After Being Extorted

Chapter 2: past events 1


Su Yuan followed Ning Jun into the car and sat in the passenger seat, like a quiet and well-behaved little rabbit, neither looking at nor moving around. It was Ning Jun who glanced at him first and asked, "Don't you ask me?" Where are you going?"

Su Yuan asked honestly, "Where are you taking me?"

"My family." Ning Jun answered bluntly.

Su Yuan was stunned for a while, said "Oh", and stopped talking, and put his hands on his knees, sitting upright.

Seeing him like this, Ning Jun felt as if some small animal's paw was scratching his heart, which was very itchy. He coughed dryly twice to hide his emotions, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not curious, why should I take you?"

Su Yuan didn't repeat the question this time. Instead, he lowered his long eyelashes and whispered, "I'm not curious, you can do whatever you want."

Ning Jun was moved by what he said, and just now he was a little ambiguous, and then Su Yuan added: "You can beat me or scold me."

Ning Jun said coldly: "I am this kind of person in your heart? When did I scold you or hit you?"

Su Yuan shook his head: "No." He paused, and then said, "But I think you seem very angry."

Ning Jun glanced at Su Yuan with serious eyes: "I'm very angry."

Su Yuan lowered his head again, not daring to speak.

Su Yuan has always been very timid in front of Ning Jun, even when he forced Ning Jun to be with him, he would become like a small animal when he saw Ning Jun, he didn't even dare to stretch out his claws, he only dared to touch himself The soft body rubbed against each other.

The atmosphere in the car was very quiet. The distance between the two was not far, but they were obviously thinking about each other.

Su Yuan looked down at the blanket under his feet, and couldn't help but fell into memories.

The first time he met Ning Jun was when he was a sophomore in high school. Su Yuan's father was in power, and he himself did not have the bad temper of ordinary dudes. He had excellent grades and good looks, and was very popular in school. Be polite and don't dare to be presumptuous.

That day, Su Yuan was surrounded by a group of friends and was walking towards the classroom. When he passed by the outside of the vine corridor, he heard the sound of fighting inside, and he could see figures flickering through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the vines. Su Yuan was curious for a moment, so he made a gesture and led everyone to turn in first. As a result, the people inside were so involved in the fight that they didn't notice someone coming in from the side of the corridor. The nunchuck in the hand of one of the boys was coming towards Su Yuan's head. Su Yuan's eyes widened, and he didn't have time to dodge. I'm afraid I'm going to bleed.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, a young man grabbed Su Yuan by the collar and dragged him aside. Su Yuan staggered and fell into his arms. On the ground, Su Yuan raised his head in the man's arms, just in time to meet the boy's downcast gaze.

Surrounded by lush green leaves and loud noises, Su Yuan suddenly felt that the whole world was quiet, only the sound of his own heart beating like a drum could be heard.

He didn't care about the other people who came up behind him to greet him, he stood up straight with the boy's arm, but grabbed the boy's cuff: "Are you okay?"

The boy moved his shoulders and said, "It's okay."

Su Yuan stared at him intently: "Thank you for blocking me just now, what's your name?"

The boy seemed to think his attitude was a bit strange, so he sized him up, his expression still calm: "My name is Ning Jun."

Su Yuan followed closely again: "May I treat you to dinner?"

Ning Jun frowned, and tried to pull back his sleeve, but failed: "No need. Let go of my clothes."

Su Yuan tugged at Ning Jun's sleeves, looked at Ning Jun with a pair of round and watery eyes as if he could talk, and persistently invited him again: "I just want to treat you to dinner, can I make friends? "

Ning Jun said nothing with a cold face, he suddenly unzipped his jacket, threw his coat into Su Yuan's arms, turned and left.

Su Yuan stayed where he was, didn't react, and watched him walk away.

The people around looked at each other, the boy who almost threw the nunchuck on Su Yuan came over in a panic, and bowed deeply to Su Yuan: "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Su Yuan waved his hand absently: "It's okay, I didn't touch me."

He looked at the people around him again: "Do any of you know what class Ning Jun is in?"

From this day on, everyone in the whole school soon knew that the well-known Mr. Su fell in love with Ning Jun at first sight and fanatically pursued him.

As soon as get out of class was over, Su Yuan came to Ning Jun with something.

"Ning Jun, do you drink milk tea?"

"Ning Jun, do you eat biscuits?"

"Ning Jun, do you want to play basketball?"

"Ning Jun, what do you have for lunch today? How about eating together?"

"Ning Jun, do you have something to do after school tonight? Shall I take you to a fun place?"

Ning Jun's response was always cold and indifferent.

"Don't drink", "Don't eat", "Don't use", "Don't go"

This year, the word Su Yuan heard the most from Ning Jun was "no".

But Su Yuan was not discouraged at all, he went to Ning Jun's class to report every day, and the teacher would not say anything when he saw it. On the contrary, some students will discuss in private.

Once, Su Yuan asked someone to trick Ning Jun into going to the stadium behind the school, Ning Jun came and found it was Su Yuan, turned around and wanted to leave, but Su Yuan grabbed him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, just wait a moment. "

Ning Jun frowned, and said coldly: "Can you study hard when you have this time?"

As soon as the voice fell, a bunch of fireworks exploded above the head with a "bang", and then there was the sound of fireworks exploding one after another.

Under the sky full of fireworks, Su Yuan tugged at Ning Jun's wrist, with a deep dimple in his smile, the colorful colors of the fireworks and Ning Jun's figure reflected in his eyes: "I can study hard, but I also want you to be with me well .”

Ning Jun was stunned for a moment, didn't say anything about leaving, and finally watched the fireworks with Su Yuan for an hour.

After this day, Ning Jun's attitude towards Su Yuan loosened. Su Yuan took an inch and took Ning Jun to ride a horse again.

The coach wanted to come over to ask, but Su Yuan waved his hand, and didn't let anyone come over. He jumped up and down behind Ning Jun: "Ning Jun, Ning Jun, can you ride a horse? I'll teach you."

Ning Jun got on his horse nimbly, looked down at Su Yuan from above, and answered Su Yuan with actions.

Su Yuan pursed his dimples and smiled slyly: "You are so good at it, then teach me."

Without waiting for Ning Jun to refuse, he quickly got on the horse and sat behind Ning Jun, hugged Ning Jun's waist, and said shamelessly: "Oh, I'm stuck on the horse's back, I can't get off."

Ning Jun's body stiffened for a moment, but in the end he didn't drive him off, and let him hug him around the racecourse for a few laps.

After a while Ning Jun went to the bathroom, Su Yuan was bored sitting alone on the horseback, when suddenly he heard someone call his name.

"Su Yuan!"

Su Yuan looked back and smiled.

"Xiao Mian? Why are you here to play today?"

Su Mian is the cousin of Su Yuan's uncle's family. She is two years younger than Su Yuan. She is dressed youthfully and beautifully. She never calls Su Yuan "brother", but only his name. Su Yuan played with this cousin since childhood, and loves her very much. This eccentric cousin can do whatever she likes.

Su Mian ran over "tap, tap, tap" and said, "Take me around twice quickly."

Seeing this, Su Yuan was about to get off his horse: "Then I'll go and bring you a pony."

Su Mian hadn't fully learned how to ride a horse, so she kept shaking her head when she heard the words, and coquettishly tugged at the corner of Su Yuan's clothes: "I don't, I don't, just take me around twice and let me take two selfies."

Su Yuan laughed: "So you took a selfie."

He acted like a knight helplessly, but with a doting smile on his face: "Obey, my little princess."

Su Mian held Su Yuan's hand, got on the horse, and sat in Su Yuan's arms. Su Yuanxu hugged her, leaving enough space for Su Mian to take pictures.

Su Mian grabbed his arm: "Su Yuan, come closer to me, I want to take a picture of you."

Su Yuan: "Okay, okay, little princess, I will do whatever you say."

Su Mian was led by Su Yuan for two laps, took enough photos, and selected a few more favorites to send out, then patted Su Yuan's arm contentedly: "Put me down, I have an appointment Have a meal."

Su Yuan got off the horse first, and then stretched out his arms and half hugged Su Mian to get off the horse: "I'll take you out."

Su Mian happily said "Yes", and suddenly looked behind him: "Did you bring that person here?"

Su Yuan turned around, only to realize that Ning Jun had returned at some time, and was standing not far away, looking at them with a cold expression.

Knowing that Ning Jun has a cold personality, Su Yuan vaguely said to Su Mian before he caught up with him, "Well, my classmate, bring me here to play with today."

Seeing that Ning Jun was handsome, Su Mian joked to Su Yuan with a smile, "Okay, Su Yuan, you found such a handsome guy behind my back, let's see if I don't tell my mom next time."

Su Yuan's aunt is very fond of gossip, and Su Yuan felt a headache when she heard it, so she hurriedly coaxed her: "My lord princess, please forgive me, I will catch up with him soon, when I catch up with him, I will treat you to dinner, okay?" ?”

Su Mian let Su Yuan go.

As a result, Su Yuan was slapped in the face after saying this. After returning from this day, Ning Jun became cold to him visibly with the naked eye.

No matter how patient Su Yuan was, he was still a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy. He chased Ning Jun for a year, and he was about to catch up with him. Unexpectedly, when he returned to the pre-liberation, Su Yuan became anxious.

At this time, he was already in his third year of high school. Some of Su Yuan's friends advised him to forget about it, and some of them advised him to take him down directly. Su Yuan was hesitant.

But soon, he learned that there was something wrong with Ning Jun's family, maybe it was a ghost, maybe Su Yuan was such a despicable person at heart, so he took the initiative to ask Ning Jun out.

Su Yuan raised his chin, and for the first time in Ning Jun showed arrogance and arrogance: "I will help your family solve the problem, you stay with me."

Ning Jun sat opposite him, squinting his eyes, with a worried look on his face: "Is this how you chase people?"

Su Yuan didn't realize the problem with this sentence, it was the first time he did such a bullying thing, he was very guilty, and he even pretended to be very strong: "If you don't agree, your family's problems may become more serious. "

Seeing that he acquiesced, Ning Jun's face became even uglier: "Did you always pretend before?"

Su Yuan instinctively wanted to deny it, but felt that he had to stabilize his momentum, so he avoided the topic and asked bluffingly, "You just say you agree or not?"

Ning Jun stared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "As you wish."