After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous

Chapter 25: I have always been a good father


After Lan He joined the group, he quickly got along with everyone. Shi Xuan liked him the most. Lan He suspected that it was because she was not from a professional school. .

"Brother, you know, they all said that it's been weird recently." Shi Xuan mysteriously said to Lan He in the dressing room.

Lan He glanced at her and couldn't help gasping: "It's very weird... Could you put on blush and then talk to me."

Shi Xuan glanced at herself in the mirror. She had just finished applying liquid foundation. She had a big white face with no blush and no lipstick. After a dozen light, her face was bloodless. It was indeed a bit terrifying. She held her face and said, "How flawless. ,Ha ha ha ha!"

She usually likes to fiddle with the camera, but when inspiration came, she raised the camera and photographed her and Lan He from the mirror. She thought it was very interesting, the state of the actors waiting on the stage before the filming started.

While taking pictures of Shi Xuan, he said, "No, you know that there is a five-party and five-element Fengshui town bureau in Beijing, right? The five towns are Dongfangmu Town, which used to be the Shenmu of the Shenmu Factory, and Nanhuo Town, the ancient Yandun. , the Juehui Great Bell in the Golden Town in the West, the Copper Bull in the Minghu Lake in the Northern Water Town, and the Long Live Mountain in the Central Town."

Lan He pretended to be stupid: "I heard a little, but there are many versions of this, I have also heard of iron towers, copper wells, shadow walls and the like."

He had heard the eldest girl say that there are five new towns and five old towns in the capital. These are the five towns of Ming Dynasty, and there are five towns of dark. But the eldest girl didn't reveal the version circulating in the rivers and lakes, which one is true, and which one or several have the problem.

Shi Xuan provoked this conversation, and she also mentioned with certainty that the capital was weird recently. Maybe she knew something about it... Could it be that she also eats rice in the underworld

Shi Xuan: "Some time ago, the big bell of Juehui, a western town thing, was not in season, and suddenly it rang! It is said that a ghost was at work, and the paper was tied to the door of the police station overnight, so the eminent monk in the temple knocked it. The big bell, I calmed down. But this year's fortune is not good, unless we follow the old rules and knock 108 times, it can be completely calmed down. However, these are all cultural relics. Can you stand it?"

Lan He: "..."

Why is this incident so familiar... It seems that Shi Xuan's pure hearsay, even the time line is messed up, so he just calmly said: "Which half-immortal did you listen to, there are such rumors in the circle every year."

In this circle, there are also many superstitious people, each offering their own gods, and all sects. Lan He has been in the industry for a few years, and if nothing else, he has learned a lot about the types of magic sticks. From the more popular monks, Taoists, priests, horse immortals, Gu Dao, etc., to the lesser Mongolian witch Udegen, the Monba's mother, and the Cantonese gentleman... There are too many.

But even if there are ghosts and ghosts, you can't mess yourself up, otherwise, the lower the courage, the easier it is to be tricked.

"It happens every year, but there has never been a year when the bell of Juehui Temple rang for no reason at the New Year's Day. I heard that there may be a new town to choose, and I don't know what to choose. "Shi Xuan said embarrassingly.

It's possible, the eldest girl seems to be busy with something similar, and it's probably not surprising that people in the metaphysics know about it and leak it out. He said as if nothing had happened: "If it really has something to do with a high official, it would be someone who would ring the bell to pray for blessings." In fact, the bell was to guide Song Futan.

At this time, Zhang Qingglai came in, heard the half-er, and smiled: "Shi Xuan is talking about the theory of the year of disaster again, didn't the newspapers refute the rumors, the bell was struck by the inspection and maintenance of the temple, the police The paper bundle of the bureau was recovered from the owner, and it was placed at the door waiting to be picked up…”

Lan He thought to himself, I didn't watch the news, even I didn't know the truth! I’m so careless, I should read more newspapers in the future to keep abreast of how people explain it!

Shi Xuan: "Yes, but who stole the paper, isn't it strange!"

"There is no wonder in the world," Zhang Qingglai said, "Anyway, you said it for nothing, I heard that Lan He is a firm believer in ghosts and gods. Before a group of film and television bases, the special evil family did not scare him. "

This circle is so big. Zhang Qingglai also heard from other groups in the film and television base at that time. After all, it was an inkstone made of tombstones discovered by Lan He and Chen Xingyang at that time. Lan He was not afraid of such a strange thing. When it comes to this common acquaintance, it is inevitable to mention it.

Shi Xuan said angrily, "Okay."

These days, they are shooting exteriors. They got up early and put on their makeup before going out in the car. At this time, it was only five o'clock, and the sky was dawning.

Several young actors made an appointment to sit in the same commercial car. When it was just started, Zhang Qingglai suddenly saw something flashing by outside the car, and hurriedly stopped the driver: "Wait! Master, don't start it! "

With good eyes, he got up and looked around: "I think I saw some small animal running under the car, stop pressing the stray cat."

"Oh, is there a cat? Master, don't open it first." Shi Xuan raised a cat at home, and felt distressed at the time, "Wait a minute, I'll drive the cat away."

At this time, the rest of the crew's cars started and drove away. The master didn't want to save face for the female lead, so he could only softly urged: "Then trouble, hurry up, or you will fall."

Shi Xuan got out of the car with her assistant, and within a few seconds, she heard her call, "Ah!!"

Both were girls, Lan He sat next to the door and jumped down immediately, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Qing glaze also stuck his head, "What?"

Shi Xuan was still in shock, covering her mouth, "I thought it was a cat, I squatted down and looked, what is it... God, what a big hedgehog, at first glance from so close, it scared me to death."

hedgehog? Lan He squatted down to take a look. There was indeed a motionless thorn lying under the car. It was very large and light brown.

Shi Xuan took another look, her face paled a little, but she couldn't tell even with makeup on, only her voice was a little tense, "Why is it, this posture..."

The generally timid and quiet hedgehog was disturbed, so it would be better to show its thorns anyway, lying on its back with its stomach exposed. Shi Xuan just finished talking about the strange things in the capital, and the shadow in her heart has not disappeared, it is inevitable to think more.

If Zhang Qingglai had stopped a little later, it was estimated that the wheel would hit it, and it was not far from the wheel. I dared not imagine that situation.

Lan He: "Hedgehogs naturally like dark places. Get in the car first, and I'll find a stick to get them away. There are many germs on hedgehogs."

Shi Xuan turned around and got into the car three steps at a time, "Be careful."

The driver probed, he was in a hurry to leave, but when he heard it was a hedgehog, he immediately said, "Then get it away quickly, don't hurt, hedgehogs are spiritual."

Shi Xuan also turned around, hesitating to say anything.

"Right now." Lan He found a stick, poked the hedgehog, and forced it away. The hedgehog seemed to be frightened and dared to move for a long time, and ran to the corner of the wall along the shadow.

As soon as Lan He got in the car, the driver hurriedly started, chasing after the other vehicles of the crew.

Lan He sat down and heard Shi Xuan nervously: "I remember my mother said that the hedgehog is a white fairy, the God of Wealth, Xijing, you can't disturb it casually, it's such a big one... Let's drive it away, okay? "

Lan He almost forgot that the hedgehog is a white door. It's all because the two families of Hu and Huang are too famous, and this Bai Xian's reputation is really not obvious, and it is not even comparable to Chang Xian, who is at the bottom of the ranking.

He didn't see that the hedgehog was human, but it may have been a little spiritual after living for a long time, "We are also afraid of pressing him, and I also got it open, it's okay."

Shi Xuan was worried for a short while, and when she got busy after work, she also forgot about the white immortals.

In the evening, everyone continued to go back in the same car, but because they were too tired to talk, they closed their eyes and took a nap. The driver also wiped his face with cold water. Driving at night is the most troublesome. He stared at the road ahead, thinking that fortunately it was coming soon.

Lan He sat in the passenger seat this time, and suddenly shouted, "Stop! What is that?"

The sound of a stop made the driver tremble all over, and with concentration he saw a white thing jumping past. The strange thing was that the road was so wide, and this thing seemed to appear suddenly.

They are also very afraid of pressing things on the road, especially those spiritual animals, cats, dogs, and even evil weasels. Why did his eyes get lost? He became numb, and hurriedly stopped and went down with a flashlight.

The others were also woken up by the sudden braking, "What?"

"Looks like I've encountered an animal." Lan He also turned on the light of his mobile phone. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw the driver staring at one place with a strange expression. There was only a little light hitting his face in the darkness, and it was actually stiff and transparent. afraid.

"What's wrong?" Lan He took a picture in that direction.

I saw a large hedgehog hanging in front of the car, with blood stains. Such a big hedgehog, I am afraid it is not often seen, right

"Morning, morning, is that it?" The driver's throat was dry. He didn't get out of the car in the morning to look at it. He only heard from them that there was a huge hedgehog, and now there is another one that jumped out on his own.

I saw that it had been hit and bleed, and this time it turned over, and it could be seen that a lot of thorns on its back had fallen off, and it looked very miserable.

Although it stopped in time and didn't run over it, it seemed that it still hit the hedgehog. It's big among hedgehogs, but it can't stand a light kiss from this steel beast.

"What did you say? Hedgehog?" Shi Xuan wanted to get out of the car, but was stopped by Lan He, otherwise she would not have screamed when she saw it, she sat in the car and looked outside worriedly, "It won't be... That hedgehog in the morning. ?"

Zhang Qing glaze came down, and his scalp was numb when he saw it. Rao is that he has always been casual about this, and he couldn't help but lose his voice: "I'm going... How can this happen, this is too evil!!"

It's like sticking to them.

The driver wiped his face and tried hard to think how he couldn't see it. He shivered and said, "Damn, I used to work in a team that had a person running a night car and crushed a drunk weasel to death. Later, I spent money to find someone to do nothing. It's over, I have nightmares every day, I lost my job, and I've been ill for a long time. God, how could this happen, I escaped a disaster in the morning... Why did I still hit it! My life is so bad!"

—Like destined to live, should they be unlucky

Lan He also felt a little cold for a while, and he thought of Hu Qijiu.

I didn't see a human shape from this hedgehog, but looking at the size and this encounter, it should still have spirituality.

Hu Qijiu was beaten and hated so much that he cut off the fox's tail, and vowed to take revenge. This hedgehog was hit by their car, what kind of hatred it would be.

At this time, Lan He saw that the hedgehog moved, and slowly crawled up, "Hey, it's not dead."

The driver also fixed his eyes and looked happy, "It's really not dead." He breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, fortunately, it was stopped at that time!"

If you don't die, then if you don't die, then there will be no death vengeance, right

Bai Xian, go back quickly, a few dishes and drink like this! !

Shi Xuan suddenly said: "It looks so badly injured, can it survive back?"

This sentence made everyone hesitate again, yes, and they are all hurt like this, even if they don't die, will they still hate us

"Then treat it?"

That said, but for a while, no one dared to move, just watched the hedgehog crawling to the side of the road.

Everyone was really frightened at the moment, how strange it was, how dare you touch it.

Lan He secretly sighed and said, "It's very pitiful. After a wild hedgehog is injured, if it can't survive in the wild, let's take it for treatment."

other people:"… "

To be honest, they all call this white immortal in their hearts now. Lan He's words about wild hedgehogs make them a little at a loss.

Lan He was also a little afraid that Bai Xian would hold grudges, so at that time, he was full of love, so he went to find a cardboard box for mineral water, and immediately put the hedgehog in an empty bottle and packed it up. Anyway, Bai Xian was injured and could not be revolt.

hedgehog:"… "

Everyone was watching him install the hedgehog, but they didn't dare to think too much or say that he didn't dare to use it, Shi Xuan looked at his phone: "Uh... There seems to be a pet hospital nearby, I'll call and ask if it can treat exotic pets. "

Lan He (on the surface) is for the sake of wild animals, and the others are thinking about not offending Bai Xian, what if they don't become popular in the future? Everyone was like-minded, and with their sleepy eyes, they sent the hedgehog to the pet hospital, where a doctor was on duty 24 hours a day.

"Oh, is this wild? It's really badly injured and has lost a lot of thorns." The veterinarian looked at it. Generally, hedgehogs are usually raised now, either for food, not for treatment, or as pets, but basically They are all African miniature hedgehogs, which is not the same as this.

"Yes, I accidentally bumped into it, please treat it." Lan He said.

Although the veterinarian hadn't seen their drama, it seemed that he was thinking whether he was an actor or a model, and he was quite caring, "Okay, I'll take a look. Why don't you give it a name, so I can write a medical record."

You look at me, I look at you, and they don't dare to name Bai Xian. After all, they don't know much about it, so I don't know if this will be a taboo.

And Lan He, who was fearless in everyone's eyes, naturally came forward: "It's thorns are gone, so let's call it Yiping."

Everyone: "… "

hedgehog:"… … … "

The veterinarian turned the hedgehog over and saw that there was a small protrusion at the bottom. He laughed: "Yiping is still a male hedgehog."

He treated Yiping's wound and fed anti-inflammatory drugs, "Hedgehog's recovery ability is good, and it is also quite tenacious. Although it is a little badly injured, it should be able to survive. But this thorn... It's a bit strange, generally a big hedgehog. The thorns are replaced, that is, a small amount. It is a bit large in size, but it does not seem to be caused by lice. It may take further inspection to know if it is a disease. Are you willing to pay?"

Lan He: "It's so old, is it natural to be bald when you're old?"


Lan He quickly added, "I'm just guessing, just check."

"Haha, good." The pet doctor asked, seeing that he was willing to pay for the small animals he rescued, "Do I need to buy an incubator and bring some cat litter back to make bedding?"

Lan He: "No, this cardboard box is very good. Go back and get some sawdust for it. I think there is a construction site nearby."

There is also an incubator. Do you want to build a building of the God of Wealth? Lan He is a little sensitive to these because of Hu Qijiu.

The mood of the others gradually calmed down...

At first, they were still terrified of Bai Xian. Now, seeing that Lan He has completely taken an attitude towards wild animals, and that the hedgehog has been obediently changed his dressing, they all began to wonder if they were making a fuss. Looking back now, it may just be a coincidence, plus simple night dazzling. But the atmosphere at that time, the hedgehog that appeared for the second time on the road at night, was too bluffing.

Hedgehogs are not all white immortals. Only those four gates with extraordinary features will be considered as immortals.

Now, under the incandescent lamp, the veterinarian is changing the medicine, and Lan He is reducing the treatment for her injury. Thinking about it, even if Bai Xian has a spirit, they have brought it for treatment, so it should be fine.

Zhang Qingglai even began to regret that he had wasted an hour of precious sleep time. Why should he all come to the hospital

"The test results will come out tomorrow. You can leave your phone number and I'll let you know. Go back now."

"Thank you, doctor." Lan He covered the box and took it back, as if nothing happened, "Just put it in my room, you can come to see it anytime you want. When it's healed, let's go and release it together."

Before you know it, this activity has changed from preventing Daxian revenge to rescuing wild animals. Shi Xuan even took out an oil-based pen, drew a little man on the box, and wrote: Yiping, come on!

Lan He came late this time, which was beneficial. The single came out, and he lived in a standard room by himself, so he didn't have to worry about his roommate's dissatisfaction. He put the hedgehog together with the cardboard box in the corner of the room, and put some food for it, "Hey, come eat."

hedgehog:"… "

Lan He was already too sleepy, so she hurriedly washed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lan He vaguely heard a coughing sound, who's QQ sounded... He turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

Only a few hours later, the alarm clock rang, and it was time to get up again. Lan He got up to wash, and there was a knock on the middle door. When he opened it, he saw Zhang Qingglai. What about Ping?"

"Inside." Lan He brushed his teeth and pointed.

"Tell you, after I went back last night, my assistant told me that his mother had caught a hedgehog before, but the hedgehog escaped, and she wanted to catch it, but she heard a human cough! It's very clear, and it's a little old. But it was pitch-dark and there was no one there. His mother was frightened to death and went back quickly. The old man said that it was Bai Xian's voice, but Bai Xian had a good temperament, so long as he didn't offend him too much, it would be fine. "

Zhang Qing glaze shared the legend he just heard, "I've never heard a hedgehog cry, can it really be coughing like a human, how similar? Did you hear any noise last night?"

"What, the hedgehog can still bark, I don't know, I slept very dead last night." Lan He also said sleepily, "It's possible, I've seen birds that can imitate the sound of a chainsaw, nature is too It's amazing."

Zhang Qing glaze: "Oh..."

The superstitious atmosphere disappeared again, and he didn't think about it anymore. He squatted by the cardboard box and looked at it, "Yiping?"

He saw the hedgehog huddled quietly in the corner with his back to him, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that Yiping was unlovable, or maybe the hedgehog was too introverted.

Today is an outdoor scene in an amusement park. Men and women mainly show their affection here. They have to shoot from morning to night.

According to Wang Mao's arrangement, Lan He filmed the crazy loop, and continued to show his professional skills as a part-timer.

In the middle, he also received a phone call from the pet hospital, who said that the test results showed that Yiping did not have parasites or other lesions, and the reason for the thorn drop was unknown... That is to say, she encountered a difficult and miscellaneous disease.

Humans haven't even studied their own bodies, let alone animals, Lan He has already determined that Bai Xian should have some cultivation level, just saying that he will continue to observe and then hang up.

In the evening, when Lan He was resting next to Zhang Qing glaze's single scene, Shi Xuan's assistant came over and asked if he had seen her.

"Did you go to the toilet? You don't even know where she is?" Lan He looked at his assistant in a hurry.

The assistant said: "She said she wanted to find a good angle to take a picture, but when I turned my head, I didn't know where I went."

In the evening, there were no more onlookers in the amusement park. Only the film crew was filming. The place was quite big. Although Shi Xuan would no longer have a role in the scene, she was afraid that Shi Xuan would get lost, and Shi Xuan's cell phone was still with her. , so it can't be found at the moment.

The assistant is also a girl, Lan He got up and said, "It's filming now, and it's not good to broadcast... In this way, I'll help you find the surrounding area. You can take a look and ask in this area."

The assistant didn't even think that Lan He was such a gentleman.

In the huge amusement park, there were lights on everywhere, but no one was there. Only the noise of the crew came from a distance, but the further forward, the less clear it became.

woohoo —

A gloomy wind blows.

Lan He sniffed, feeling that the yin wind was a little familiar: "No way?"

As soon as he turned his head, a dead face was hanging behind him, so frightened that his heart stopped for a beat, and it really was Lao Bai.

Old Bai gave a gloomy smile: "I'm working on a case, and I happened to meet you, Xiao Lai, it seems that this is destined by God..."

"I came out to film and didn't bring ingots." Lan He looked at him suspiciously, "Handling a case? Didn't you really take the opportunity to ask me for money?"

Old Bai: "I want to ask you for money and take the opportunity?"

Lan He: "...I'm sorry."

It was me who was wrong and questioned your degree of unfilial piety.

The old man said eloquently, "Then what if I don't have money?"

"What's the matter with me? You didn't have any money to take it out this time, right?? Don't look at me," Lan He groped for a while, but found a piece of paper, and folded a gold ingot and mosquito legs. It was also meat, and Lao Bai immediately took it and made a very unfilial voice, "Tsk tsk tsk..."

Lan He: "Then you go to my hotel after finishing the case... No, you can't go to my hotel. There is a white fairy in my room now."

"Huh?" Lao Bai looked at him, "Hu Xian, you refused, why did you accept only Bai Xian?"

Lan He: "Accidentally, I accidentally bumped into it." He told Lao Bai what happened in the past two days, how he met the white immortal, and pretended that he didn't know anything and was admitted for treatment.

Old Bai's dead face twitched into a ball of laughter, "Let me ask you, how big or heavy is your car?"

Lan He: "Uh... It's an ordinary commercial car, and it's full."

Old Bai: "Well, then you really saved this hedgehog—do you know the cultivation method of Baimen?"

Lan He looked at him and suddenly felt wrong: "What do you mean?"

Old Bai smiled and said: "It's no wonder you didn't think that the white door is the one with the lowest spirituality among the four great doors, and it is the most difficult to obtain the Tao. They are usually quiet, but they are very cowardly. Thorns are defensive, very passive.

"Bai Xian's cultivation method is also very special. After a period of time, he will find a rut to lie down and wait for the car to press him. If there is nothing to do after the pressure, this level will pass. If you pass three levels like this, you will have Daoxing has officially become an immortal family, and has a human form. I am afraid that you are still relatively diligent, not looking for ruts, etc., but directly looking for a car. "

No wonder, Lan He suddenly reacted, why the hedgehog was lying under the car for the first time, and then took the initiative to bump into it, they thought it was too much drinking, who would have thought that it was courting death: "...So passive? No, if there is something wrong What? Are you all forfeited?"

Old Bai gave him a strange look: "It can also be said that most of them die directly."

Lan He: "..."

This is really no different from courting death, Baimen, it's so sad and negative!

"That, isn't it, it's not fancy at all?"

Look at Hu Qijiu and the others, how careful they are to take care of their inner alchemy, and they will think of various ways to avoid robbery.

Old Bai thought about it for a long time, and then said, "No. Besides, aren't all the cars now made of iron, big and heavy, not as much as the wooden cars of the past, so in the last hundred years, Bai Xian has been able to attain the Tao even less. This thing has a bad mind and eyes, and some white immortals don't know what to think, lay down on the high-speed rail, click, and die completely."

He covered his mouth and whispered, "That's why we secretly take care of Baimen in private and call it funeral."

Lan He: "..."

... It's too unpredictable, looking for a high-speed rail to transcend the calamity, how much life can you survive. No wonder, he said how modern legends about Baixian are far less than those of the other four gates.

Old Bai: "So, the hedgehogs you picked up have all fallen off. You must have cultivated to a certain level, and you can't delay any longer, so you have to go to death... No, you are looking for calamity. It's fate, I saw your car twice. , looking for pressure. Let's say it was unlucky, it really didn't die, otherwise, with the size of your car, it would definitely die. But if you say luck, it hit again... It's injured, but it's not enough. Hey, It has to be pressed over, it doesn't count as a hit."

Lan He sighed: "So strict?"

He thought it was a swipe, but it didn't count, so it would be a waste of time.

Animal cultivation is not easy, and Baixian is the most difficult of the four major gates. Lan He said: "Okay, anyway, I will continue to pretend I don't know, wait for it to recover, and see if I can recommend a light car without showing any traces. The car... Bai Xian is a bit unbearable, do you think a toy car is considered a toy car? What about a bumper car?"

Old Bai: "??"

Lao Bai was stunned: "This, I really don't know."

Lan He: "Oh, anyway, I'll try it out when I get a chance."

Lao Bai threw the ingot, always suspicious that his incense would be divided, and said sourly: "It's Hu Xian and Bai Xian again, you are quite loving..."

Lan He sighed: "I can't help it, I'm always too soft-hearted, I want to be a father and give money and incense."

Lao Bai squeezed the ingot: "???"

The author has something to say: Hedgehog: _(:з)∠)_