After Being Extorted

Chapter 3: past events 2


Because the source of the two people's relationship was not happy, the two remained indifferent for a long time afterwards. Su Yuan pretended to be domineering and ordered Ning Jun to accompany him every day.

Until the second semester of the third year of high school, fill out the college entrance examination intention form.

Su Yuan asked Ning Jun to fill in the university in Kyoto. He thought Ning Jun would not, but he didn't expect Ning Jun to fill in the same one as Su Yuan without saying anything.

Su Yuan was surprised and ready to move. He thought that Ning Jun's iceberg would not melt, but now he saw that Ning Jun was not so invulnerable, so he was eager to try again. But Su Yuan hadn't made a move yet, and a small group of cronies around him couldn't help it.

Two days after the end of the college entrance examination, Su Yuan and Ning Jun went to a friend's birthday party together. While eating at the hotel, someone put something in Ning Jun's cup. The drink was drunk by Su Yuan. Su Yuan only realized something was wrong when he went to the bathroom.

He was hot all over, so he poured a handful of cold water on his face, leaned on the sink and looked at the person in the mirror with flushed face and watery eyes, and cursed in a low voice.

I'm afraid it's too late to go home at this time. Fortunately, there is an open room upstairs. It was originally used to prevent everyone from getting drunk and resting. Now it's just used for emergency.

Su Yuan forced himself back to the private room, saying that he was dizzy from drinking too much, and that his friends hadn't noticed anything wrong with him yet. Someone yelled, "Brother Su, the upstairs room has prepared a surprise for you. Go and have a look hahaha!"

Su Yuan was startled, and a key card was stuffed in his hand. He looked around, but he didn't see Ning Jun's figure. He hurried upstairs and opened the room. As soon as he turned on the light, he saw Ning Jun was tied to the bed.

Ning Jun had a dark face, and when he saw Su Yuan, he sneered: "Su Yuan, are you capable? You can use such indecent methods?"

Su Yuan leaned his back against the door, the effect of the medicine was overwhelming, he was dizzy, he didn't dare to approach Ning Jun at all, he could only explain incoherently: "'s not me...I don't know..."

Only then did Ning Jun notice that Su Yuan looked very strange, frowned, and called him: "Su Yuan, come here and untie the rope for me."

Su Yuan felt that there was no part of his body that was not uncomfortable. He slammed his head on the door twice, and then walked towards the bed in a disorderly manner. He finished untying the rope on Ning Jun's feet in a dizzy state, and then separated his legs and stepped on the bed. Sitting on Ning Jun's waist, tremblingly, he untied the knot on Ning Jun's left wrist.

The blush spread from Su Yuan's face to his neck. Su Yuan's eyes seemed to contain puddles of water, full and moving. He lay on Ning Jun's body defenselessly, and his warm breath sprayed on Ning Jun's body. ears.

Ning Jun stared at him closely, his eyes were as bright as a wolf who wanted to eat someone.

Su Yuan couldn't stand it halfway through the solution. He lowered his head and rubbed Ning Jun's face, tears rolled in his eyes, his complexion was glowing, and he sobbed softly: "Ning Jun, I feel bad."

Ning Jun's breathing was a little heavy, but Su Yuan didn't notice it. He twisted his waist in this position, then rubbed Ning Jun's neck and chest with his hot face, kissed Ning Jun's chin and Adam's apple indiscriminately, and called Ning Jun's name in a crying voice: "Ning Jun... Ning Jun... Jun... Ning Jun..."

Ning Jun took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "Untie the rope."

In a trance, Su Yuan felt that Ning Jun seemed to be leaving, and shook his head vaguely: "I don't." Then he started to take off Ning Jun's clothes, but found that the shirt could not be completely taken off, so anxious that he wanted to cry, and started calling Ning Jun again. Jun's name: "Ning Jun..."

Ning Jun's eyes were bloodshot, and he slowed down his voice to coax him: "Untie the rope for me, and I won't leave."

Su Yuan didn't know that this was a sign that the wild beast was about to hunt for food. He didn't notice the danger, hesitated for a moment, and obediently untied the rope.

As soon as Ning Jun's hand was released, he panted heavily and pushed Su Yuan back under him, tore off his clothes, and groped for something to use in the cabinet.

When Su Yuan woke up, Ning Jun was not on the bed.

Su Yuan was stunned for a while, unable to remember everything that happened last night, only remembering that he seemed to be holding Ning Jun and crying.

He lifted the quilt, and as soon as his legs touched the ground, he hissed. Not only because of a dull pain in a hidden place behind him, but also because of the viscous liquid that slid down from the root of his thigh when he stood up.

Su Yuan blushed, but heard a "bang" behind him. He turned around and saw Ning Jun put the water glass heavily on the table, turned his head and walked out.

"Ning Jun!"

Su Yuan opened his mouth and startled himself, how could his voice be so hoarse.

Ning Jun stopped where he was, without looking back.

Su Yuan looked at his back, and didn't know what to say for a moment. After thinking about it, he explained what happened last night in a hoarse voice: "I didn't put the things in the cup, I tied you up... I don't know .you… "

Before he finished speaking, Ning Jun suddenly seemed impatient, walked away, and slammed the door to go out.

Su Yuan froze in place.

Speaking of which, he was indeed responsible for this matter, but he didn't expect that Ning Jun didn't even bother to listen to the explanation.

Sure enough, things like feelings cannot be truly satisfied by taking them by force.

Su Yuan supported his waist, sat on the edge of the bed to rest for a while, and then went to take a shower tiredly.

After this incident, Su Yuan calmed down for two days, thinking it was a reasonable excuse.

He called Ning Jun, without giving Ning Jun a chance to speak, he said bluntly: "You are responsible for what happened that night, move here and live with me."

He didn't wait for Ning Jun's answer, he hung up the phone directly, buried his head in the pillow, was afraid that Ning Jun would not obey his order, and felt guilty.

He really went too far with Ning Jun. He knew that Ning Jun didn't like him, and he forced Ning Jun to be with him. He obviously slept with Ning Jun after drinking the wrong thing. Jun lived with him.

Su Yuan bit his lower lip, sank into the pillow, and hypnotized himself: Maybe Ning Jun will like him after a long time.

The next day, Su Yuan took an apartment near the university he applied for, and lived with Ning Jun there.

Su Yuan's father knew about the two of them for a long time, and when he heard that Su Yuan was going to move out, he just patted Su Yuan's head and said gently, "Tell Dad if you have any difficulties, and Dad will help you solve it."

Su Yuan nodded obediently.

Su Yuan's mother died of illness when Su Yuan was young. Su Yuan was the only son in the family. His father had been busy with his career all these years. Although he was busy, he loved his only son very much. Should not. This is also Su Yuan's confidence to threaten Ning Jun.