After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 28


Three hundred years ago, the mortal world.

Thousands of miles of ice on the snow-capped mountains, a silver light piercing the sky like a dragon, falling from the sky, showing a thin and slender figure in the snow-covered forest.

The young man was dressed in a silver-white brocade robe, with long hair and a crown, and his temperament was pure and noble.

But his handsome brows were furrowed, and he didn't know who he was arguing with. He kicked the heavy fir tree in front of him as if to vent his anger: "Don't let me go back, I don't want to go back!"

The snow fell head-on, and the boy stepped back half a step to dodge, but heard a chuckle from the forest.

The voice was elegant and very low, as if it came close to the ear.

"Who? What are you sneaking about, come out!"

"Who's sneaking around?" A lazy voice came from the tree, and the boy looked up. The man was leaning on the branch, half of the light golden hem hanging down, and he smiled at the boy, "You little dragon are so unreasonable. , I slept well here, why are you blaming me when you quarrel with me?"

"Phoenix?" The young man narrowed his eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, "This forest is so big, who told you to sleep here?"

"I also really want to know, why did you hit this one with more than 100 fir trees in the forest."

The two of them sat and stood, staring at each other quietly, as if a dark tide spread silently in this silent cedar forest. After a long while, the teenager frowned: "Have I seen you somewhere?"

The man was taken aback: "Have you seen me?"

Before the young man could speak again, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the distance, and it seemed that many people came hurriedly. The young man was about to turn around to look, but was pulled from behind, and his back slammed into the rough tree trunk.

"Shh, don't talk." The man tightly covered his mouth and pulled him behind the tree to hide, and the two almost touched their foreheads.

The teenager stared at the man's handsome eyebrows and eyes, and smelled a bloody breath in his nose.

… he is hurt

The chasing soldiers in the distance finally showed their true bodies, and then came a powerful magic breath. The boy's pupils shrank, and through the gaps in the trees, it was the first time he saw a real demon.

The man's voice transmission sounded in his head: "Don't be afraid, it's just a few lonely demons, I can take you to escape—"

The other party's words came to an abrupt end, as if some kind of huge pain suddenly erupted from this body.

But he didn't make any sound, clenched his teeth and endured all the pain.

The young man lowered his eyes, sighed imperceptibly, his arms exerted force, and the two people's positions were instantly switched.

"you… "

As if he hadn't heard of it, the young man adjusted his clothes, and behind the tree, the demons had come to the front.

The young man glanced at the man, unfolded his palm, and a slender silver sword appeared in his hand: "Hold on, I'll take you out."

Then, a clear sword shadow flashed across the forest.

The man leaned behind the tree and tried his best to look back. The young man's face was as heavy as water, his body was neat, and he was able to kill all the demons without showing any disadvantage.

A touch of snow white in the sword shadow blade light, like a cold light coming out of its sheath, unstoppable.

It was the last sight he saw before he lost consciousness.

When the man woke up again, he was in a wooden house. His shirt was loose, and the wounds on his waist and abdomen had been bandaged. The man tugged up the knot that was tied around the edge of the gauze, and smiled helplessly.

The young man stepped into the house and happened to see his smile. He took a step and said angrily: "I saved you, you still laughing?"

"Stop laughing, thank you young master for saving your life."

The young man put the herbal medicine on the table with a cold face and said, "Your injury is not serious, but you are poisoned."

"Yes." The man said truthfully, pressing on the wound, "The poison of the demons can't kill me, but it collided with my cultivation, resulting in the loss of spiritual power."

"Can you solve it?"

"needs time."

"how long?"

"At least a year and a half, as many as three to five years or even longer."

The boy was silent for a moment, then sat down beside him: "I remember where I saw you."

The man raised his eyebrows, only to hear the young man say softly: "The demons invaded, and the fairyland prayed to the gods, praying for the gods to save the world, and finally got a response. On the day when the gate of the gods was opened, I saw a god led all the gods and soldiers descended from the sky. , they called the god of the sky, God Fengxiao."

The room fell silent for a long time, and after a while, Feng Xiao smiled: "It's me, who are you?"

"Prince Prince of Lingyuan Sea Dragon King of Xianyu, Jun Yan."

"Feng Xiao, why didn't you drink the medicine!" Jun Yan's voice came from inside the house.

In the courtyard, Feng Xiao withdrew his gaze from the distant horizon, straightened up from the reclining chair, and looked back at the boy who came out with the medicine, with a usual gentle smile on the corner of his mouth: "Call me by my name again, no big or small. ."

"Who told you not to drink the medicine well, God." Jun Yan gave him a glance and handed the medicine bowl to him.

Feng Xiao couldn't get rid of it, so he had to drink it obediently: "As I said, no matter how good your fairy medicine is, it will only have a minor effect on me, so don't bother."

He paused and told the truth: "If the kitchen burns down again because of the decoction, I have to help you rebuild it."

Jun Yan's ears were hot, and he said angrily, "Just that one time!"

Feng Xiao smiled without saying a word.

Jun Yan couldn't bear his face, put the empty medicine bowl on the low table beside him, and sat down beside Feng Xiao: "What do you sit here and watch every day?"

"Immortal Realm."

Jun Yan's eyes darkened, and he whispered: "If it is as you said, your secret attack on the Demon Race was betrayed by the people in the Allied Forces of Xianyu, and you will be dead if you go back now. Besides, if you lose your divine power, you will not be able to go back. It doesn't help."

"I know, it's just..." Feng Xiao raised his eyes to the horizon, with a hint of worry in his expression, "The army can't be without a handsome man for a day..."

Jun Yan didn't answer any more, he followed Feng Xiao's gaze, and the sky in the mortal world was as clear as ever. People under this peaceful sky would never have imagined what kind of difficult and cruel battles the Immortal Realm above the Nine Heavens was going through.

Suddenly, the person beside him groaned and almost knocked over the porcelain bowl that Jun Yan had placed on the table.

"Feng Xiao!" Jun Yan hurriedly stood up to help him stabilize, "Why have you been attacking more and more frequently these days, it hasn't happened before."

Feng Xiao shook his head, his face was as pale as paper, but he smiled lightly: "The demons are specially prepared to deal with my poison, naturally it won't be anything ordinary."

Jun Yan pursed his lips, concealed a trace of doubt in his heart, and helped Feng Xiao stumble into the house. He put Feng Xiao back on the bed, but in this moment, a thin layer of thin sweat had already formed on the latter's forehead.

Jun Yan knelt down beside the bed and looked at him blankly.

The handsome-looking man's eyes were slightly closed, and if it weren't for his slightly unsteady breathing, no one would have seen the terrible pain he was going through.

Jun Yan lowered his gaze and landed on the opponent's hand. The hand was slender and pale, and unconsciously grasped the bedding under him, the veins on the back of the hand burst out, and the knuckles were taut and white.

His eyes moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand unexpectedly and held the other's hand.

The pure immortal power was slowly passed through the hands of the two of them. Wherever the immortal power went, the aura that had been restless in Feng Xiao miraculously calmed down.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Xiao's breathing gradually stabilized, and finally fell asleep.

Jun Yan let go of his hand exhausted.

He looked down at the palm of his hand, and the wisps of spiritual power flowing from his fingertips had not dissipated. That was the power of his Dragon Ball.

"Are you crazy? Cut the Dragon Ball to me, what will you do?"

Jun Yan leaned on the bed, his face was pale, and he lowered his eyes and dared not look at him: "I have tried it all these days. The power of Dragon Ball can help you remove the residual poison. As long as the poison is eliminated, you can restore your divine power."

"But you—"

Jun Yan interrupted: "You have been in the mortal world for more than two months. You are tortured by poison every day, but your divine power shows no sign of recovering. Even if you can persist, Xianyu... Xianyu can't continue."

He raised his head and said seriously: "You came to save the world, what is it that I lose a Dragon Ball to save you?"

Feng Xiao looked at the young man's determined expression, but couldn't say a word.

A steady stream of warmth spread from the heart. It was the Dragon Ball with the strongest power and the most pure spiritual power in Lingyuanhai for hundreds of years, and it was also the hot and hot heart of the young man.

Jun Yan said: "My father didn't let me participate in this war, and he also drove me to the mortal world and didn't let me go home. If you take my dragon ball, I can get my wish. When you defeat the demons , after sealing the Demon Realm forever, just return the Dragon Ball to me."

Feng Xiao lowered his head, raised his hand and pressed it against his heart, and finally smiled softly: "Fool."

Jun Yan said displeased: "Why are you like this, I saved you, and you still scold me?"

Feng Xiao looked down at him: "Don't scold, it's too late to hurt you."

The age of the young man was just an adult in Xianyu, and it was the age when his emotions were the most intense and impulsive, and he couldn't hide his thoughts. He raised his head, met Feng Xiao's gaze, and asked in a low voice, "Then can you hug me?"

Feng Xiao was startled.

"It's cold."


"It hurts to cut a dragon ball."


"Feng Xiao..."

Feng Xiao sighed helplessly, but finally couldn't resist the gentle call of the young man, bent down and hugged the person into his arms: "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Feng Xiao hugged the person in his arms tighter, pressed his face to the other's cold forehead, and said softly, "Xiaolong, do you know what it means when you give me the dragon ball?"


Feng Xiao said: "Dragon Ball runs in my body and will be contaminated with my divine power. Even if I return it to you in the future, you will always have my power in you, and so will I."

That is the real common spiritual power, water and milk blending. After that, no matter where and when they are, no matter life or death, they can no longer be separated.

Jun Yan instantly understood what he meant, and there was a slight redness on his pale face for no reason.


"Dang, of course not!"

"It's too late to regret." Feng Xiao sighed, "I don't know anything, so I just sold myself to me, little fool."

"I didn't think about it so much, who would have thought of this..."

"Well, I didn't think so either."

He also didn't expect that the ancient gods who have lived in this world for thousands of years will be planted on a little dragon just like this.

"How many days will it take for your divine power to recover?"

"Ten days."

"Enough." Jun Yan buried his head in Feng Xiao's arms, and said softly, "Before Feng Xiao Shen Shang went back to save the world, you will be mine for ten days."

Ten days later, Feng Xiao regained his divine power and re-entered the Immortal Realm.

After another three days, Lingyuanhai suddenly sent people to the lower realm to bring back the prince Junyan who had lost the Dragon Ball.

Lingyuan Sea, Dragon Palace.

Jun Yanjing sat on the bed, holding a purse tightly in his hand, his expression was frosty.

A slender young man with silver hair and a crown pushed in the door: "Yan'er, when are you going to make trouble?"

Jun Yan did not answer, as if he had never heard of his words.

"You have lost your Dragon Ball, and now you are no different from a mortal. You don't eat, drink, or take medicine for several days. You don't want to die, do you?"

Jun Yan finally raised his head, he laughed lightly: "Isn't this what the father wants to see?"

The Lingyuan Sea Dragon King was startled and looked away: "There is a misunderstanding between us, you eat something obediently, and I will explain it to you slowly."

"Explain? The father should really explain it to me." Jun Yan said, "explain why Fengxiao Shenshang's plan to attack the demons was leaked, explain where the poison on his body came from, and explain why me and him After staying in the mortal world for three months, Ling Yuanhai didn't say a word, but not long after he left, you sent someone to bring me back?"

"Isn't Father surprised to see him come back intact? Did you think about this day when you sent someone to do something with the elixir you gave me?"

The Dragon King's face changed drastically. He closed his eyes slightly, and after a while, he said dumbly, "When did you find out?"

"Feng Xiao discovered it." Jun Yan said in a low voice, "After Feng Xiao took my medicine, not only did it not ease, but the toxicity became more severe, and only then did he realize that there was a problem with the medicine. He had doubts about me, so he just He secretly poured out the medicine without making a sound. He didn't tell me the truth until I cut the Dragon Ball to him."

Jun Yan trembled: "You made me almost hurt him..."

"But how can you be sure that the medicine was manipulated by me?"

"Both Feng Xiao and I don't know who did it. No one in Xianyu can be trusted now. Even if the medicine came from Lingyuan Sea, it can't be concluded that it is related to the Dragon Clan." Jun Yan raised his head and looked at him. Still young and handsome, but with a deeply tired father on his face, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, "But I never told you that I was with Feng Xiao, why did you immediately conclude that I was out when you saw Feng Xiao healed? thing?"

There was a long silence in the room, and after a long time, the Dragon King said softly, "What I gave you is not poison, it just makes him feel better."

"Why… "

"No reason, I just want to protect the Lingyuan Sea." The Dragon King said, "This time, the demons are dispatched, and the immortals pray to the gods for blessings, but they are just asking for the god Fengxiao. Fengxiao is the first phoenix in the world. , is an ancient god, and his strength is indeed strong. But he is facing the entire demon race, do you really think he can win?"

"he can."

"Naive." The Dragon King shook his head, "Take ten thousand steps back, so what if you win. Their gods came to help each other. After the war, they turned and left, leaving a devastated fairyland. Who can afford the damage?"

Jun Yan couldn't believe it: "Just because of this, you are plotting against Feng Xiao? He is here to help us!"

"I didn't think about killing him. After I found out that you met Feng Xiao, I originally wanted you to drag him in the mortal world. After waiting for a year and a half, the demons will settle the fairyland, and even the gods will no longer be able to turn around. The land. The demons have promised that they will let the Lingyuan Sea go after they dominate the Immortal Domain. At that time, everything will return to the way it should be, isn’t it good?”

"...You call that what it should have been like?"

The Dragon King closed his eyes and didn't answer, he snorted coldly: "It's okay to tell you, it's not my Lingyuanhai clan who surrendered to the devil in the fairyland. In the past three months, I don't know how many of the allies in the fairyland are seeking self-protection. Secretly defected. Do you still think that Feng Xiao will definitely win?"

Jun Yan's eyes moved slightly, and his face became even paler.

This is... the Immortal Realm where he has been living, this is the Immortal Realm where Feng Xiao has been tortured by the demonic poison for three months and wants to protect it.

Jun Yan turned over to stay and walked quickly towards the door. But just as he opened the door, he was blocked by a figure.

The third prince, Jun Jue.

Jun Jue's appearance is somewhat similar to Jun Yan, but the brows are more cold. He smiled and asked, "Where do you want to go, brother?"

"… Step aside."

"Don't make trouble with Yan'er." Dragon King said, "Since you already understand the matter, I can't let you step out of this place. It's lost, and we'll find a way to cure it slowly."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Jun Jue: "Be optimistic about your brother, don't let him run around."

"Yes, Father."

"...I later learned that the proposal to cooperate with the demons was actually made by Jun Jue to my father. He reached an agreement with the demons, and the demons promised to help him sit on the throne of the dragon king."

In the courtyard, Ji Chaoyun said in a low voice, "Because of this, Jun Jue didn't dare to let me live until the end of the war, he wanted to assassinate me while my father was not there, but was injured by the phoenix golden ling left by Feng Xiao. You should know what happened next, I took the opportunity to escape, met Ah Zhuo at the seaside of Lingyuan, and asked him to take me to the lower realm."

Feng Qi didn't answer for a long time.

After a while, he said awkwardly: "But Feng Xiao finally won, and he successfully sealed the Demon Domain."

"Yes." Ji Chaoyun stroked the phoenix golden feather through his clothes, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I know he will win, I always believe it."

"and after?"

"Later..." Ji Chaoyun paused, looking up at the distant sky.

The sun has gradually set, and the clouds are shining brightly, reflecting his facial features softly and clearly.

When he arrived in the mortal world, in order to avoid the pursuit and killing, he also completely lost the news of the fairyland.

He has been waiting in the mortal world for more than 300 years. Instead of waiting for someone who wants to wait, he will be killed instead.

Before he died, he knew that the war had been settled 300 years ago. The gods were severely damaged, and the gods recalled all the gods who were injured in the war, blocked the gates of the gods, and would not open them again for a thousand years.

Accidentally reborn to a hundred years ago, he, a fallen demon, ascended, and set foot on this long-lost fairyland again.

The author has something to say:

Three hundred years ago—

Xiaolong: Can you hug me? ovo

Three hundred years later—

Xiaolong: Don't touch me, get out.

Feng Qi: Feng Xiao came out to fight, I'm going to die of acid! ! !