After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 54


Ji Chaoyun lowered his gaze, and tightened his hands on the edge of the table, his knuckles clenched with tension.

He remembered that Feng Qi had said before that he wanted to touch his dragon horns. Since he wanted to do what he wanted... So he should like it, right

Ji Chaoyun lowered his head, his heart swayed, closed his eyes and sent Longjiao in the direction of Feng Qi.

But Fengqi never moved, and the two remained deadlocked for a long time. Ji Chaoyun couldn't bear it any longer: "If it doesn't work, forget it, I'll change it!"

Feng Qi suddenly raised his hand and rubbed his fingertips lightly on the dragon's horn in front of the opponent's forehead.

Ji Chaoyun was unprepared, and immediately went limp.

"Don't open your eyes." Feng Qi put one hand on Ji Chaoyun's shoulder and ordered, "Don't move either."

Ji Chaoyun shivered, and really gave up struggling. His brows were furrowed tightly, the heat of his profile instantly burned up, and his dangling legs stepped on Feng Qi's legs at a loss, feeling slightly weak.

Feng Qi saw all his reactions in his eyes, and his eyes were faintly red.

Just touch the dragon's horn and that's it, if you touch it anywhere else, shouldn't it be time to cry

A certain longing and desire in his heart burned like a fire, which made Feng Qi's brain buzz, and his reason was almost on the verge of collapse.

He silently changed his breath, closed his eyes, and forced himself to calm down.

No, that would scare him.

It was difficult for Ji Chaoyun not to exclude himself, not to be too impatient, not to hurt him.


Feng Qi raised his eyes to look at the trembling dragon horns, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched.

Now that he's delivered to the door, it's time to bully or bully.

Feng Qi raised his hand, and his fingertips landed on the pair of silver dragon horns again.

The last time Ji Chaoyun was drunk, he had already touched it secretly once, but the worry disturbed him that time, and he touched it with extreme care.

But this time is different.

This time, Ji Chaoyun was incredibly obedient.

He was so afraid of that feeling that he instinctively retracted when he was touched, but he still forced himself to send the dragon horn out obediently. Even after feeling that Feng Qi had stopped, he took the initiative to probe himself into his hand. superior.

… so foul.

Ji Chaoyun was trembling so finely that he could hardly sit still. If Feng Qi hadn't held his shoulders, he might have slipped off the table.

Feng Qi deliberately rubbed the dragon's horn and felt the other's trembling before he asked in a low voice, "Is it uncomfortable?"


"Aren't you trying to coax me?" Feng Qi licked his lips, his voice hoarse, "Dear Xiaolong, tell me, do you feel uncomfortable... or do you like it?"

"...No, it's not uncomfortable." Ji Chaoyun replied in a low voice, the end of which was shaking strangely.

"That's why I like it." Feng Qi lightened his strength, fiddling with the soft fluff with his fingertips, and asked patiently, "So, do you like it this way?"

Ji Chaoyun suddenly trembled even more, and finally he couldn't bear to raise his hand and grab Feng Qi's wrist: "Don't..."

Ji Chaoyun's eyes were a little red, and his eyes became clearer and more moist. He glanced at Feng Qi, then lowered his head as if to cover up, and his whole body was full of tender and pitiful aura.

It's like being bullied.

Feng Qi stared at him, feeling that if he didn't let go, the fire in his heart was something he didn't want to suppress.

He withdrew his hand and coughed lightly as if nothing had happened: "This time you will pass the test."

Ji Chaoyun finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Feng Qi said: "Wait for another three days, and when my cultivation base is completely restored, we will set off for the world."

"… good."

Feng Qi's hands were itchy when he saw Ji Chaoyun being rubbed and rubbed. He returned to the seat with a dry mouth and sat down. He took a sip of the tea cup in his hand and said, "By the way, do you want to..."

Before he finished speaking, the clothes on the table were empty, and a small silver dragon slipped down from the scattered clothes and fell to the ground lightly.


Little Yinlong jumped onto the table lightly, put the map bead hairpin in the storage ring, and quickly packed up the things as if packing a small burden, and then looked up at him: "What did you just say?"

Feng Qi swallowed the question, "Would you like to stay and eat something?" and said calmly, "It's nothing, you can go back. I'll have someone go to Changyuanxie to buy you some cakes and send it to you."

"Oh, okay." Xiaolong grabbed the storage ring and jumped off the table, turned his head and said, "Order more sweet-scented osmanthus cakes."

Feng Qi smiled: "Well, I know."

Satisfied, Xiaolong quickly slipped away from the window with his small baggage.

Feng Qi looked at Ji Chaoyun's departure direction for a long time, then lowered his head and glanced at the table under the table without saying a word, feeling complicated: "Why does he follow me and run away after prostituting..."

Three days later, in order to recover, Feng Qixiu left Fengming Valley with Ji Chaoyun and went to the world.

On the winding and rugged mountain road, a carriage slowly moved forward.

Ji Chaoyun lifted the curtain of the car and looked out. In the distance, a little blue sea was faintly visible, almost blending with the horizon.

They have been out searching for several days, but have found nothing.

The villages here are dotted, all built on the mountains and the sea. Due to the complicated terrain, if the two of them came from the sky, they would inevitably miss it. I had to pretend to be a business traveler, rented a carriage, and in the name of purchasing goods, I found a guide to lead the search from village to village.

In the carriage, Feng Qi lowered his head and focused on reading something.

Ji Chaoyun asked, "Still looking at the merit book?"

"Yeah." Feng Qi beckoned to him, "You also come and have a look."

It has been more than a month since they left the academy. They originally came for experience, but after they were involved in the demon conspiracy, they put the matter on hold.

Ji Chaoyun hadn't read the merit book since Mount Sumeru, but it wasn't that he forgot about it, he just had priorities. Even if he really missed an assessment in order to investigate the demons, he had no other choice.

Hearing what Feng Qi said at the moment, he stepped forward and took the merit book handed over by the other party.

In order to let them take care of each other, when Tianshu Xianjun gave the two of them the merit book, he ordered them to share merits, but the value of merits accumulated by each person was different.

This time Feng Qi was accompanying Ji Chaoyun to the lower realm, and he didn't care how much merit he had accumulated.

He threw his book aside, pointed to the merit book in Ji Chaoyun's hand, and said with a smile, "Look how many you have?"

Ji Chaoyun moved his gaze to the bottom of the book, and an unfamiliar number came into view.

Total merit value: 2,136 points.

Ji Chaoyun was startled: "How could..."

"Mt. Sumeru." Feng Qi explained, "Don't forget, you not only killed monsters in Mt. Sumeru, but also killed a demon protector, which can be counted in your merits."

Ji Chaoyun's eyes lit up slightly: "That is to say—"

"As long as we can successfully destroy the Demon Clan stronghold in this trip, your merit will be able to accumulate three thousand."

Hongmeng Academy stipulates that if the merit value of the lower world experience reaches 3,000, it can be directly counted as the first grade in the assessment.

Ji Chaoyun read the merit book carefully again and carefully put it away.

Seeing his actions, Feng Qi felt a little pantothenic in his heart.

Feng Xiao's accompanying sword is still on Ji Chaoyun's body. It is impossible for him not to understand what it means, but from Mount Sumeru to the present, he has not shown too obvious sadness.

This was completely different from what Feng Qi thought at the beginning.

Feng Qi wasn't sure what Ji Chaoyun was thinking right now, and he didn't dare to ask rashly, so as not to irritate him.

But judging from his performance today, Ji Chaoyun still wants to pass the step-up assessment, and one day jump up to the Heavenly Gate and go to the Divine Realm.

Feng Qi was a little gloomy, but it didn't take long before the carriage finally stopped.

They arrived at a small fishing village called Linhai Village.

This Linhai Village is considered rich among several nearby villages. Most of the locals live by fishing and are self-sufficient. Many foreigners also come here to purchase goods.

"Our Linhai Village is rich in products, and the seafood we produce is also the best in this area. Two sons, you come with me..." The guide introduced Feng Qi and Ji Chaoyun earnestly while leading Feng Qi and Ji Chaoyun into the village.

Feng Qi asked casually, "Since this place is the best, why didn't you bring us here from the beginning?"

"This..." The guide was nearly fifty years old, hunched over his waist, paused, and smiled apologetically, "It's not a long journey, I want to save trouble for the two of you. Who would have guessed that the two of you have unique vision, and you can see at a glance..."

"It's alright, alright." Feng Qi gave him two silver coins and said, "Let's go and see the goods first."


As soon as the two entered the village, they attracted many villagers to watch.

There are actually quite a few foreigners here, but few are as handsome as these two. Especially Feng Qi, her handsome brows and eyes are always smiling, and her eyes flow when she speaks, fascinated by the giggling of the young women on the sidelines.

Ji Chaoyun followed behind him, his face suddenly sank.

Feng Qi didn't realize it, and chatted with the guide while walking, and was directly led to the largest house in the village.

This is the residence of the head of Linhai Village.

The homes of the people in the village are naturally inferior to those in the big city. The houses are simply furnished, and the air has a faint fishy smell. Only in front of the house is a statue of a god made of gold.

There was a young woman in the house who was mending fishing nets. The guide gave her a few simple instructions and went to the back room.

The woman put down her needlework and poured two cups of tea for the two of them.

Feng Qi took it and smiled, "Thank you."

"No, no thanks!" The woman's cheeks flushed, she put the teapot down, turned her head and ran away.

Ji Chaoyun: "..."

There were only the two of them left in the room, Feng Qi's eyes couldn't stop drifting towards the statue, the more he looked at it, the more funny he felt, and finally he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ji Chaoyun was upset and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Feng Qi walked to the altar and looked at the statue with a frown: "They made your father... ahem, they made the Lingyuan Sea Dragon King too ugly."

"..." Ji Chaoyun said sourly, "It's not as good-looking as you."


Feng Qi didn't know where he had provoked this ancestor again. He blinked blankly, and before he could ask, the sound of footsteps came from the back room.

The guide helped an old man out.

The village chief is over half a hundred years old, with gray hair, leaning on a cane, and coughing uncontrollably after taking two steps.

The village chief sat down in front of the two and asked, "Are you two here to buy goods?"

Feng Qi said: "Yes, we want to take a look first..."

"What's there to see!" The village chief suddenly changed his face and interrupted, "We don't have what you want here, please come back."

Feng Qi traveled all the way pretending to be a wealthy businessman. He was used to seeing people who flatter and sell, but he had never seen anyone who pushed his business out.

He smiled and said, "Old man, I just saw a lot of seafood piled up in your backyard. How can you say no?"

The guide didn't seem to have expected the village chief to be so inhumane. He leaned over beside his ear and was about to say something, but he saw the village chief suddenly stand up and shouted, "If I say I don't sell it, I won't sell it, so I can't keep it myself? Want to sell it to you?!"

Ji Chaoyun and Feng Qi looked at each other, just about to speak, but Feng Qi pulled him from behind.

Feng Qi shook his head at him calmly, and at this moment, another person suddenly pushed the door and entered: "Father, why are you doing the same old thing again."

The visitor was a strong man in his early thirties, with a sturdy build and dark skin. At first glance, he was dressed as a local fisherman.

He smiled at the two of them and said, "My father has been insane a lot recently, and he would rush out when he saw people. Don't blame him. Uncle Li, help my father in."

"I-I'm not sick! I just don't want to sell him—" The village chief was dragged to the backyard by the guide, and he tried his best to turn his head and yell at Feng Qi and the others, "You foreigners, get out, get out!"

It wasn't until the two of them left the main room that Feng Qi asked, "I don't know why the village chief rejects foreigners so much?"

"I was deceived by a few foreigners who came to do business before. I was a little stimulated and felt that no one could be trusted." The man sighed and added, "It's not that you two, you two are rich people at first glance. , of course not, my father he... "

Feng Qi said, "We understand."

"You two don't mind if you don't mind." The man smiled apologetically, "My surname is Xu, and the two of you can call me third brother Xu. I'll show you the goods?"

"Xu San... Brother? Okay." His Highness Feng Er had lived for more than three hundred years, and it was the first time someone asked to call him that, which was a bit new for a while.

He smiled and shook his head. Seeing that Ji Chaoyun wanted to follow, he quietly pulled him.

Ji Chaoyun asked, "What?"

Feng Qi said warmly: "You must be very tired after sitting in the carriage all day. Go outside and wait, I'll go see the goods."

Ji Chaoyun raised his eyes to meet Feng Qi's gaze, his mind moved, and nodded: "Okay."

Feng Qi followed Xu San to the backyard, while Ji Chaoyun walked out the front door and stopped in the front yard. Previously, the woman took a handful of sea rice and was squatting in front of the yard to wash. She looked far away, and could vaguely hear the sound of hawking in the distant market, and the sound of waves coming slowly on the farther coastline.

Ji Chaoyun released his spiritual power to investigate, but found nothing.

The people here live peacefully, and it seems that there is no difference, but for some reason, Ji Chaoyun feels that there is something strange here.

what's wrong...

Ji Chaoyun was fascinated by his thoughts, suddenly he felt someone approaching, and turned his head suddenly.

The fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl unsuspected at last Ji Chaoyun's icy gaze, and she let out a frightened "ah", and took a few steps back subconsciously.

"Sorry." Ji Chaoyun looked down, only to see a low stool in his hand, "For me?"

"Well." The woman was still in shock, and quickly put down the low stool, "Young master, sit down and wait."

Ji Chaoyun sat down according to the words, and the woman went back and continued to wash the sea rice.

He watched silently for a while, and suddenly asked, "What strange things have happened here recently?"

"Strange thing?" The woman stopped and blinked in confusion, "What is the strange thing, son?"

Ji Chaoyun said: "Anything will do. For example, someone disappeared, died mysteriously, or... a big change in temperament?"

The woman frowned and thought for a moment, then shook her head: "I haven't heard of it. However, in the past few months, many fellow villagers have gone out to fish. I heard that they have found an island that is very far away from here. It's good to go every time. It's been a long time. My eldest brother and second brother also followed, and they sent many fish back every day, but no one came back."

She narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice, "Earlier, they would come back from time to time, but recently, for some reason, they haven't come back. I haven't seen them for almost half a month."

half month.

Ji Chaoyun frowned slightly, his eyes darkened.

Half a month ago, it was the time when they were attacked on Mount Sumeru.

Ji Chaoyun fell silent and did not speak for a long time.

The woman looked up at him, and after a long while, she finally gathered up her courage: "Master, I answered your question, can you answer me a question?"

"You said."

The woman glanced in the direction of the backyard, turned around, and asked in a low voice, "Has the son who was with you ever married?"


Linhai Village is located in a remote location, and its folk customs are simple and civilized, which is very different from the Central Plains.

With a shy face, the woman explained hesitantly: "No, it's not that I want to ask, it's because many people asked me to ask, everyone wants to know..."

The girl Ji Chaoyun looked at silently, with a heart-wrenching heart, replied, "He is married."

The woman was startled.

Ji Chaoyun closed his eyes and said softly, "With me."

"I have seen my parents, relatives and friends, and I have worshipped the world."

"He is my husband."

There was a loud bang behind him, and Ji Chaoyun suddenly turned around and met Feng Qi's surprised gaze.

The author has something to say:

Feng Qi: What the hell