After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous

Chapter 26: You have other vixen


Old Bai: "Come on, I know you have something to say...!"

Lan He said blankly, "Ah? What?"

Lao Bai watched for a while, but there was no flaw at all, and immediately cursed: "You actor!!"

Lan He: "Are you going to go to my hotel later?"

Old Bai: "Oh, go."

Even the ingot that suddenly carried the scorching father's love was still stuffed into his arms. Could it be that he would give up if he was regarded as a son? It's ridiculous.

Lan He asked him, "Aren't you here to handle the case? What case?"

"Yeah, a dead ghost has slipped away." Lao Bai looked around and said gloomily, "I was also negligent for a while, and I chased all the way here, but I can't see the shadow."

Generally, when a ghost is passed through the body, the body is blurred for a moment, and it takes a while to re-condensate. Except for a small area where the crew is now, this amusement park is empty and uninhabited, but it is the most suitable place to live nearby.

Lan He became suspicious. "Last time, you told me that the rate of losing ghosts in the Yin Division of Dongyue is much lower than that of the Underworld... Is the impermanence knot useful? Are you bragging about it?"

He also learned the impermanence knot, so he won't learn it for nothing.

Lao Bai's face swelled in a flash, and his neck was stuck in defense: "How can there be a fake, this time, this time it was just an accident, that dead ghost came from different surnames of life and death!"

Lan He saw that his neck was getting longer and longer, and she was frightened for a while: "Can you talk about it, what is the difference between life and death?"

Lao Bai: "Today's dead ghost, I wrote Yao Shengming on the ultimatum, but when he got there, he pointed to his ID card and told me that you are arresting Yao Shengming, what does it have to do with me, Chu Shengming! I At first glance, it was not false, and I thought I had gone the wrong way. After looking for it for a long time, when I turned around, his soul was gone. Only then did I realize that it was life and death!

"Some people, the surname written on the living ID card is different from the surname written on the dead tombstone. This is the case for many generations, but our book of life and death is based on death, and sometimes it is not updated in time, or there are omissions... I quickly checked it. Cha, like why this family lives and dies with different surnames, it was his ancestors several generations ago, because a daughter-in-law of the Chu family remarried the Yao family after her husband died, and the children originally born in the Chu family were also brought to the Yao family. Later, a lot of business was done. , Chu and Yao both wanted to fight, so since he started, the descendants have different surnames in life and death, with the surname of Chu in the living and Yao in the dead.

"You said, can you blame me for such a thing? Even if Yan Sanlai was replaced, he would be blinded just as well!"

Lan He didn't expect such a custom to exist. "That's hard for you. It hasn't been updated for several generations, and the paperwork is too slow. Speaking of which, I have to find someone, why don't we work together?"

"Why can't I go up here..." Shi Xuan muttered with her SLR camera on her back. She wanted to find a higher place to take pictures. The amusement park was brightly lit at night, which was very beautiful, and because it was rented to the crew, It's late again, it's empty, there are no tourists, and there is no smell.

Shi Xuan felt that she was very close to the shooting location, and she just walked across the street and turned a corner, so she was not worried.

Because it is in an amusement park, most buildings are of warm and lovely colors, mainly pinkish yellow, pinkish blue, and pink. The shops on the street are themed around fairy tales, and there are toys and dolls in the window. It's just that at night, there is only a dim light shining on them, so looking at them, they seem extraordinarily lonely.

At this time, there was a faint sound of relaxed music from the front. As it approached, it became louder and louder. It was a song in a foreign language. The sweet female voice seemed to match the amusement park.

"Ah..." Shi Xuan rubbed her arms, but she didn't want to find the source of the sound at all, she just thought the movement was weird. As long as you listen to a few more ghost stories, you will know, don't join in the fun.

"I don't want to take pictures anymore." Shi Xuan didn't even dare to call up the pictures she took and look at them again, so she simply put the camera back in the camera bag, carried it on her back, and walked back.

But when she turned around, she was a little lost. Is this where she came from? Why doesn't it look very similar, is it because of the angle

I don't know if Shi Xuan is thinking too much. Looking at the dolls in the window by the roadside, she always feels that she is being watched. Their empty eyes and smiles make Shi Xuan uneasy.

... It must be because of the light, and giving someone a primer is not like a horror movie!

Shi Xuan comforted herself in the bottom of her heart, and walked back while looking at it with uncertainty. She remembered that as long as she walked across this street and turned a corner, she should be able to see the crew.

Turning the corner, it is a deserted carousel, standing quietly under the light.

"..." Shi Xuan fought a cold war, how could this happen

Are you lost, but how could she remember such a simple path? He clearly remembered that he had only left a street or so away.

Shi Xuan took two steps back, turned around, returned to the intersection, and turned in the other direction with an ugly face. Just turned a corner, but in front of him is a row of doll machines, which are playing relaxing and cute foreign language songs.

It was the voice she faintly heard on the other side of the road just now, but she chose to go back at that time.

But now...

Here, there is a row of doll machines that are also activated

Previously, the amusement park gave her the feeling that there were no tourists, only the voices of the crew were faintly heard, and it was quiet in the midst of the noise, and the photos were beautiful under the lights. Now, I don't know when the voice of the crew can't be heard. The background music of the doll machine with poor sound quality and loud volume reverberates in the paradise where the night wind is whizzing. Even the cute doll statues on the roadside make Shi Xuan afraid. .

Shi Xuan immediately touched her pocket, but she was wearing a costume and didn't bring her mobile phone. She squeezed the camera strap tightly and wanted to cry. A big hedgehog could frighten her enough, not to mention this suspected ghost hitting the wall.

In addition to being afraid, Shi Xuan is also a little wronged. People like her who pay attention, don't talk about ghost characters, don't play with disc fairy, don't mess with curious and strange movements, don't dare to get too far from the crowd, and sometimes go to Taoist temples Pray for blessings... Why do you encounter such a thing!

It is said that ghosts are 70% afraid of people, and people are 30% afraid of ghosts. For more aggressive people, ghosts don’t dare to approach. That’s why they have to use some mysteries to scare people and make people mess up first.

After hearing a lot of legends, Shi Xuan thought about this theory and began to gasp for breath.

But when she opened her mouth tremblingly, she realized that she understood the truth. If she really wanted to do it, her whole body became soft, and the roar she imagined did not come out, only a cat-like voice, and her mouth could not be fully opened. open.

If this is scolded, it is estimated that even children will not be intimidated.

"...Bah!" Shi Xuan stretched out her head and spit out saliva, trying her best to spit out the momentum, and then rushed forward with her head sullen.

The loud and brisk music lingered in my ears, as if it could not be dissipated. Shi Xuan rushed to her legs and raised her head to see that there was still a row of doll machines in front of her. She was still very unfamiliar with the surrounding buildings, and the crew did not know where they were.

The dolls in the doll machine seemed to be all staring at her, showing innocent smiles. Things that I usually think are cute are only crazy at this time. Shi Xuan burst into tears and kicked one of the doll machines. , broke out: "Go to hell!"

The doll machine was shocked, and one of the panda dolls jumped up, as if lying on the wall of the machine, without any focus, staring at her with black eye circles through the glass.

Then it began to thump the glass, once, twice, and cracks appeared in the glass.

"Ah!!" Shi Xuan didn't have the courage to be tough any more, she turned her head and wanted to run wildly, but she slammed her head into someone. She closed her eyes and screamed like being scalded by boiling water, waving her limbs, and the frogs danced wildly. " Ahhh!!"

"Shi Xuan?"

"..." Shi Xuan's cry stopped abruptly.

She opened her eyes and saw Lan He's face, who was looking at her with a puzzled look, "Where did you go to take pictures, the assistant is looking for you, why... are you playing the doll machine here?"

Shi Xuan immediately flicked, grabbed the corner of Lan He's clothes, closed her eyes again and said, "Let's go, let's go!!"

Seeing her closing her eyes, Lan He turned her head to look in the direction of the doll machine - Lao Bai was getting into the doll machine and beating a doll, and a ghost jumped out of it. It must be Yao Shengming, who was born and died. He was as thin as Like a skeleton, he put his face on the glass, opened his dark mouth, and rushed straight to the living people outside. Because the action was too big, many dolls fell out of the doll machine and scattered all over the place.

Lan He: "What's wrong? There are so many dolls."

The ghost was still entangled with Lao Bai, and when he heard the words, he opened his mouth to the living person again, and blood flowed from his eyes.

Shi Xuan tugged at him in collapse: "Don't ask, don't ask, let's go!"

Lan He: "Don't you want your doll?"

Shi Xuan: "Then I dare to ask for it?!"

Lao Bai had already pinned the ghost. He glanced at Lan He very reluctantly. He didn't know how there could be such a bold person. He made such a big move, but he was immediately pulled away by Lao Bai and tied up. Staying in a knot, he said proudly: "It's really a bastard, and the name of the dead record dares to play tricks with Bai Ye, so I will send you to the underworld!"

Lan He patted Shi Xuan on the shoulder, "What are you talking about, open your eyes and see."

"That's not..." Shi Xuan anxiously opened her eyes and saw that there were more than a dozen panda dolls lying on the ground. I don't know if it included the one who smashed the glass at her, but when it comes to the glass... Now it looks like it's intact. Now, she was stunned for a while, even more aversion to the cold.

Before she could react, Lan He had already walked over, picked up all the dolls, and hugged the bear full of pandas, "You're amazing, you've caught so many, but you don't want them anymore. Let's go."

Shi Xuan: "..."

In the end what happened

Lan He's calm once again affected Shi Xuan, her lips moved, although she was sure that what happened to her just now was not an illusion, but she decided not to say it now, maybe she would be fine with the daring Lan He.

Shi Xuan and Lan He were walking back on their way back, and there was no one around. Shi Xuan was still quite scared. Originally, her hand was grabbing Lan He's clothes, and she moved forward slowly, trying to grab his hand.

Lao Bai also held a ghost floating beside him, and arranged to the left and right of Lan He. Because he wanted to talk to Lan He, but it was inconvenient for Yao Shengming to know Lan He's identity, he deliberately stuck out a large piece of his tongue, and the paper went up. When he posted it, he dipped in some saliva and said, "Crack!" The ghost's eyes, ears and mouth were smeared.

Lan He was disgusted: "Hey..."

Shi Xuan froze: "?"

Like a bird frightened, she withdrew her hand and cried, "I'm sorry..."

Lan He: "..."

Lan He also has an upset stomach, otherwise he can usually hold it back. He is even more embarrassed than Shi Xuan: "No... It's okay!"

Shi Xuan grabbed the corner of his clothes again, "I don't need to explain, I'm really sorry! Brother, I'm just scared, nothing else, nothing... Can I just grab it here?"

Lan He: "..."

He didn't know what to say, so he just shut up.

It's too quiet here, Shi Xuan couldn't help but keep talking, but naturally changed the topic: "I don't know what happened to Yiping, I heard that wild hedgehogs can't be kept in captivity, otherwise they will die easily."

Old Bai said triumphantly, "Have you seen it? It's tied up this time, and there's absolutely no way to escape."

Lan He: "Huh?"

Shi Xuan: "Well, I found it. But if Yiping is seriously injured, it may be more dangerous to put it back."

Old Bai: "Of course! That's right!"

Lan He: "Oh—"

Shi Xuan: "But I heard again that Bai Xian can't be raised at home..."

Old Bai: "Like I just hooked his head, Yan San has been begging me for a long time, but I refuse to teach him. It's also a unique skill."

Lan He: "I've never heard of it!"

He just dealt with both of them at the same time, holding each other all the way, until a bunch of busy people from the crew appeared in front of him.

"Come out!" Shi Xuan's tears were almost streaming down her cheeks, she never thought it represented such a cute picture of working overtime.

"Well, doll for you?" Lan He stretched out his hand.

"Don't!" Shi Xuan almost screamed, she felt that she would have a shadow on the doll machine from now on, "don't want it either, just now... that..."

Because it was still night, Shi Xuan was too taboo to speak directly about what happened.

"Why, don't give it to me." Lan He didn't care, "I'll take it back to Yiping to play with, it's quite soft. Didn't you say before that Yiping is evil, fighting poison with poison, look at Yiping and Yiping Which is more poisonous?"

Shi Xuan: "Huh? It's okay..."

Lan He piled up the dolls on the stool, and Lao Bai didn't leave immediately, but floated beside him, watching how they worked for a while, "Why can you sit here?"

Because Lan He's scene tonight is basically over, just waiting here to see if there is anything to make up, the director has not confirmed yet, but when Lao Bai asked this, he was silent for a while and covered his mouth: "Because I just The stupid third male is not as busy as the protagonist."

Lao Bai immediately said: "Then you might as well be full-time and impermanent. I think with your ability, you will definitely be able to triple jump."

Lan He was unmoved, "You should go back and return to your life, it's not been very chaotic recently, be careful that you are also robbed on the road."

Old Bai hummed, "I have to let me take a breath, I'm very tired."

It was at this time that a butterfly floated from the sky, and when Lan He got closer, he realized that it was not a butterfly, but paper dust.

Lao Bai squeezed it in his hand and rubbed it a few times, and the paper gray butterfly turned into a white note in his hand. After Lao Bai looked at it, the dead man's face turned blue, "No, something happened to Yan San."

"What happened to third brother Yan?"

Old Bai said anxiously: "He just said, 'Save the ghost'. He was at Juehui Temple, and he didn't know what danger he encountered. I'm going to find him. Can you come with me when you are free?"

After Lao Bai took the money, he was very talkative, but now he asks for help, which is understandable. Yan San was so anxious to ask for help that he didn't say anything, Lan He only hesitated for a moment and said: "You go first, I Find a place to die and die."

Old Bai: "...Okay!"

Lan He went to Wang Mao, and confirmed with him that there was no place for him, and said that his stomach was not feeling well, and he found a place to rest. Wang Mao quickly agreed.

Originally wanted to get into the crew's car, thinking about fear of scaring the crew, Lan He directly found an unmanned storage room in the amusement park, sat on the ground, left her body, and went to Juehui Temple.

Lan He went all the way, and saw a group of ghosts gathered, two red lanterns floating in the sky.

When he got closer, Yan San's slender eyes were full of tears, but he didn't know where the hat on top of his head had gone. Sitting on the ground was very depressed.

Lao Bai is interrogating the ghosts... In addition, Song Futan is also there. He leads the lame donkey and stands aside, his black clothes are the wind, the golden lying fish presses his robes down, and behind him is the red temple wall , which looks quite interesting.

Lan He blinked, "What's the matter, why is Xiao Song here?"

"You're here." Yan San cried and said, "Thanks to Xiao Song for helping me today."

Lan He wondered how the word zeal was associated with Xiao Song. He was more annoying than himself when he saw a ghost.

Song Futan: "I didn't..."

Yan San: "I'm here to pick up the soul, I don't know where the guy will come, and while I'm too busy, give me a fight, I'll run away, run away... I happen to see your donkey, that trick, I recognized it at a glance. At the time, I asked for help while trying to escape on a donkey. Who knew the donkey was lame, but fortunately the guy who led the donkey came to help me. But my official hat was still stolen. The clues are being checked now."

Song Futan: "No..."

Yan San: "Thank you!"

"..." Song Futan simply turned to Lan He and said simply, "On my way back to the soul, he took my donkey away, so I went to bring it back."

"Almost," Yan San said, "that guy slipped away because he was afraid of the Buddha's light on him. Thank you, as expected of a friend from Xiaolai, very enthusiastic. I'm still here to think about the clues together."

Song Futan: "..."

... He stayed after seeing Xiaolai's partner appear, maybe Xiaolai would also appear.

Lan Heren smiled and said, "Thank you so much. This is my colleague. You have seen it once from a distance."

Song Futan saw him smiling, but he was not so speechless, and quickly accepted: "Well, it's nothing."

"How come even the undercover officers have robbed them, so what's the situation now? Have you found any clues?" Lan He asked, "And that hat..."

Because Song Futan was present, he only spoke half of it.

Old Bai said gloomily: "No, I can't see it clearly, and now I don't even know if that guy is a ghost or not. If we wear the official hat of the evil man, if a living person wears it, he can hide his figure. It's like a ghost. If you take the official hat by mistake and take advantage of it, ordinary Taoist priests can’t break the law.”

Lan He's part-time job is impermanent, and he didn't know that the official hat had such an effect, but it was a bit logical to think about it.

Lan He burned Hu Qijiujiu's nails, and immediately had Hu Xian's sense of smell. Of course, his hands also turned into plush claws.

Song Futan stared in amazement.

Old Bai also said "Huh", "This, it doesn't look like Mrs. Hu's!"

Lan He raised his right hand embarrassedly and showed it: "It's from Miss Hu Qijiu."

Old Bai muttered: "Where did you meet another seventy-nine..."

- There are many disciples of the Hu Sect, and he does not know all of them.

Song Futan had been in contact with the guy who grabbed the hat before, so Lan He first sniffed the back of the donkey, and then sniffed the tips of his slender fingers, "Did you touch it here?"

Song Futan saw that he lowered his head and approached his hand, the cold breath hit, his fingers curled up uncontrollably, and the mask seemed to pass his slightly tilted nose, vaguely cool, whispered : "… is behind."

The guy who robbed Yan San came across the lying fish hanging behind him, and then he was scalded and fled.

"Oh." Lan He went around behind him, lowered his head and smelled it again, a few strands of hair brushed over the back of his neck, and then his eyes widened a little, "This, it seems to be... the smell of a weasel."

When he mentioned the weasel, he thought of Hu Qijiu again, and couldn't help but say, "What happened to the Huangmen? Miss Hu Qijiu was also robbed by the weasel a few days ago."

"Weasel?" Yan San hasn't been doing well, but Lao Bai's expression has changed, "It's a weasel again?!"

"What's the matter? What is it?"

Old Bai said angrily: "You still don't know anything, the eldest girl has also received reports in the past few days. There are several cases of looting money, incense, incense, and wounding the Xian family. The clues all point to the Huangmen. At first, she was busy and lacked skills , I didn't care about it, I didn't expect it to get worse, and now I'm taking action on the evil. Is the Huangmen trying to make a fortune from the chaos? I really don't know what to do!"

Hu Qijiu was embarrassed to file a complaint, not knowing that she was not the only victim. The original non-human non-ghost, is also the trouble of the weasel.

Yan San listened and said: "If this matter is related to the Four Great Sect Immortal Clan, I have a direction to investigate. It is best to join hands with Miss Hu."

And it sounds like this yellow-skinned man is crazy, and he is robbed by his own people, so there is no need to worry about the protection of the one on Miaogan Mountain.

"I should have told her to know, why don't I order Zhi Zi Yexiang and ask the eldest girl to come over and talk." Lao Bairou took out the treasured Lanhe brand incense in pain, and asked Mrs. Hu to light the incense.

Miss Hu hadn't come for a while, and Lan He took the opportunity to raise her paw and ask Song Futan, "Are you feeling any discomfort? I'll give you a rub. This is from Hu Xian, so it can be cured."

The nails are all burnt, don't just smell the smell, it's not a waste.

Song Futan saw him holding his hairy paws, and began to suspect that he was really in a dream this time, but how could he have such a dream? I didn't think it was cute before, I just wanted to sprinkle the fluff of repellent and put it on Xiaolai's body, but...

The fireworks drifted far along the celestial pole, towards the direction of Miaogan Mountain.

At this time, the arrival of Miss Hu made Song Futan confirm that it should not be a dream.

But before he could say anything, Lan He put his hands behind his back and hid his claws.

Big girl Hu stepped on the curling fireworks and arrived late.

"Yo, why is it so lively." Big girl Hu looked at the scene and covered her mouth with a smile, but Lan He could see that her brows were a little tired, and it seemed that she had been busy these days, "Master Lai is here... "

She said, but her footsteps suddenly slowed down, stopped in front of Lan He, and licked her lips, "Does it smell like thorns?"

"Hello, eldest girl, I saved Bai Xian." Lan He greeted and quickly changed the subject, "I also want to ask you, how do you judge whether a Bai Xian is kind-hearted and worth pressing..."

"Wait," Big Girl Hu's brows froze, she sniffed again, and when she sniffed it carefully, she suddenly burst into anger, roaring furiously, "No, you have other ones, tell me which one they are. Little fox!!"

Lan He: "..."

Although but... At this time, it should probably be said, listen to my explanation?

The author has something to say: Hu 79, Dangerous!

Big girl: My sister can do it, and my sister can do it!

Song Futan: Hello? ?

Too many people have asked, I have to humbly explain the stalk of Yiping! In "Deep Love and Rain", when Yiping jumped off the bridge, she said about my thorn, I can't find my thorn. She is a hedgehog who pulls thorns for love... After explaining it, I suddenly felt that it was not funny at all, woohoo, and shed tears