After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 53


The hall was silent, except for the slight sound of the fabric rubbing when Ji Chaoyun was pulling his clothes.

Feng Qi swallowed unconsciously, forced himself to look away, and said bluntly, "It would be nice to have clothes for you, what are you squeamish?"


Ji Chaoyun looked at him silently, said angrily "Oh", and walked to the table: "What did you want to say to me?"

"I said..." Feng Qi paused for a while, and swept across the map in a panic, only to remember what he just wanted to say. He pointed his hand to the map and said, "I said, we can start checking from here."

Ji Chaoyun bent over and looked over.

He didn't have his hair tied back, his waist-length hair slipped a little from his shoulders, and the ends of his hair swept across the back of Feng Qi's hand, which was cold and itchy.

Feng Qi suddenly withdrew his hand, and half of his body froze.

Ji Chaoyun was unaware of this.

He stared at the place Feng Qi had chosen for a while, and asked in confusion, "Why is it here, not the coast of the East China Sea that is the closest to Lingyuan Sea? If Lingyuan Sea really sheltered the demons, wouldn't it be better to hide it on the coast of the East China Sea? Is it more convenient?"

Ji Chaoyun's palm rested on the map, and when he spoke, he bent down slightly and opened his neckline slightly. From Feng Qi's point of view, he could just see the thin and beautifully shaped collarbone in the other party's neckline, as well as the large area of porcelain-white texture below.

Feng Qi suddenly stood up.

Ji Chaoyun was startled by him, and subconsciously took a half step back: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay..." Feng Qi pressed his eyebrows weakly, strode around to the other side of the table, and coughed lightly, "Sit down."


"I'll let you sit down." Feng Qi said angrily, "How long have you been in your body, isn't it cool to step on the ground with your bare feet?"

"Oh." Ji Chaoyun responded and sat down obediently.

The floor of the dormitory is uniformly paved with jade, and the weather is cool these days, so it is indeed a little cold to step on it for so long.

Ji Chaoyun simply bent his legs and stepped on the edge of the seat, wrapped his arms around his knees, and looked up at Feng Qi: "Can we talk now?"


Ji Chaoyun has lost a lot of weight recently, and this action made him look even thinner. His eyes were bright and clean, so good that Feng Qi wanted to press him on a chair to practice Fa on the spot.

Of course, it's just a thought.

Feng Qi's cultivation base has just recovered 10% now, which is far from Ji Chaoyun's. If he really does something, he will be the only one who will be rectified on the spot.

He doesn't want to be plucked yet.

His Royal Highness Feng Er humiliated himself, and forced himself to turn his attention back to business: "Look here."

His fingers swiped across the coast of the East China Sea and said, "Lingyuan Sea is in charge of all the seas of the mortal world, so most temples are also built along the coast. The coast of the East China Sea is located at the sea entrance, and the transportation is convenient. From this map, The surrounding villages and cities are more prosperous, am I right?"

Ji Chaoyun's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately understood what Feng Qi meant: "Since it is a densely populated and rich place, if the demons use mortals to create an army, it will definitely attract attention."

"Yes, look here again."

Feng Qi's finger shifted downwards and landed on the place he had just pointed: "Although this place is also a seaside, the road leading to the Central Plains is blocked by Chongshan. If you want to get out, you have to climb mountains and mountains, and it is extremely inconvenient to get in and out. The place, which is usually poor and remote, although not very populated, is an excellent place for Tibetans.”

Feng Qi clicked a few more places on the map and said, "If we look at this standard, the scope of our search will be greatly narrowed. As for why we chose this place to start... You didn't find it, although there are not many villages and cities here, but Lingyuan Are the temples of the sea extremely densely built?"

Ji Chaoyun said: "That's because the people here have no other livelihood and have lived by fishing for generations, so every household believes in the god of the sea."

"That's right. This is a remote place where the common people are obedient." Feng Qi looked down at the area, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "If I were that Long San, I would also choose this kind of place as a demon maker. clan army and a stronghold for hiding."

Ji Chaoyun raised his eyes just to see his smile, and his expression was slightly startled.

Feng Qi was still talking about something, but Ji Chaoyun didn't hear a word. Feng Qi was handsome and beautiful, when he spoke with a focused expression, his gestures and gestures were almost dazzling, making people unable to look away.

That is self-confidence and arrogance integrated into bone and blood.

Ji Chaoyun was fascinated, when Feng Qi suddenly turned his head: "Are you looking at me secretly?"

"… no."

Feng Qi narrowed his eyes and leaned closer: "Why not, you're just looking at me, you like to peek at me lately."


Ji Chaoyun tilted his head and said nothing, Feng Qi lifted his hair: "My ears are all red, did I get it right?"

"I'm going back!" Ji Chaoyun patted his hand away and stood up, but was gently pulled by Feng Qi.

Feng Qi restrained his joking, and said again: "If your guess is true, you are going to fight against the entire Lingyuan Sea. Have you really thought about it? In fact, you don't need to..."

"I understand." Ji Chaoyun interrupted softly, "I was expelled by Lingyuan Sea long ago. Whether they are self-destructing their foundation or not, it has nothing to do with me. But there are many people like A Zhuo in Lingyuan Sea who don't even know about it. My family. I am no longer the Lingyuan Sea Dragon Clan, but they are still my relatives."

Feng Qi's eyes dimmed slightly.

Ji Chaoyun said: "I admit that I have selfish intentions. If the rumor of Lingyuanhai's collusion with the devil is spread, the reputation of the entire clan will be destroyed, and all clan members will not only lose their heads, but may even be implicated. You also know Ah Zhuo, Dragons are so proud, how can they can they bear these truths."

Feng Qi suddenly asked in a low voice, "In the past, you were also proud of being born in the Lingyuan Sea."

Ji Chaoyun's fingertips trembled slightly, and he closed his eyes and said softly, "My pride is never lost to anyone."

There was a hint of bitterness in Feng Qi's throat.

If you say that you are proud of your family, who can compare to this former Dragon Prince. He used to trust and love his family so much, but in the end he ended up like this.

But up to now, he is still doing his best to protect his family, his clan.

Feng Qi wrapped Ji Chaoyun's cold hand into his palm, warmed it carefully, and said warmly, "I just don't want you to be in danger."

Ji Chaoyun looked down at the hands they were shaking, and said softly, "Isn't there still you?"

Feng Qi was startled.

"Actually... When I was waiting for the news of A Zhuo these few days, I also thought about it carefully." Ji Chaoyun said, "This trip may be dangerous, I definitely shouldn't let you take risks with me, but... I don't want to hide it from you. "

Ji Chaoyun seemed a little nervous. He curled his fingers and stroked Feng Qi's palm lightly: "I know I'm wrong, this is obviously my own business. But if there is anyone in this world who can fight side by side with me, Facing this together, I hope that person is you."

Maybe it's because Feng Qi has always stood by Ji Chaoyun's side since they met, which gradually made him a little spoiled.

Obviously, he could go to investigate alone without saying anything, but he just wanted this person to accompany him.

It seemed that as long as he was there, he would not be afraid of anything.

This was the first time Ji Chaoyun had this emotion called dependence in his heart.

Even three hundred years ago, when he was with Feng Xiao, he never had this kind of emotion.

Feng Qi looked at Ji Chaoyun silently, his heart seemed to be hit by something heavy, which made his heartbeat, which had just calmed down, roar again.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Ji Chaoyun said with a guilty conscience: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask you to accompany me in danger, if you don't want to, if you don't want to..."

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

But Feng Qi was intrigued and asked curiously, "If I don't want to, what will you do?"

Ji Chaoyun thought for a moment, shook his head, and said truthfully, "I respect your wishes. If you don't want to, I'll go by myself and not involve others."


Feng Qi wrapped his arms around Ji Chaoyun's waist, pulled him to the table and sat down with all his strength, and let him step on his legs: "You should tie me with the immortal rope, and drag me away without saying a word."

"How about that?"

Feng Qi deliberately lengthened his voice: "Or, there is an easier way."


"Please beg me."

Ji Chaoyun was taken aback.

"Idiot, you obviously want me to accompany you, so why don't you tell the truth." Feng Qi encircled Ji Chaoyun between his body and the desk, lowered his eyes, and looked gentle, "It's not a mistake to ask others for help and occasionally show weakness. No need to apologize."

"I... I just... "

"You're just used to being alone and not bothering others." Feng Qi said, "Three hundred years, I don't know how many such bad habits have been left on you."

Ji Chaoyun looked at Shang Fengqi, his eyes seemed a little confused.

Isn't that what it should be

How can it be called a bad habit

Feng Qi looked at his expression and sighed: "Every time this happens, I want to find out the guy who left you for hundreds of years and beat him up."

"..." Ji Chaoyun didn't hold back and smiled lightly.

Feng Qi frowned: "What are you laughing at, do you think I can't beat him?"

Ji Chaoyun didn't explain, just said: "But you just can't beat him."

Feng Qi's eyes dodged for a moment, and he muttered in a low voice, "I'll start practicing hard when I get back to the academy, and I'll always beat him."

"Don't interrupt, I'm not talking about you now?" Feng Qi rested his palm on the table and lowered his upper body slightly, "You have too many bad habits. Fortunately, we still have time to clear your bad habits one by one. Correct it."

Ji Chaoyun shrank back calmly: "How, how to correct it?"

Feng Qi had a smile in his eyes: "Try this time first, and ask me to help you."

Ji Chaoyun continued to step back: "...but I won't ask for help."

"I can teach you." Feng Qi smiled maliciously and said leisurely, "The most important thing to ask for help is to do what you like and show your favor. When you make people happy, the other party will naturally agree to you. All requirements."

Ji Chaoyun asked, "Then what do you want?"

Feng Qi's gaze drifted to the other party's neck involuntarily, he quickly looked away, and cleared his throat: "Now you're begging me, shouldn't you think for yourself?"

Ji Chaoyun let out an "oh", lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "Then turn around first."

"Mysterious and mysterious..." Feng Qi didn't think Ji Chaoyun could come up with any "surprise", turned his back to him suspiciously, and said, "You can't perfunctory me, if I'm not satisfied, I'll really leave you alone. of."

Ji Chaoyun didn't answer.

After a while, he patted Feng Qi on the shoulder: "It's alright."

Feng Qi turned around.

Ji Chaoyun was still sitting on the table, but those dark and bright eyes had turned into pale vertical pupils. Further up, a pair of silver dragon horns stood in front of the forehead, and a layer of fine fluff glowed with a warm glow under the light.

Ji Chaoyun seemed to summon up a lot of courage and whispered, "I want you to touch the dragon horns, can I ask you to help me?"

The author has something to say:

Congratulations to His Royal Highness Feng Er for unlocking the achievement "Touch the Dragon Horns" [