After Being Turned Into a Dog, I Conned My Way Into Freeloading at My Rival’s Place

Chapter 39



At nine o'clock, the game officially started.

The staff first brought out the main pets from No. 1 to No. 10, and played the games one by one, and then went to pick up the main pets from No. 11 to 20 when the first round was halfway through.

Ning Yan observed it, and sure enough, most of the dogs didn't go through specific training, and they couldn't even walk the route. It was also dragged on for a long time. There were people laughing and chatting at the scene. Occasionally, the dog thought of jumping in a circle again, only to attract a sparse applause.

Later, the organizers felt that it would not be possible to continue like this, so they limited the time to three minutes.

Theoretically, it doesn't take a minute to complete the entire course. If it is not completed within three minutes, the challenge will be considered a failure.

Ning Yan looked very energetic, and felt that he would definitely win against these stupid dogs! And after more than an hour, the staff came to call No. 31 to No. 40.

As soon as the fully-armed Lin Rong moved, the aunts and uncles around noticed him, and they didn't know if it was really too tall and conspicuous, and immediately slapped Lin Rong's back with a few hands.

The aunts and uncles said enthusiastically: "Come on, young man!"

"Like a star!"

"Hey, that sounds familiar..."

Lin Rong nodded politely at them, and then... pulled the brim of the fisherman hat lower.

After waiting in line, Ning Yan finally met the German Shepherd from a week ago.

The old man still wore a white undershirt today, smiled and said hello to Lin Rong, and said, "Our family Lulu has come here for a walk these days, and every time I have to squat here for a while, looking around, it seems that Do you really miss your puppy, hey, is your family really male?"

While speaking, the German Shepherd stared at Ning Yan with those deep, dark dog eyes.

Ning Yan stared at it speechlessly, and continued to watch the game without thinking, with a flick of his tail.

The German Shepherd gasped and smiled again.

Lin Rong's face froze, she stepped forward and quietly blocked the little white dog, her voice was low and tense: "Our family is indeed male every night."

"That's a pity, it's rare to see him being so attentive to other puppies," the uncle shook his head and sighed, "He didn't even look at the little bitches when they came up to him."

With that said, De Mu stretched out his paw and patted Ning Yan.

Ning Yan turned his head away unhappily: "Wang!"


German Shepherd "hahaha" gasping for breath, his face happy.

Lin Rong's face turned blue, and she hugged Ning Yan directly.

Ning Yan's field of vision suddenly became higher, he looked up at the man suspiciously, flicked his tail, and stayed comfortably in the man's arms, watching the game intently.

Lin Rong breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at the German Shepherd with a warning.

The German Shepherd stopped breathing, closed his mouth, and stared at Lin Rong.

Lin Rong narrowed his eyes slightly.

The German Shepherd also narrowed his eyes.

Lin Rong's eyes were cold.

German Shepherd's eyes were also cold.

One person and one dog were fighting with their eyes like this, and finally it was the turn of De Mu, De Mu stood up, and then whispered to Ning Yan: "Wang!"

Ning Yan shivered and looked down, De Mu's ears twitched and he walked towards the field with small, vigorous steps.

"Hey, just get involved, get involved," the old man fanned the paper fan, "We haven't practiced Lulu in our family, ah, what, I said it's time to start, right? Come on—"

The old man smiled and said casually: "Start-"

As soon as the word "beginning" hit the ground, the German shepherd rushed out like an arrow, so shocked that the old man almost lost his fan.

The German Shepherd bypassed a row of wooden poles, rushed to the trapezoidal wooden platform, jumped over two iron rings, climbed the slide and slid down quickly, and jumped over five shorter horizontal bars—

The pulled leg muscles in the running room, the sassy heroic posture, the calm expression...

In the end, the German Shepherd got on a trapezoidal wooden platform, jumped over an iron ring, and reached the end!

Thirteen seconds!

Thirteen seconds!

The audience was silent for a second, and then the aunts and uncles screamed.

"This is trained? This has to be professionally trained!"

"Isn't this a retired police dog?"

"This breed is called German Shepherd, isn't it? It's worthy of being a big wolf dog!"

"We have to take the first place!"

"Compared with this one, our family is really stupid!"

Ning Yan was also shocked.

After regaining his senses, he immediately grabbed Lin Rong's arm with both claws, baring his teeth!

They were all bronze just now, but now they have become a king! !

Originally, he wanted to be the first and only king!

When Lin Rong saw the little white dog's annoyed look, he immediately calmed down and comforted him: "Good night, you can definitely take the first place."

Ning Yan snorted out of his nose-must be! How can he be compared by a group of real dogs, he should lose face!

The German shepherd left the field, the old man hugged him in surprise and called "lulu" and "lulu", the reporter and the photographer had already walked over to interview.

The old man had ever been on the TV station, his face blushed immediately, he scratched his sparse and gray hair at a loss, straightened the baggy white undershirt, and his shy voice was much lower.

The German Mu sat there, looking at Ning Yan from a distance, with a flick of his tail.

Ning Yan is furious!

That dog was showing off to him, definitely showing off to him!

The staff called: "Mr. Ning, Ye Ye, go to the starting point."

"Good night, don't be angry, come on later," Lin Rong reassured her wholeheartedly, then frowned and reminded, "But also be careful not to get hurt, okay?"

The little white dog stared at the starting point ambitiously, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

Lin Rong's brows furrowed even more, and she opened her mouth to call "Yan Yan", but she swallowed it anyway.

When he put the little white dog at the starting point, he warned again seriously: "Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

Ning Yan thought to himself, the competition has to go all out! It is not up to him to decide whether he will be injured or not in the process of going all out, sometimes it is accidental!

Lin Rong looked at him fixedly and whispered, "Is your baby obedient?"

Ning Yan: "!!!"

He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Rong dumbfounded.

What did the pervert call him

The man's ears were slightly red, he looked away, and finally turned around and said calmly, "Are you obedient?"

Ning Yan stared at him deeply, motionless.

Lin Rong closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said in a lower voice, "Baby, will you be obedient?"

Ning Yan trembled as if an electric current ran through the spine, and almost cried out in a broken voice: "Wang Wang Wang!"

Come on, big pervert, smelly pervert!

He heard it!


The staff reminded: "That, sir, when can we start?"

Lin Rong hesitated, stood up and stepped aside.

The little white dog barked two more times in situ, circled around him, and when he returned to the starting point, he fell down, and a small tail was almost thrown out of the afterimage!

Lin Rong: "…"

Why does Yan Yan seem to be more excited

The staff urged again: "Please start."

Lin Rong covered her forehead and said, "Yan... Ye Ye, let's go... "

The voice fell, and the little white dog rushed out with a "swoosh"!

Although the little white dog is small and a string, it looks not as tall and mighty as the German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Bian Shepherd, etc., but it also looks like a small cannonball!

Since the performance of the German Shepherd just now has drawn the attention of the masses and pushed the enthusiasm to the highest point, as soon as Ning Yan set off, this performance attracted warm applause!


"let's go!"

"Jump, jump!"

It's true that Ning Yan hasn't exercised vigorously for a long time, so he started to gasp as soon as he rushed off the trapezoidal wooden platform. But his sportsmanship is particularly good, that is, to persevere to the end and never give up, so he gritted his teeth and scurried up the slide. horizontal bar!

One, two, three, four, five...

worn out!

Ning Yan ran with gold stars in his eyes, and in a trance, he heard the man calling him worriedly, and also heard the uncles and aunts shouting at the time: "Hurry up, hurry up, it's almost thirteen seconds!"

Ning Yan: "..."

Ning Yan: "Ouch!"

He suddenly exerted his strength, sprinted in the end, rushed over the trapezoidal wooden platform, jumped over the last iron ring, and then fell directly into the arms of the crouched man like a waste dog!

"Thirteen seconds and two!" The staff announced the time.

Ning Yanru was struck by lightning! The sky is falling!

0.2 seconds off? ! Just a fraction of a second! !

Lin Rong felt that the little white dog was still trembling slightly after the strenuous exercise. Hearing the time chime directly petrified, he immediately comforted: "It's okay, it's already very powerful, Ye Ye."

Ning Yan shook with anger, then choked out a sob and cried out "Ow".

Lin Rong panicked, and hugged the dog like a child and coaxed him: "Don't cry every night, it's already very powerful, Ye Ye be good..."

"Oh, oh, this is a grievance," the old man just finished the interview and came over to take a look, "This, is it so sad?"

The German Shepherd was at the old man's feet, looking up at the little white dog crying "Ow Ow", his dog face became serious.

The reporter followed, and couldn't help but glanced at Lin Rong more.

The photographer said in a low voice, "This person and that dog look a little familiar."

The reporter was stunned and said, "Have you been on TV before?"

The photographer thought for a while, then shook his head: "I can't remember it all at once."

The reporter thought for a while, stepped forward, handed over the microphone and smiled: "Hello, can you accept the interview?"

Before the little white dog in his arms was coaxed, Lin Rong turned his head when he heard the sound, and fell silent.

The reporter thought he had acquiesced, looked at the little white dog who was lying in his arms and barked sadly, and said with a smile, "Is this crying?"

Lin Rong stroked the little white dog's back, and said in a low voice, "He has high expectations for this game."


This, this answer is a bit spiritual

The reporter held up his glasses and teased at the little white dog: "Thirteen seconds and two is already a good result. The first in the competition is friendship and the second, my friend."

Ning Yan turned around and gave a dissatisfied look.

There is no friendship, the game must be the first!

The little white dog's eyes were moist and stubborn, and at first glance it really looked like a child who just cried and refused to admit defeat, so cute.

The reporter was stunned, covered his little heart, and asked, "Can I touch it?"

Lin Rong said calmly, "He is not used to the contact of strangers, so he may be afraid."

"Oh, that's fine." The reporter regretted and turned to ask Lin Rong some questions, such as whether he had trained before, how, and whether he had participated in similar competitions before.

Lin Rong politely replied with both truth and falsehood. In the end, the reporter finished the interview. Looking at Ning Yan, his eyes were still a little bit restless and reluctant.

Ning Yan thought it was miserable enough to be defeated by a German Shepherd, but a Bian Shepherd came next and won the championship in eleven seconds.

Ning Yan's eyes were no longer bright.

Lin Rong: "…"

At the end of the game, the organizers invited one, two or three dogs to the stage.

Meteorite Bian Mule sat hahaha on the highest platform in the middle, tilting his head proudly at the master, who happily kept taking pictures and shouting his name, like the parent of a student who won the first place in the sports competition!

While German Shepherd sat dignifiedly on the second highest stage, Ning Yan lay on the other side of Bian Shepherd without a soul.

This scene made the onlookers burst into laughter, and most people's attention was focused on Ning Yan.

"Hey, so unhappy?"

"I'm so tired, I'm all down!"

"Hahaha, this puppy is too funny!"

Lin Rong covered his forehead.

When the organizers presented awards to the dogs, an even more magical scene appeared.

Xiaojinguan was the first of Meteorite Bianmu. Meteorite Bianmu put on the little golden crown, held his chest out for the owner to take a dozen pictures, and suddenly lowered his head cautiously and let the little golden crown fall to the ground, then bit it up and took it out. The little golden crown was placed on top of the little white dog on the side.

Ning Yan was shocked and quickly got up, the little golden crown on top of his head was crooked.

"..." The owner of the Meteorite Border Shepherd turned his head and asked Lin Rong, "Is your dog a female?"

Lin Rong was expressionless: "Public."

The Meteorite Border Shepherd was stunned: "How could that be?!"

Lin Rong's face was expressionless.

Ning Yan was shocked, and turned to look at the meteorite Bianmu.

Meteorite Bianmu raised his paws, patted his back, then turned and jumped off the stage, and walked towards his master handsomely.

Ning Yan stared blankly at Bian Mu's elegant back, unable to recover for a long time.

The German Shepherd lay down, baring his teeth.

Lin Rong's face turned blue again.

And that night, the news at 6:00 p.m. on City A's TV station exploded.

The author has something to say: Lin Rong: Why is Yan Yan so popular with male dogs and female dogs

Ning Yan: Then why are you so popular with cats? Reflect on yourself ╮(╯▽╰)╭


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uhh 1 landmine was thrown

ZyZj threw 1 mine

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