After Cultivating With the Enemy

Chapter 91


The skin under the palm of his hand became hot at some point, and Feng Qi swallowed unconsciously.

How could he not see what happened to Ji Chaoyun.

His little dragon was shy, and even when he was practicing spiritual practice, he couldn't make a sound.

But this emotional look can't deceive anyone.

He wanted it.

This realization made Feng Qi's heart beat faster.

From ascending to the sky to now, he first returned to the God Realm, and then after the day after tomorrow, Dabi was diagnosed with pregnancy. Adding up, they have not practiced spirituality for more than two months.

Saying you don't want that is false.

In the past, I didn't want to affect Ji Chaoyun's state of competition because of these things, but now that he is pregnant, it is already hard enough, how dare he touch him casually.

He still doesn't want to be a beast...

"Chao, Chaoyun! Where do you touch your hand, let go!" While Feng Qi was lost, Ji Chaoyun's hand stretched out directly, and Feng Qi was startled by the scalding heat.

Ji Chaoyun's consciousness was a little blurry. He grabbed the hem of Feng Qi's clothes with both hands, and raised his head innocently, his eyes were full of water mist: "Uncomfortable."

When Feng Qi saw his eyes, he almost couldn't be a man.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to keep himself calm, and opened Ji Chaoyun's fingers little by little: "No, what if I hurt the cub?"

Ji Chaoyun looked at him silently, suddenly withdrew his hand, dawdled and shrank to the inside of the bed, wrapped in the quilt and stopped moving.


Feng Qi looked at the back that was full of grievances from head to toe, and felt deeply that he was not a person, and felt so guilty that he wanted to pluck his hair on the spot to apologize.

Ji Chaoyun doesn't know what's wrong with him. Recently, he wants to get closer to this person. At first, he only relied on his hugs and kisses, but today it seems that even hugs are not enough. He wants to let him touch him and be closer to him. .

I would love to… devotional.

The inner thirst could not be satisfied, and the more Ji Chaoyun thought about it, the more aggrieved it became, and the mist in his eyes gradually became wet. Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out, and the familiar touch made his breathing stagnate.

Ji Chaoyun bit his lips and almost let out a low groan.

At the same time, Feng Qi's breath came from behind him.

"Don't be angry, it's my fault." Feng Qi's voice was very low, gentle and patient, "Is that all right, let me help you?"

Feng Qi kissed him little by little by the lobes of his red ears, and combined with his slow movements, they formed a fine and terrifying torture.

Ji Chaoyun gritted his teeth, his shoulders shivered slightly.

Feng Qi liked his appearance, and whispered in his ear deliberately: "I like it so much? Have you been thinking about it for a long time?"

"Comfortable, what do you want me to do... Is that so?"

"Why don't you answer me, you don't say how I know what you like."

Ji Chaoyun couldn't bear it any longer, he tilted his head and kissed his lips, blocking the rest of the man's words.

After comforting his little dragon, Feng Qi went to the hot spring pool at the back of the house to soak for a full hour, and then recited the Qingxin Sutra, which he had memorized by heart, three times before he came back with little desire.

Ji Chaoyun looked refreshed, lying on the bed and flipping through the roster of people entering and leaving the academy.

"Have you found anything?" Feng Qi asked.

Ji Chaoyun shook his head: "I just feel a little strange."

Feng Qi sat down beside the bed and helped Ji Chaoyun squeeze his shoulders and neck: "Tell me about it."

Ji Chaoyun said: "My bet with Wei Shaoyang was only temporary, why did it happen to be used by them as a reason for dropping out? Is it really such a coincidence?"

"Furthermore, on the day you and I went to the Ningdan Hall, it just happened that Fairy Xihua was free, so she came to diagnose and treat me. Could it be that she diagnosed the existence of this child on the spot and acted on me?"

"There's one more thing I still can't figure out." Ji Chaoyun paused, then said, "What is the other party's purpose to hide the child in my womb?"

When Ji Chaoyun said this, he suddenly thought of something, raised his head, and saw the same hesitation in Feng Qi's eyes.

In the air, there seems to be some kind of heavy and breathless atmosphere spreading out. The two looked at each other for a long time, and Feng Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that I still have to check it out myself."

Two days later, Feng Qi personally led a team of elite soldiers to secretly go to Yunlu City.

Ji Chaoyun did not accompany him.

In the Wenqu Peak courtyard, Ji Chaoyun was reclining on the bamboo couch by the pool, feeding the fish one by one.

A few koi fluttered beside him for food, splashing water.

Shuofeng brought a cup of soup and placed it on the small table beside the bamboo couch, and put out a bowl: "Master, please use it."

"Thank you." Ji Chaoyun took the soup bowl, but smelled the strong aroma of medicine, "What is this?"

Shuofeng: "The spiritual medicine that God boiled with his own hands before he left can replenish your spiritual power."

Ji Chaoyun scooped up a spoonful and drank it cold. This soup has a strong taste, but the entrance is sweet, and you can feel the profound spiritual power contained in this soup with just one sip.

It is much better than the rare spiritual material fairy grass from the fairyland that Feng Qi had previously found.

Ji Chaoyun asked, "Is this the medicine of God's Domain?"

Shuofeng hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said, "Forget it...forget it."

"What is considered?"

Shuofeng looked a little embarrassed, and after a long while he said in a low voice, "God won't let your subordinates speak."

"..." Ji Chaoyun frowned, "I just ask you where this medicine came from, what's not to say?"

Shuofeng stopped talking.

Ji Chaoyun has known him for the past few days, and he understands how much this person has said to Feng Qi. If that person really ordered that he couldn't speak, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't even try to get his words out of his mouth.

Ji Chaoyun gave up asking, and slowly finished the soup.

He suddenly asked, "God how long have they been gone?"

"It's almost two hours."

"It's been so long..." Ji Chaoyun fiddled with the spoon thoughtfully, but looked into the distance.

The Wenqu Peak in the evening is exceptionally quiet. In the distance, the sky is full of red clouds, and a golden yellow is sprinkled in the dense bamboo forest in the distance.

Suddenly, the wind chimes hanging outside the courtyard vibrated gently.

The bell is connected to the enchantment outside Wenqu Peak, and it is set up on every disciple peak of Hongmeng Academy. If a disciple who does not have a pass token wants to enter other disciple peaks, he needs to use the magic technique to transmit sound before transmitting the magic circle, ring the wind chime, and let the people inside open the barrier and let go.

Feng Qi didn't like being disturbed, and no one dared to disturb him, so the wind chimes hanging outside the courtyard were originally just decorations.

It was only recently that many people came to visit Ji Chaoyun, and that thing gradually resumed use.

Ji Chaoyun put down the soup bowl, sat up and straightened his clothes, raised his hand and emitted a light of spiritual power, flying into the wind chimes. The courtyard gate just happened to be knocked.

A slender figure pushed in the door.

Ji Chaoyun's eyes sank.

It is Bai Qiuyue.

Ji Chaoyun and Bai Qiuyue looked at each other across the stone bridge of the pond, Bai Qiuyue glanced around and asked casually, "Feng Qi left?"

Shuo Feng subconsciously took half a step forward, but was stopped by Ji Chaoyun.

"That's right, he's gone." Ji Chaoyun said, "Feng Qi's departure is a secret operation. Only Immortal Tianshu knows about it in the academy. How did Senior Brother Bai know about it?"

Bai Qiuyue said: "Feng Qi has a way to monitor the people entering and leaving the academy, why can't I?"

Ji Chaoyun sighed silently, and placed his palm on his lower abdomen subconsciously: "I still don't understand, why is Fairy Xihua hiding this child's breath?"

Bai Qiuyue smiled softly: "Perhaps I want you to have an accident in the Heavenly Ranking Competition."

Ji Chaoyun: "I'm on the top of the list, why did she decide that I would have an accident like this? Besides, if she really wants me to have an accident, wouldn't she just do something in the medicine she gave me?"

"No, Xiaolong." Bai Qiuyue shook her head, "You are wrong."

Bai Qiuyue stepped on the stone bridge, walked in front of Ji Chaoyun, and said leisurely: "I'll give you medicine and let you have an accident quietly behind people. How can it be interesting to be in front of the public eye?"

Ji Chaoyun subconsciously took a half step back and said softly: "So I remembered that if I didn't faint in the martial arts field that day, I would enter the secret realm and complete the last competition."

"Not bad." Bai Qiuyue's handsome and warm eyes looked at him calmly, but her smile became somewhat unfamiliar, "If you hadn't fainted that day, Feng Qi could only watch you... one corpse and two lives. "

A silver light flashed across the courtyard, Shuo Feng held a gun in his hand, the tip of the gun pointed directly at Bai Qiuyue's throat.

Bai Qiuyue raised her head back, and a few strands of hair were cut by the sharp point of the spear.

"Shh, don't be too nervous, don't let those outside the door rush in." Bai Qiuyue held a smile at the corner of her mouth, her posture still gentle, "I know Feng Qi must have left a lot of ambush here, and now this Wen Qufeng Up and down, it's probably his magic weapon."

Ji Chaoyun stood behind Shuo Feng and said, "You're right, this place is indeed a trap for you today. It's just... We didn't expect it to be you."

Bai Qiuyue smiled deeper: "Actually, apart from me, you don't have many choices."

"A person who has a high status, is well-informed, and can even affect the lifeline of Xianyu at any time. There are no more than three people in the entire Xianyu. I am not talented, and I am one of them."

Ji Chaoyun suddenly felt a little uneasiness in his heart: "What else have you done?"

Bai Qiuyue did not answer and asked, "You are not surprised. Why did you say that the Immortal Domain Alliance was formed, but there was no result for several months?"

"... The Immortal Territory Alliance three hundred years ago was not smooth, and even caused many clans to forge a lot of hatred. Therefore, after the war, the Immortal Territory Hundred Families worked their own way and could not communicate with each other. Therefore, the formation of the alliance can be described as this time. There are many difficulties. But fortunately, under my persuasion, many immortal clans have agreed."

What Ji Chaoyun realized: "They are now..."

"Of course they have already gone to Qingqiu to participate in the alliance's first rally." Bai Qiuyue said with a smile, "Xiaolong, I'm going back to Qingqiu now, how about you go with me?"

Ji Chaoyun narrowed his eyes: "Do you think you can escape?"

Bai Qiuyue shook her head: "You're wrong again Xiaolong, I'm not running away, I'm taking you with me."

"Feng Xiao 300 years ago, Feng Qi 300 years later, that Lord God of Heaven always hurts me. There is no way, I can only take away his most beloved person and sacrifice my demon with your blood. The flag of the clan's official war against the Immortal Realm."

Ji Chaoyun stared at him fixedly, and said in a low voice: "The demons are hidden in other people's bodies, and they can't be detected when they don't use the magic breath, but in the same way, your cultivation will be greatly limited, why do you think you can take me with you? go?"

"Because your lord of the gods was clever but was mistaken by cleverness." Bai Qiuyue said, "He knew that if he hadn't left, I would never fall for the trick, so he had to lead his troops to truly leave Hongmeng Academy. My people have been following him, deliberately delaying the time until he is far away before I show up, and now it is too late for him to go back immediately."

"One more thing is..."

Bai Qiuyue raised her head, her eyes faded with a vertical pupil unique to the fox clan, and a faint green light appeared in her eyes: "I am not possessed by anyone."