After I Dumped the Villain

Chapter 57


Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Su Mian, Luo Hansheng leaned forward slightly to block Su Mian. His face was gloomy, and a trace of anger overflowed from his eyebrows. He said coldly: "I will naturally protect my woman, don't worry. Please worry."

Seeing that he was obviously angry, Long Ye hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhao said that vaccines to prevent animals from becoming lycanthropic can be auctioned."

Dr. Zhao walked onto the stage with a metal suitcase, took out the frozen vaccine in the suitcase, and showed it to everyone.

Long Ye took the opportunity to help Xu He down and whispered: "Academician Xu, that is Luo Hansheng's weakness that cannot be touched."

He had been walking with Luo Hansheng for many days, and he knew that this person was moody, indifferent, and arrogant. He always only looked at the little girl next to him, and ignored others, just like the most selfish and domineering dragon, surrounding his lover. Keep it to yourself, don't allow others to covet it, and don't even mention it.

Xu He wanted to provoke Luo Hansheng, but he should never mention Su Mian. Luo Han was afraid that he would hold a grudge.

Mr. Xu He was stunned for a moment and said in confusion: "Can't you even mention it? So overbearing?"

Long Ye nodded and whispered: "Luo Hansheng's abilities are unpredictable. I am not his opponent, and I always feel that they have too many secrets. Maybe they have seen through the real purpose of our Doomsday Alliance meeting. . ”

"This is impossible. Doesn't their Anping base have a scientific research team? How could it be possible to guess the results of our research for half a year, and the conclusions drawn from our experiments are just guesses." Xu He shook his head and said. In the future, the high temperature will continue to rise. Only by killing high-level elemental beasts, obtaining high-level elemental crystal nuclei, and studying the secrets can we find a way to survive.

How could Luo Han, a martial artist, be so wise

Long Ye lowered his eyes and whispered: "Let's wait and see. If you want to kill the high-level elemental beast, you must take action from Luo Hansheng. If necessary, you will also need the action from Su Mian beside him. That girl is the only healing power in the apocalypse." Those."

Xu He was shocked when he heard this, and a hot and almost crazy light flashed in his eyes. Healing superpower? What a terrifying supernatural talent this is. If it is researched, it is very likely that undead people will be born in the future.

Long Ye felt worried when he saw the hot light in Xu He's eyes. Outsiders only know about the Dragon Team at the Huaxia Base, but they don't know that the Dragon Team was created by generations of scientific research teams. By the end of the world, Xu He was the leader of the scientific research team and the person in charge of the inner base.

I just hope Xu He won't reach out to other bases.

Let's say that Dr. Zhao took out the frozen vaccine and conducted an experiment. First, he injected the power of violent elements into a little hamster. After a few seconds, the little hamster's eyes turned yellow and it turned into an earth elemental beast. , and then injected the frozen vaccine. A minute later, the runaway little hamster returned to normal, chirping and running around in the small cage gently.

Everyone gasped when they saw it. If this kind of vaccine had been developed at the beginning of the end of the world and injected into animals, almost all animals would not mutate.

"Dr. Zhao, is there a vaccine that can be injected directly into the bodies of high-level elemental beasts to end their alienation and rage? Wouldn't we be able to successfully obtain the elemental crystal nuclei in their bodies?" Someone boldly put forward a hypothesis.

The little old man sneered and said: "It's a beautiful thought. Do you know how much effort it took us to develop this small vaccine? This vaccine is only effective for elemental beasts below level three. You want to study how to deal with advanced elements? Vaccines are a pipe dream.”

"The essence of the vaccine is to purify the violent elemental power in the animal body. This small bottle of vaccine uses level 5 elemental crystal nuclei, which is expensive to make. If you want to deal with high-level elemental beasts, you will have to kill countless level 9 elemental beasts first. Elemental beast, let’s experiment with the ninth-level crystal nuclei one by one.”

A ninth-level elemental beast? Everyone took a breath, it would be impossible for a ninth-level elemental beast to appear.

"Can't we use something else to replace the crystal core?"

"We have been researching for half a year, but apart from crystal nuclei, we have not found any supernatural powers or substances that have such miraculous effects."

When Luo Hansheng heard this, he turned his face slightly and glanced at Su Mian quietly. Purify the power of violent elements? The violent elemental power accumulated in his body for many years was purified by Su Mian's spring water, and he vaguely felt that Su Mian's superpower also had the characteristics of spring water.

Su Mian saw his side face and his eyes as deep as the sea fell. She was slightly startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Luo Hansheng stretched out his hand and gently flicked her thick and curled eyelashes. He pursed his thin lips and smiled. He leaned forward and said, "You are too stupid. I will only have to take care of you in the future."

The man's slender, clean big hand held her little hand and intertwined their fingers.

Su Mian was teased by him, her eyes curved, and she responded softly.

"Stop stuffing the dog food. You'll make yourself vomit after eating it." Mu Gui coughed and became restless. Falling in love really changes people.

On the stage, Dr. Zhao's vaccine was enthusiastically pursued by major bases, and everyone wrote their chips on paper in exchange for it.

Since there are a lot of vaccines, if the chips are right, the Chinese base will replace them, so Luo Qi also got a pen and paper and asked excitedly: "Boss, what should we exchange for?"

Luo Hansheng had already guessed that the spring water in Su Mian's hand had the same effect, and was even a strengthened and upgraded version of the vaccine. He said calmly: "Just take some crystal nuclei and exchange them for a box."

"Is one box enough? How many crystal cores are needed to replace it?" Luo Qi asked distressedly.


Luo Qi scrunched up a number with a sad face and hugged him. In the end, he was given a box of vaccines. Not only the Anping base, but also other bases almost all received vaccines, but the quantities varied.

"This Chinese base doesn't seem to attach much importance to vaccines. They sell and deliver them at the same time." Mu Gui glanced at Luo Hansheng. The number of crystal cores filled in by Luo Qi could be exchanged for a box, because he saw that Luo Hansheng was six. On the face of super superpowers.

"Maybe there are better ones, and the defective ones will be sold for crystal cores and exchanged for supplies." Luo Hansheng nodded, his handsome face was cold and dignified, but his big palm squeezed the little girl's little hand little by little, and said it over and over again Playing with it.

Su Mian buried her little face low, for fear of being seen by the people sitting on the left, right and behind.

After the vaccine auction, the Chinese base auctioned crystal nuclear weapons again.

Crystal nuclear weapons are made of crystal cores, and the energy they use is also crystal cores. They are extremely powerful, indestructible, and can withstand temperatures of several thousand degrees. The cost is naturally high, and the auction price is not low.

Su Mian is very interested in this crystal-like weapon. With this weapon, not only can he kill elemental beasts, but he can also save his powers. Once this weapon is popularized, ordinary people can also kill elemental beasts.

Crystal nuclear weapons are the biggest gimmick of the Chinese base this time. The reason why major bases take risks to come to the Chinese base is precisely for this weapon.

As soon as the crystal nuclear weapon appeared, the scene instantly became lively.

Dr. Liu, who studies weapons, came on stage and showed everyone: "The base has developed primary and intermediate crystal nuclear weapons. Primary crystal nuclear weapons can kill elemental beasts below level three. Intermediate crystal nuclear weapons can kill elemental beasts of level four. Primary crystal nuclear weapons can kill elemental beasts of level four. 10,000 crystal cores, 100,000 mid-level crystal nuclei. The crystal nuclei are all third-level crystal nuclei.”

As soon as the quotation came out, everyone was in an uproar.

100,000 third-level crystal cores to buy a mid-level crystal nuclear weapon? Is the Chinese base trying to grab the crystal core

"Do you want it?" Luo Hansheng turned sideways and asked in a low voice.

"It's a bit expensive." Su Mian bit her lip, it was so expensive.

The man smiled slightly, raised his hand, and said slowly: "Here are 10 of them, intermediate crystal nuclear weapons."

10? 1 million third-level crystal nuclei? Everyone was silent and looked at Luo Hansheng. They saw the handsome and stern man saying to the little girl next to him: "Buy ten handfuls for you to play with~"

The female superpowers in the conference room immediately went crazy. Oh, someone else’s boyfriend!

Seeing that everyone was looking over her, Su Mian quietly tugged on Luo Hansheng's clothes and said, "We don't seem to have 1 million crystal nuclei, right?"

"Really?" The man smiled lowly, "It doesn't matter, I'll pay you the IOU."

Su Mian laughed out loud.

"What if the Chinese base doesn't pay the IOU?"

"Then let Luo Qi and Mu Gui stay to earn crystal cores." The smile on the man's lips deepened.

Luo Qi and Mu Gui: "???"

Luo Hansheng bought ten crystal nuclear weapons. Beichen Base had bought several elementary ones earlier, and now it also purchased a few intermediate crystal nuclear weapons. The richest man in Nanfeng Base bought twenty.

Luo Qi went to pay the crystal core, but the third-level crystal core was not enough, so he finally exchanged it for the fourth-level and fifth-level crystal core.

At the end of the first day of the meeting, Huaxia Base made a lot of money and arranged for everyone to go to dinner.

When Su Mian and others left the inner base, they saw Chang Si waiting at the door to take them to Chang's house for dinner.

The author has something to say:

Good night~~I will finish writing this book this month, okay~