After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 14


The competition on Yanjianping is still going on, but it is more appropriate to say that it is unilaterally crushed.

When the fight really started, Feng Qi didn't look tired at all, and whipped at Xu Zixing with whip after whip. The latter could barely cope with dodging at first, but then his physical strength gradually failed to keep up, and he was whipped several times in a row.

"It's too slow, get up." Feng Qi threw his whip around Xu Zixing's leg and pulled him to one knee, "I heard that you were promoted from the yellow character level to the mysterious character level in the first year of school, why is that? ability?"

"You..." Xu Zixing raised his head while panting with bloodshot eyes.

Feng Qi's attack wasn't heavy, and at this level, Xian wouldn't even leave scars on his skin, but he could see clearly that this person was teasing him at all.

Qi Xuan never mentioned what happened before, but Ji Chaoyun asked Qi Xuan to trouble him in front of the classroom, and many people saw it. Although Xu Zixing was not present, he could roughly guess that it must have something to do with the purse.

The only thing that surprised him was that Feng Qi helped Ji Chaoyun to suppress this matter.

Not only Feng Qi, but also Jiang Cheng.

After knowing this, Jiang Cheng immediately rushed to the Sea of Nowhere to redeem the purse he sold. From then on, he knew he was wrong.

But he didn't understand why these people had to support the demon dragon, who clearly—

"Hmm!" Xu Zixing lost his mind for a while, and was knocked to the ground by Feng Qi's whip.

The latter flicked the long whip in his hand at will, and reprimanded in a cold voice: "You still have to be distracted when you fight with me, Xu Zixing, what are you doing all day? stand up!"

Xu Zixing staggered and stood up: "Don't go too far, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Feng Qi made another move. Xu Zixing couldn't care about other things, and hurriedly dodged left and right. And from the beginning to the end, Feng Qi didn't even move a step.

"Hey... It's been more than 30 whips, is it okay to fight like this?" In the distance, several yellow-character disciples sat under the shade of a tree, looking at the tragic battle in the distance.

"It's so ruthless, you have to lie on the bed for several days." Ye Chenxing was amazed, "How on earth did Xu Zixing offend this ancestor and rob his daughter-in-law?"

"Cough cough—" Ji Chaoyun was choked by him and coughed for a while, and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Am I wrong?" Ye Chenxing said, "That flower peacock has always been defiant, who dares to provoke him, and who have you seen him care about? Hey, Xu Zixing is afraid that he will hit the iron plate now."

A few people behind him were still discussing in a low voice, Ji Chaoyun stared at the tall figure in the barrier in the distance and lost his mind for a while.

Suddenly, the barrier shattered. Xu Zixing was kicked out of the barrier by Feng Qi, and he tumbled several times on the grass until he stopped at Ji Chaoyun's feet.

Everyone: "… "

Feng Qi put away the golden whip and walked towards the crowd as if nothing had happened: "What were you talking about?"

Ye Chenxing shrank back behind Ji Chaoyun with a guilty conscience, but Ji Chaoyun couldn't escape, so he had to bite the bullet and answer, "It's nothing."

Feng Qi lowered his eyes to look at Ji Chaoyun, his lips curled into a smile that was not a smile.

He glanced at Xu Zixing, who was lying on the grass and couldn't get up, and said loudly, "I'm here today, but if you don't pass the test, let me copy the practice method a hundred times, especially you Xu Zixing, you copy it. Three hundred times, give it to me to see for myself."

After Feng Qi said this, he lowered his head and said to Ji Chaoyun, "I'll go back first, don't go to the Cloud Tower tonight, go directly to Wen Qufeng, I have something to tell you."


Feng Qi urged in a low voice, "Speak, do you hear me?"

"… understood."

"That's good." Feng Qi smiled with satisfaction and said, "Go and practice."

After he finished speaking, he stepped over the half-dead Xu Zixing and swaggered away.

"..." Ji Chaoyun sighed helplessly, and when he turned his head, a group of yellow-character disciples looked at him in astonishment.

Ye Chenxing's expression was like sleepwalking: "What did he, what did he just say...?"

Beiran was also in a trance: "Back to... Wen Qufeng?"

Ji Chaoyun held his forehead: " listen to my explanation."

Feng Qi did not return to Qu Feng.

At this moment, the disciples are all taking classes on the back mountain, and the square on the front mountain of the main peak is extremely empty. He crossed the mountain from the front, and soon came to the outside of the Inquiry Hall, where the head of the house was dealing with affairs.

Surrounded by cedar in front of the hall, it is clean and elegant. Just as Feng Qi was about to knock on the door, the hall door creaked open.

"..." Feng Qi hesitated strangely and walked in.

There was a faint incense burning in the hall, Tianshu Xianjun sat in the inner room with his eyes closed, and noticed that Feng Qi walked in but did not open his eyes.

Feng Qi politely bowed to him: "Uncle."

Tianshu asked in a low voice: "What are you doing here to find me, and what trouble have you made?"

Feng Qi never mentioned the trouble he just went to the second-class disciple of Xuan Huang's afternoon class, and said with a smile, "Of course not. In your heart, I just love to cause trouble?"

Tianshu was silent: "...Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

The smile in Feng Qi's eyes subsided a little, and he sat sideways on the couch where Tianshu was meditating.

Tianshu took a deep breath and finally raised his head: "What are you asking about?"

Feng Qi: "I read a miscellaneous book in Dengyun Tower before. It was about my Feng Clan senior's calamity and climbing to the sky, so I was a little curious. Since the Feng Clan once had gods, why haven't I seen them before?"

"Naturally you have never seen it before. That was before you were born." Tianshu seemed relieved and explained, "Three hundred years ago, the gods and demons fought, and the gods suffered heavy damage, so they had to recuperate, and could no longer step out of the gods. My old wounds were also left at that time."

Feng Qi frowned slightly and asked, "In other words, since three hundred years ago, there have been no gods in the Immortal Realm anymore?"

"Not as far as I know."

Feng Qi rolled his eyes and continued to ask, "Does that uncle know about the deed?"

Tianshu said: "The divine deed is the unique seal of the gods. After the divine deed is imposed, only the person who has made a contract with him or who is connected by blood can open it. It is a kind of guardian seal. If you really want to know about the divine domain, change it. Which Immortal Monarch I will arrange to teach a lesson with the disciples is that."

"Thank you uncle." Feng Qi pondered for a moment and said, "This disciple will not disturb uncle's cultivation."

After he finished speaking, he bowed to Tianshu and saluted, and was about to leave when Tianshu suddenly stopped him behind him.

"Feng Qi." Tianshu said, "You were at the Heavenly Rank when you entered school. Our Immortal Venerables can't really teach you much. You should have completed your training and left early, but you know why I kept you until now?"

Feng Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he answered truthfully, "Disciple doesn't know."

"You don't know, why didn't you come to ask?" Tianshu stared at the other party's eyes and said slowly, "You haven't been in class or practiced in the past few years, and you have been domineering in the academy because of your high level of cultivation, just want me to kick you out of the academy. "

"… Disciples dare not."

Tianshu snorted coldly and said: "You were raised by me, what are your thoughts, do I still know?... I left you because you are the most promising of the younger generation of disciples to pass through the gate of heaven. people."

"Thousands of years ago, the two realms of immortals and gods were originally one. Later, the gods used boundless power to hold up the realm of the gods. Since then, only the Heavenly Gate of Hongmeng Academy can allow the immortals to ascend to the gods' realm." Tianshu said, "Dengtianmen There are endless karmic fires left by the gods. Only by enduring the pain of karmic fire can you successfully ascend to the sky. For hundreds of years, you are the first person I have seen who has hope."

The room was dark, and Feng Qi stood at the intersection of light and shadow, unable to see his expression clearly.

After a short while, he chuckled and said, "Thank you uncle for your high hopes, but the disciple has never been ambitious, and I am afraid that uncle will be disappointed."

Tianshu obviously didn't expect him to answer like this, and immediately froze: "You..."

Feng Qi: "That's all I have to say, the disciple retire."

Feng Qi turned around and left the Palace of Asking Hearts, the door of the hall slowly closed, and the hall returned to silence. For a long time, only a faint sigh could be heard from Immortal Tianshu in the dimly lit hall.

It's time for the evening, and the evening class ends. When Ji Chaoyun returned to Qufeng, Feng Qi was sitting by the lotus pond feeding the fish.

Hearing the footsteps, Feng Qi raised his eyes and waved to him with a smile: "Come here."

Ji Chaoyun asked, "What are you doing with me?"

"I can't find you anymore?" Feng Qi didn't answer directly, but said, "I gave you such a bad breath today, so you shouldn't thank me? Or do you think that's not enough? How are you going to deal with him? I'll help you."

"..." Ji Chaoyun was silent for a moment, "No need."

"Really?" Feng Qi propped his chin to observe his expression, and asked half-jokingly, "I obviously helped you, but why do I think you don't seem very happy."

"I didn't." Ji Chaoyun stood by the stone bridge and said softly, "I... very happy, Feng Qi, over the years, you were the first person who would help me get revenge after I was bullied. I I used to think... that there would be no one in this world willing to help me."

"Then how do you..."

"But next time, please, don't do this again." Ji Chaoyun stared at the koi rushing in the water and said with difficulty, "Xu Zixing tried to get out of Jiangcheng's behalf before, but I couldn't get angry, so he wounded him with spirit Gu. In exchange, he has intensified his actions. This is the way the world is, where grievances are repaid, and there are more incidents."

"Could it be that you would rather endure this breath?"

"No, that's not what I meant..." Ji Chaoyun shook his head, "I've encountered worse things than this. In the final analysis, I'm not strong enough. It's good to be attached to others, but some people can protect you for a while, but they can't. In the end, I can only rely on myself. I have understood this three hundred years ago."

Feng Qi was startled.

Ji Chaoyun raised his hand and touched the purse that was still exuding a little heat through his clothes: "Feng Qi, I'm very grateful for your help, but really... let's stop there."

Don't give him any more hope, it's enough to experience this kind of thing once.

Feng Qi stared at his face, the stars were shining brightly in the sky, and the clear brilliance of the moon was reflected in the water, making Ji Chaoyun's face extremely pale.

After a while, Feng Qi threw the bait in his hand into the water, patted the hem of his clothes and stood up: "I understand what you mean, and I appreciate your thinking, but there is something you said wrong."


Feng Qi suddenly leaned forward, Ji Chaoyun instinctively stepped back, and his back hit the guardrail beside the stone bridge.

The distance between the two of them instantly became only a millimeter, he stared at those dark and clear eyes, with a playful and proud look in his eyes: "I don't know what you have encountered, and you have become so preoccupied with gains and losses that you can't believe others. But I'm different from others, I can't protect the people Feng Qi wants to protect."

He straightened up and rubbed Ji Chaoyun's hair: "So, focus on your cultivation, don't think about it. If you stay in Hongmeng Academy for one day, I will not let you be wronged. When you can leave here, you have become strong enough. Naturally, I no longer need my protection."

He stepped back a little, the familiar and domineering aura he exerted on Ji Chaoyun disappeared, and the latter gradually regained his breath.

Feng Qi turned around and walked towards the bedroom. Ji Chaoyun opened his mouth to call him, only to realize that his voice was startlingly hoarse: "Why are you helping me?"

Feng Qi took a step.

"Because..." He lowered his head and suppressed the soft smile in his eyes, but his words changed when he reached his lips. "Of course it's because someone wants me to help you."


"Don't worry about this." Feng Qi waved his hands without turning his head, "I don't plan to ask someone to clean up the bedroom on the right, you can do it yourself when you have time. But before finishing, I will allow you to sleep in my bedroom. ."

The author has something to say:

Xiaolong: Some people say something nice, but they give me amnesia, hehe.

ps There is no bug in the timeline of this chapter, it is a foreshadowing =w=


It shows that the revision is a revision, the change is not big, and it does not need to be re-read.