After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous

Chapter 58: How many times did Bai Yiping die on Line 2 in the evening peak?


Thanks to "Chasing", which ended not long after, and "Expressive", whose acting skills exploded, Lan He's popularity is very high. It cannot be said that he dominated the ratings of "Dream Geometric". You can recognize him while watching the show.

Someone broke the news on the Internet before that Lan He's mother is Mongolian, and he himself has half Mongolian blood. At that time, it was not very popular, and fans were a little curious. It is said that Lan He showed ethnic skills on the set. What is it?

This question was answered in a certain episode. The older brother played by Lan He saw the male and female protagonists go to the amusement park and secretly followed behind. When he was instructed by the stall owner, he became angry and threw all the dolls in the stall in a rage. Set gone.

This scene has not been edited at all, and it can be seen that Lan He is trapped by himself.

Among the current episodes of the online broadcast platform, there are also episodes of the filming period. It turns out that Lan He has been caught more than once, and he has been able to hit it every time, without any misses.

Netizens immediately remembered the revelation. No wonder Lan He has half Mongolian blood, and he can fit a horse, not to mention a doll...

At first glance, it was quite convincing, but after a few years, some viewers who did not often surf the Internet thought that Lanhe was Mongolian.

[Brother is too funny, I thought he was a stunner and bought the entire amusement park directly, but he just took all the dolls away, and the boss cried!]

[Woooooo, I also want such a brother, the 100% nesting doll is too cute, so why should it be blackened in the later stage!]

[It’s scary, you can see that after he finished talking with the heroine, he went to make a phone call, foreshadowing, this call is definitely not easy. Also, sometimes when he and the heroine are happily talking, their expressions will become very complicated...]

[Brother Bai Qie Hei is really cute and charming, can't the family stay sweet?]

[Impossible, go upstairs to see the analysis post of a big guy in the forum. My brother is very difficult. Everything he does is very meaningful. Don't forget that he and the male protagonist are competitors in the end. This drama is actually very realistic.]

Netizens with huge brain holes started to analyze, there were countless conspiracy theories, and they looked at it with the spirit of solving the case and the villain filter, and everyone became Sherlock Holmes. When "Dream Geometry" has been on the air for a week, the ratings have been steadily increasing, and many viewers have joined the ranks of chasing dramas, or solving crimes...

Besides, some viewers who don't surf the Internet often, or middle-aged and elderly people who don't surf the Internet at all, don't listen to Wang Mao's fudge,

Watching the drama based on my own feelings, I am happy, at most, I can talk about the heroine's brother and the actor seems to be half Mongolian.

Some people searched the Internet after chasing them for a week, and their faces were full of confusion, [Am I chasing the same drama as you, my brother is so complicated?]

[Although you say so, but how I look at it, my brother is not like a bad person, he is quite humorous.]

[My God, is that so? Can't look directly... She was dumbfounded, and said that the more she thought about it, the more strange it became]

A few days later, these posts will be picked up and whipped.

In addition, because Lan He is the third male, he also participated in some drama propaganda programs.

One of them, Lan He, Zhang Qingglai and Shi Xuan together, is the hero and heroine of "The Geometry of Clear Dreams". They haven't seen each other for a long time since the filming of the drama.

The host, Meng Ying, is a well-known sharp-talker in the circle. He often asks some pungent questions. Many artists can't stand it. This time it is a live webcast again. Before the show, the agent reminded Lan He to answer carefully.

The three of them went on, because they were all young people, the host frantically pressed the gossip. It wasn't long before Lan He became famous and there were no scandals, so she was forced to ask her about the criteria for choosing a mate, and even whether she liked Shi Xuan or not.

"It's all a brother-sister relationship." Shi Xuan laughed dryly, what a joke, Lan He had vomited when she was holding hands before...

Lan He glanced at Song Futan, who was acting as an "assistant" at the scene, and laughed dryly: "Sister, ask about the drama."

It wasn't long before he established a relationship with Song Futan... Even his parents didn't know, Lan He didn't dare to be too blatant. Although Teacher Long kept urging him to find a partner, who knows how he would react when he found out that his partner was a man.

"Are you scared?" Mengying smiled and said, "Then let's ask some simple questions first, can you tell me, how did you come up with the idea of showing the skills you learned from childhood in the play? Or is it a coincidence?"

Lan He didn't react: "Which skill?"

Play dead? No, it didn't work.

Mengying: "No, you are half ethnic minority, right?"

Lan He: "Ah yes, how did you know that my hukou has always written Han nationality, follow my father."

Mengying: "Haha I did my homework in advance, then as a half Mongolian..."

Lan He: "???"

Lan He was stunned, "Who? Mongolian? My mother's Miao!"

Meng Ying was also stunned, "Then you are so accurate in hooping?"

... that's because I am impermanent! How to do this homework, Lan He can't laugh or cry, "Does it matter, where are the rumors?"

"Really?" Mengying responded quickly, "That's a misunderstanding. Many people on the Internet think this way, so I just happened to refute the rumor today."

Lan He said solemnly: "Well, I'm not Mongolian, and I hope everyone in front of the TV will stop being stereotyped. It's not that Mongolians go to school on horseback, know how to ride horses, etc."

Mengying: "Mmmm!"

Lan He put the microphone in front of her and sang: "The stars are lined up in the sky, and two gates welcome you in. Please look up at the signboard. Which guest is the cutest?"

Mengying: "..."

She turned her head and wanted to speak.

Lan He interrupted her: "Don't say it, sing it."

Mengying: "..."

Shi Xuan and Zhang Qingglai both laughed wildly, and Song Futan also showed a smile in his eyes, Xiaolai was really Mr. Long's own.

The netizens watching the live broadcast were even more mad with laughter.

[Hello, you have turned on the Miao Village KTV mode]

[If you refute the rumors, you will refute the rumors. Why do you suddenly sing and force Mengying to sing! Hahaha!]

[I spit out laughing hahahahaha, the dream warbler cracked]

[It’s not actually Mongolian? ? I have trusted me for a long time, and I even gave my mother science science seriously]

[This is the first time I see Mengying so helpless, she can't speak, no, she can't sing]

[What is Lan He doing? 23333 said that he should not be stereotyped, and turned his head and sang suddenly]

[The Miao people explained that not every Miao people wore silver Miao skirts to the song for 20 years, but they were ruined by Lan He again!]

[Upstairs, don't say it, sing it out]

Mengying stuck for a few seconds before admitting defeat: "I'm sorry, I'm really not right, let's let each other go."

Only then did Lan He take back the microphone and regain his shyness: "Thank you, Sister Mengying."

Zhang Qingglai and Shi Xuan were laughing, but Mengying turned around and said, "Then let me ask you..."

Two people: "… "

After the recording, Zhang Qingglai and Shi Xuan were almost sweating.

"Hey, I really haven't seen it for a while. This chat seems to be back on the set." Zhang Qingglai sighed. When I was in the crew last time, there were people who suspected that Lan He came in through the back door, but now, Lan He has already With a character has a name.

"Yeah, brother, why don't we get together." Shi Xuan still called Lan He by the name she used in the crew, "Tomorrow, you can also call Director Wang and the others."

There was no schedule the next day, and Lan He said, "Okay, let's attack Director Wang face to face."

I'm tired of fighting in the group, Wang Mao is too stupid, and Lan He can't imagine how dumbfounded the audience will be after the broadcast ends.

"Hey, as soon as I saw my brother, I thought of Yiping." Shi Xuan said with emotion, "I don't know... How is Yiping doing now."

"Then see you tomorrow, let's make an appointment again." Zhang Qingglai also thought of the hedgehog, "I think Yiping should be doing well now, back to nature!"

No, I am closing myself in my house. Lan He thought thoughtfully: "Well... see you tomorrow then."

Song Futan had already brought all his things and was about to leave.

Zhang Qingglai saw it and said jokingly, "This is your mysterious assistant."

Lan He has fans anyway. When Song Futan appeared for the first time in disguise, someone noticed that Lan He seemed to finally have an assistant. As Song Futan followed Lan He more frequently, fans also discussed it. stand up.

Let's just take Lan He as an assistant... Dress up more like a star than this deity Lan He! Always cover up tightly, only to see a good figure, long legs, also like to wear black, often carrying a long bag, fans are ridiculed.

Zhang Qing glaze also accidentally saw it on the Internet, so I know this stalk.

Lan He couldn't help but smile, "It's not an assistant, I... friend, come and help me."

It's not surprising that relatives and friends are assistants and staff members, and Zhang Qingglai didn't care. Of course, later he regretted and didn't ask questions, and missed a big gossip.

Lan He chatted with them again, made an appointment to say on WeChat, and went back.

Bai Wu woke up from the God of Fortune Building, ate some incense, and then stretched his four little feet a little, then climbed from the first floor to the second floor of the God of Fortune Building, exercising a few laps in the roller. Hedgehogs are very quiet, but they can't move completely, especially after they are full.

The completely dark space made Bai Wu very relaxed. After exercising, he found a corner and lay down to self-contain.

Until the curtain was drawn, Lan He's face appeared outside.

Bai Wu slowly turned his body, from lying on his back to lying on his side, with his back facing Zun's family, only a mass of thorns and two short feet at the bottom could be seen.

Lan He: "..."

Lan He: "Tomorrow I'm going to meet Zhang Qingglai and Shi Xuan, are you going?"

Bai Wu's Douzi's eyes froze for a moment, then he slowly sat up, his two thin hands resting on the discounted soft belly, "It's two benefactors..."

As an immortal family who reciprocates with gratitude, Bai Wu certainly remembers the two who rescued him. Although he also used wealth to repay the two, this friendship still exists.

For example, he had a senior from the same family who was only given some food by the peasant when he was hungry. Although it was not offered as an offering, but every winter, if the peasant could not survive, the senior would send two load of firewood, and this continued for three years. generation, it's over.

Bai Wu encouraged himself, he couldn't lose to the seniors, at least go meet him, he said solemnly: "I'll go!"

"I'll go, it's like going out as if you're going to die." Hu Qijiu sneered with his feet crossed, "Since he's gone, then I won't go, and this fairy aunt will also rest."

Lan He: "It's too tired, isn't it?"

As long as Hu Qijiu follows him, he will inevitably go crazy for the popularity of the scene, the order of the stage, etc. She is not interested in going to this one who eats and does not record the show...

Hu Qijiu smiled embarrassingly: "It's mainly because the respected family is welcome."

It means how many times she has been connoted.

Lan He smiled, "Really? I also promised Teacher Xuanguang to make willow leaf soup for you."

"Liu Ye Tang?!" Hu Qijiu's saliva was about to flow down at that time, "I was wrong about the Zun family, the Zun family is so polite to me!"

Lan He: "I'm really greedy? He said that all immortals eat this. I still don't believe it. How delicious is it?"

The Xian family usually eats human food, and Hu Men also likes to eat chicken, but according to Lan He's observation, they love the incense they make by themselves. He knew about willow leaf soup, not just old Beijing snacks, supper and breakfast restaurants. I don't know why Song Futan said they liked it.

Now Hu Qijiu was really excited, and even Bai Wu turned over to look at Liu Yetang when he heard it.

"It doesn't mean how delicious it is..." Hu Qijiu touched his chin and said, "I don't know anything about the Zun family, but for the four major gate shrine ceremonies, the human disciples' family will prepare this for the immortal families who are present to eat. , is the ordinary meal of the people of the old Beijing, it's just a piece of soup with different shapes.

"So you want to say how delicious it is, but it's not - although the willow leaf is heavy, the willow leaf soup is not made with willow leaves, but the noodles are cut into the shape of willow leaves. Anyway, I like to eat it because of When I was a child, it was a lively thing to have a shrine in an immortal family, and I could drink willow leaf soup when I met it. This is a tradition, a memory."

Lan He understood, "It's not soup, it's feelings, just like Chinese New Year's desserts."

Bai Wu also rubbed his two thin claws, as if looking forward to it.

Lan He: "Haha, Bai Wu also has feelings?"

Hu Qijiu complained, "He's just yearning for it. What happened to Baimen? When he was born, he would have several opportunities to participate in the shrine ceremony of his elders."

Bai Wu: "..."

Bai Wu said sadly: "Yes, once, my third grandfather became someone's altar immortal. When I was in an altar, I went to drink a bowl of willow leaf soup in a soy pot..."

Lan He couldn't help but say: "Don't say it, the more you say it, the more pitiful you appear." It's too miserable to drink it once.

White Five: _(:з)∠)_

Not long after, Song Futan also brought the willow leaf soup, a total of four bowls. There are two ways to make willow leaf soup, the soy pot and the inverted soy pot. This is the soy pot method that Bai Wu said. Seasonings such as chopped green onion, shredded ginger, and garlic cloves are first simmered to give off the fragrance, then add salt and water to a boil. The slices were put in and cooked, and the top was filled with kelp and sauerkraut, which was steaming hot.

"I'll try it." Lan He took a bowl.

Bai Wu and Hu Qijiu also took a bowl to eat, and swallowed them with the fragrant gravy. Although they were very animalistic, they looked particularly fragrant.

Song Futan: "How is it?"

Hu Qijiu squinted at him while eating, because Song Futan was always holding on to the recording studio, she said yin and yang strangely: "Don't think that eating your willow leaves, even if you recognize you, but if this willow Ye'er is a little delicious, it's all its own credit, and it has nothing to do with you."

Song Futan: "..."

Lan He remembered Song Futan's private ridicule, and laughed secretly, why is she really like her stepmother.

Song Futan saw that he was smiling, and said to Hu Qijiu, "Then next time you're going to record a show, first pick up the beans from the ashes at home."

Hu Qijiu: "..."

She was so angry that she almost choked on the mask and rolled her eyes.

Lan He was not sympathetic, but was made to laugh: "Hu Xiren, stop talking nonsense, eat your feelings."

Lan He is not from the capital, so he doesn't have such feelings, so he doesn't have any taste. If he has no feelings, he has feelings. He asked Song Futan, "Well... What about you, do you have feelings? Do you often drink willow leaf soup?"

Hu Qijiu laughed, and Bai Wu coughed.

Lan He: "?"

Song Futan said helplessly, "You can't ask that. In the past, in the capital, not only the people who worshipped the four major gates would invite you to drink willow leaf soup, but also people who did white affairs would also entertain the monks and Taoists who let off the flames to eat willow leaf soup or Yuanbao soup is a late-night snack. So eat it and eat it, it’s not very lucky to ask like this…”

Lan He: "..."

Lan He said with shame: "I'm sorry, I don't understand the habits here."

Weddings and weddings are busy the day before, and willow leaf soup is indispensable for supper. In addition to supper, the capital also pays attention to not sending funerals when it is empty, and has to provide breakfast to the guests, so although this is a traditional meal, you must pay attention to what you say orally.

Song Futan just told him that of course he wouldn't mind, just be careful not to say that to the old man in the future, he touched Lan He's head before holding up his bowl.

At this moment, a ghost came in outside the window: "Liu Ye Tang? Leave me alone!"

It was the number one filial son in the capital, Lao Bai, who rushed over to drink soup without saying a word.

-Because Bai is also always entertaining, ghosts and gods can rub against him, so not only the four major gates have feelings, but Lao Bai also has feelings. Today, the white affairs of the capital will be the same as before, building a shed to entertain you with willow leaf soup.

The bowl of Song Futan, which was the old white end, was finished sucking, and Lan He looked at himself with an unhappy expression.

Lao Bai's heart skipped a beat. With a stepfather, there would be a stepmother. After eating a bowl of Song Futan soup, Lan He had this expression on his face. How generous he used to be!

"Why? Still angry?" Lao Bai was ready to kneel at any time.

Lan He: "No, you stepped on my invisible hook."

Lao Bai: "..."

The chain between Lan He and Song Futan can't be seen even if they are sprinkled with talisman water, but of course Lao Bai can touch it.

Lao Bai took a step back: "Oh, I'm sorry."

Lan He didn't scold Lao Bai. He had three meals a day, and he couldn't eat too much. He could eat his bowl with Song Futan, and it would save money, but for the time being, he went to find some ingots to give to Lao Bai.

"Hey... I won't be polite to you anymore. I remembered a new song on the way here. I often go home to read it. It makes sense." Lao Bai muttered nonsense. embrace.

For him, this is a new song.

I bother. Lan He cursed in his heart, picked up the document and read it, he and Song Futan were sitting in a row, although Song Futan didn't turn his head to look, Lao Bai was still vigilant at the time: "You can see, Song Futan can't Look."

"Oh... Soul-hungry letter?" Lan He said, he understands this, this is a document copied from the book of life and death, of course ordinary people can't read it.

And this thing belongs to the department's secret. He is impermanent and can see it, but Song Futan is not, or even if he is from the underworld, he can't just read the documents of the Yin Division.

Lan He only glanced at it. There was a seal of Yin Si on it, which recorded the details of Lao Bai's work: Jiang Hansheng, born at a certain time of a certain day and a certain year, died at a certain time of a certain year... It is about tonight. At eleven o'clock, the address, characteristics and other information are attached at the back.

Lan He put it down casually: "It's a bit far, there's still an hour left, can you make it in time?"

Old Bai Yanran smiled: "I've done the math, I'll leave after I get the money, it's too late."

Lan He: "..."

Lan He: "You look so good when you are filial..."

Lao Bai didn't understand: "??"

Lan He: "I mean let's go!"

The next day, Lan He was going to an appointment, Song Futan was locked, of course he drove over with him.

Lan He put Bai Wu in his pocket with a matchbox attached, "Bai Zhixian, do you have any confidence!"

Bai Wu: "... Yes!!"

The name of this immortal family cannot be revealed casually, but now Lan He also shouts from time to time in private, mainly because he is afraid that if he doesn't call himself, he will forget what their names are, that is, calling the full name strangely like a parent.

As a result, I was delayed for a while when I went out. Before I got to the place, I was in a traffic jam. Seeing that I was late, Lan He was speechless, "It's really impossible, let's stop and walk over."

"It's still a long way to walk, don't look close on the map." Song Futan glanced at it, "I remember there is a subway station nearby, take Line 2 there."

Lan He hesitated: "Subway..."

Song Futan: "If you wear a mask, you should not be discovered."

"That's not the problem," Lan He said, "I don't care, it's okay to squeeze, but now it seems to be the evening peak, I'm afraid our family will have to cook willow leaf soup so soon..."

May I ask how many times Bai Yiping died on Line 2 during the evening rush hour

Bai Wu burst into tears: "...!"