After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous

Chapter 65: Seeing my brother, I haven't sorted out the remains


Hu Qijiu's idea is very simple, no matter what ranking he is, the honorable family can take the first place.

She even encouraged Lan He to be re-elected, "Respect the family, and strive to win the annual crown."

Song Futan: "This is illegal and not worth encouraging."

Hu Qijiu: "I haven't abided by the law either..."

Song Futan: "..."

Hu Qijiu suddenly felt a killing intent, Song Futan's sword could not hold back, she quickly said: "But who's going to follow others, how can these human race break the law?"

Besides, when Bai Wu entered the coffin, he saw that there were whole grains and paper money in it. Since it was a coffin, it could not be left empty, otherwise it would be "empty money". It also drew a picture of five blessings and longevity, and the wood is also strong, which is a very good coffin.

The coffin was carried all the way to the cemetery, and the two ghosts helped the paper figurine down the coffin, and Bai Wu took the opportunity to climb behind the paper figurine and hide his figure.

They helped the paper figure to the table. Since it was a ghost wedding, the theme was different each time. Sometimes it was a Western-style lawn wedding, and sometimes it was a Chinese-style wedding. The Chinese-style has many regional customs, so there is no bridge this time, just A hall was set up.

The utensils are all made of paper, the vases made of paper, the table made of paper, the mountains of gold and silver made of paper... But they didn't know that even the groom was made of paper this time.

"The auspicious time has come, why hasn't the bride come yet?"

The two ghosts who acted as emcees were a little puzzled, and asked in the big paper-clad yard.

The window was opened, and a little ghost probed: "I'm trying to persuade the bride."

-Because it was run by the family, the souls of the dead were not 100% satisfied, but they were the first to resist like this.

I only heard the bride scream: "Who wants to marry Chen Xingyang, I don't like Chen Xingyang, he killed brother Xunchun! Who burned me this broken marriage certificate, what kind of company are you!"

The little ghost persuaded: "Your parents call the shots. Then you should marry Chen Xingyang, you can torture him."

Bride: "..."

Bride: "I believe your nonsense!"

What parents call the shots, what age is this.

They couldn't persuade the bride, so they had to report to the boss, how could the living members of her family be willing to continue spending money if the bride didn't cooperate.

On the other end of the mausoleum area, a man in a jacket came ticking on a donkey, his face was blue and gray, showing a sullen look, and the bride was forcibly dragged down by the kid, "What are you doing, there are people who are forcing people to get married."

The man in the jacket gave her a look. The bride was newly dead, and she was still wearing white clothes. When he saw it, she was silent.

The man in the jacket snorted: "Girl, don't waste this money, it's all kind of gift from your parents, Chen Xingyang is also a star, as the starring, isn't he better than Lan He?"

The bride boldly said: "I don't like it, so there is no comparison."

The ghost in the jacket: "Tsk, so, why don't we postpone it, wait for me to find Lan He and marry you." Shan Liangke has been following the movements of these stars, and Lan He seems to be going to film.

The bride has also been a ghost for a while, and has heard some ghost stories from her family since she was a child, which is different from her parents' indifferent attitude, and after all, she really liked Zhang Xunchun, and looked at him vigilantly: "What the hell are you doing? If you invite me, will it affect my brother?"

"What about the influence?"

"Of course I won't get married if it affects me," said the bride, "what the hell do you think of me."

The man in the jacket said impatiently, "If that's the case, then please tell your parents."

The bride: "What did you say? If you don't end it, you have to say it. Is it possible that you can still get your money back?"

The ghost in the jacket: "Of course, I told them that you are having a bad life down there, and quickly spend money to resolve it for you—"

As he spoke, he bent down from the donkey and stretched out his hand to the bride. He wanted to be a good ghost, and made money with Shan Liang kindly, but this woman didn't give him a chance.

The bride was so frightened that her ghostly eyes widened and her face was distorted. She had died in a car accident, and her death appearance was not very good-looking.

At this time, the confused "Chen Xingyang" actually rushed over.

The man in the jacket waved his hand subconsciously, and realized that something was wrong. "Chen Xingyang" was torn open by him, and before he thought about it carefully, a thorn popped out from behind "Chen Xingyang" and went directly through his. palm!

"Ah!!" The man in the jacket screamed, rolled off the donkey, and saw "Chen Xingyang" turned into confetti, revealing the white fairy with glasses behind him. The spikes turned twice in his hand. Circle, retracted and held it upside down, with sharp movements, the body separated the other party from the bride.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at the man in the jacket, but just stared coldly diagonally downward.

The bride opened her mouth. Even though she liked Brother Xunchun, she couldn't help feeling that she was so cold and handsome...

The man in the jacket held his palm. Although there was no blood, there was a small black hole in the palm. He couldn't see the origin of Bai Wu, but he could only vaguely see that it was a monster, and said angrily: "Where is the nosy!"

Bai Wu looked back, alas, why hasn't the Zun family come out yet

The man in the jacket was even more angry: "You dare to ignore me!"

Bai Wu: "…"

Oh, can you not speak.

The man in the jacket felt that the attitude of the white door was too contemptuous, as if he was inferior to him, and immediately raised his hand: "Come on!"

He also subdued a group of younger brothers in the mausoleum area. With one order, more than 20 ghosts came out of the tomb to help him, and even the little ghost who used to act as a matchmaker spoke for him: "Where did the big brother ask you, where did it come from? ."

Bai Wu turned around uneasy.

Bride: Wow, I'm really arrogant, I don't care, it's a little bit like my brother Xunchun.

The man in the jacket was in a hurry and was about to say hello when he saw an impermanence wearing a Yin Si uniform and no hat but dragging a chain from behind the bushes. Beside him was a man in black with a sword, and a girl in red. .

Lan He smiled. He only appeared now. First, he wanted to see if there were any accomplices in the wedding company. Second, the colleagues he was looking for had never arrived, and he would be very indifferent without his brothers fighting together.

Bai Wu breathed a sigh of relief, but he appeared. Under Lan He's encouraging gaze, he said, "I, we are here to crack down on illegal acts."

Bride: "??"

The tone seems... a little soft? It's so different from what I imagined!

Hu Qijiu also raised his arms and shouted, "You are surrounded!"

"Crazy, it's almost as if you were surrounded by me." The man in the jacket smiled contemptuously, but although there were a lot of people on his side, he didn't want to drag on the impermanence for too long.

Lan He read: "The cattle and horses know the way to Yin City, and they will never leave the mountain cave.

After he finished reading, the paper kraft paper horse, which had been secretly scattered around, immediately stood up and raised his head to tweet.

When the man in the jacket saw it, he grabbed his little donkey and turned around, only to see cattle and horses on three sides. The other side of Wuchang had no cattle and horses. Only the man in black led a donkey, which was smaller than the donkey he was leading. a circle.

The man in the jacket: "You... are you all here?"

Lan He's hat was given to Chen Xingyang. If he wore it, he would have recognized it earlier, but now that he saw such a generous hand, he also had doubts. This handwriting was not Yin Si Xiaolai, but also Xiaolai's beloved son.

Lan He ignored him.

On the contrary, the auxiliary policeman Xiao Song rushed forward very aggressively, holding a long sword in his hand.

The man in the jacket released the donkey first.

Song Futan ignored him, seeing that he wanted to force his way out, he flicked a few talismans, with boundless inscriptions written on them, and the four ink characters changed their shape to form a rune, and then the man in the jacket realized that the road in front of him had become too far away. Expect.

At the same time, his sturdy donkey also rushed in front of Song Futan.

No. 001, who was a little short, turned around, raised his golden hind hooves, and kicked out!

This hoof is not simple. It was repaired by Grandma Wang San herself. Once the hoof kicked it, the donkey on the opposite side turned to ashes.

"Who are you?" The man in the jacket couldn't understand Song Futan's origin, saying that he was a Taoist, the sword had the breath of Buddhism, and the runes were boundless and boundless, but splitting characters into symbols is clearly the unique skill of Taoism. .

Song Futan said coldly, "A rights defender."

Male ghost in jacket: "??"

He felt that he was afraid that it wasn't the star he had cheated on who was looking for someone, so Chen Xingyang was still a paper avatar, maybe it was Chen Xingyang, so he scolded him wildly in his heart. Unexpectedly, it is the family member of the star who has not had time to pit himself.

But the male ghost in the jacket also has a good trick, which is illusion. In his spare time, he taught his younger brother two tricks, and he was able to blind Lan He for a while, and immediately set up a sea of blood illusion.

As a result, the man in black turned a blind eye and stepped directly over—

Lan He took Hu Qi-nine's plow to plow hard, and Bai Wu protected the ghost fan of Xia Zun's house. These guys were crying and wailing, and they all took the initiative to explain that they wanted Lan He to stop.

Lan He didn't stop after hearing how they did the crime, "I didn't promise you again!"

Then, a large number of criminals entered the field, and the colleagues caught up with the end, only to see that the target had been stabbed in the opposite direction by the sword, and they lost their combat effectiveness.

Song Futan kicked and handed it to them to lock it.

The messenger saluted Lan He: "What a coincidence, it was the trouble that came to the master."

Lan He took a closer look and saw that it was all the evil of the Temple of the City God, "Where's our old white? Didn't he invite you here?"

He watched a group of messengers come over, thinking that Lao Bai finally called someone, but it was a local department, but it was a coincidence that they said it, and it seemed that they didn't know about it at all.

The head of the City God Temple emissary said stunned: "No, sir, this guy is Cheng Wu. Recently, he teamed up with a businessman to manipulate living people to make money. Our City God Temple has paid attention and came to arrest him on purpose."

Lan He: "Oh... you still know his name?"

The errand was a little embarrassed, and whispered: "It's true, because this guy escaped from prison."

"Also? I heard about it before, and then you guys said it's fine." Lan He remembered the evil ghost who escaped into the belly of a person some time ago. At that time, Lao Bai told him about it, but after inquiring about it, he clearly said that Arrested.

"That's what we thought. Over the years, I don't know how many records have been accumulated, and we have changed officers. It's our Lord Chenghuang who noticed it and ordered us to clear things up." That's why such a big battle was not designed for group fights with Lan He. come.

"Master An? If you want me to say, you should really be electronic." Lan He said.

Yin Chai weakly said: "Well, it's not that there is too much information, even if it has to be entered for many years. Thank you, Mr. Lai, for reminding me. Our adults also said that it is necessary to establish a new style. Like the relevant personnel involved this time, not only It is this ghost who is going to be arrested, and those who know it well and have to pay to marry, must make their good dreams turn into nightmares as a punishment."

"That's so good!" Lan He said, he just heard those little ghosts explain the crime process, and only guessed that he had not been found, but some buyers in the world, such as Chen Tianji, knew that this might involve the star deity, It doesn't matter, it's also evil.

This kind of thing can't be dealt with in the world. It would be good if the Temple of the City God could impose a small amount of punishment, and it would be considered a relief for a victim like Chen Xingyang.

The underworld organization is huge and prosperous, dealing with the six realms of reincarnation, the documents are numerous, and there are occasional mistakes. After the Chenghuang Temple was changed, it was actively remedied. Lan He had nothing to say and sent them away.

Looking at the original "bride", Chen Tianji's daughter Chen Jiao, she showed a touch of sadness, "I think it was a bit extreme just now, I can't see my brother, and it's not bad to see the paper figurine of the actor who killed him... "

Lan He: "..."

Hu Qijiu winked: "Do you like Lan He?"

They all heard it just now.

Chen Jiao: "Yes."

"So you really want to see Lan He?" Lan He suddenly said.

Song Futan raised his eyes and was a little surprised. Could it be that Xiaolai is going to get off his horse

Chen Jiao: "Do you have a channel?"

Lan He: "See if I look like Lan He."

Chen Jiao dared to take a closer look at the ghosts that she didn't dare to look directly at before, whether it was a living person or a dead ghost, when encountering ghosts, many still didn't dare to stare at them, "Uh, it seems a little..." Look carefully now Yes, the exposed eyebrows are quite similar.

"I'll give you the nickname Yin Si Lan He from below. This is Humen, who is best at illusion. You give me a stack of paper money, and I'll help you realize your dream." Lan He said and took off his mask.

Chen Jiao is stupid, I rely on it, it's really like Lan He's deity! And seeing it on the screen is very different from seeing it in reality.

She took out a stack of paper money in a trance, and wanted to cry a little: "I spent all my makeup."

Appearance... No, the remains have not been sorted out.

Lan He took the paper money and shook hands with her: "It's okay, it's cute. Thank you for your liking."

After all, he put on the mask.

Chen Jiao clutched her heart for a while and said, "Brother... No, thank you, sir, thank you!" The money was so worth it, she felt like she was about to recover her heartbeat.

"You're welcome, you gave the money." Lan He put the money in his pocket, "Let's go!"

Song Futan saw a smile in his eyes after Xiaolai turned around, and he couldn't help but smile.

Lan He asked from a colleague in the City God Temple to ask Shan Liang, who is the organizer of the ghost wedding company, and other unscrupulous merchants sell a marriage certificate for 50 yuan, but this guy teamed up with Cheng Wu to sell more than 3,000 copies. By the way, to develop other businesses, there is a great tendency to be a gentleman.

Like this, he had to be severely punished, so Lan He naturally went to find his good partner Wang Lili.

"Oh, this, being superstitious and infringing on other people's portrait rights, I'll go investigate him right away!" Wang Lili wrote it down.

Lan He felt a sense of joy inexplicably. After all, Wang Lili was going to educate people about superstition. He seemed to feel how everyone usually felt about him.

"By the way." Wang Lili asked, "Partner, do you really think there are dragons in this world?"

Well, Lan He thought about it and said, "There should be, but it seems that it has not been seen in the world for a long, long time. At least in the capital area, it is said that there has been no trace of dragons for a long time."

Wang Lili's face was complicated, "Oh... I was called to the police yesterday. Someone insisted that there are dragons in the capital, and he observed them and wanted to take us to arrest them. He said that he had been observing them for many years and hoped that the state would take care of them."

"Does this person have a net name named Tota Tianwang?" This made Lan He think of listening to the news from Mr. Dou.

"Tota Heavenly King? I don't know, hey, his real name is Li Jing." Wang Lili said, "He showed us the Jingcheng Dragon that he took several times. I saw that it was either like a cloud at all, or it was similar to the recent one. This time it was the same, it was pitch black and I couldn't see clearly. I wanted to talk nonsense, but thinking about it before, I didn't believe in ghosts..."

Of course, now the conclusion is that the dragon may have really existed, but it has disappeared for too long, and the ghost has never been seen, then "Tota King" must be nonsense.

There are people in this world who believe in any theory. They think that aliens are kept by the state, that the leaders are lizard people, and that the earth is flat... Wang Lili is not uncommon and strange, and because of his own experience, he thinks Identify it.

Shan Liang's matter was handled by Wang Lili, and Lan He was very relieved. And I heard Wang Lili say that because they solved the strange case, they wanted to transfer him to the city bureau.

And Chen Xingyang, trembling with his eyes closed until dawn, nothing happened, and in the days that followed, not only the mastermind of the infringement was caught - this person sold a marriage certificate for more than 3,000, although Chen Xingyang was still too little, but more than Fifty dollars is much better. I even heard that some citizens were caught in the city God Temple to play boards in a dream, and woke up with red marks on their hands and other urban anecdotes, which made Chen Xingyang respect Shao even more.

Lan He and Song Futan joined the group together.

As I said before, the crew is a place that pays more attention to rituals, and it must be sacrificed to the gods when starting up. There is also a habit, that is, for any work with ghosts, the crew will be more careful, not only sacrifice to gods but also to ghosts, and usually have to be careful, because they are afraid of attracting anything unclean.

Although "Ghost Interest" uses ghosts to describe people, it is indeed considered to be on the brink of danger.

Before starting the machine, Dou Chunting sent a painting on behalf of the investor: "This piece of spiritual judgment was specially bought for my uncle's town!"

He unfolded the painting, and it turned out to be a scroll of Zhong Kui's portrait, with a leopard head and eyes, wearing a red judge's uniform. Zhong Kui is the legendary god of exorcism and one of the judges of the underworld. It is also a folk custom to post Zhong Kui's paintings to ward off evil.

Lingjuan refers to Zhongkui paintings produced in Lingbi County, Anhui Province.

Lingbi Zhongkui paintings are said to be based on Wu Daozi's Zhongkui. Some people have said, "Wu Daozi's paintings are able to enlighten the mind, and they are not as good as the world's writings, and they gradually lose their authenticity. The original form of Daozi was pushed by the ancient world."

Because it has the essence of Wu Daozi's style, it is famous all over the world, and it is Zhong Kui's painting that everyone respects.

"Look at this red color, the spirit sentence must be dyed with cinnabar, and Wu Dai is the style, absolutely 'Wu family-like'!" Dou Chunting said proudly, "Do you know how much it cost for this piece?"

He compared a number, and a gasp sounded in coordination immediately.

"This looks pretty new, it seems, it's less than a hundred years old, right? Is this painter famous?" Lan He wondered. In fact, everyone's thinking is the same.

"Spiritual judgment can't be calculated like this! I tell you, Lingbi Zhongkui paintings are produced a lot every year, but there is only one picture per year at most, the most responsive and the most authentic. But in some years, even one did not respond well, it is said that because people are impetuous, it is becoming more and more rare."

Even because everyone doesn't believe it, the output was once very rare or even not painted. How many of the spiritual judgments circulating on the market now belong to the spiritual response

It seemed to make sense, and everyone nodded thoughtfully.

"So, don't be too superficial, you can't just look at the age, and the reputation of the painter, you have to look at whether it responds well." Dou Chunting proudly said, "This is the top spiritual judgment in 1982!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Dou Shao was humorous, and everyone cheered.

Dou Chunting: "I mean it really, it was painted in 1982 by the representative inheritor of Zhong Kui's paintings of Lingbi."

Everyone: "... oh."