After I Dumped the Villain

Chapter 56


Get married? Su Mian looked at Luo Hansheng blankly. Does he really want to marry her

Seeing that she was silent, Luo Hansheng was obviously frightened. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes and he said slowly: "I'm just kidding."

It seems that marriage should not be rushed.

Su Mian breathed a sigh of relief. Although she accepted Luo Hansheng in this life, she really hadn't thought about getting married. She is content in her current relationship.

"I used too much force last night, so I'll give you some medicine, okay?" Luo Hansheng lowered his eyes, kissed her forehead, and said in a low voice.

Su Mian nodded subconsciously.

Luo Hansheng picked her up and rolled her onto the bed. By the time Su Mian came to her senses, it was already several hours later. Not to mention that the blue and red marks made last night had not faded away, and there were countless more kiss marks on her body.

Fortunately, he had to get up early the next day to attend the Doomsday Base Alliance Conference, so Luo Hansheng showed some restraint for the first time and went to bed early with her in his arms.

The Doomsday Alliance base meeting is held in the inner base of the Huaxia base, and the entrance to the inner base is in the basement of the meeting building.

Su Mian and others were the last to arrive, and everyone from Beichen Base, Nanfeng Base, and Dongyao Base were all here.

"It seems we are late?" Su Mian blushed slightly when she saw the dark group of people waiting for them.

It's all Luo Hansheng's fault. She woke up very early, but she was pinned down on the bed by a man who kissed and nibbled her. He rubbed her ears and temples together and refused to let her get up. In the end, it was Luo Qi who risked his life and knocked on the door. Luo Hansheng then turned grim. I hugged her up, took a bath, and waited for a long time before going out.

"The meeting time itself is unreasonable." Luo Hansheng said expressionlessly.

"Sister Su Mian, it's okay. Being able to come is a huge honor to them. What bothers our boss the most is attending such boring meetings." Luo Qi said with a smile, "The four major families also had annual meetings in the past. Since the boss This meeting has not been held since taking over Luo Family."

They were all too scared to show up, for fear that the boss would be in a bad mood and kill them all.

"Master Luo, Master Mu."

As soon as Luo Hansheng and Mu Gui appeared, people from the Qin family and the Feng family came up to say hello enthusiastically. The person coming from the Dongyao base was an elder of the Luo family. He was in his forties and his name was Luo Gu. His superpower was at the late fourth level. Although there were so many level 5 superpower experts at the scene, it was hard to see. However, because Luo Hansheng was also a member of the Luo family, Dongyao Base still managed to lift the truck to the rear of the large base.

"Master." Luo Gu came forward and said hello stiffly.

Luo Hansheng responded lazily without raising his eyes. Luo Gu was a little embarrassed, but already knew that this was not the past, so he stood aside and said nothing.

"Young Master Qin, Young Master Feng, you are here so early." Mu Gui stepped forward to say hello gently.

"We don't dare to ask Mr. Luo to wait for us." Feng Duzhi raised his eyebrows, and a hint of displeasure flashed across his handsome and gloomy face. They had been waiting for more than an hour. The damn dragon group, seeing that Luo Han was not born, just didn't Take them to the inner base and leave everyone here to dry.

"Old Mu, it's not easy to meet you, kid. Why, after forming an alliance with Luo Hansheng, do you no longer look down on us people?" Qin Shi laughed loudly, stepped forward and hugged Mu Gui's shoulders warmly, I want to find out something.

The Mu family has neither ambition nor strength. How could Luo Hansheng look at the Mu family differently

"Young Master Qin is joking, Lao Luo and I are just neighbors." Mu Gui smiled.

Lao Luo? The relationship is very close. Qin Shi urged him thoughtfully.

"This meeting at the Huaxia Base has a huge goal. We must stick together and not suffer any loss." Qin Shi urged him to pull him aside and whispered.

Now everyone with a discerning eye knows that the Anping base is the most powerful, and forming such an alliance will do no harm at all.

The last time Beichen Base and Nanfeng Base teamed up to assassinate Long Ye, Huaxia Base remembered this in their hearts. But they are better than the Feng family. What Feng Duzhi hates most now is not Long Ye or Luo Hansheng, but them for temporarily breaking the contract.

Qin Shijiu had no choice but to find another alliance.

On the other side, Luo Qi was also dragged aside by people from Nanfeng Base, talking about forming an alliance.

No one approached within one meter of Su Mian and Luo Hansheng.

Su Mian looked at Mu Gui and Luo Qi, who were surrounded by everyone, and then at herself and Luo Hansheng, who were as cold as ice, with a slightly stiff smile. Sure enough, Luo Hansheng's popularity was as bad as the North Pole, no matter in his previous life or in this life.

"Su Mian." The two Chang brothers and sisters walked over to a group of guards wearing Chinese base uniforms.

Chang Si waved to her excitedly.

Su Mian walked over, and the two walked aside to talk.

"My brother and I have joined the Dragon Team. Our family is very happy. We even wanted to treat you and brother Su Han to dinner." Chang Si took Su Mian's hand with a look of gratitude on his face. They were originally just non-staff members of the Dragon Team. Only those who have made great contributions or have completed one year can apply for promotion to the Dragon Group. As a result, they were promoted in half a year.

Although Chang Si is occasionally a nymphomaniac, he still knows how to deal with important matters. He knows that the promotions of himself and his brother are all because of Su Mian and Luo Hansheng.

"Congratulations." Su Mian smiled.

"Then come to our house for dinner tonight. My parents bought groceries today and told me to invite you over." Chang Si looked at Su Mian with round eyes, shook her arm and said, begging, "Please If you don’t come, I’ll kneel on the washboard when I get home.”

Su Mian hesitated and said, "Shall I ask Luo Hansheng?"

"Yeah, yeah." Chang Si nodded desperately.

"Chang Si invited us to dinner at his house to celebrate her and his brother's promotion to the Dragon Group staff." Su Mian tugged on Luo Hansheng's clothes and said quietly.

The man frowned, he had a meeting early in the morning, and wanted to go back to live in a world of two at night, but someone with no eyesight came again, huh

Luo Hansheng's brows flashed with a hint of anger, and he was about to refuse when he saw Su Mian looking at him with big dark eyes, and her words of refusal suddenly changed: "It's up to you to decide."

"Yes." Su Mian smiled at Chang Si and made an OK gesture, and the little girl jumped up excitedly.

After making an appointment for dinner, Longye also arrived. After exchanging pleasantries, he led everyone into the inner base of the Huaxia base.

The inner base of the Huaxia Base has a dual password password setting. After Tatsuno checked with internal personnel that the password was correct, the room where everyone was sitting began to sink continuously. It stopped after about five minutes. The aluminum alloy door opened, and only the ground was visible. A huge secret base is revealed.

The base is brightly lit, like a huge laboratory, where scientific researchers in white are busy. The base is full of various cultivated plants and animal houses, including chickens, ducks, geese, piglets, deer, cattle and sheep. Su Mian and Luo Qi's eyes brightened.

"Su Mian, tell the boss that you must find a way to get two of these cattle, sheep and deer back." Luo Qi said quietly.

Su Mian nodded and walked through the long corridor. In front of it was a greenhouse dedicated to cultivating various fruits, including apples, pears, cantaloupes, tropical mangoes and bananas, just like a tropical orchard.

Everyone's mouth almost watered when they saw it. They haven't eaten fresh fruit for more than half a year.

Su Mian is not particularly fond of fruits and vegetables. Her gourd space is full of them and she has stored a lot of seeds.

"This is Dr. Zhao, the director of the base's scientific research station." Long Ye took everyone to visit one by one, and then introduced the fifty-year-old scientist who came out of the laboratory, "Dr. Zhao is responsible for cultivating animals and plants in the base. Dr. Zhao has developed a vaccine to prevent animal alienation and preserve the precious fire of various animals."

vaccine? Is that why the Chinese base can raise so many animals that have not been alienated by violent elements? Everyone's eyes lit up. If this vaccine was available, their bases would be able to breed animals.

Dr. Zhao was a prim and serious old man. He only nodded politely when he saw everyone.

People at Beichen Base and Nanfeng Base were extremely enthusiastic when they saw Dr. Zhao, and even Luo Gu ran up to him to get familiar with him. This time, except for the Anping base, the four major bases brought a lot of scientific researchers here. The purpose was to exchange scientific research and learn new technologies from the Huaxia base.

Luo Qi squeezed over and paused for a while, then came back to report: "Boss, they are all secretly inquiring about the vaccine. The Chinese base does not sell it and wants to exchange it for something. The people we come here this time are all superpowers with strong combat capabilities. If there are no scientific researchers, what should we do?”

Luo Qi scratched his head, ugh, the entire Anping base is a group of rough guys from the military region, and it relies on Anping County. What kind of high technology can the county master? What kind of scientific research talents can we have? Unlike other bases, there are many universities and experts near the base.

"Want to raise small animals?" Luo Hansheng looked at Su Mian and asked in a low voice.

Su Mian nodded. She cannot keep animals in her gourd space. Since the Chinese base has such technology, it is natural to get it back. There should be more than a year before the end of the apocalypse. There will be high-temperature upgrades later, and there will be no seventh-level ice element crystal nuclei. , it is basically difficult to move forward. At this moment, it is better to collect more supplies and breed more.

"Then exchange." Luo Hansheng made the final decision.

"Then what should we exchange for? Supplies? Crystal cores?" Luo Qi said distressedly.

"Xiao Qi, go and find out what the Chinese base is interested in." Su Mian said, "and ask about what other bases have competitive products."

"Okay." The little boy with red lips and white teeth took the order and ran quickly to inquire about the enemy.

"I remember that Luo's ancestors passed down a lot of good things." Mu Gui patted Luo Hansheng on the shoulder and said with a smile. The Luo family has a profound heritage, and Luo Hansheng has a few handed down magic weapons and the like, but unfortunately there are very few people who know how to use them.

"There are some magic weapons, but these are all saved for my wife's book, so I can't give them away casually." Luo Hansheng said lightly and glanced at Su Mian.

"Magical weapon?" Su Mian widened her eyes and asked, "What is a magical weapon?"

"They are some powerful weapons and rare treasures handed down from our ancestors. However, it is said that there was plenty of spiritual energy in the ancestors' time. Now in the Dharma Ending Age, many magic weapons can no longer be activated and have become dead objects. They can only be passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms. When A decoration." Luo Hansheng explained in a low voice, "Not to mention the Luo family, even the Mu family has some treasures."

"No, our family is really poor. All we have passed down are some Kung Fu books, and the most are books and flowers. We are not like your rich family." Mu Gui said.

Su Mian's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly remembered her own gourd space. The scarlet jade gourd pendant was given to her by Luo Hansheng in her previous life. She had never taken it seriously before. She was used to wearing it and thought it was a pendant. Could it be that it was actually a pendant? Is it a magic weapon passed down from the ancestors of the Luo family

Then this space magic weapon is really incredible. Not only does it have a spiritual spring, it can also be planted.

"Is there that kind of space magic weapon?" Su Mian asked quietly.

"Space Magical Artifact? It is a treasure that only powerful people had in the ancestors' era. Very few of them have been passed down. It is the best of the magical artifacts." Mu Gui said, "My Mu family does not have it."

"There is a record of this type of magic weapon in Luo's Treasures. There was a gourd, but it disappeared for some reason. Maybe it was taken away by an ignorant child as a toy." Luo Hansheng said calmly.

Su Mian was silent. It was not taken away by the child, but given to her by him in the previous life.

She frowned, feeling a little confused. Luo Hansheng gave her a scarlet jade gourd. She died and then was reborn. Why was the gourd reborn with her

"Everyone, please follow me into the conference room." The management of the inner base came forward and led everyone into the conference room of the base.

The conference room is huge, and there is a huge projector in front of the stage. The projection is from every corner of the base, with almost no blind spots in 360 degrees.

The seats at Anping Base are arranged in the middle, followed by Beichen Base, Nanfeng Base, and Dongyao Base. As for other medium-sized bases, there are also three or four, but they are all in inconspicuous corners.

Su Mian sat in the first row with Luo Hansheng and Mu Gui.

Qin Shiyue's brother and sister also sat down next door and said hello to her.

Luo Qi came back excitedly, sat down next to Mu Gui, and reported: "Boss, I have found out clearly that they want some treasures inherited from our four major families, and the Huaxia base will auction off its latest scientific research technology. . ”

"Auction?" Su Mian asked in confusion, "It's so good, why do you want to auction the core technology?"

Luo Hansheng's eyes darkened slightly and he said calmly: "The predecessor of the Huaxia Base was the government's secret research base in the snow mountains. This inner base was established before the end of the world and has a history of nearly a hundred years. The base uses the highest technology before the end of the world. Technology, they have been studying the stimulation of supernatural powers for hundreds of years.

The government secretly invests huge amounts of money every year to find individual superpowers across the country, extract their blood for research, and then conduct human experiments to cultivate powerful superpower legions. Therefore, when the end of the world comes, they will become the strongest base, with The most talented person with super powers. "

"Experiment?" Su Mian and others were shocked.

Mu Gui also said in surprise: "Our superpowers are inherited by blood. Grandpa said that awakening superpowers is a gift from God. They actually created superpowers directly from DNA? Isn't this a man-made superpower? This matter How did you know?"

Luo Hansheng said calmly: "During the period before the end of the world, there was a surge in people with supernatural powers. Luo Wu went to check it out personally."

"No wonder Long Ye's practice of superpowers is like riding a rocket. It turns out that his DNA incorporates the DNA characteristics of countless superpowers." Luo Qi frowned and said, "Fortunately, the boss suppressed him, otherwise Huaxia Doesn’t the base have to go to heaven?”

"Since the Huaxia Base is auctioning core technologies, they must have encountered unsolvable problems or discovered a bigger crisis, and this crisis requires all our bases to work together to solve it." Luo Hansheng guessed with narrowed eyes.

Su Mian's heart was beating wildly, an apocalyptic crisis? If she remembered correctly, the subsequent apocalyptic crisis was basically the emergence of powerful high-level elemental beasts and high-temperature upgrades.

While the three were talking, an old man with gray hair came onto the stage. Everyone saw his face clearly and there was an uproar.

This is one of the most famous scientists before the end of the world, Xu He. He once made a stunning appearance in the world, made many shocking remarks, and applied for countless patents. Later, he gradually faded out of the public eye and has not been heard from for decades. .

It turns out that he has been at the Chinese base.

The old man came to the stage with a cane and his forehead was covered with deep wrinkles. He said seriously: "Eschatology is not a legend, it is real. There have been many civilization faults in history, just like reincarnation. We know it from a few words of the sages. , that is the end of the world. The Great Ice Age can be called the end of the world, and the high-temperature furnace era can also be called the end of the world. Every time the end of the world occurs, civilization breaks down and mankind is destroyed, only a few people can survive and spread the fire. This time of the end of the world, we The prediction came, but we miscalculated the time, and tens of thousands of people still died in the heat."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

The Chinese base actually predicted the end of the world? Why don't they warn the world

"We predicted that the end of the world would not appear for another century, but we did not expect it to come so suddenly." Xu He said, "The reason I invite you to come today is because the mild period of the high-temperature furnace has passed, and in the near future, the high temperature will escalate again. It’s enough to destroy our current base.”

After the old man finished speaking, he called up a series of data graphs on the big screen, all of which were various activity indices of the sun in recent years.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"The following is the speculation of our scientific research team. This high-temperature furnace era is related to the nuclear explosion of the sun. The sun is dying rapidly. We have measured that in the near future, the sun will usher in the most powerful nuclear explosion in history, which will be the most powerful in the apocalypse. Ten times the day, after a nuclear explosion, the global high temperature will rise rapidly and enter the most difficult period. This period will last for several years. We guess that the high-temperature furnace has three periods, a mild period, an explosion period, and a stable period. After three During this period, the nuclear explosion activity of the sun will be considered over, and the apocalypse will be considered over."

After Xu He finished speaking, the whole place was completely silent. So the current high temperatures are just a mild phase of the furnace era? Will temperatures rise to incredible levels in the near future? So what are they going to do? When the sea water dries up and the land turns into yellow sand, where will they plant? How to survive

Su Mian lowered his eyes and dug his fingertips deeply into his palms. No one has tried to explain the apocalypse with scientific reasons. Xu He’s guess is not true or false. Maybe we can only wait for the apocalypse to end and the planet to develop into a higher civilization era. These abilities cannot be explained, but she has experienced it, but she knows that the era of high-temperature furnaces did end two years later, and it was followed by a period of birds singing and flowers fragrant. Everyone rejoiced, thinking that the apocalypse was finally over, and that was when she At that time, he escaped from Dongyao Base.

But what followed was the coldest climate, with ice and snow covering the earth and no grass growing, just like the Great Ice Age in history.

After she escaped from Dongyao Base, she was frozen to death in the wilderness.

As for how long the Great Ice Age lasted and when the apocalypse would end, she had no idea.

"I came to see you today just to discuss the solution. How should humans survive when the temperature rises to 2,300 degrees. I hope everyone can unite and survive together." After Xu He finished speaking, he turned to the crowd. Bow and step down.

As soon as I stepped off the stage, I was surrounded by people, asking all kinds of questions.

"Academician Xu, since you have given a reasonable explanation for the end of the world, can you explain the existence of superpowers?"

“Will the apocalypse really end?”

"Did the era of high-temperature furnaces occur in history? How did humans survive?"

Luo Qi also ran over with his head pointed.

Su Mian sat in the front row and did not move. The man reached out to hold her hand.

Luo Hansheng looked at her steadily and said, "Don't be afraid, we will survive."

The man's big palms were warm and generous, holding her tightly, and his eyes were firm, like the deep ocean. Su Mian instantly felt that she was injected with infinite power. Yes, she had no powers in her previous life and was imprisoned by Luo Hansheng as a canary. Although she lost her freedom, she survived under his protection.

In this life, they will definitely live a better life.

Su Mian's eyes moved slightly, she stretched out her hand to hold his big palm, and said hoarsely: "Thank you, Luo Hansheng."

The man's handsome and cold face softened, he reached out and hugged her, and said in a low voice: "Protecting your own woman is a matter of course, don't thank me."

He should thank her. Because of her, he felt warmth, joy, anger, jealousy, anxiety and other emotions. She gave him the meaning of life and let him know that being born as a human being is a happy thing.

When he was dying, his great-grandfather once told him: "Little Wolf, after I die, you go down the mountain and go out for a walk. Maybe one day you will meet someone, someone who will make you feel that life is no longer lonely and boring every day." When the sun rises, it is hope, and when the sun sets, it is the person who is peaceful. Then you will understand the preciousness and awe of life."

Now he already feels the awe of life. He wanted to be with her for a long time and would pay any price for it.

It turns out that there really is such a person, and just one glance can last a lifetime.

Intermission of the meeting.

People from all major bases gathered together to discuss solutions.

On Luo Hansheng's side, the four of them looked at me and I looked at you, all a little silent.

"If the high temperature escalates, the water in the soil will be lost, and the underground river will dry up. There will be no plants to grow, and water resources will become extremely expensive. No matter how many water superpowers there are, it is impossible to create so much water every day. Even if Using solar energy as the kinetic energy for the operation of the base, how can we go out to kill elemental beasts, search for supplies, and live in vain in such a high temperature?" Mu Gui said with a frown.

"What if we keep the soil and seeds now? Cultivate them in the greenhouse. Store a large amount of materials, reduce the activity, and wait until the explosion period passes?" Luo Qi tilted his head and said. The young man still has a hint of innocence.

"The land will be starved to death, the world will be a purgatory, and less than 10% of the people will survive." Mu Gui said calmly, "Not everyone is as powerful and rich in supplies as you and me."

"There are also powerful elemental beasts. We are huddled in the cave, but they are getting stronger all the time." Luo Hansheng said lightly.

Su Mian bit her lip and said: "I think we should focus on the elemental beasts. These creatures appeared after the end of the world. Their existence has a deep connection with the end of the world. If they can survive, there must be something we don't know. reason."

"Crystal core?" Luo Hansheng's eyes darkened and he spoke in a low voice.

Sumian nodded. The creatures that are exclusive to the apocalypse are domineering and in conflict with the apocalypse. Their crystal nuclei are the nemesis of the high-temperature furnace era.

"It makes sense. Damn the Chinese base. They have been doing crystal nucleation research. It turns out that this is the reason. They must know something, but they don't tell us." Mu Gui clenched his fists and said with bright eyes.

"Assuming that Su Mian's idea is correct, the thing that can restrain the high temperature must be the crystal core of the ice elemental beast. Kill the high-level ice elemental beast." Luo Hansheng's eyes were filled with cold light as he spoke word by word.

An ice elemental beast can live in high temperatures. How powerful its crystal core must be and how many secrets it must hide.

Luo Hansheng looked at Su Mian with bright eyes and whispered: "The Chinese base has been researching crystal nuclei for half a year and produced crystal nuclear weapons. They should have thought of this. Judging from our fight with the sixth-level elemental beast, Elemental beasts of the same level are stronger than power users of the same level, and can almost crush low-level power users. China Base is preparing to use the hands of our major base power masters to kill high-level elemental beasts. They have the most powerful abilities. A powerful scientific research team. When the time comes, the crystal core will still be given to them for research. In this way, the secret will always be in their hands. What a powerful method."

"That's too bad." Luo Qi nodded and said with a smile, "Fortunately we have Su Mian, she is worthy of being the boss's woman."

"It makes sense." Mu Gui also nodded.

Su Mian smiled slightly, it was really easy to talk to smart people.

It turns out that they were called to be thugs at this Doomsday Alliance meeting.

Let's say that after a round of heated discussions, everyone listed the solutions for each base. Some suggested that they should stockpile supplies and wait for the high-temperature explosion period to pass. Some suggested that the major bases move core talents and superpowers together and give up. Ordinary people, those who retain the human fire, some suggest leaving the planet, wandering in space for a few years, and then coming back after the solar nuclear explosion period has passed, and some want to establish a joint organization for the end of the world, and everyone moves to the Chinese base to build a larger underground Palaces, living underground, all kinds of weird ideas.

At the Anping base, Luo Hansheng didn't write a single suggestion.

This time, the top management of the Huaxia Base was most concerned about the Anping Base. Luo Hansheng was the number one expert in the apocalypse. As a result, only four people from the other side came and didn't speak, and didn't even have a single suggestion, eh

"Mr. Luo, do you plan to do nothing at your Anping base and wait for the high-temperature explosion period to come?" Xu He asked with a frown.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned over.

Luo Hansheng squinted his eyes and smiled slowly: "Isn't that very interesting?"

Everyone's heart was pounding, Wu Cao, this man is a lunatic and a fanatic through and through!

Asked him why he might as well go home and farm. If he can come up with any good ideas, it would be good if he doesn't hope for the destruction of the world.

Xu He was stunned by the question and was speechless. Is this man not even afraid of death

All the words he had prepared were blocked in his throat in an instant.

"Mr. Luo, you have great powers and are not afraid of high temperatures, but you should also consider the little girl around you, right?" Xu He forced a smile. Xu He had no powers. Seeing that Su Mian's aura was gentle, and he had never heard of any powerful female superpowers around Luo Hansheng, he thought that Su Mian was just a pretty ordinary person.

Long Ye's head was beating wildly on the side. Oh, you're wrong. This is Luo Hansheng's heartthrob, the only healing power user in the last days. You can't mess with him.