After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 18: like


Qi Xun parked his car outside Bai Xi's house early in the morning. They were still in a relationship, so he didn't park at the main entrance, but at the end of the street, under the shade of a tree.

Percy sent him a message just now, saying that he would be able to come out after staying at home for a while, and he replied that he was not in a hurry.

While waiting for Percy, he turned the ring on his hand, the small silver ring Percy had given him.

Just before he got off work, his buddy Zhong Yutan happened to pass by his company and came up to him, wanting to ask him to go to the bar for New Year's Eve.

He said no, he had already made an appointment with Percy.

Zhong Yutan knew that he and Percy were in a relationship, so he smiled cheaply, "It's great to have a partner, and it's sticky enough."

But before he finished speaking, he saw the ring on Qi Xun's hand, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost in the daytime.

"Damn it," Zhong Yutan grabbed his hand and looked left and right, "Lao Qi, why are you wearing your ring? That's ok, what kind of ecstasy soup did Percy give you?"

He didn't like to hear this, so he frowned and glanced at Zhong Yutan, "What ecstasy soup, it's not just a ring, he bought it to play with."

"Forget it, you two are not high school students, and you still buy rings to play, no matter whether it's worth it or not, if any of my girlfriends give me a ring, I'll run right away." Zhong Yutan said.

Zhong Yutan thought for a while, and then looked at Qi Xun with a strange expression, "You and Percy, shouldn't you just settle down like this?"

Qi Xun shook his head, "I haven't reached this stage yet. He didn't give me the ring, it was me and him."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care how shocked Zhong Yutan was because of his words, so he unceremoniously asked him to get out of the office.

Because he's off work and going on a date with Percy.

But when he got here, before Percy came out, he waited quietly in the car.

The slightly cold night breeze came in through the gap in the window, dispelling the dullness in the car. With one hand on the steering wheel, he remembered what Zhong Yutan asked him just now, and asked him if he would settle with Percy just like this.

Actually he didn't know either.

His love affair with Percy started in an accident, and it's only been over two months now, and it seems too early to say anything.

But in just two months, his feelings for Percy have changed.

When he sees Percy, he is always in a good mood. When he comes home to eat with his parents, his parents often talk to him about marriage and blind dates. Percy's face will emerge.

He's not a young boy, he knows very well that he has begun to like Percy, which makes him a little overwhelmed, as if something is out of his control.

Because his love was nothing compared to Percy's fiery love.

He is naturally calm, and it is difficult to indulge in love.

When he graduated from college, Zhao Qingtong scolded him when he broke up with him, saying that he would never lose control or be jealous, he was perfect like a fake boyfriend, it might be sweet at first, but after a long time together, everyone will suffer. Can't live with a robot.

He doesn't deny it.

He also knew it was his own flaw.

He wasn't sure if Percy could stand this, or would he be like Zhao Qingtong. After a long time, it would break out one day.

But Qi Xun looked at the small silver ring on his hand again.

If Percy offered to marry him, he thought, it would be hard for him to refuse.

Before Percy was his lover, it was difficult for him to refuse Percy.

He even quit smoking because of Percy, because Percy had a slight sore throat and couldn't stand the smell of smoke, but Percy often came to the office to find him, and would stick with him on weekends to hang out.

So even if Percy didn't say anything, he quietly quit smoking, completely cutting off the possibility of Percy inhaling second-hand smoke.

Percy has always been something special to him. Unlike Zhong Yutan and other buddies, Percy is like a child who has strayed into his world. He will always try to be nice to Percy.

He may not be able to give Percy the exact same amount of love, but he will be a good enough partner.

Qi Xun waited in the car for another five minutes before Percy came out of the house.

He wore a royal blue knitted sweater today, which made his complexion even and bright, like a beauty made of china, trotting all the way from the night.

And Qi Xun's expression softened immediately from the moment Percy appeared in his sight, even he didn't notice it.

He opened the car door for Percy ahead of time, and Percy slipped in.

"It's so cold outside."

Percy sat down in the co-pilot, he rubbed his hands and smiled at Qi Xun, because the tip of his nose was a little red after walking for a while.

Qi Xun held his hand, felt his body temperature, and handed him the snacks and drinks he had just bought.

"Come on, let's take you to a movie," he said.

On New Year's Day this year, a movie starring Percy's favorite star was released, and Percy said early in the morning to watch it.

Percy took a sip of the milk tea and nodded.

While waiting for the red light, Qi Xun couldn't help but look at him one more time.

Percy noticed it and touched her face, "What's wrong, is there anything strange on my face?"

Qi Xun shook his head, and he said calmly, "No, I just haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you a bit."

Percy was caught off guard.

He could barely taste the sweetness of the milk tea.

When Qi Xun's car passed a street corner, he closed his eyes and suddenly said to Qi Xun, "Why don't you go to the movies."

"Why?" Qi Xun slowed down.

Percy's fingers scratched the body of the milk tea cup and whispered, "Because I miss you too."

He hesitated and added another sentence.

"I want you to hug me more than watching a movie."

Whether this hug is a simple quilt and pure chat, or is it doing something inappropriate for children, Qi Xun obviously has his own understanding.

He looked at Percy, turned the wheel, and changed course.

He didn't say anything, but stepped on the gas pedal and picked up the speed.

When he entered the villa and was still on the stairs, he hugged Percy and kissed him. Percy's royal blue knitted sweater was lifted up, revealing the skin as white as suet jade underneath. .

He carried Percy upstairs while kissing.

On the last night before the new year, the two of them had a shot in the bathroom and on the bed.

After finishing, Bai Xi was lying on Qi Xun's chest, the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose were a little red, and there was still a little mist in his eyes. He hadn't seen each other for more than a week. Qi Xun was a little too cruel. cried out.

"You're so hard, I almost feel like my waist is about to break."

He grumbled and complained to Qi Xun.

Qi Xun laughed at him, "But you obviously didn't let me stop."

Percy bit him angrily.

"If you ask me at that time, who can say stop." Percy sighed.

Qi Xun lightly curled the corner of his lips, and without saying anything, he kissed his forehead.

Percy is naturally staying here tonight.

Maybe it was because he was too tired just now. He lay in Qi Xun's arms, and soon fell asleep, his breathing was soft and long.

Qi Xun was not tired yet.

For more than a week, he always felt that something was missing. The bedside was empty, and even the room felt too quiet.

He was used to sleeping with Percy, and it would be uncomfortable to return to a state of being alone.

Now that Percy was in his arms again, he felt tender again.

He picked up his phone and looked at the memo. He had nothing to do tomorrow, and Percy was also on vacation. He thought to himself that he could take Percy to go skiing tomorrow. Percy said last time that he wanted to play.

But he didn't expect that in the middle of the night, Percy suddenly developed a fever without warning, and continued to vomit and abdominal pain, and was rushed to the hospital by him.

On the first day of the new year, Percy didn't go anywhere, but spent it in the ward.