After I Dumped the Villain

Chapter 68


The apocalyptic peace period lasted for nearly a month. During this month, the temperature stabilized at around 15 degrees. Not only was spring warm and flowers bloomed, but it also rained for the first time.

The first apocalyptic rain in the past two years made everyone cheer and cry with joy. If all major bases had not issued glacier warnings, everyone would have really thought that the difficult apocalypse was over.

All the major bases that had been dormant and silent in the high temperature became active and prepared supplies for the winter.

Luo Hansheng led a team out to kill the nearby high-level elemental beasts, explore the surrounding environment, cut down the virgin forest in the back mountain, and then transport it back. Almost every household had stockpiled a batch of wood. Luo Qi led people to carry out inspections on the houses. In order to renovate it, a kang was built at the base according to northern customs.

In order to save materials, most families lived together, built a kang, and burned wood for heating.

Luo Hansheng has been leading the team out because of his strong abilities. Sumian stayed at the base. The small restaurant has been suspended, and large warm sheds have been erected in the planting and livestock areas of the base.

At noon on this day, it was originally sunny, but suddenly the sky turned cloudy. Dark clouds gathered, the temperature dropped sharply, strong winds blew, and hail fell from the sky. The end of the ice age had arrived.

Hailstones are as big as rocks and can kill people instantly when they fall.

Su Mian held up the supernatural protection and saw that everyone was looking for something to hide in. She hurried to the conference building of the base and found Luo Wu, who was busy without touching the ground.

"Where is Luo Hansheng? The temperature has dropped sharply, and the ice age is probably coming."

Luo Wu looked a little ugly and said: "The elemental beasts in the back mountain have been unusually active recently, and the boss led the team out in the morning. Don't worry, the boss's super power will soon break through to level nine, and he can fight even if he encounters a level nine elemental beast king. The temperature has just cooled down now, I will definitely be back before dark."

As he spoke, the sky outside was completely dark, and hailstones were like deadly black shadows hitting the roofs and streets.

"Turn on all the street lights in the base." Luo Wu ordered quickly.

All the lights at the base were turned on, and the sky was completely dark. The visibility of the street lights was extremely low. Snowflakes fell in the darkness, and in a moment, the roof on the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow.

Su Mian was so anxious that for some reason she thought of her previous life, when the same heavy snow fell. She was freezing in the car, and there were wastelands burned by high temperatures along the way. She drove into the mountains, looking for caves everywhere, and finally found a cave. , hid in.

That mountainous area had been burned by high temperatures. The temperature in the cave was extremely high and it could block the wind. She could survive the first day, but the temperature began to drop sharply on the second day. There was heavy white snow everywhere and no plants. , there was no burning material for heating, and the supplies she brought were food, weapons and crystal nuclei.

In the end, she could only rely on the fire element in the fire element crystal core to keep warm. She stayed like this for who knows how many days, until the entrance of the cave was buried in snow, and the wind and snow outside still did not stop. When all the fire element crystal cores were The fire element in her body was exhausted, and she froze to death silently in an unknown wilderness cave, less than a thousand miles away from home.

Her thoughts at that time were very simple, she just wanted to go home and be free, even for a moment, but she didn't expect that the sudden drop in temperature changed everything.

Su Mian waited restlessly. Soon Mu Gui, Luo Qi and others all fell down the meeting hall. When they learned that Luo Hansheng's team had never returned, their expressions became a little solemn.

"The temperature outside has dropped to minus 30 degrees, and the kangs in every house are on fire. Su Mian, I visited your grandma when I came over. They are all fine. You don't have to worry."

Su Mian nodded. She originally wanted to bring her grandma to live with her, but the old man felt uncomfortable living with her granddaughter and grandson-in-law, and there were no elderly friends around, so she didn't come over. Instead, she stayed with Grandma Zhao, Aunt Six, etc. from the village. People live together.

"Thank you, I'll go see grandma later." Su Mian's voice was hoarse, and she looked at the dark night outside. There was no light in the day, and it was so dark that she couldn't see her fingers.

"Lao Luo has a very strong survivability, don't worry, we will wait and see." Seeing everyone's serious expressions, Mu Gui said comfortingly.

After waiting until evening, the superpowers who had gone out returned to the base one after another with their faces turning purple from the cold. Luo Hansheng and his party were still missing.

Su Mian took a deep breath, something must have happened. He knew that he was waiting for her at home, so there was no way he would not go home even after dark.

"Today is the first day of cooling down. The temperature will get lower and lower in the future. He will definitely encounter a high-level elemental beast or have another accident. I will go out to find him." Su Mian said firmly.

"I'll go too." Luo Qi couldn't sit still, "If we really encounter a high-level elemental beast, there will be more power in numbers."

Mu Gui and Luo Wu looked at each other and said, "Luo Wu, you stay at the base while we go out to respond. Regardless of whether we find anyone or not, we will be back before dawn."

Luo Wu was silent for a moment, looked at Su Mian, and said hesitantly: "If the boss comes back suddenly and finds that the sister-in-law is not there..."

Over the past year, after witnessing the relationship between Luo Hansheng and Su Mian, coupled with Luo Hansheng's great changes after marriage, and the happiness visible to the naked eye, Luo Wu's initial feelings for Su Mian have long been smoothed away. Once the boss comes back He would definitely be angry if he found out that Su Mian went out on an adventure for him.

"If we really encounter a ninth-level elemental beast, only my healing power can save the team." Su Mian frowned and said, "Don't waste time, let's go quickly."

"Fifth brother, don't worry about it. Keep an eye on the base and wait for us to come back. If the boss comes back first, send us a signal. I hope the weather will clear up soon. Otherwise, you won't be able to see your fingers." Luo Qi said.

Luo Wu gritted his teeth and said: "I will arrange a rescue team to join you. The temperature dropped too suddenly. Many people with super powers should be trapped."

The group of people hurriedly went back to prepare the equipment and supplies for the outing, and then left the base.

In just half a day, the snow outside was extremely thick and vehicles were blocked. The three of them all put on thick polar equipment and put their supplies in Su Mian's space. Then they were fully equipped and glided in the snow on a sled, heading towards Advance towards the mountains.

The wind and snow were so strong that even with goggles on, the three of them were unable to open their eyes. Fortunately, they were all level eight superpowers. In the low temperature of minus 30 degrees, their movements were much stronger than ordinary people.

After skating in the wind and snow for more than an hour, she met many people with supernatural powers waiting for rescue. After Su Mian threw warm clothes and supplies to them, she left the rescue team behind and continued on. The only good news was that , from the mouths of the trapped superpowers, they learned the whereabouts of Luo Hansheng and others.

Before the temperature cooled down, Luo Hansheng led the team westward into the deep mountains and did not come back.

The three of them continued to move forward. After walking in the wind and snow for three or four hours, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Su Mian, we need to warm up and rest immediately, otherwise we will fall first if we don't find Lao Luo."

"After passing through this virgin forest, let's find a cave to avoid the wind and snow." Luo Qi said breathlessly.

This large area of virgin forest was burned and cut down, and its area shrank significantly. As the three of them passed through the forest, they saw a flash of fire in front of them, illuminating the shadows of the mountains.

"There is fire. Is it the boss's fire power?" Luo Qi shouted in surprise.

"Let's go and take a look." Su Mian was severely exhausted, but thinking that Luo Hansheng might be waiting for them to come to rescue, she gritted her teeth and continued moving forward.

Mu Gui threw flares all the way, hoping to get a response from the other party. Then the previous fire disappeared, leaving only white snow and silence between the sky and the earth.

The three of them fastened the carabiners around their waists and started climbing. Not long after they climbed the mountain, they realized something was wrong. What a strong pressure. A ninth-level elemental beast king

"This mountain smells of sulfur," Mu Gui dug through the thick snow, looked into the ground, and said solemnly, "It's a volcano. There must be a fire elemental beast underground, most likely level nine."

The one who can make them feel the pressure must be the ninth-level elemental beast king.

The three of them felt heavy. Luo Qi and Mu Gui's supernatural powers were not powerful enough. Even with Su Mian's healing ability, they could not defeat the ninth-level elemental beast king.

"Did the boss just discover the ninth-level elemental beast king, so he went to kill the elemental beast king?" Luo Qi said worriedly.

Su Mian's fingertips trembled slightly.

Mu Gui shook his head and said: "Let's not get into trouble. If Lao Luo had been able to do such a thing before, he probably wouldn't be able to do it now. After discovering the Elemental Beast King, Lao Luo would probably go back to the base to discuss with us and plan a siege." plan."

In the past, Luo Hansheng was withdrawn and indifferent, and went his own way. He was a person who preferred to go to the tiger mountain wherever there was a tiger. But now, even if he doesn't think about himself, he should think about Sumian.

After hearing what he said, Su Mian calmed down.

"The ninth-level elemental beast king is too terrifying. We know nothing about it and can't move forward. Even if Luo Hansheng encounters the ninth-level elemental beast king, life-saving is not a big problem. Let's find a cave to recover our strength first, and then think of a way. ." Mu Gui said.

Su Mian and Luo Qi nodded. If they didn't find Luo Hansheng, they would risk their own lives.

"There is a cave ahead." Luo Qi said sharply.

Luo Qi stepped forward to clear the snow at the entrance of the cave. Mu Gui left a bright sign at the entrance of the cave before entering.

The cave is not big, like a nest of some large animal. After two years of the apocalypse, it is empty and only the rock wall remains.

Su Mian took out the charcoal fire in the space and quickly lit a fire to keep warm. Then he took out the ingredients and everyone boiled hot water and ate hot rice to ward off the cold.

"The snow is getting heavier and heavier. When will this end?" Luo Qi poked her head and came back bitterly against the snow.

"It will always stop. If it still doesn't stop at dawn, Luo Qi, you should return to the base first to see if Lao Luo has come back, and then tell Luo Wu what's going on here. Su Mian and I will stay here and continue looking for Lao Luo." Mu Gui I already had an idea in mind.

Su Mian nodded, this is the best arrangement.

"That's right, even with the strength of the three of us, we can't kill the ninth-level elemental beast king. This matter needs to be discussed in the long term." She knew very little about the ninth-level elemental beast king. For the current plan, the most important thing is to find someone.

"Okay, maybe we will find that the boss has returned to the base when we go back." Luo Qi said with a smile.

The three of them talked for a while and then fell silent. They each used the crystal core to restore their superpowers, restore their physical strength, and wait for dawn.

Su Mian was in front of the fire, wrapped in a big down jacket, and fell asleep in a daze.

In his sleep, his soul left his body, as if he was walking alone in the snow. He vaguely saw a group of supernatural beings in front of him. The man in the lead had a pale face, bloodless face, and a stern look on his face. He was not Luo Hansheng.

"Luo Hansheng." Su Mian was so surprised that she stumbled over and rushed over. As if the other party couldn't see her, she walked straight through her and continued forward.

Su Mian was stunned for a moment and had no choice but to follow him and continue walking in the snow.

"Boss, judging from the location where the car was dumped and the surrounding terrain, Su Mian must have gone into the mountains to escape the wind and snow." Luo Wu said, pointing to the mountains in front of him.

"Spread out the search." The man coughed up a mouthful of blood, his voice was hoarse and his eyes were scarlet, with red bloodshot eyes.

Luo Wu hurriedly looked for medicine and gritted his teeth and said: "Boss, let's go find it. You were unconscious for three days before you woke up, and your injury has not healed. The ice and snow here will only aggravate the injury. The people of the Feng family have been watching our whereabouts. Maybe it was leaked, you..."

The man pushed him away expressionlessly and continued walking forward.

Feng Duzhi died a long time ago. Nanfeng Base has been hiding in the south. It is thousands of miles away from Anping Base. How can the Feng family return to Anping Base

As if being struck by lightning, Su Mian suddenly woke up, past life, this is the past life

Luo Wu reluctantly gritted his teeth and followed.

The group of people used their powers to search around in the snow. Luo Hansheng's face became paler and paler until they found a familiar yet unfamiliar cave. @ infinite good writing, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Pull the snow off the cave." The man's body suddenly trembled and he shouted hoarsely.

The entrance to the cave was mostly covered by snow, leaving only a small gap. Luo Wu and his men quickly cleared away the snow.

Su Mian followed Luo Hansheng into the cave with a complicated expression. The cave was dark, without any signs of life or fire.

The man looked at the girl who was lying on the ground frozen into ice, spit out a mouthful of blood, staggered forward, picked her up with trembling hands, buried his head, and his tall body trembled violently.

Su Mian's eyes were a little moist. It turned out that he found her after all in his previous life. After being stabbed by her, he went out to look for her as soon as he woke up. However, he was in a coma for three days and the temperature dropped unexpectedly. By the time he found her, she had already frozen to death. In a cave in the wilderness.

Su Mian smiled slightly, her eyesight was a little blurry. Neither he nor himself in the previous life knew how to love someone. It was really stupid.

"Boss, people from the Feng family are chasing me. Let's go quickly." Luo Wu's expression changed drastically when he sensed the aura of the superpower.

As if the man didn't hear anything, he just held the frozen girl tightly in his arms, gently stroked her little face, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I will never force you to restrain you again. What do you want?" Wherever you go, I will let you go.”

The man lowered his head, kissed her forehead, and shed a cold tear.

Outside the cave, the Feng family's superpowers approached. The man's face was cold, and he stretched out his hand to cut his palm. Blood gushed out and spilled all over the ground, drawing a bright red blood sacrifice pattern in the dark cave.

Luo Wu's face changed suddenly and he shouted in disbelief: "Boss, are you crazy? The blood sacrifice is to fill one's life with life, it is a forbidden technique, and she is already dead, there is no way she can come back to life."

"If you fill enough lives, it will be possible." The man's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, he looked at the superpower outside the cave, and said coldly, "Luo Wu, Xiao Qi died to save me, you follow me The lives you owe me have been repaid over the years. The Luo family and the Feng family should have been extinct thousands of years ago. Go back and tell Mu Gui to take his people and live in seclusion. After the end of the apocalypse, , the descendants of future generations will never learn supernatural powers, and being an ordinary person can keep their bloodline alive, otherwise they will be punished by God sooner or later."

Luo Wu's eyes turned red and he roared: "I won't leave."

"The blood sacrifice has been completed. If you don't leave, you will only waste your life. Bring my words to Mu Gui. This is what I owe to the Mu family. Whether you die or not is your own business." The man closed his eyes and blood gushed out from his palms. It flows strangely into the cave, forming a circle.

Luo Wu knelt down and cried bitterly, shouting: "Boss, do you really want to give up on us for a woman?" @无码好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Luo Hansheng's eyebrows were angry, and the powerful supernatural power knocked him out of the cave, and then he sacrificed his body, including the entire cave and Feng Duzhi and others outside the cave into the category of blood sacrifice.

When Feng Duzhi and others discovered the blood sacrifice, it was too late. All the blood in their bodies seemed to have been drawn away and flowed into the bright red blood river on the ground.

"Luo Hansheng, you are crazy. Blood sacrifice can't save your life. Stop it." Feng Duzhi shouted in horror. How did he learn this forbidden technique? This man is crazy, a complete lunatic.

In the blazing flames, the man's face was calm, his pale and handsome face looked at the girl who had been dead for a long time, and he said in a low voice: "I don't ask for this life, but I ask for the next life."

Su Mian's tears rolled down her face as she watched the scene in front of her change constantly, going back in time to before the end of the world and before the first encounter.

It turned out that it was him, Luo Hansheng, who made her reborn.

"Su Mian, Su Mian..."

Su Mian suddenly woke up and stared blankly at Mu Gui in front of him. The fire was burning brightly, and it was still the volcanic cave they were in before.

Mu Gui said worriedly: "Are you having a nightmare? I see that you have been crying."

She touched her face, wiped away the moisture on her face, and choked, "I dreamed that Luo Han was giving birth."

Mu Gui smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, Old Luo has a very hard life. Grandpa has calculated it for him. He has killed everyone around him, and he can't even die. Because of his hard life, in the early years, he He has never been willing to associate with us, and there are only a few teenagers he saved around him all year round."

Luo Qi nodded desperately on the side and said: "Yeah, we were all saved by the boss. We were crying and screaming that we would not leave, so the boss left us. Sister Su Mian, the boss is lucky and will be fine."

Su Mian nodded and said with a smile: "Well, we will definitely find him."

As he spoke, Mu Gui's expression changed slightly, and he signaled the two of them to be silent, looking sharply at the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by Luo Qi before. At this moment, the entrance of the cave was opened from the outside. A cold wind poured in. The flames in the fire were blown out in an instant. Luo Hansheng, Luo Wu and others were covered in cold air. The ground came in and saw that the three of them were safe and sound. He suddenly looked happy, but then his face quickly darkened.

"Boss." Luo Qi was the first to react, jumping up happily and hitting the top of the wall at the entrance of the cave.

Both Su Mian and Mu Gui stood up with surprise on their faces.

The man came in with a stern look on his face, determined to teach Su Mian a lesson so that she would never dare to run around again. However, when he saw her standing still, she burst into tears without saying a word.

Luo Hansheng panicked immediately, his face changed suddenly, he hugged his wife hurriedly, and coaxed in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be harsh on you, stop crying, your eyes will hurt if you cry again."

The man hugged, kissed and coaxed her, but he still looked cold as when he first came in.

Luo Wu and others are almost blind. You look at me and I look at you. I can't bear to look at him. Is this still their boss who is ruthlessly killing everyone

Mu Gui couldn't stand it any longer, so he coughed lightly and said, "Lao Luo, for the sake of me risking my life to find you, can you go home and show your affection?"

Su Mian wiped her tears, controlled her emotions, and asked with a choked voice, "Why are you here?"

No matter in the past life or this life, he would come to her without hesitation. Su Mian buried her little face in his arms and hugged him tightly.

This was the first time a man saw her clinging to him like this in front of someone. The corners of his lips raised, and he was filled with joy. He touched her hair and comforted her softly for a while, and then told her what happened.

Luo Hansheng led the team into the mountain. After sensing the aura of the ninth-level elemental beast king, he came in to investigate. This investigation lasted a day. When he inspected the lair of the ninth-level elemental beast king and came out of the volcano, Only then did I realize that the Ice Age was coming.

He hurriedly led people back to the base, taking a shortcut, but accidentally missed Su Mian and others. When he returned to the base, when he heard that Su Mian was out looking for him, the man's face suddenly changed, and he came out with Luo Wu without stopping. Looking for a wife.

A false alarm.

Luo Wu kept adding charcoal to the fire and kept the fire burning brightly.

The group sat down to warm themselves.

"Lao Luo, what is the ninth-level elemental beast king? Should we plan to kill him?" Mu Gui asked.

Luo Hansheng's eyes deepened slightly and he said in a deep voice: "The bottom of the volcano is full of lava, and the lava is filled with elemental beasts from a hundred miles around. In less than two months, someone will definitely give birth to a second level nine elemental beast here. When the time comes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and they will definitely kill each other, so we can just reap the benefits."

Everyone was slightly surprised. The foot of the mountain where they were was actually the lair of the elemental beast tide

"Get some rest. We have to return to the base immediately. Now we have entered the ice age. Regardless of day or night, the temperature will only get lower and lower." Luo Hansheng held Su Mian's hand tightly and said.

Everyone cleaned up, put out the fire, and then fully armed, returned to the base.

Su Mian looked back at the cave that was sealed again by the snow, intertwined fingers with Luo Hansheng, and smiled at each other. They wanted to live happily in this life steadily and live up to the trust of their previous lives.

The high-temperature furnace of the apocalypse struck in 9012. After the high temperature lasted for nearly two years, the earth entered a short glacial period. In the spring of 9015, the glacial period that lasted for half a year ended. The earth returned to spring, the temperature warmed up, all things grew, and the apocalypse came to an end.

After this catastrophe, the surviving humans began to care for the environment and animals, and used crystal nuclei to create a new era of science and technology, going directly from the end of the world to the new era of science and technology. This is the postscript.

"Mommy, what about the humans in the base? Where did they go?" The little girl with pink makeup asked delicately and delicately, lying on the bed with her big black eyes open.

Su Mian closed the apocalyptic diary, touched Luo Xinbao's little head, and said with a smile: "They rebuilt their homes, established a new country, and started a new life."

"Living together in love with each other, just like mommy and daddy?" the little girl said with bright eyes.

"Well. We've finished telling the fairy tale tonight, it's time to go to bed." The man walked in, kissed his little daughter, and said in a low voice.

Luo Xinbao pouted and said, "Daddy, I want to sleep with mommy."

Luo Hansheng looked at his quirky little daughter, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "You are not allowed to bully your brother if you sleep with Luo Jiahe."

Six-year-old Luo Jiahe finished brushing his teeth, wore cartoon pajamas, came in with a thick book, got into the quilt, touched his sister's little head, and then said: "Hey, brother, let me tell you about Sleeping Beauty." story."

"Brother, are the stories about the end of the world true?"

The six-year-old boy said crisply: "That's a fairy tale."

"Then where did that particularly scary little beast in the apocalypse go?"

"It was eaten by another little beast."

"What about the other little beast?"

"Daddy caught him and locked him up. Any little beast that doesn't obey will be locked up and educated."

Su Mian and Luo Hansheng left the room, listened to the conversation between their children, and smiled.

"What kind of nonsense did you teach, huh?" Su Mian held her forehead, Luo Jiahe was really taught badly by him.

Luo Hansheng raised his eyebrows and said hoarsely: "What Luo Jiahe said is correct, but you will tell me a bedtime story sometime, eh?"

Su Mian blushed slightly: "Are you the same age as Luo Xinbao?"

The man lowered his head and kissed her deeply: "Then I'll tell you a bedtime story, okay?"

"Then I will reluctantly listen to your story." Su Mian's apricot eyes sparkled, and she smiled and kissed him.

Over the years, he has been pampering her like a little daughter. Even though she has experienced the end of the world, she still feels happy.

When you are by my side, spring blossoms in the world.


The author has something to say:

It’s finally finished. The sweet extra clips are also included in the ending. From Plants to the End of the World, this book can be said to be my attempt. There are some shortcomings in the writing. Thank you for your support and tolerance. I will continue to work hard with new books. , strive to write better.

I won’t have a holiday during the Chinese New Year, and I plan to continue writing a new book. I am a relatively slow coder. When I was writing this book, I was thinking about a new book. I knocked out five or six stalks and N chapters, and then decided on the new book. In the evening A new book will be launched seamlessly at 9 o'clock. I hope everyone can support it and go next door to read the new book "I Won the Favor of the Male Protagonist Bai Yueguang"


Ming Yan, the most beautiful woman in Nancheng's socialite circle, is arrogant and arrogant, and has nothing but beauty.

Mingyan took a nap at her 22nd birthday party and dreamed that she was the vicious female partner in "President White Moonlight".

The little maid Hua Zi who grew up with her is the heroine of the original book, and she took the script of Cinderella from a wealthy family.

The heroine's halo almost blinded her.

1. Hua Zi has been raised in a wealthy family since she was a child. Her appearance, bearing, and talents are all top-notch, but she is a fool of a beauty.

2. She has been chasing Lan Xi, a young man from an aristocratic family, for seven years. She has been secretly in love with Hua Zi since she was a child and is an affectionate male partner.

3. Hua Zi was set up by her to have sex with a strange man. That man was Yu Hanzhi, the most powerful man in the future, who was also the male protagonist.

4. When the civet cat changed into a prince, it was revealed that Hua Zi was the real lady of the Ming family, and she was the daughter of the maid's family.

Mingyan thought about her ruined reputation and miserable death after the birthday party, so she decided to change people temporarily and locked herself and the male protagonist in a room.

From then on, he took advantage of the hero's popularity, spent the hero's money, and used the hero's resources to enter the entertainment industry, rely on his reputation to make a living, and live a prosperous life.

A year later, Mingyan saved enough money to buy a house and a car, happily packed her bags and gave way to the heroine Bai Yueguang.

Yu Hanzhi sneered: I spent money to support you, supported you in your C-level debut, and worked hard in and out of bed. Are you fucking kidding me

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