After her rebirth, her personality split

Chapter 83: Tomorrow comes quickly!


Compared to Zhan Linye's side, which was still going to his brother to verify some things, Ye Bai's side seemed much calmer.

Although I have no experience getting along with relatives.

But Zhan Linye's brother gave Ye Bai a good feeling.

Zhan Linye is a strong person, but this strength does not make her feel depressed.

On the contrary, for Ye Bai, it was easy to get along with Zhan Linye.

Because in front of Zhan Linye, Ye Bai didn't need to pretend to be anything, nor did he need to deliberately pretend to be a good student.

After all, he had done everything he could to kill two people in front of Zhan Linye without blinking an eye, so there was nothing he couldn't do in front of Zhan Linye.

Moreover, Zhan Linye has been fulfilling the promise he made the day he recognized her as his brother. As long as she needs it, Zhan Linye will definitely stand in front of her to protect her from the wind and rain without hesitation.

During this period of brotherly love, Zhan Linye was attentive.

Ye Bai didn't know if he had any intention.

how to say? For a long time, she has existed in this world in the form of another personality.

No right to control time and emotions.

Although she has completely taken over this body now, for Ye Bai, she is still just a novice in many things.

For example, Ye Bai didn't really understand the relationship with his brother.

But one thing Ye Bai knows is that we can get along with each other as long as we feel comfortable.

At least Zhan Linye isn't that disgusted, right

Ye Bai sat on the windowsill, staring at the night sky outside in a daze. If you had met such a person who could protect you, maybe you wouldn't have committed suicide by taking sleeping pills!

The person Ye Bai is talking about naturally refers to the main personality.

She has the memory of the main personality, and she thought wrong about something she said just now.

The protagonist once had someone who protected her, but that person betrayed her.

Human hearts and emotions are fragile things and cannot withstand the test of time and wind and waves.

For the protagonist, it was that person who promised to protect her from wind and rain, but it was that person who brought him the subsequent wind and rain.

Yes, this person is Mu Liufan.

The grudges between them are really not that simple.

What outsiders know is just some appearance.

How sad it is to make a person so desperate that he swallows sleeping pills and commits suicide.

There is no greater sorrow than death of heart!

No matter what love-hate relationship this person had with the protagonist before, it is a fact that he killed her, so he must pay the price for the wrong thing he did.

A cold light flashed in Ye Bai's eyes.

Tomorrow is a new beginning, and she will not let go of anyone who has hurt her personality or tried to hurt her.

She is not as good-tempered as the main character, and she prays that she will not hit the muzzle of her gun just right.

Just when Ye Bai was in a daze, his cell phone suddenly came to mind.

Looking at the unfamiliar numbers above, Ye Bai's eyes flashed, and he didn't hang up, but directly picked up the call.

"Say." Ye Bai, who was alone in the room, was even more indifferent than she was in front of others, and her tone of voice was also very cold.

"Hello, the information you asked us to investigate has been found. The two people you investigated will return to Jianglin Middle School tomorrow to give an opening speech."

"I see."

After Ye Bai finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Haha, tomorrow comes really quickly!

(End of chapter)