After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 31


The next day, the academy was closed, and each hall held a selection of deacon disciples at the same time.

The quiet academy in the past was rarely lively, with crowds in front of the halls, and the Inspector Hall had the largest number of people.

The Inspector's Hall has a heavy workload, so it recruits the most disciples and has the highest monthly salary. The number of applicants far exceeds that of others. The front door of the Inspector's Hall was like a city, and no one noticed, a shallow golden light slipped into the hall silently.

Feng Qi and Ji Chaoyun appeared in the dark outside the side hall.

The selection of disciples took place in front of the main hall, but the back of the courtyard and several side halls were very quiet, leaving only a few disciples who were in charge of patrolling. Feng Qi took Ji Chaoyun to avoid his eyes and ears, and came to a side hall with ease.

This is the bedroom of Xianjun Yaoguang.

Immortal Lord Yaoguang was busy with the selection of disciples in the main hall at the moment. There was no one in the bedroom, but it was convenient for them to move. Feng Qi quietly pushed open the door and dragged Ji Chaoyun into the house.

This high-ranking little prince of the Feng clan is surprisingly skilled in doing these petty thefts.

Ji Chaoyun slandered to himself.

The furnishings in the bedroom are simple and elegant, a unified style unique to Hongmeng Academy. The door was tightly closed to cut off the light, and there was no light, making it dim.

Feng Qi said: "It's here, let's look for it."

Ji Chaoyun nodded, and the two began to search separately. Immortal Yaoguang's bedroom is not very big, Ji Chaoyun walked around the screen and walked into the inner room. After searching for a moment, he found a sword box beside the bed.

The sword box looked simple and outdated, with engraved patterns on it, and it was faintly felt that there was a sword intent overflowing from it.

"Feng Qi!"

Feng Qi walked in quickly and raised his brows when he saw the sword box: "Is it really hidden?"

He raised his hand and pressed it on the top of the sword box, feeling a little: "Yes, the sword intent in this is indeed the sword of Xianjun Yaoguang. ... He used to wear a sword all the time, but recently he is suddenly unworthy. Instead, hiding the sword in the house is really a guilty conscience."

Ji Chaoyun lowered his eyes and did not answer, vaguely feeling that things were not that simple.

Feng Qi said: "This sword box is not locked, nor is there a spell casting seal. I will open it for you. Is it the sword you chased and killed you in the first place?"

Ji Chaoyun responded, and Feng Qi opened the sword box by magic.

The lid was lifted, and a clear sword intent came into view first.

The matching sword in the box is slender, less than two fingers wide, with a dark-colored jade falling from the hilt, the sword body lying quietly in the silver-white scabbard, faintly glowing with pure immortal power.

Ji Chaoyun's heart sank.

Not the sword that the man in black used to kill him.

Feng Qi observed Ji Chaoyun's expression, frowning slightly: "Isn't it this sword?"

Ji Chaoyun shook his head: "No."

"Are you sure?"

Ji Chaoyun closed his eyes and tried his best to force himself to recall what happened that rainy night. He said with difficulty: "I remember... that sword is very long, but the body of the sword is not so narrow.

"Yes, immortal power." Ji Chaoyun suddenly realized, "There is no immortal power on that sword, so I never thought it was a thing of immortal realm."

Feng Qi's expression darkened a little, and after a while, his brows relaxed, but there was not much loss: "It seems that my intuition is wrong this time?"

"Feel sorry… "

Feng Qi smiled lightly: "There's nothing to apologize for, you never have to say these two words to me, it's just..."

Before he finished speaking, the expressions of the two of them changed.

someone is coming.

Feng Qi quickly cast a spell to restore the sword box, embraced Ji Chaoyun, turned into a golden light and leaped onto the beam of the house.

Almost at the same time, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Several patrolling disciples stepped in quickly: "Who is inside? Come out!"

No one in the house responded, and those people quickly searched for a circle: "No one?" "Could it have run away?" "Immortal Venerable just noticed that someone came in, it can't be wrong. Chase!"

While several people were talking, no one paid attention, and the golden light slipped out through the crack of the open door.

The two appeared in the dark in the courtyard just now.

The Inspector's Hall was no longer peaceful, and several teams of patrolling disciples searched all over the courtyard and the side hall. At this time, a few disciples happened to be walking in their direction, and Feng Qi decisively pulled Ji Chaoyun to hide behind the rockery.

Feng Qi covered Ji Chaoyun's mouth with one hand to prevent him from making a sound, and looked outside, only to feel relieved when he saw that those few people hadn't noticed them.

The gap behind the rockery is narrow, and it is a bit reluctant to hide the two of them. Feng Qi had to bend down and bow his head, his body almost clinging to Ji Chaoyun.

An overly familiar atmosphere enveloped him, and Ji Chaoyun looked up at the face that was so close at hand, and was a little lost.

After these days, he originally thought that he had clearly separated the two people, but when Feng Qi leaned over like this, his heart was inevitably out of rhythm.

so similar…

The footsteps faded away, but none of them moved.

The two just stared at each other quietly. After a while, Feng Qi asked softly, "What are you looking at?"

Ji Chaoyun opened his mouth to speak, but Feng Qi didn't let go of his hand covering his lips, and he couldn't say a word.

"Shh." Feng Qi lowered his eyes to look at him, and some hidden feelings in those eyes poured out. He raised his hand on the stone wall, and his fingers drew a strand of Ji Chaoyun's scattered hair behind his ear, "I'll just pretend you're looking at me."

The air behind the rockery seems to have become extremely thin at this moment.

Ji Chaoyun's lips touched the other's warm palm, and the familiar breath wrapped him tightly, as if the old days were reappearing.

Afterwards, Feng Qi smiled lightly and let go of Ji Chaoyun.

Ji Chaoyun's expression was still a little dazed: "You..."

Feng Qi's expression was as natural as if nothing had happened just now, and he instructed: "Yaoguang is aware of it, but now Fei can't fly out. I'll go and lead people away. After you leave, find a chance to sneak into the main hall. If someone finds out, say that you are here to participate in the selection, and it's fine if you accidentally get lost."

"...Go back directly after you go out, see you at Wen Qufeng."

After he said this, his figure turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Ji Chaoyun stared at the direction he was going away, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his lips, but he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Over there, chase!"

There was a faint voice of a disciple outside, and after a while, the sound of footsteps faded away, and the courtyard where Ji Chaoyun was hiding finally became quiet.

He sighed softly and stepped out from behind the rockery.

Feng Qi led away the patrolling disciples nearby, Ji Chaoyun didn't bump into anyone along the way, and quickly came to the vicinity of the main hall. The selection of disciples in front of the main hall has stopped, and a group of disciples waiting to be selected are waiting in the courtyard in front of the main hall, and the atmosphere is noisy for a while.

Ji Chaoyun walked out with his eyes down and leaned against the wall. Just as he walked out of the Inspector's Hall, he suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice ringing in his ears.

"Don't go in a hurry."

Ji Chaoyun paused and turned around, but there was no one behind him. A spirit butterfly that turned into a white awn fell on his shoulder, and the voice came out slowly: "Don't be nervous, I'm here."

This voice was clear and gentle, but Ji Chaoyun had never heard it before.

Ji Chaoyun's expression was as cold as frost, and he released his spiritual power to sense it a little, but he couldn't sense the other party's true body.

This person's cultivation is much higher than his.

Ji Chaoyun said softly, "Who are you?"

Lingdie swirls briskly beside him: "If you want to know, why don't you come and see me?"

"Why should I listen to you?"

The voice smiled lightly and said calmly: "If you don't come to see me, I will sue Xianjun Yaoguang, saying that you and Feng Qi sneaked into his bedroom."

A faint light flashed in Ji Chaoyun's eyes, he closed his eyes, and suppressed the strangeness in his eyes: "Let's lead the way."

The spirit butterfly swirled around him and flew forward.

The owner of this Lingdie seems to know the route of Hongmeng Academy very well. Lingdie took Ji Chaoyun straight to the back mountain, passed through a large pine forest, and disappeared as a cloud of smoke in front of a waterfall.

At this moment, all the disciples were concentrated in the front mountain, and the only sound in the forest was the soft sound of running water and the chirping of insects, which was extraordinarily quiet.

Suddenly, the grass in front of him rustled lightly, and Ji Chaoyun's hand hidden in his sleeve instantly glowed with spiritual light.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to chat with you alone, no malice." A snow-white figure came out of the bushes.

It was a full-grown white fox, with nine fluffy tails trailing long behind him. The whole body was snow-white, and only the end of the tail was dyed with a touch of light red.

The white fox stared at Ji Chaoyun with light green eyes, and said in a human voice, "I didn't expect it to be so rude to meet for the first time, I hope you forgive me."

Ji Chaoyun frowned slightly: "Are you Tianhu?"


The suspicious look on Ji Chaoyun's face did not fade, and he said coldly, "What are you looking for me for?"

Baihu took a half-step forward and said unhurriedly: "As you can see, I have suffered a little injury and cannot recover for the time being. I am looking for the person who injured me, you may be able to help me."

"Why should I help you?"

"Because... we may be looking for the same person."

"...Two months ago, the Qingqiu Tianhu Clan was attacked, and a very important treasure was lost in the clan. The attacker at the head was wearing a black cloak, a pure white mask, and a sword shrouded in black air. Not real."

Ji Chaoyun's eyes moved slightly: "What did they steal?"

Baihu paused and didn't answer directly, he just said: "I have not recovered from my serious injuries these days, and I can't recover, but it is convenient for me to move. I found that the thing was brought back to Hongmeng Academy, and then I found out that the black The man in clothes appeared in the sea market to attack you. I guess, his next target may be you."

"Do you know what the purpose of the man in black is?"

The white fox looked at him steadily, and said slowly: "The seal of the demon domain."

"Three hundred years ago, God Fengxiao sealed the Demon Domain and placed the seal key on three treasures. Those three treasures were finally stored in the Tianhu Clan in Qingqiu, the Feng Clan in Fengming Valley, and the Human World One. It is called the place of Mount Sumeru." Baihu said, "Mount Sumeru is guarded by the divine power of the god Fengxiao, but we have not yet found its location. Now that the treasures of Qingqiu have been taken away, his next goal should be Fengming Valley."

Ji Chaoyun's expression was cold, and he couldn't see the slightest clue: "I don't know anything about what you said, what is Fengxiao God, what does that have to do with me?"

The white fox paused strangely before continuing: "After this happened, I immediately contacted the patriarch of the Feng clan and wanted to remind him to be careful. But then I learned that God Feng Xiao had never stayed in Fengming Valley. any treasure."

"In the original battle, the fairyland was torn apart, and even my father was buried in the catastrophe. No one in the fairyland at that time could be trusted, and Fengxiao Shenshang may be because he wanted to protect the true nature of the magic weapon. where, I lied with the Feng clan."

Ji Chaoyun's face finally changed: "You mean to say..."

"We guess, did he leave something on you?"

Ji Chaoyun narrowed his eyes, the blood on his face faded, and there was a whiteness in this dark jungle.

After a long while, he said hoarsely, "How can I trust you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. I'm telling this, but I want to remind you to protect yourself. The Phoenix family is stronger than Qingqiu. If you meet that person, you won't necessarily suffer. But you are different. If that thing really belongs to you. , there is a risk of life.”

Ji Chaoyun didn't answer, he asked, "You just said you wanted me to help you? Do you know that person is in the academy?"

"I feel that the stolen magic weapon of the fox clan was brought back to the academy, and that person must be here." Baihu said, "I really want to ask for help, but... you little dragon's spiritual power is so low, protect yourself. It's not easy, how can you help me?"

"Then what are you..."

"He's looking for me." A voice interrupted coldly.

Ji Chaoyun turned to look, Feng Qi stepped forward with no expression on his face, pulled Ji Chaoyun behind him, squinted his eyes and looked at the white fox in the bush: "I haven't seen you for a few months, you have made yourself so embarrassed, what more can you do? Shame on you, Bai, Qiu, Yue."

Wen Qufeng.

Ji Chaoyun followed Feng Qi back to the courtyard, who was always gloomy and said nothing.

The courtyard door was snapped shut by Feng Qi, he turned the Lingling Ring in his hand, and a white fox jumped out of the ring. The white fox turned dizzy on the spot for a few times, and would stabilize his figure: "It turns out that it feels like being put away as a spiritual pet, this is too dizzy."

Feng Qi looked at him with disgust: "How long will it take for you to recover?"

"Let's talk about another month."

Feng Qi made a "tsk" and said nothing.

Ji Chaoyun looked at Baihu, then at Feng Qi, and asked in a low voice, "So who is he..."

The white fox finally shook off the blown fluff on his body, and said with a smile: "I didn't have time to introduce it, but Bai Qiuyue, the patriarch of the Tianhu clan in Xiaqingqiu, a disciple of the Heavenly Character of Hongmeng Academy."

"Tianzi level..." Ji Chaoyun finally remembered where he had heard this name before, "Are you Bai Qiuyue, who is ranked second in the sky list?"

Hearing Ji Chaoyun mentioning this, Feng Qi finally felt a little happier.

He turned his head towards Ji Chaoyun with a smile, and emphasized: "Yes, it's Bai Qiuyue, who entered the same year as me and lost all five of the Heavenly Ranking competitions to me."

Ji Chaoyun: "..."

Bai Qiuyue: "..."

Hongmeng Academy is a place of pure cultivation, and the disciples often go to the lower world to experience or practice in retreat. Whether it is training or retreat, it can range from a few months to a few years. Therefore, the higher the level of the disciples, the less they stay in the academy.

Looking at the top ten in today's list, there are only a few who stay in the academy.

Of course, Feng Qi is the only one in the academy for hundreds of years who doesn't go out to practice, and doesn't take classes well.

Bai Qiuyue is a very talented person. When he was young, he assumed the position of the patriarch of the Tianhu clan. He often left the academy because of important matters in the clan. Therefore, Ji Chaoyun has never seen him since he entered school.

Ji Chaoyun decisively did not answer the question, but listened to Bai Qiuyue: "But I am the first in the essay test."


He pondered for a moment: "Oh, occasionally the overall ranking can be ranked first, because His Royal Highness Feng Er never reads the Taoist scriptures."

Feng Qi gritted his lower teeth, and cut incisively between his teeth: "If you say one more word, I'll kick you out with one kick."

Patriarch Bai flicked his tail lightly and hid behind Ji Chaoyun.

Ji Chaoyun caught Feng Qi's eyes off guard, and immediately moved away uncomfortably: "I, let's talk about what to do now."

"There's no good plan." Feng Qi didn't notice his abnormality, and said, "You are protected by me, and no one in the academy can touch you. As for this fox, I will raise it in Wenqu Peak this month and wait for it to recover. If you're dead, get the hell out of here immediately."

Bai Qiuyue: "Feng Qi, what I just said..."

"I heard it all." Feng Qi said, "We have already checked the Yaoguang place today, it's not him."

"What about the rest?"

"There is currently no evidence."

Bai Qiuyue fell silent, but Ji Chaoyun said, "But, is there really someone in the academy who has such a strong power to beat Senior Brother Bai back to his original form?"

Feng Qi's brows twitched sensitively, and before he could say anything, Bai Qiuyue said, "Junior Brother Ji is talking about something I've been thinking about. That man in black is not using immortal arts, I'm afraid it's some kind of demon technique. Law. I'm thinking, if he is really from the academy, he should never show his true strength in front of us."

"… Wouldn't that make it harder to find?"

"Yes." Bai Qiuyue sighed softly, "If it wasn't like this, how could I come to ask you for help?"

The courtyard fell silent for a while, and after a while, Feng Qi said: "Okay, now that the clues are broken, there is no point in frowning here, what to do and what to do."

Ji Chaoyun nodded and was about to go back to the bedroom, but was stopped by Feng Qi: "Come with me."


"Dengyun Tower." Feng Qi said lightly, "I haven't finished copying the scriptures that were punished."

Ji Chaoyun wondered: "But didn't you say yesterday, take a rest today, do we take a day off?"


Feng Qi glanced at Bai Qiuyue, only to think that the fox was brighter than the Pearl of the Deep Sea, and the more he looked at it, the more dazzling it became. He retracted his gaze and said calmly, "Why take a break, the Precept Hall came to urge me to hand in the copy of the penalty as soon as possible, and I won't be allowed to rest until I finish the copy."

His Royal Highness Feng Er had never taken the words of the Precept Hall to heart as he did today. Ji Chaoyun was silent for a moment, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it, so he left with him unwillingly.

It is rare that there is no Immortal Venerable giving lectures on the scriptures, and even the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion has no disciples to study on the rest day. Only in the warm pavilion of Dengyun Tower, there is still the sound of reading scrolls.

Ji Chaoyun quickly finished copying the copy at hand, without raising his head: "Feng Qi, give me the copy you have."

Feng Qi didn't answer.

Ji Chaoyun looked up at him suspiciously, who was still sitting on the spot with a solemn expression.

"Feng Qi?"

Hearing Ji Chaoyun calling him, the latter raised his head and glanced at him lightly, turned the page and continued to copy: "What do you call me?"

"..." Ji Chaoyun's expression instantly became a little indescribable, and Fu Ling understood what Feng Qi meant.

He looked at the scriptures that Feng Qi had deliberately pressed under his hands, and gritted his teeth: "Senior Brother Feng, please hand me the next book."

Feng Qi finally showed a smile. He flipped out the book under his hand and handed it to him. He said with satisfaction: "This is good, don't always treat me big or small."

Ji Chaoyun was about to pick it up when Feng Qi's hand suddenly loosened and he grabbed his wrist with a backhand.

Ji Chaoyun struggled subconsciously, and Feng Qi blinked at him: "Don't copy it, I'll take you somewhere."

Feng Qi took Ji Chaoyun upstairs.

The top floor of Dengyun Tower is Feng Qi's residence, and its layout is no worse than that of Wenqu Peak's courtyard. Ji Chaoyun stayed in Dengyun Tower for several months, most of the time he stayed in the bookstore and never came here.

Dengyun Tower is the tallest building in Hongmeng Academy, with an extremely wide field of vision. From the top of the building, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Hongmeng Academy.

"Remember your entrance examination?" Feng Qi and Ji Chaoyun stood side by side in front of the guardrail with a gentle voice, "I was here at that time and saw you defeat Song Zhifei and provoke Jiangcheng."

Ji Chaoyun followed Feng Qi's line of sight, and really saw the white jade platform.

Feng Qi put one hand on the guardrail beside Ji Chaoyun, as if he was taking him into his arms: "There is a barrier outside Dengyun Tower, you can't see what's inside from the outside, but you can see it from the inside out. Seeing the entire Hongmeng Academy, and even Hongmeng Mountain in the distance. How does it feel?"

The distant mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, and the sun shines through the clouds on Hongmeng Mountain, where the snow does not melt all year round, casting a golden light.

"It's beautiful." Ji Chaoyun said sincerely, "It's no wonder that Dengyun Tower can be used as a reward for the number one ranking in the sky. It's really beautiful."

Feng Qi turned to look at him: "Do you like it?"

Ji Chaoyun looked a little dazed and did not answer.

Feng Qi lightly rubbed his hair, turned around and entered the room, and said with a smile, "If you like it, this place can be yours too."

Ji Chaoyun was startled.

His eyes moved slightly, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his voice: "Feng, Feng Qi, you...why do you say that?"

Feng Qi sat down on the soft couch in the room, stared at Ji Chaoyun's back, only felt his throat dry, and said softly, "Why do you think it is?"