After I Dumped the Villain

Chapter 2: Jade gourd


After coming out of the Jade Gourd Space, the imprint on Su Mian's palm had gradually faded, but she clearly knew that she had established a subtle connection with the Jade Gourd Space. She could enter the Gourd Space at any time if she wanted.

"Su Mian, are you going to the library to study on Saturday?" Yue Wanjun called kindly outside the door.

Su Mian remained silent until she heard the sound of Yue Wanjun closing the door and going out. Then she opened the bathroom door and carefully placed the excellent-quality small ginseng on her table.

A ginseng of such good quality must have been the king of ginseng for hundreds of years. Most people cannot swallow such a thing.

Su Mian thought for a while and called Bai Xi.

"Su, Su Mian? Why are you looking for me?" Bai Xi received the call and was so shocked that he almost dropped his phone.

"Bai Xi, I need your help with something. I want to sell a valuable item. Do you have a way?" Su Mian asked in a low voice.

Bai Xi has a big chest, no brains, no sense of loyalty, a good family background, and no scheming. He is a standard silly Bai Tian, and he is the only person she can trust at the moment.

"Precious things? How expensive? Don't come to me for anything worth less than a million. My career starts with a million dollars." Bai Xi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Hum, Su Mian also asked her for help sometimes.

"You start with a million dollars, do you have access to auctions?"

"Auction?" Bai Xi was shocked. Su Mian actually had something valuable starting at one million yuan? One million is a lot for ordinary people, but Bai Xi still doesn't take it seriously, but she really doesn't have access to auctions.

"Yes, you give me three days and I will help you get it done." Bai Xi gritted his teeth and said. She couldn't let Su Mian look down on her.

"Okay, thank you. I will return this favor to you in the future." Su Mian smiled.

"Who wants you to pay it back? It's a trivial matter. I helped you because you were pitiful." Bai Xi said with some pride.

Su Mian smiled slightly. She had seen a lot of the indifference and cruelty of human nature in the apocalypse. Thinking of her expression when she said this, she felt a little cute for some reason.

"Okay, we'll meet up then." Su Mian quickly hung up the phone, then quickly took out a pen and paper to make a list.

In the early days of the end of the world, many people died not of high temperatures but of famine, and food was the top priority.

She directly rented a self-service mini warehouse on the platform, and then started the first batch of online shopping according to the listed list: rice, milk powder, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, sugar, honey, and spirits.

These are foods with a very long shelf life. If the storage conditions are strict, they can be stored for ten years without going bad. As for spirits, there is no shelf life.

These seemingly ordinary ingredients are extremely scarce in the apocalypse. 1,000 kilograms of rice, 100 cans of milk powder, 100 kilograms of condiments, 100 bottles of spirits such as vodka, plus storage jars for storage, the total cost was 35,000.

Su Mian filled in the address of the mini warehouse, and saw that more than half of her savings were lost in an instant. She did not feel distressed at all. When the ginseng was sold, she would continue to buy. All this money would be waste paper in the end of the world, and only supplies would be needed. It's the real deal.

After purchasing the first batch of supplies, Su Mian felt her growling stomach and went to the noodle shop at the back door of the school to eat.

"Boss, a bowl of braised beef noodles with braised eggs."


Su Mian found a corner and sat down.

[Have you read the forum? There's been a lot of strange things happening recently. A typhoon blows in the east, with golden rain, in the north it falls with red snow, in the south there is lightning and thunder all night, and in the west the forests are on fire. There are natural disasters everywhere.]

[After reading it, many people said that if they were born with visions, something big must be happening.]

[Many people say that the end of the world is coming.]

[Shh, don’t talk nonsense, it might be an alien invasion.]

The noodle shop was full of students from the University of China, and everyone gathered together to talk about it.

Su Mian opened the most popular forum in the country and found a lot of eschatological posts. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in China. Many people have a premonition of the upcoming crisis. In fact, after the end of the world, major hidden families came out one after another. The government quickly controlled the disaster and established major security bases.

Compared with the tragedy in Western countries, the situation in China is considered the best.

Thinking of this, Su Mian became even more cautious. After she completed the suspension of school procedures on Monday, sold the ginseng, she ran away directly back to her hometown.

Handmade ramen, tumbling beef soup, plus large chunks of cooked beef, red spicy oil and green onions. Su Mian took a big bite and squinted her eyes happily. She had not eaten beef ramen for three years. .

Let's stock up on some flour and beef when we get back to our hometown.

After finishing the ramen, Su Mian didn't delay. He glanced at the Hua students who were spending the weekend leisurely, and took the subway to the nearest farmers' wholesale market without stopping.

The farmer's market was bustling with people. Su Mian swept away the crop seeds in the two small shops, and bought watermelon, grape and other seeds and strawberry seedlings. The store also gave her a set of planting tools.

Su Mian returned home with a large backpack full of seeds.

In the end of the world, if food is a necessity, then fruit is a luxury. No matter whether it can be grown or not, she will give it a try.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when she returned to the dormitory. Yue Wanjun did not come back. Su Mian went directly into the bathroom, locked the door, and then entered the Fei Jade Gourd space.

A space of more than 100 square meters is rare in the apocalypse. Even in the later stages of ordinary space superpowers, the space size is only thirty or forty square meters, not to mention that the gourd space can be planted.

Su Mian didn't know whether this was a superpower inspired by the golden rain, or whether the scarlet jade gourd itself was a treasure.

I don’t know what the red soil in the gourd space contains. The soil near the spring is wetter and darker. Since strawberry seedlings had to be transplanted first, Su Mian chose the lower left position of the Jiugong grid and started digging the ground for transplantation.

After plowing out a small piece of land, directly transplanted the strawberry seedlings together with the nutritious soil into the ground, planted the seeds in two rows, and then took some spring water for spraying and irrigation.

Since there is no sunlight in the space, and there are no obvious four seasons, Su Mian is not sure whether these strawberries can bloom and bear fruit, but ginseng can grow so well, so let's treat it like a dead horse.

After transplanting ten strawberry seedlings, Su Mian planted a batch of watermelon seeds and grape seeds. By the time all this was done, three hours had passed.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the first piece of land she planted with a happy smile. She was now waiting for them to grow up quickly.

After putting away the seeds and tools, Su Mian took a cup of spring water from a cup and drank a glass. The spring water was clear and sweet. It tasted better than the mountain spring water she drank before. It was a bit drunk after drinking it.

It was already dark when Su Mian came out of the gourd space. She took a random shower and didn't even have time to eat. She was so tired that she fell into bed and fell asleep.

She fell into a very deep sleep, and in her dream she felt like she was back in her mother's arms, warm and comfortable. It wasn't until noon the next day that Su Mian was awakened by Yue Wanjun.

"Su Mian, what are you doing here? You smell so bad that I can't even stay in the dormitory." Yue Wanjun frowned and said with a look of disgust.

Su Mian smelled the rancid smell on her body and was stunned for a moment. She saw that her pajamas were dirty and her stretched out hands were also dirty. She just slept, but what happened? Um

"I'm going to take a shower." Su Mian said coldly, quickly got up, took clean clothes and toiletries and went directly into the bathroom.

After taking off her dirty pajamas and throwing them away, Su Mian realized that not only her clothes were dirty, but her whole body was also dirty, as if the impurities accumulated in her body for twenty years had been discharged from her pores.

She turned on the shower, squeezed out the shower gel, and washed it thoroughly. After washing, she didn't know if it was her imagination. She felt that her brain was clear and her eyesight was clear, her body was much lighter, and even her skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

Is it because of the spring water in space? Su Mian's eyes were slightly bright. It seemed that the spring water was good. She didn't know how the strawberry seedlings planted yesterday were doing.

Because Yue Wanjun was outside, Su Mian was careful not to enter the space. She received a call from Bai Xi as soon as she came out of the bathroom.

"Su Mian, there is an auction at six o'clock tonight. I will send you the address. You should come over now with your things and go through the valuation process." Bai Xi said.

"Okay, I'll go out right away." Su Mian was slightly surprised, changed into a set of sportswear, wore a hat, and went out in a low-key manner.

The two met at a coffee shop near the auction house.

"Su Mian." Bai Xi saw her with sharp eyes and waved. Seeing that she was actually wearing sportswear and a big peaked cap, he immediately complained, "Why did you come here dressed like this? We are going It’s a high-end club and will be kicked out.”

Su Mian smiled and said: "Then say I am your personal bodyguard."

The corner of Bai Xi's mouth curled up, feeling a little happy when she heard that. Seeing her take off her hat, revealing a delicate little face, she suddenly became jealous again. Is this the tenth level of beauty? Why did she become beautiful again after not seeing her for two days

Her skin is actually whiter than hers, so white that it shines. Thanks to her dressing up today, she was still crushed by Su Mian without makeup.

"Let's go, let's take you to see a high-end auction." Bai Xi picked up his bag and took Su Mian out like a proud little princess. "This club is a membership system, and the conditions for membership are extremely strict. Anyone with money can join. The kind that don’t go. They hold a small auction every weekend. Fortunately, my cousin is the management of Nanfeng Group and is a bit thin. You are lucky. "

Su Mian was about to say thank you when her smile suddenly froze: "Nanfeng Group Feng Duzhi?"

"That's right. You haven't heard of it. It's normal. Ordinary wealthy families don't have access to people at this level." Bai Xi suddenly stopped talking and looked at Su Mian dumbfounded, "Do you know Mr. Feng?"

How can this be? The Southern Group was low-key and mysterious. If her cousin hadn't secretly revealed the tip of the iceberg to her, she wouldn't have known that there was a circle of top wealthy families above the wealthy.

She had never heard of Feng Duzhi's name before today. How did Su Mian know about it

Su Mian's expression instantly became solemn. The Southern Group is the predecessor of Nanfeng Base, one of the four major bases in the end of the world, and the person in charge of Nanfeng Base is Feng Duzhi.

Feng Duzhi is a powerful wind power user. It is said that as long as there is wind, there is no one he cannot kill. He is a very scary figure.

In her previous life, she almost died at Feng Duzhi's hands.

"Will Feng Duzhi appear in this kind of auction?"

"How is that possible? Do you think Young Master Feng is someone you can meet whenever you want?" Bai Xi looked at Su Mian like she was a fool. She had never seen Young Master Feng.

Su Mian took a deep breath, clasped her fingers tightly, and her black pupils exuded a hint of chill. She took a gamble to gain wealth and wealth in a dangerous situation.