After I Died, I Became Popular Again

Chapter 101


The trailer is two minutes and five seconds long.

The five CP couples were roughly introduced earlier.

The others didn't make much waves. Qi Lele and Fu Hanri became the focus for a while.

[Didn't these two break up? ]

[Speechless, Qi Lele is sucking blood again, probably his career has gone downhill, so he started to get traffic from his ex]

[They won't secretly get back together behind the backs of netizens...]

[ah this, ah this]

[Hey, let’s renaissance, in fact, they were pretty sweet before Chaohua]

Video next moment.

Villa gate.

The camera zooms in slowly.

The back view of the two young people holding hands is coated with a dreamy pink filter by special effects.

Bubbles are continuously released on the screen.

The text explanation on the bottom line of the screen:

[The sixth CP couple in "Heart Signal" - Qi Linqing & Zhong Chen]

[Let's look forward to the sweet interaction they will bring this spring and summer!]

The number of barrages visible to the naked eye increased, frantically swiping.

[Ahhhhh I can't control my own smile]

[so sweet! ]

[The cp I knocked is real]

[Don't cue, already knocked unconscious]

[Too worthy, begging to get married in situ]

[Good meeting of the program team, I have already imagined the scene of their wedding scene]

[More thanks, I can]

The screen switches to self-introduction.

Voiceover: "Mr. Qi, could you tell me about your occupation?"

Qi Linqing: "College student."

Text commentary: [BUT as far as we know, Mr. Qi is obviously a distinguished professor of the American Painting Department =t=]

[Fuck hahahahaha]

[What an ordinary college student]

[The program team really knows how to play]

[wait, true or false]

[Qi Linqing is old enough to be a professor? ]

["Heartbeat Signal" is kidding us... I really thought that the professorship is like a Chinese cabbage on the roadside, just pick it up, my uncle has been rated for five consecutive years and still hasn't been rated yet]

Soon the screen jumped to Zhong Chen's appearance.

When he said that his future career plan was to be a "full-time house husband", netizens went crazy, and the barrage and comments flooded the Sina server like a flood.

[I laughed to death hahahaha house husband]

[Chen Chen is so funny]

[no! I don’t allow it, @钟晨, don’t forget your business of live streaming]


[The xx mask recommended by Zhong Chen in the last live broadcast is really easy to use]

[Help, I really want to see the feature film! ! ! ]

[The second season of "Heartbeat Signal" has changed directors, right? It was so explosive at the beginning hehehe]

[sigh hiss]


The click-through rate of the trailer alone exceeded 10 million.

News related to the launch of the second season of "Heartbeat Signal" made two consecutive hot searches that night.

#影帝Fu Hanri joins the guests of "Heart Signal"#

#钟晨目标full-time home cooking husband#

Among the many entertainment news, another hot search was reposted by People's Daily, and it quickly rose to No.1 like a rocket.

Hot 1: #琦林清成华夏美术学院 Distinguished Professor#

At first, there was suspicion and questioning in the comment area, and some netizens even suspected that there was a shady scene in it.

Although Qi Linqing had already had a lot of experience in archaeology and writing, but to be a university professor is obviously not convincing.

[I admit that Qi Linqing's painting skills are really good, but he still doesn't deserve to be a professor at such a young age, right? ]


[There are people who are more qualified and qualified than him, why should it be his turn]

[Besides, can he really teach people? ]

[This hot search is really strange]

Some sharp-eyed netizens noticed that this was a dynamic on the official blog of the People's Daily, and they realized it.

I don't know how Qi Linqing got on the line—

Now, the country actually wants to personally help him.

Regardless of the level, the country represents the weathervane.

When Qi's parents saw this hot search, they were relieved, proud and regretful.

If I had known that Qi Linqing was so capable...they would never have treated him like that back then.

Qi Yingjun watched the hot search for a long time, flipping through the comments one by one, feeling complicated.

I can't tell what I feel inside.

He is used to being a good brother who is depended on.

But Qi Linqing never needed to rely on him.

On the dinner table.

After Qi Hui finished his meal, he put down his knife and fork, picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He seemed to have finally made up his mind, and said slowly: "Now Lele is gone. I will go to Linqing personally tomorrow and let him go home."

Yan Qiongfang: "I heard that the child is now living in the teacher's apartment in Gome. Would it be too presumptuous for you to come suddenly like this?"

Qi Hui: "I'm his father."

Yan Qiongfang: "..."

Qi Yingjun: "..."

What happened to the inexplicable pull

the next day.


Qi Linqing got up, opened the curtains first, and opened the windows to breathe.

He loves the fresh morning air.

Opposite the downstairs is the playground and the student dormitory building. Some students are jogging in the morning, and an old professor is walking with a little white dog.

Qi Linqing walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, took out two knife-cut steamed buns, an egg, and poured half a cup of milk, and put them in a pot to cook slowly.

Add an apple, banana, or other fruit.

— This is his daily breakfast these days.

Simple but nutritious.

While the pot was hot, Qi Linqing walked back to the living room, took out the inkstone and studied the ink carefully.

This is his daily morning work.

When living in Qi's house or courtyard house, there is always a nanny and aunt who does everything for her.

He can devote all his time to painting.

But now, Qi Linqing feels that this kind of independent life is better.

Instead, he can get more inspiration from trivial household chores.

It is true that art comes from life.

When the breakfast was ready, Qi Linqing brought the plate to the dining table in the living room, and while eating, he turned on his mobile phone to browse news on art websites.

Of course, it was inevitable to see the entertainment news that Du Yuanbai forwarded to him on WeChat.

[You and Zhong Chen actually acted in a love variety show? ! Good guy, my foreign white classmates all said to chase]

Life is like tea: [um]

Du Yuanbai: [Zhong Chen said that his ideal is to be your family husband in the future. Are you sure you don't cherish these high-quality men who graduated from Durban? ]

Life is like tea: [. ]

Life is like tea: [I also like him very much]

Du Yuanbai: [Then you take the initiative! ! ! ! fuck him! ]

Life is like tea: [? ]

Du Yuanbai: [Zhong Chen yyds]

Life is like tea: [Wait, what does yyds mean? ]

Du Yuanbai: [Just... literally. You guessed it, it’s a Chinese abbreviation]

Qi Linqing pondered for a moment, his complexion changed slightly.

Life is like tea: [Single forever? ]

Why did Du Yuanbai curse Zhong Chen to be single forever? !

Do you also think he can't do it

Du Yuanbai: […]

Life is like tea: [What do you mean when you post a string of ellipsis]

Du Yuanbai: [Brother, please go to Baidu]

Find the answer.

Qi Linqing heaved a sigh of relief while helping his forehead helplessly. He felt that he was completely out of tune with the young people of today.

Ding dong.

A new WeChat message pops up on the phone page.

Zhong Chen: [What are you doing]

Life is like tea: [I'm up and eating breakfast]

Xu Shi remembered what Du Yuanbai said just now to let him take the initiative, and Qi Linqing silently added another sentence.

Life is like tea: [I miss you]

A lot of stars falling from the sky flashed on the screen of the mobile phone in an instant.

Qi Linqing stared blankly.

Zhong Chen: [What exactly do you want about me? ]

Qi Linqing was stumped by this question.

Life is like tea: [All of you]

Zhong Chen: [I miss you too]

Qi Linqing imitated the example, copied and pasted and asked: [Then what exactly do you want from me? ]

Zhong Chen: [your □□[color]]

Life is like tea: […]

Had breakfast and washed the dishes.

Qi Linqing stood at the desk and started his daily homework—painting.

Sometimes he does Western paintings, but more often ink paintings.

It took about half an hour to draw.

Boom boom boom.

There was a regular knock on the door.

Qi Linqing stopped writing and walked over to open the door.

Out of his expectation, it was Lin Xichen who hadn't seen him for a long time.

This master of restoration of ancient paintings, who has met several times in the Dunhuang Desert, looks older than before.

He was dressed in a white gown, leaning on a cane, and his face full of vicissitudes and wrinkles showed an expression of excitement.

"Mr. Qi, hello, hello." He held out his hand.

Qi Linqing shook hands with the old man, and was surprised to find that the other's hand was as smooth as an egg.

The back of the hand still seems to be covered with a piece of dry skin.

But the touch of the palm is completely different.

Logically speaking, this should definitely not be the hand of an octogenarian.

Qi Linqing withdrew his hand calmly, looking back.

I didn't notice a young man following Lin Xichen just now.

He is not tall, and even looks a little weak. There is no sense of presence. But looking closer, he has a very handsome face.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, straight nose and thin lips.

"This is the younger generation of our sect. His name is Huang Yuchen. You can call him Xiao Huang. I'm really bothering you today. I have some personal business to ask you..." Lin Xichen rambled.

Huang Yuchen: "Hi sir."

Although there were only four simple words, Qi Linqing still noticed the strong Cantonese accent in the other party's mouth.

Lin Xichen also has a bit of this accent.

He opened the door and said, "Come in and talk."

When Lin Xichen and Xiao Huang walked in, they immediately noticed the ink painting on the table.

Before I had time to look at it, I saw Qi Linqing rolling it up and putting it away.

Lin Xichen secretly regretted in her heart, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face.

Qi Linqing made tea for them and sat on the sofa together.

Lin Xichen took a sip of tea, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Good tea!"

"Tea and water are better." Qi Linqing smiled.

Zhong Chen knew that he loved drinking tea, so he specially brought the special Dahongpao last time, and ordered several boxes of Wuyishan special tea for him.

Xiao Huang drank tea silently.

Lin Xichen exchanged pleasantries with him for a while, and soon cut to the chase and revealed the purpose of her special visit.

"I don't know if you have a connection with the Southern School? Or, is your master a descendant of the Southern School?" Lin Xichen asked boldly.

In fact, the Northern and Southern Schools in the outside world of traditional Chinese painting have always been a secretive underground organization.

It is not like the Huaxia Painting and Calligraphy Association, which is of an official nature and is protected and supported by the state. The ancestors of the Northern and Southern Schools originated from families handed down from ancient times thousands of years ago. They hold a large number of resources, so they attach great importance to protecting privacy.

If he hadn't been completely sure, Lin Xichen wouldn't have asked the other party straight to the point like this.

Qi Linqing's expression was dazed for a moment.

After many years, he heard the familiar name Nanpai again.

"Yes." He didn't deny it.

Because I was originally from the Southern School.

Lin Xichen looked surprised. Even Xiao Huang, who had been expressionless all the time, had quite a stir in his heart.

In the past, his father often talked to him about China's vast land and abundant resources, and the Southern School has been widely spread since ancient times, and it is very likely that some fish slipped through the net.

Of course, the fish that slipped through the net here refers to commendatory words.

It's about Qi Linqing, who has the Southern School's inheritance, but has lost its branches.

Lin Xichen looked at Qi Linqing, as if looking at his family: "I may not have told you, but in fact I am also a descendant of the Southern School. So is Xiao Huang, he is my great-great-grandson. We are the direct descendant of the Southern School."

"Oh I got it."

After chatting for a while, Qi Linqing learned that Lin Xichen came here specially to win him over.

"Actually, within our Southern faction, um, it's not that harmonious. Now it is divided into five factions, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu, Yunnan, and Guangdong. They are scattered all over China. I really want to invite you to join us, Guangdong faction. "

"Are you from Cantonese?" Qi Linqing looked a little surprised.

He had clearly heard from Chen Zhongxiang that Lin Xichen was from Shaanxi. According to the region, it should belong to the northern faction.

Lin Xichen nodded and said, "Actually, our ancestors are all from Hong Kong, maybe you can still hear a little accent. But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, I moved to live in Shaanxi."

This matter is not so easy to decide.

Qi Linqing: "Let me think about it..."

Before the words fell, there was another knock on the door.

Lin Xichen hurriedly said, "You go first."

"Sorry." Qi Linqing got up and walked out.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Huang felt a little pimple in his heart because his grandfather used honorific words to a boy younger than himself.

the other side.

Qi Linqing opened the door.

The person standing outside the door is Qi Hui.

The corridors are narrow.

This man in a haute couture suit and the bodyguards and secretaries behind him crowded the place tightly.

The opposite door quietly opened a gap.

Professor Lin's daughter opened her eyes wide, watching this scene curiously and ignorantly.

Across the threshold, Qi Linqing and Qi Hui looked at each other.

It should have been a very touching scene for father and son to meet after a long absence.

But Qi Linqing felt a little annoying for some reason.

After all, he is not the original owner.

He couldn't empathize with the original owner's situation.

But even if the original owner was present, he probably wouldn't have much affection for the man in front of him, he thought.

Qi Hui's eyes fell on the two extra pairs of shoes in the hallway inside the door.

One of them was an old B Jing cloth shoe that had been stained with mud.

Qi Hui: "Any guests?"

Qi Linqing: "Yes, do you have something to do?"

Qi Hui choked, and said for a long while: "...I hope you can come home."

Qi Linqing shook his head, "Sorry, I feel comfortable living here."

Last time, "Landscapes of Thousand Miles" was almost destroyed.

The Qi family villa brought him only shadows.

Now that he has the option, he doesn't want to go back.

Qi Hui thought he was still grieving because of Qi Lele, so he hurriedly said:

"Linqing, don't worry. Lele doesn't live in our house now, you come back... We will only have a family of four in the future, and we will treat you very well. "

Qi Linqing's tone was light: "Thank you for your kindness, but there is no need."

In fact, what Qi Hui wants to describe is that as long as Qi Linqing is willing to come back, the family will spoil and love him as they once loved Qi Lele. Treat him like a treasure.

But the words do not convey the meaning.

There has never been a moment like now, Qi Hui began to hate her stupid tongue.

"Wait..." He subconsciously grabbed Qi Linqing's wrist.

"I'll go back when I have time."

Qi Hui's eyes lit up, "Really?! When?"

Qi Linqing: "Maybe in two days, I want to transplant the tulips I planted before."

Qi Hui was taken aback.

He remembered the last time Qi Lele deliberately trampled on the flowers, he was too embarrassed to speak.

I don't know when the child Lele has changed.

It turned into a completely unfamiliar appearance to him now.

Qi Hui left angrily.

Bodyguards and secretaries filed in and filed out.

Professor Lin's daughter came home after watching the show and told her mother: "They seem to be playing an idol bubble TV series."

Wu Min was washing vegetables, when she heard this, she raised her head and glanced at her daughter.

"Maybe their lives are TV dramas."

inside the door.

Lin Xichen didn't expect that her visit would break other people's housework, so she hurriedly got up and planned to say goodbye and leave.

He saw that Qi Linqing was in a bad mood now, and he didn't look like he could talk about things.

"How about we talk another day?"

"Okay, thank you." Qi Linqing sent them downstairs.

After waiting below, Xiao Huang asked, "Can I add your WeChat?"

Qi Linqing was slightly stunned, and immediately declined, "I've already left a call for Mr. Lin."

Lin Xichen pinched the great-great-grandson secretly, and blamed him for being presumptuous.

Xiao Huang: "Oh, it's fine. It's just that my cousin is a CP fan of you and Zhong Chen, and she has always dreamed of seeing your circle of friends up close. Let me ask for her."

Lin Xichen: "..."

This is nothing.

He is too old to understand.

Qi Linqing changed his mind at this moment, took out his mobile phone and said, "Okay, let's add it."

Xiao Huang stepped forward, "Thank you!!"

Lin Xichen: "???"

After a turbulent morning, Qi Linqing went to the suburban villa to continue the recording of "Heartbeat Signal" in the afternoon.

In the first round of intimate interaction test yesterday, Qi Lele and Fu Hanri got the highest score—full score.

Therefore, their overall score is temporarily ahead.

Today, the director announced that everyone will start dating for the first time.

After the first episode is broadcast, the audience will score.

at this time.

In the studio.

The guests are discussing a strange thing-why does the program group have to set the shooting time on weekends? !

It stands to reason that this type of variety show often adopts a centralized shooting method to save costs.

However, the second season of "Heart Signal" used a more avant-garde weekly record and weekly broadcast.

"Maybe we need to keep up with netizens' comments. Last time I heard from the director that this episode adopts an elimination system, and the couple cps who are not loved by the audience will be eliminated and withdraw from the show." The host said.

Lei Cheng muttered: "I would rather focus on shooting."

Model Xu Yuqiu: "Qi Linqing and Zhong Chen are both college students, maybe the program team is trying to allocate their time."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone disagreed.

Even if their CP became more popular, the program crew would not be able to do this.

"Impossible." Qi Lele smiled and said, "Brother Xu, you don't have much contact with the variety show industry, right? The show will not change the shooting time for personal reasons."

Even if the film king Fu Hanri made the request, it was impossible.

It's a big deal to change guests. After all, in such a large entertainment industry, as long as the announcement fee can be afforded, the choice of the program group is endless.

"Then what if they are the investors of the program group?" Xu Yuqiu said meaningfully.

The author has something to say: touch the readers of Henan +-+