After Being Kidnapped by the Crown Prince

Chapter 95


Something always needs to be said.

It would be great if she could hide it for the rest of her life, but she was still suffering from the pain, and it was difficult for Zhao Shi to remain indifferent.

Mingzhu had a blank expression on her face. After a while, she seemed to have delayed hearing what he said. The delicate eyebrows slowly wrinkled, and the pain in the dark pupils gradually spread.

She stared at him blankly, speechless.

Zhao Shi stared straight into her eyes, and his outstretched hand fell stiffly into the air.

She shrank her body and hid in the corner with fear in her eyes, her posture was like a taut string.

Zhao Shi slowly approached her and knelt on her waist. His eyes were bloodshot at some point, and his pale face was completely bloodless. His fingertips trembled slightly, and his cold thumb gently stroked her cheek. The voice sounded like lead, hoarse and unpleasant: "I didn't prepare that glass of wine."

Mingzhu was still confused. After a long time, she seemed to understand the meaning of his words. She looked at Zhao Shi and her eyes changed, from one of avoidance to one of fear.

How did he know about that glass of wine

Why did he suddenly talk about things he shouldn't know

Could it be that Zhao Shi was dreaming? But he is not a person who believes in ghosts and supernatural powers, let alone some ridiculous dreams.


Unless he's like her.

Mingzhu shuddered and couldn't help but tremble all over. She said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhao Shi held her trembling hand. His eyes were so tight that it really hurt. He took a deep breath and the sharp pain in his chest slowly calmed down. He said, "That's Sheng Sheng." The wine prepared by Ling."

Mingzhu pretended not to understand and could no longer pretend, but what was the point of Zhao Shi coming to tell her this now? Now that she thought about the miserable situation when someone grabbed her chin and forced her to drink, she still felt suffocated.

That glass of wine is like a knife.

Slit her throat.

He also cut all the internal organs in her body.

Corroded cleanly.

Mingzhu raised her lips and sneered. She raised her eyes, with strong hatred and resentment in her slightly red eyes, "What's the use of telling me all this?"

Did he want to tell her that he didn't want to kill her

But in everything he did back then, did he treat her as a human being? Even if he was somewhat sincere towards her, he wouldn't do so many autocratic things.

What's more, in those clear dreams, she watched him have the wine delivered to her.

No regrets at all

‌There is no half-hearted reluctance.

Mingzhu was out of breath, her chest was rising and falling violently, and her breathing sounded a little breathless, "Did you really not want my life at that time? You kept saying you liked me, but did you like me? This face? Or not? Is that so? I don’t have any talent that can impress you, nor do I have a respectable family background. You just like my body.”

She was so emotional when she said this that her tears rolled down unconsciously.

She seemed to be saying to herself, and she seemed to be saying to him: "So, if you want to kill me, I can figure it out. My existence seems to have ruined your reputation."

He is a bright gentleman, His Royal Highness the Prince, who is as cold and aloof as the moon.

Outhouses should not be kept.

It's even more inappropriate to have a wife before marrying the Crown Princess.

Zhao Shi's hands were burned by her tears, and he knew that his explanations were mostly weak.

"That glass of wine passed through my hand, and I asked the imperial doctor to check it." After a pause, even Zhao Shi didn't know if he should continue.

Do you really want to say it

Does he really dare to say it

Zhao Shi smiled faintly, with a bitter smile: "There is a medicine in it that makes it impossible to get pregnant."

Mingzhu's whole body was shaking, her lips were pale, and the confusion in her eyes gradually turned into a deep disbelief.

Zhao Shi held her cheeks with both hands, his fingers almost too hot to hold because of her tears. He endured the severe pain in his heart and spoke every word like a knife: "I didn't stop them. I treated them as nothing." I don’t know, let them bring that glass of wine to you.”

Mingzhu really didn't want to cry at all, those specious dreams had already given her the answer.

Zhao Shi continued: "I don't know when that glass of wine was replaced."

Mingzhu's head was dizzy and her body had no strength. She gritted her teeth and silently stared at him with a pair of tearful eyes full of resentment.

Zhao Shi was afraid that she would bite her tongue, so he used a little force with his fingers to spread her lips and teeth, and passed his fingers over. He said, "Bite me, but don't bite yourself."

Mingzhu was not polite to him at all. She bit his fingers hard with a few sharp teeth. She tasted the blood and did not stop.

Zhao Shi felt pain, but the pain on his fingers was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

After a long time, Mingzhu vented her anger and finally relaxed. Her white lips were dyed light red by his blood. She whispered: "What's the difference between you and Sheng Ling?" Woolen cloth."

Does it matter what’s in that glass of wine? not important.

Zhao Shi treated her as a plaything from the beginning to the end, and it didn't matter whether he was dead or injured.

He went against her will unscrupulously and hurt her again and again.

Zhao Shi tried to think about how she would react after knowing this. Anger, sadness, sorrow, and hatred were definitely not the same as he and Sheng Ling were now saying lightly and lightly.

Zhao Shi swallowed the rusty taste in his throat and said, "I really didn't want you to have children at that time."

So I just used that method.

Mingzhu raised her head and looked at him expressionlessly. She raised her hand and slapped him hard on the face.

Zhao Shi was slapped across the face by her, and his face was numb, but it wasn't particularly painful.

After he was beaten, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Zhao Shi grabbed her hand, "Does it hurt?"

Mingzhu's hands seldom hit anyone, the skin was tender and the flesh was tender, and the palms were red.

Zhao Shi lowered his eyes and quietly rubbed her wrist for her.

Mingzhu kicked him with her feet, but Zhao Shi didn't fight back or hit back. She didn't care if she scratched a few fingernail marks on his face.

Mingzhu's strength gradually weakened and she knelt down beside the bed, her hair disheveled and said nothing.

Zhao Shi held her in his arms silently, "You were covered in blood at that time. I was thinking how could a person bleed so much?"

He knelt on the ground holding her body, shaking his hands like crazy and covering the corners of her mouth, trying to stop the blood that kept overflowing from the corners of her mouth, but it was of no avail.

Mingzhu was forced to stay in his arms. The man's palm gently held the back of her head, and her chin hit his chest. She listened to his whispers with an expressionless face, her ears numb.

A dark mist rose up in front of Zhao Shi's eyes, and the water mist condensed into water droplets, making his eyes wet. He said, "I will kill them, and then I will force Sheng Ling to death."

A person's heart hardens slowly.

Sheng Ling finally hanged herself. Before she died, she wrote him a letter, describing in detail how she let those nannies kill Pearl.

After Zhao Shi read the letter, he went to Sheng Ling with his sword in hand, but she had already decided on her own.

Zhao Shi seemed to be talking to himself, and he didn't know if the person in his arms was listening carefully.

Maybe not.

He babbled: "They are all dead. I am not very happy."

If he really wanted to avenge her, the first person he should kill was himself.

After hearing these words, Mingzhu's expression did not change. She was cold and indifferent, as if she had just listened to someone else's story.

Zhao Shi couldn't help but move closer to her waist, hugging her tightly so as not to lose her.

A tear rolled down quietly and soon disappeared without a trace.

He said sorry to her in a gentle voice.

Zhao Shi has an introverted personality and can hide things he doesn't want to say in his heart for the rest of his life. But today, he almost wanted to dig out his heart and show it to her.

Look, his heart is not all black.

"The first time I saw you, you weren't even wearing socks, you were soaking in the lake with your bare feet, and your smile was brighter than the sun." Zhao Shi said slowly, "The first time I saw you, I felt like ‌You are very beautiful, more beautiful than them all."

He secretly observed her for a long time, wishfully thinking that since he had seen her feet, he should marry her.

Originally, he wanted to make her his concubine.

Later I learned that she was already engaged.

Zhao Shijue felt regretful and thought about letting go. But I couldn't resist the lovesickness day and night, and in the end I still did the things I once disdained.

The Ming family was reluctant at first, and explained that Ru was more suitable for the position of concubine, and that if Mingzhu was not the main concubine, she would rather die than submit to him.

Zhao Shi had not yet doubted the Ming family's story at that time, and obviously did not accept this trick, so he became angry at that time.

If she refused to drink a toast, she would be fined with wine, so he had her tied up in another courtyard.

Doesn't she want to die

He wanted her to die without his permission.

But it turned out that Mingzhu was much more well-behaved than he imagined, and she was not at all like the ambitious Ming family said she was.

Mingzhu said with a straight face: "I don't want to hear it."

Zhao Shi paused for a moment and continued in a gentle voice: "It's because I didn't do a good enough job, Zhuzhu..."

He swallowed his sore throat and said, "In the beginning, I really wanted to take care of you for the rest of my life."


forever happy.

It's a pity that he did so badly.

Mingzhu closed her eyes: "Oh."

Zhao Shi would not ask her for forgiveness. He smiled and said, "You can rest assured, I am not doing well."

They are walking zombies who are worse off than dead.

Can't see pairs of people and objects.

I couldn't hear anyone mention her name.

No wife, no children.

Zhao Shi was willing to reveal his painful side and let her enjoy the pleasure of equal revenge, which made her feel so uneasy.

"I couldn't sleep all night long. Isn't that enough? For a few years, I had hallucinations, as if I saw you. I talked to you, but you ignored me. I talked to the air. I heard you tell me to get lost.”

Zhao Shi smiled as he spoke, as if coaxing a child: "By the way, do you want to know how I died?"

Mingzhu's fingernails turned white and she tugged at his clothes: "I don't want to know."

Zhao Chi wanted to say: "I used the dagger my mother gave me to stab myself."

"Stab through the heart."

"It does hurt."

Kneeling on the ground, he lowered his eyes and watched the blood trickling down from his chest.