After I Died, I Became Popular Again

Chapter 52


Zhong Chen studied until 12 o'clock that night.

He was so tired that his back hurt, and the moment he fell on the bed, he felt that he could fall asleep on the spot.

The phone shows several unread messages.

Jiang Bai: [Brother, what are you doing]

Jiang Bai: [I heard that you have gone to the studio, are you still used to room and board? ]

This little brother was quite indifferent.

Zhong Chen lazily leaned on the bed and typed: [Well, I live with Qi Linqing now. ]

Jiang Bai: [? ? ? ]

Jiang Bai: [Brother, your chance is here (sneaky smile)]

Zhong Chen: [. ]

Zhong Chen: [What are you talking about, I am almost exhausted from being tutored by him day and night]

Jiang Bai: [Day and night tutoring...] Is it the tutoring he wanted

In a certain villa on the other side of the city, Jiang Bai's face was complicated, and the phone almost fell and hit his face.

After Zhong Chen answered this message, he threw his phone aside, shrank on the bed, pulled the quilt to the top, and only showed two eyes looking at the young man who was busy packing his easel for himself in the other corner of the room.

He remembered that when he said he was tired and sleepy just now, Qi Linqing also clearly saw that he was yawning, but he didn't stop, like an unkind and strict teacher.

But at the end, the other party gently asked him to go to bed to rest first, and bent down to pack the painting materials for him.

Zhong Chen opened his mouth, and swallowed silently what he wanted to say to refuse tutoring.

Qi Linqing put away the painting utensils, went to the bathroom to wash his hands and came out.

Seeing the person curled up in the quilt, he asked softly, "Are you asleep?"

Zhong Chen mumbled a "hmm".

"Good night."


The lights dimmed.

After losing the visual sense, the other four senses will become more acute.

Zhong Chen heard the regular syllables of the other party's slippers stepping on the floor, and calmed down after the rustling of the quilt.

Zhong Chen turned over and turned to the opposite bed.

Getting used to the darkness, he gradually became able to see the scene inside the house clearly.

Qi Linqing's sleeping posture was as formal and rigorous as his own, with his face facing up and his hands clasped in front of his lower abdomen. Because it was very hot today, the air conditioner was turned on, and he was still covered with a thin quilt.

Zhong Chen remembered that Master also slept like this. But he only slept with Master one night, so he is not entirely sure.

He let out a depressed breath, turned back and hugged the pillow, and closed his eyes.

Time flies, and a few days pass.

While other students in class D were still struggling in the sea of still life, Qi Linqing had already learned figure sketching by himself.

Qi Linqing knew well back then that one cannot stick to one's self.

The avenue of art leads to the same goal.

So in his previous life, in addition to traditional Chinese painting, he also dabbled in engraved seals, clay sculptures, architecture, ancient New Year pictures and so on.

Although he is not very proficient in these, it has brought a lot of new inspiration and understanding to his painting career.

Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can one become a giant.

Therefore, in addition to reading books, Qi Linqing usually also browses the art teaching videos on the website.

He is like a sponge, constantly absorbing new knowledge.


Qi Linqing got up to wash up, and woke up Zhong Chen by the way.

Zhong Chen followed behind him sleepily, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and getting dressed.

Then the two went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Qi Linqing usually eats steamed buns with soy milk porridge every day. Zhong Chen is just like him.

Morning classes start on time at eight o'clock.

When they stepped into the classroom that day, they heard the wailing of the students in Class D one after another.

It turned out that Teacher Han was going to start teaching character sketching today in order to catch up with the schedule.

"My grasp of the shape is super bad, let alone the characters!"

"Han Shi is simply a devil."

Feng Jiaqing continued to put on the pain mask.

Qi Linqing walked to the seat with his homework in his hands, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you later."

Feng Jiaqing was touched: "Thank you, thank you, God, I don't even know how to thank you."

Qi Linqing: "No need."

After class, Han Shi directly began to explain the content of character sketches:

"You should all know that this is a compulsory item in the art entrance examination, and it has high requirements on your aesthetics, sketching ability, etc. In half an hour, you will have to draw two people plus a scene, so from now on Must work hard."

Feng Jiaqing murmured: "Don't give me half an hour, I probably won't be able to draw in one afternoon."

Qi Linqing: "Don't underestimate yourself."

If he doesn't understand the darkness of night during the day, Feng Jiaqing certainly understands that it is impossible for Qi Linqing to understand his own sadness.

He turned around, trying to seek some comfort from Zhong Chen, who was also a rookie.

"I really don't know what we should do." Feng Jiaqing said sadly.

However, this time Zhong Chen didn't feel the same way as him.

Zhong Chen lazily sat on a folding chair, sipping a cup of Xiang Piaopiao milk tea, and said, "I've already learned it."

Feng Jiaqing was shocked, "When will you do it?!"

Obviously, he and the other party's paintings are both taught by Qi Linqing, and the situation is similar.

Zhong Chen: "A few days ago, Qi Linqing also gave me extra lessons when I went back at night."

Feng Jiaqing: "..."

It turned out that he made a prophecy come true.

Really * make up lessons day and night.

in lesson.

Han Shi: "Now, please take out your sketching tools, HB or hard pens to create shapes."

"There are two ways to hold a pen for sketching, writing and side-hand pens. The former is used when you are young, such as the head, hands, and feet, and the latter is used when the area is large, such as drawing folds."

"...The content I have mentioned above is the basic knowledge of sketching. Next, we will gradually progress, learning body mass training, muscle explanation, drafting, dynamic sketching, etc... "

Feng Jiaqing yawned more than a dozen times.

Let him listen to these theoretical knowledge is simply fatal.

Feng Jiaqing turned his head and saw that Qi Linqing was also staring at the distant scenery in a daze, so he went up to him and whispered gossip: "Hey, do you know that there is a very beautiful internet celebrity lady in Class A next door to us?"

Qi Linqing withdrew his eyes and thoughts, and replied lightly: "I don't know."

"I'm sorry." Feng Jiaqing slapped his forehead and quickly apologized: "I forgot that you are not interested in girls."

Qi Linqing: "?"

When did he say that

Feng Jiaqing winked at him, then quietly glanced at Zhong Chen next to him, and said in a low voice, "I know you and Zhong Chen are a couple, and it has been spread in the student group that you two are the most handsome in the history of Zhimo Studio." couple."

Qi Linqing's expression froze, and he explained: "You misunderstood..."

He and classmate Zhong are just sitting at the same table, it's really not that kind of relationship!

Feng Jiaqing nodded, and said sympathetically: "I understand, I understand, you don't want to be tricked!

Qi Linqing: "..."

Seeing that the situation was getting darker and darker, Qi Linqing gave up proving his innocence.

Anyway, when he was in middle school, he was misunderstood by everyone because the original owner had a crush on Zhong Chen.

Those who clear themselves will clear themselves. Qi Linqing thought, as long as my heart is clear.

Feng Jiaqing: "By the way, I haven't finished talking just now, the young lady in class A is called Ye Runan. I heard that she is a giant who sets up circles, and has more than one million followers on Instagram. Any draft will be priced at the same price." Start with five digits. Tsk tsk, we have so many bosses this year."

Qi Linqing raised his eyes and asked with interest: "What is a circle?"

Feng Jiaqing was surprised, "You don't even know this? It's just a circle of drawing self-created characters, most of which are comic images. This industry is very popular now, and there are a lot of girls who like to ask for drafts."

Speaking of comics, Qi Linqing can understand. The era has spanned, and the painting forms that have been born are also diverse.

Feng Jiaqing still wanted to drag him to continue chatting.

Qi Linqing tapped on the drawing board and taught, "You should practice sketching."

Feng Jiaqing had no choice but to turn around resentfully.

He glanced at Zhong Chen's easel out of the corner of his eye, and found that the other party could actually draw a realistic sketch of a character!

In addition to being shocked, Feng Jiaqing admired this young couple even more. They were able to fall in love and not forget to study at the same time.

There are more than 40 students in Class D, and Han Shi can't teach any of them.

Feng Jiaqing knew very well that if it weren't for Qi Linqing's guidance, he would never be able to learn to draw.

Just like now, Qi Linqing is standing in front of him with a pen, earnestly guiding:

"When drawing a sketch, you need to draw your own handwriting, the center turns to the side peak, etc. There are also types of lines, such as the accent, the sharpness, the fold, the curve, the shape of the character's muscles, and the shape of the muscles. You have to memorize these muscle pictures. .Now come with me, start with the large shape first, check the proportion and the big dynamic. Then check the medium shape and the small shape... "

The same technical terms, but with Qi Linqing's on-site teaching, Feng Jiaqing understood it.

Feng Jiaqing sighed: "You are too good. You have only studied for a few days, and you can speak more clearly than Teacher Han."

Qi Linqing shook his head and said, "No, I also learned it slowly from the Internet. My method is time-consuming, but it doesn't matter. Practice more, and I'll master it after a few thousand sheets."

Feng Jiaqing's whole body instantly petrified.

How many, how many thousands? !

The boss has worked so hard, can he still make a salted fish? !

Feng Jiaqing hurriedly wrote.

He clumsily finished a sketch of a character. Although it was not perfect, it was the first time he was praised by Mr. Han:

"It's a good drawing."

At that moment, Feng Jiaqing felt that he could do it again.

His gratitude to Qi Linqing is as endless as the Yangtze River.

And the other side.

Han Shi was once again shocked by Qi Linqing's painting.

The best student in Class A is nothing more than that, right

The sketch in front of me has smooth lines, natural dynamics of characters, and a perfect integration with the environment.

If he was the examiner of the joint entrance examination, I am afraid he would give full marks...

Moreover, he saw that Zhong Chen, who was sitting next to Qi Linqing, was making rapid progress in painting. Presumably there is the other party's teaching credit.

Han Shi: "I think you can be promoted."

If this went on like this, he felt that he had nothing left to teach this student.

Qi Linqing: "Now?"

Han Shi shook his head and said, "Not now."

Zhimo Studio once a month quiz, according to the test results will be divided into classes again.

"There are still more than 20 days until the next quiz. If you catch up with the color, you may be promoted to Class C or Class B."

Qi Linqing nodded and said, "Okay."

There is still time.

He was going to bring Zhong Chen and Feng Jiaqing to be promoted together.

Han Shi felt a little pity.

If it wasn't for Qi Linqing's fact that he was a novice and hadn't started to learn colors, he would definitely be able to enter Class A with his sketching skills.

At noon, Zhong Chen specially went to the supermarket in the living room.

He stood by the shelf selling scented soap, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose two scented tea tree and bamboo charcoal.

Compared with scents like roses and jasmine, he somehow felt that Qi Linqing would probably like them more.


The cashier scanned the code and asked, "Do you want a bag?"

Zhong Chen: "Yes."

Cashier: "Two bars of soap, a soap dish, and the bag are fifteen yuan and fifty cents."

Zhong Chen scanned the QR code to pay, and returned to the dormitory with the bag.

There is a two hour lunch break.

Qi Linqing was sitting at the table by the window reading a book.

"Here you are." He handed the bag to the other party.

"This is... ?"

Zhong Chen's eyes wandered, "I'm sorry... I accidentally dropped your soap into the sewer again yesterday."

Qi Linqing: "'s okay."

He put down the book, took out a cup of iced milk tea from the table, and asked, "Drink?"

Zhong Chen froze for a moment, he couldn't order takeaway in the room because he took off his sheath. "

Qi Linqing: "Well, Feng Jiaqing gave it to me."

"Oh, thank you."

Zhong Chen took the milk tea and took two deep sips. very sweet.

He looked up at Qi Linqing, probably because the air conditioner was too dry recently, and the other party never talked, but his lips were already dry and peeling.

Zhong Chen thought for a while, took out his phone and clicked on Taobao to place an order.

[Vaseline/Vaseline Repair Crystal Moisturizing Lip Balm 368g]×1

Qi Linqing always drinks hot water to make tea, but there is no water dispenser in the dormitory.

[Smart Water Dispenser]×1

Zhong Chen clicked again, and the payment was successful.

For most people, life in the mountains is pretty dull.

Bored students set up a Zhimo Studio group, with 99+ messages every day.

And the two most famous students in this class, Qi Linqing and Zhong Chen, became the center of their frequent discussions.

[I got into the pit watching the trailer of "Tangyue Fengyun", they are more handsome in real life than in the TV series]

[Ask every day, when will Tangyue Fengyun be broadcast]

[I saw them both going to class together today, walking at the same frequency, so sweet]


[They are too low key. I looked at Weibo yesterday, and both of them already had cp chat]

[good guy]

[They are really hot now]

[Zhong Chen won the provincial archery championship last time, and the Douban team broke out that the program team of the All-Star Games wanted to invite him]

[! ! ! ! ]

The weather in July was unpredictable, and a heavy rain hit the mountains.

At night, there was a rumbling thunder outside the window.

At that time, Qi Linqing was teaching Zhong Chen to paint.

When thunder exploded in his ears, Zhong Chen's shoulders trembled twice unconsciously.

Qi Linqing: "Are you afraid of thunder?"

Zhong Chen remained expressionless, pretending to be calm and said: "I... am not afraid."

Qi Linqing remembered how the other party said last time that he was not afraid of snakes, but in fact he was scared to death, and smiled in his heart.

This child is very similar to the little apprentice in many ways.

For example, fear of snakes and thunder. Duplicity and coquettish, secret use of pink little things, but also sweet.

Probably a strange coincidence.

Qi Linqing didn't think much about it, and turned his gaze to the two beds in the room.

"Would you like to sleep with me?" he asked.

Zhong Chen hesitated for a moment, then said: "The bed is so small, it can't fit two people..."

Qi Linqing: "You can put two beds together."

The tips of Zhong Chen's ears turned red, he clenched the pencil in his hand tightly, and whispered, "No."

Qi Linqing thought, maybe the other party thinks she has a crush on him, and it's normal to be wary,

"Then you can wear headphones and listen to music to sleep." Qi Linqing reminded.

Zhong Chen: "Yes."

The lights were on in the room, and the air conditioner was blowing out cold air.

Zhong Chen continued to sit in front of the wooden frame and immerse himself in painting.

Qi Linqing stood by the bed, repairing the folding chair with 502 glue bought in the supermarket in the afternoon.

"That's broke after only a few days of use," he murmured.

Zhong Chen looked up at him and said, "You are too big."

After all, this person is tall and has long legs, and he must not be light in weight.

"Forget it." Qi Linqing put the chair on the ground, thinking that he would buy a better quality one another day.

The 502 glue that he didn't pay attention to to close the lid also rolled down on the floor at any time, and happened to get stuck between the two beds.

At 12 o'clock, Zhong Chen washed up and went to bed.

He was wearing headphones, but he still couldn't completely isolate the roaring thunder outside.

This is the shadow left by him when he was a child in his previous life.

Zhong Chen tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

"Are you asleep?" He turned to the opposite bed and said quietly.

Qi Linqing: "Not yet."

Zhong Chen: "I, uh, I kind of want to put the bed together now."

Zhong Chen felt a burning pain on his cheek as he slapped himself a bit when he said these words.

Qi Linqing: "OK."

He turned over and turned on the light, and quickly moved the two beds together.

Zhong Chen felt a little hot for no reason.

The wooden beds are solid with soft mattresses.

After finishing, there seems to be a gap in the middle.

Qi Linqing pulled out the bed sheet and pressed it hard again, the gap was gone.

The two beds were joined tightly together.

Where they could not see, the bottle of 502 glue had been completely squeezed and burst out.

Qi Linqing: "Okay, go to sleep."

Zhong Chen: "Oh."

Slap. The lights went out again.

Zhong Chen could feel the gentle breathing of the person beside him close at hand.

At this moment, he completely ignored the lightning and thunder outside.

Zhong Chen turned over, curled up under the quilt, and secretly pressed his chest.

Boom, boom, boom.

He could only hear his own heartbeat, louder than louder, deafening.

What's wrong with myself.

Zhong Chen helplessly covered his hot forehead.

He still can't sleep.

The next day, Zhong Chen didn't get up in a daze.

Qi Linqing touched his forehead, only to find that he had a fever.

Maybe it's because the air conditioner is too low every night.

"May I take you to the infirmary?" Qi Linqing wiped the other person's face with a wet towel.

Zhong Chen's face was flushed strangely, he barely opened his eyelids and glanced at him, and replied vaguely "Yes".

Qi Linqing went out with Zhong Chen on his back.

On the way, he met Feng Jiaqing and asked him to ask for leave for him.

Feng Jiaqing looked at them and asked in surprise, "What happened to Brother Zhong?"

Qi Linqing: "I have a fever."

He didn't explain much, and hurried to the infirmary with the other party on his back.

After waiting, the medical auntie took Zhong Chen's temperature, and said it was not serious, just need to rest more.

"After taking the medicine, if he still has a fever, go to the hospital." She told the boy.

Qi Linqing nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhong Chen fell asleep after taking the medicine.

Qi Linqing didn't go to class either, and kept sitting by the bed, helping Zhong Chen change a wet towel to apply to his forehead.

In his spare time, he sketched with the sticky notes and pencils in the infirmary.

Swish Swish Swish.

Qi Linqing turned the tip of the pen, a few strokes down to outline the light and shadow,

The profile of a teenager sleeping sideways appeared on the paper.

His face has relatively soft lines, a delicate nose, and a red mole on the lower lid of his left eye.

Qi Linqing paused here, with a somewhat inexplicable expression.

The one I drew was clearly Zhong Chen, but Zhong Chen didn't have this mole on his face.

His former apprentice, Liang Luoduanyou.

Wrong drawing.

Qi Linqing calmed down, crumpled up the piece of paper, and threw it into the trash can.

It was already afternoon when Zhong Chen woke up.

He rubbed his eyes, lifted the quilt and sat up.

Zhong Chen vaguely remembered that it was Qi Linqing who sent him here.

The aunt in the infirmary came in and said "Ouch" when she saw him.

"Are you awake? Take your temperature quickly to see if your fever is gone."

Zhong Chen's eyes fell on the few wet towels on the table, and asked, "Where is the classmate who sent me here?"

"Oh, you mean that tall and handsome guy? He's been sitting here changing your wet towels for most of the day. I just asked him to eat."

Zhong Chen was slightly taken aback.

The aunt shook the thermometer in her hand and said with a smile, "It's fine, the fever has subsided."

After the fever subsided, Zhong Chen felt much better.

The aunt in the infirmary asked him to go back to the dormitory to rest, and he could not go to class for the next two days.

Qi Linqing went to self-study last night, turned off the air conditioner in the dormitory before leaving, and said, "Don't blow the cold wind these two days."

Zhong Chen replied in a low voice: "Yes."

Qi Linqing walked to the studio and met Gan Yishan on the way.

Gan Yishan greeted him with a smile, "Good evening. Where's Zhong Chen? Why didn't I see you two walking together today."

Qi Linqing: "He's sick."

Gan Yishan was taken aback, and immediately said: "That's it. I'm sorry, let him pay more attention!

Qi Linqing: "It's okay."

He disappeared at the end of the corridor with his painting utensils in his arms.

Gan Yishan felt that Qi Linqing seemed a little depressed today.

She put on her earphones and continued to look down at the live broadcast of the newcomers of traditional Chinese painting.

When Gan Yishan walked into Class A, his deskmate Ye Runan glanced at her, and joked, "Everyone else watches the live broadcast of handsome men and beautiful women, but you are the only one who watches these hands every day."

Gan Yishan rolled his eyes, "What do you know, these hands are my spiritual food. I want to worship him as my teacher even in my dreams."

Ye Runan: "Die laughing, you really love Chinese painting deeply."

Gan Yishan: "You don't like to draw pornographic ones every day...."

Ye Runan quickly covered her mouth, and looked around vigilantly, "Hush!"

Class D classroom.

It had just rained heavily and the air was stuffy.

The students are not interested in drawing pictures.

Han Shi clapped his hands, "Everyone cheer up, the principal will come to supervise and inspect later."

Few people responded.

In the evening, everyone was drawing sketches of characters, and they were struggling in the sea of physical suffering.

Feng Jiaqing listened to the song while painting.

He felt that he should be grateful to Qi Linqing's family, if not for him, he would really be tortured to death by art.

Feng Jiaqing remembered that he would have a holiday this weekend, so he turned around and asked, "Are you planning to go home this weekend? Why don't I treat you to dinner?"

Qi Linqing: "Well, I'm going home."

Feng Jiaqing: "Hurry up, I'll treat you to a big meal when I get back to the city."

Qi Linqing shook his head and said, "No need."

He continued with the work at hand, and began to arrange the lines and sweep the colors after finishing the prismatic outline of the characters.

at the same time.

The principal of Zhimo Studio and several teachers were passing by the door of the classroom.

The principal just came out of class A, smiling all over his face.

He whispered to the teachers: "This year's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are quite a few talented students."

Teacher Liu: "Of course, the kid who won the Mo Cup National Chinese Painting Competition is in Class D. You'll have a look later."

The headmaster was taken aback for a moment, this was completely out of his reach.

He remembered that Gan Yishan also studied Chinese painting. She failed in the Mo Cup National Competition, but she was still in Class A.

How could Qi Linqing go to Class D

The principal couldn't help but ask, "Did you get into the wrong class?"

Teacher Liu: "That's right. This kid has never learned Western painting before. I heard that he doesn't know anything about sketching."

The headmaster suddenly realized.

While speaking, they had already stepped into class D.

Several students in the class raised their heads when they heard the movement.

Han Shi hurried forward and said respectfully, "Hello, principal."

The principal waved his hand and said softly: "We will follow the strong and pure foundation!

Going around all the way, the principal also has some points about the situation of the students in class D.

He turned his head and warned, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Han, their level still needs to be improved."

Han Shi nodded in agreement.

The principal wanted to walk out of the Class D classroom after looking around, but he was disturbed by Teacher Liu's gestures.

"This is the kid from the Qi family." Teacher Liu pointed to the boy in the corner and said.

The teenager sat on a folding chair with his back straight.

Holding a pencil in his right hand, he is drawing lines regularly on the drawing paper.

Teacher Liu was shocked when he saw the painting in front of him.

This is a very clean, three-dimensional sketch of a character.

At first glance, it might seem like nothing out of the ordinary.'s not just a high-score paper, it's more like a work drawn by a teacher.

Teacher Liu really couldn't believe that this was drawn by a student.

Moreover, he is still a freshman in class D!

The principal even stopped in his tracks, his eyes firmly attracted by the painting.

This level of sketching, even if he has been in the studio for many years, he is very rare when he is used to seeing talented students.

"Who arranged the class?" the principal said angrily.

Han Shi didn't know why, so he replied: "At the beginning, we uniformly arranged according to the level of painting..."

"You're talking nonsense!" The principal pointed at Qi Linqing and said, "His level is in class D? Don't you find it strange if you look at it yourself?"

Han Shi twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and explained: "Principal, Qi is a beginner. He really hasn't learned sketching before...."

The principal snorted coldly, "Who are you lying to?!"

He felt in his heart that these teachers were playing tricks behind their backs, delaying a good student.

Thinking of this, the principal hurried forward, patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "Student Qi, it's okay, I'm here now, if you have any grievances, just say it, I will make the decision for you and help you transfer to Class A."

Qi Linqing was suddenly interrupted from drawing, and was taken aback.

He turned around with a puzzled look on his face: "What grievance do I have?"

Pointing at Han Shi, the principal said angrily, "He lied to me that you never learned sketching before!"

Qi Linqing had no choice but to say: "But I really haven't learned it before."

Qi Linqing was a little helpless, he had caused many misunderstandings because of this. It can be seen that sometimes learning too fast is not a good thing.

Han Shi sighed, look, he is innocent.

headmaster:"… "

Teacher Liu looked at Qi Linqing with disbelief.

You can learn this in ten days.

He, what kind of genius is he? !


The rain has stopped, and the weather forecast says it will be sunny in the near future.

Looking at the big bed, Zhong Chen felt that it was embarrassing to sleep with Qi Linqing like this every day.

He tried to move the two joined beds back into place.

etc! Why can't it be removed

He tried it several times.

Zhong Chen was stunned for a moment. His strength cannot be so small.

There is no way, Zhong Chen thought to himself, he can only wait for Qi Linqing to come back later to solve it.

nine thirty.

Qi Linqing came back from get out of class on time.

Zhong Chen stood up immediately upon hearing the sound, pointed to the two beds and said, "It's strange, they can't be moved."

Qi Linqing rolled up his sleeves, "Let me try."

But soon, Qi Linqing found that he couldn't move away either.

He lay down on the ground and looked, and then saw the 502 glue that he had forgotten through the gap.

Qi Linqing turned her head to look at Zhong Chen calmly, and said, "The bed is glued together. How about we sleep together tonight?"

The author has something to say: 502 said: How can I have evil intentions? I just want them to sleep in a bed -v-

Keep asking for nutrient solution! !