunately it was too small, so he could only move his butt.

Mo Zeyang didn't feel disappointed, but became more and more excited, and started chasing his tail in circles, "I want to tell Dad!" Mo Zeyang ran around the house excitedly, and jumped on Mo Yunqi again. knee, took out his father's cell phone. He's going to call his dad and tell him the good news.

Gu Jiaming, who was in the field to catch up with the announcement, almost flew back happily, "You're amazing, my cub, a second one has grown out at such a young age! When I get back, I will hold you and fly around, let's chase the plane!"

Mo Zeyang: "Oye!"

Mo Zeyang called his godfather again, "Godfather, I have grown a second tail!"

Mo Zeyang and his godfather: "It's amazing, baby, godfather prepared a big gift bag for you! I'll have someone deliver it to you in the afternoon!"

After getting what he wanted, Mo Zeyang shook his tail happily, and he didn't want to become a human again, so he ran back and forth at home like a little fox, happy!

Tell a good friend!

Tell the teacher!

tell grandma...

The last one was held down by his father without telling him that he succeeded. He was too excited and overjoyed!

Mo Zeyang finally calmed down, looked in the mirror, walked with his small hands behind his back, and looked at that little scorpion that couldn't be seen unless he looked carefully. Who is so cool? Has two tails? who? Mo Zeyang!

In the afternoon, his godfather sent a boy in the store to deliver a cardboard box to Mo Zeyang, and the boy carefully handed it over to President Mo, and said seriously: "The boss said this is what Xiaomo needs most now, you Put it away, he knows how to use it."

When President Mo looked at the packaging, he frowned. It can be said that it was very rough, size 42... a shoe box? Put important things like this

Mo Zeyang ran over curiously, "Dad, what did someone send? Show me!"

Boss Mo opened it and saw half of... an eggshell glowing with silver light

Mo Yunqi picked up the half of the eggshell, and suddenly felt the warmth of blood, he guessed the origin of the shell at once, Gu Jiaming said that Mo Zeyang crawled out of the egg made of spiritual energy Yes, then this shell is the aura shell that gave birth to Mo Zeyang

The eggshell sensed Mo Zeyang, and the silver aura wrapped around it began to drill into Mo Zeyang's body in an instant. It was born at the same time, and Mo Zeyang could absorb it very easily. Just got in.

Mo Yunqi stared at Mo Zeyang for a moment, afraid that there would be too much aura here and it would overwhelm him.

However, Mo Zeyang's expression was quite enjoyable.

After a while, the eggshell turned transparent, and Mo Zeyang curiously held the remaining bit in his palm, watching it disappear bit by bit, and his butt began to itch.

Mo Zeyang grabbed his ass subconsciously. The excitement of growing a tail hadn't passed yet. Mo Zeyang has always been like a little fox, so he can see everything on his butt very clearly.

Mo Yunqi watched the tip of the tail on his baby's butt grow bigger little by little, and in the silver light, the tail representing aura grew to half of the normal tail, and then slowly stopped .

This eggshell turned out to be such a treasure that Boss Dong kept it in a shoe box for several years.

Boss Mo twitched the corner of his mouth. The bottom of the shoe box seemed to be moldy. Boss Dong is really... heroic!

Mo Zeyang grabbed the tail, and after a few seconds of stunned... suddenly he did a somersault on the spot, excitedly jumping more than one meter high, "Tail! Tail! Look, Daddy! He's grown up again!!"

At this time, I heard a "click", and the little hairy feet stepped on the floor to create a hole!

Mo Zeyang (⊙o⊙)!

Mo Zeyang was taken aback, his butt sank, and he sat down on a buttock. Mr. Mo stretched out his hand to support Mo Zeyang's kid's little butt.

Mo Zeyang stood up clutching his buttocks, took two steps forward, swayed back and forth, then stopped suddenly, "Daddy, I feel that the butt is heavy when walking."

President Mo: "..."

The new tail suddenly became bigger, and the aura in Mo Zeyang's body also increased accordingly. The child was very active, and if he couldn't control it, he stepped on the floor, and his buttocks were heavier than before, and he felt lighter before and after walking. Heavy and unstable.

Mo Zeyang lay on the sofa and called Gu Jiaming, "Look, look! My tail is amazing!"

The child was so embarrassing, Gu Jiaming couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water on his son, " should take time off and get used to it at home, you can't even walk anymore, what are you proud of?"

Mo Zeyang╭(╯^╰)╮

Dad is so fickle, he praised him in the morning, it must be embarrassing, because he didn't grow his tail as fast as he did when he was a child!

Mo Yunqi refused to comment on his son's mental state.

President Mo also browsed the webpage in the afternoon, and talked with Gu Jiaming on the phone for more than ten minutes. No wonder Mo Zeyang grew a second tail so quickly. Now Mo Zeyang is very popular on the Internet. Such a little People who have gathered so many fans after the five episodes of the variety show, from old men and old ladies to kindergarten children, all think that Mo Zeyang is well-behaved, sensible and cute.

In addition, part of the spiritual power in Gu Jiaming's body is the power of his soul. After taking so many panacea before, Mo Zeyang will definitely absorb some. With so many superior conditions given to Mo Zeyang, his talent has surpassed Gu Jiaming.

Both of them thought: so smart, follow me!

When Boss Mo was free, he went to Gu Jiaming's Weibo to browse around, and there were many fans who left messages wanting to form a group to steal the child, because Mo Zeyang was so cute and sensible, and they wanted to steal it.

Steal a child? !

Boss Mo was startled by this thought, and his vigilance immediately rose. He wanted to steal other people's children because they were too cute. This kind of thinking was too dangerous and unscrupulous!

President Mo reposted the Weibo in dissatisfaction, and replied very seriously: Stealing a child is a crime. If I find any suspicious person around Mo Zeyang, I will immediately notify the relevant department and punish you.

Fans who suddenly posted this Weibo: "..."

oops! President Mo is so serious!

How could you be so serious! Boss Mo suddenly cried!

He actually thought that we really formed a group to steal children, oh my god, doesn't Mr. Mo usually not surf the Internet

Come on, Chacha, your husband is coming out to show off, so serious, come out to show off, I can't do it, I'm going to be hypoxic!

Soon, Gu Jiaming's fans started jumping up and down. They felt bored by themselves, and even circled Gu Jiaming. The team members asked him to take away his old Mo as soon as possible. This required online education, and it was too serious. !

Soon, a topic of "Gu Jiaming, come and fetch your husband away" quickly reached the top of the topic list, and the melon-eatering audience watched hahaha, President Mo is actually such a President Mo!

Boss Mo looked at this topic indifferently, and for the sake of "Husband Gu Jiaming", he accepted it for now and asked no one to delete it.

Gu Jiaming who didn't know what happened: (⊙_⊙)

After Gu Jiaming came back, he still hugged Mo Zeyang for a long time, and asked for leave for the child. The reason was very straightforward: the child has a long tail, and the front and back are not the same weight. First, he should adapt at home.

Teachers: "... ok."


Soon, the sixth issue of "Traveling with Baby" will start shooting, this time using a new mode, live broadcast!

The first issue is Youkou Town to make money, the second issue is a trip to the nursing home, the third issue is survival on a deserted island, the fourth issue is the little warrior who saves Dad, the fifth issue is when you are old, and now the theme of the sixth issue Here we come, just two words: daily life!

The meaning of the director of this issue is to broadcast the daily life at home, using the method of live broadcast, and the task cards are delivered two days in advance, so that the guests can make arrangements early. At the same time, the news was released on the official website, asking everyone to wait for the live broadcast to start.

The room with Gu Jiaming's name on it has gathered more than a hundred thousand people's attention in just over an hour, not for anything else, just want to see what they are like at home, what the male god's daily life is like, Xiaomo is at home Why, isn't Mo always so handsome at home, and his gentleman's housekeeper is also very funny, that fat cat that can't be pulled, is it fat again

Seeing the fan's message, Gu Jiaming looked at the little Huya lying at his feet innocently looking at him, with a disgusted face, a fat orange cat that had grown to forty pounds


Do you know if tiger meat is delicious

The little tiger stood up its tail in fright, carefully moved it away bit by bit, and walked away from Gu Jiaming in a desperate manner.

Mo Zeyang sympathizes with little Huya, why does he still want to be next to him even though he is afraid of his father, what a fool, you need to use your brain! Use your brain!

Xiao Mo, who likes to use his brain, always feels that he can control the world!

Gu Jiaming also saw the talk on the Internet about organizing a group to steal children. Gu Xiaoyao was not happy, and the narrow-minded Yao said she wanted to call the police!

"What if they really come to steal my child? Hitting a human is breaking the law!" Gu Jiaming complained to Mr. Mo, and wanted to tie a bell to Mo Zeyang, so it would be easy to find if he lost it.

President Mo said solemnly: "Don't be afraid, ordinary humans are no match for our son."

In the human world, goblins not only have to abide by human laws, but also have several rules of their own. President Mo already knows these rules by heart. It is illegal for a big goblin to beat a human being, and it is not a crime for a little goblin to beat a human being in order to protect itself.

He will take his son to the back mountain tomorrow, and teach him to chop the mountain with a thunderball!

Originally, Gu Jiaming was worried that someone would steal the child. Unexpectedly, the kindergarten issued a notice at this time, informing the parents that several goblins had accidents recently. Parents must take care of the children, especially when going out. Do not let children go out alone in places with few people.

The school also sent a photo of the suspect to the parents, who was the monster in chains who was killed by Gu Jiaming.

"Bastard! Is this kind of thing still copy-pasted and mass-produced?" Gu Jiaming was irritated, "Why hasn't this goblin finished processing it yet? Did the special management department grow up eating grass? So many people can't find it Find out where their lair is!"

Mo Yunqi's face was also a little cold, and he thought about sending a few more people to secretly protect Mo Zeyang later, and if it was impossible, he asked Buck to stay outside the school gate to protect his son's safety.

President Mo said indifferently: "The minister is a refined goblin uncle. He is a conservative. He is not in a hurry to do anything. He wants to change the status of goblins step by step, but unfortunately the effect is minimal. At present, he wants to change the status of goblins. situation, or to change the mode of getting along between the two worlds, this minister must be replaced."

Gu Jiaming→_→

Why does a human being know more about goblins than he does? What did this person do when he didn't know

"You won't really be pretending to be a black-haired vixen in the demon management department, will you? Is it true that no one has checked your original identity?" Gu Xiaoyao was very suspicious of what his old Mo had done.

President Mo said seriously: "So, I really want to register a new species."

Gu Jiaming: (⊙o⊙) What

President Mo: "He's a fine human being."

Gu Jiaming was speechless, "...I've only heard of shemale and ginseng essence, but I've never seen a human spirit!"

Mo Yunqi smiled and took his hand, pulled him into his arms, and said ambiguously: "Now that you have seen it, you can understand it more deeply."

Gu Jiaming squinted his eyes, held Mo Yunqi's face with both hands, and squeezed it maliciously, "Oh! You have learned to play hooligans, I told you not to learn well!"

Squeeze your face to revitalize your husband!

President Mo squeezed back with a smile!

Later, when he got used to the two tails and finally stopped dangling back and forth, Mr. Mo carried the thunderball to the kindergarten, which frightened the teachers in the kindergarten. There is no classroom.

The teachers are already considering sending all these children with relatively strong attack power into one class, and then find a teacher with stronger attack power to restrain them, so as to ensure the safety of the entire kindergarten.

In case any child gets into trouble with his friends, if he gets angry when he gets angry, he will beat his classmates to death if he is not careful.

Mr. Mo was listed as one of the top three among the super dangerous elements.

There are two more, namely his two playmates, one is a little wolf cub and the other is a kitten cub.


The day before the live broadcast, Gu Jiaming also received a call from Xue Huailu, "The filming is ready to start now, are you sure you want to use Lin Chun? It's still too late!"

Xue Huailu was afraid that Gu Jiaming was speaking out of anger at the time, and would regret it in a few days.

Gu Jiaming sneered, "Use him, why not! When you go out to publicize, you must take him with you, praise him, make him popular, and make him feel like he's become a king. You can be a genius."

He wants to watch this utilitarian person climb up with high spirits, and then when the other party is most proud, when he finally becomes famous, his face is crooked! ╮(‵▽′)╭

One step fell and fell to death!

People's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, so you have to taste the fruit you get when you plant the cause yourself.

Director Xue was sure that he had no regrets, so he made the decision directly, "Then I will shoot, and I will let you know when it's time for your part, and I will make you a beautiful floral dress, so that you can get married beautifully."

Gu Jiaming: "Get out!" (▼皮▼#)


The live broadcast that the audience was looking forward to finally started. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the staff of the program team came to Gu's house with a camera, and it was Mo Yunqi who opened the door.

Mr. Mo was wearing a white shirt and some slim-fit long trousers. There were no diamond buttons or pins on the clothes. He was wearing a pair of slippers and he didn't wear a watch. It was obvious that he was on vacation at home. Very relaxing. He nodded to the staff and said gently, "Come in."

The audience has been swiping non-stop on the screen of the live broadcast: Mr. Mo is so handsome!

Where is my male god, where is my male god? !

Is Chacha still awake

My male god is Xiao Mo, release my Xiao Mo!

Do you dare to fight me upstairs? !

The staff naturally paid attention to the messages on the Internet, and asked in accordance with the popular sentiment: "Where are Brother Ming and Xiaomo? Are you up?"

Boss Mo's eyes flickered slightly, adding a bit of tenderness under the eyes of everyone. He turned and went upstairs, and the photographer followed immediately. Mo Yunqi went to Mo Zeyang's small room first, there was a small bulge lying on the bed, after hearing the movement, he wrapped himself up in the quilt and rolled on the bed several times.

The little milk voice asked in a daze: "Daddy, have the uncles and aunts of the crew come?"

There are so many humans in my house, as a male goblin with a strong sense of territory, Mo Zeyang has already felt it, but Sunday mornings always make people lazy and unable to get up in bed.

The audience swiped the gifts like crazy, and wanted to lift Mo Zeyang's little quilt! Look at Mo Zeyang's belly!

It's a pity that because President Mo was here, the program team didn't dare to do anything.

The audience raised their middle fingers and taunted the cameraman: Shout out!

At this time, on the other side of the bed, a tiger's head suddenly appeared, and it opened its mouth wide and yawned.

This startled the staff, "Is it the orange cat I saw last time? How did it grow so big?!"

The audience was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: Who the hell said it was an orange cat last time, this is obviously a tiger!

That's awesome, Brother Ming, you even kept a tiger as a pet!

This tiger must be a lecherous tiger, and it was hiding under Xiao Mo's bed!

I want to kill this tiger, Xiaomo can only be me under the bed!

Xiao Huya, who finally identified his true body for himself, stretched, climbed onto the bed, and gave Mo Zeyang a hug with his head.

President Mo has already brought over the clothes that Mo Zeyang was going to wear, and gently instructed him, "Put on your own clothes and go wash your face and brush your teeth. Old Buck made your favorite soup dumplings. Do you want anything else?"

Mo Zeyang sat up in a daze, and grabbed his sleepy hair, "I want another small bowl of steamed corn kernels, no salad."

"Okay." Boss Mo rubbed his son's head, his eyes signaled that the staff should go out, and his son was about to get up.

The staff backed out tactfully, and the audience threw bombs in dissatisfaction: Coward! Don't go out, watch him get dressed!

Program group←_←

Boss Mo was about to call Gu Jiaming immediately, and the cameraman hurriedly followed, and the audience went crazy after realizing that this side was obviously more interesting!

However, President Mo pushed open the door of the bedroom and closed it immediately after entering. The camera that was following closely was almost slapped in the face by the door.

The audience quit again: My male god is inside! If you have the guts, go in! I want to see the picture of the male god getting up! I want to see the sleeping face of the male god! Strongly request to change the photographer! This is so, stupid!

The photographer's face was numb, hehe, after eating dog food for so many periods, he is now mentally strong, no matter what others say, no matter how others look at him, he can remain calm, no, it is indifference.

Mo Yunqi sat on the edge of the bed and lifted a corner of the quilt. At this moment, Gu Jiaming put his arms around Mo Yunqi's neck and pulled him down with a little force. There must be a loving hug in the morning, so that the day can be energetic.

Mo Yunqi kissed Gu Jiaming with a smile, his hand had already been stretched under the quilt, along Gu Jiaming's naked|exposed back, it slid down gently, landed on Gu Jiaming's waist, and squeezed gently, Looking at the person in his arms who was too lazy to open his eyes, Mo Yunqi's hand went down again and squeezed Gu Jiaming's butt.

Now Gu Jiaming finally opened his eyes, glared at him in embarrassment, and bared his teeth to bite!

Mo Yunqi chuckled and leaned closer, kissed him again, and asked softly: "Get up? People from the program team are already waiting outside."

Gu Jiaming pouted unhappily, "Twolegs!"

He still doesn't like others to set foot on his territory, whether it's a human or a demon, he doesn't want them to come in.

Mo Yunqi could only coax him: "It's just this day, and I will definitely not be at home in the next issue."

"Okay then." Gu Jiaming stretched his waist and sat up, "bear with them for now."

Seeing the faint hickey marks on Gu Jiaming's fair chest, President Mo's eyes darkened, and he lowered his head to make another kiss.

Gu Jiaming was clever all over, put his arms around Mo Yunqi's neck and pushed him down, picked up the pillow and pressed him down, "No more nonsense!"

The audience was about to cry, why did it take so long to wake up, what on earth are you doing in there, the live broadcast that was agreed, the transparency that was agreed, dare to show us? Just take a look. We don't ask much, three seconds is enough!