After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 20: cohabitation


Percy stayed at Qi Xun's house for ten consecutive days.

The plum blossoms in the yard are all in bloom. The bright yellow flowers are crystal clear in the sun, and the fragrance is floating. Aunt Ding cut a few plum blossom branches and inserted them into a long-necked silver vase, and the house has the fragrance of plum blossoms.

After a minor illness, he should have lost weight, but Aunt He Ding cooked three meals a day in different ways. A few days ago, he even made a plum blossom soup cake to make him white and red, and put him on the scale. One stop, the person also gained three pounds.

Even Qi Xun pinched his waist and said with satisfaction, "It seems to have a little more meat."

Percy didn't like to hear this, and slapped Qi Xun's hand down.

He has maintained the standard figure for so many years, but he can't be ruined by it.

That night he went to the gym on the third floor with Qi Xun.

But Qi Xun easily completed more than an hour of aerobics.

And after running on the treadmill for more than half an hour, he was so tired that he lay on the ground and couldn't get up, staring at the ceiling and gasping for breath.

Qi Xun looked down at his joke and asked, "Are you still practicing?"

He panted, his eyes moved from the ceiling to Qi Xun again.

Just after exercising, Qi Xun was wearing a vest with beads of sweat on his forehead. Compared with his usual suit and leather shoes, he looked younger, and he had a kind of sexy post-workout hormone burst.

Percy hummed, "If you don't come today, we will fight tomorrow."

But he didn't want to move anymore, so he reached out to Qi Xun again, weakly saying, "I can't walk anymore, hold me down."

He had just finished exercising, his hair was sticking to his face, his face was flushed, and he was very cute when he reached out for a hug.

Qi Xun picked him up, obviously very satisfied with this coquettish, but deliberately said, "You are covered in sweat."

Percy disagreed, "You're sweating all over you too."

The two of them were sweating together, and neither of them disliked the other, and went back to the bedroom to take a shower together.

After taking a shower, Qi Xun was reading a book by the bedside, while Percy read the work documents by the side without disturbing each other.

Two hours later, the two of them went to bed with the lights off.

Because of Percy's health, they are not suitable for exercising in bed recently. They haven't done anything for a while now, just hugging each other and sleeping under the quilt.

I don't know when it started to rain outside the window.

The winter rain was pattering, knocking on the window and the plum blossoms all over the floor. It didn't feel noisy, but it was like a slow lullaby.

In the blink of an eye, on Sunday, Qi Xun was still at work, but Percy was resting.

He and Aunt Ding were the only two at home. On a whim, he also learned how to make soup with Aunt Ding.

But he didn't really want to learn himself to be a chef, it was just a joke, he learned half-heartedly, and in the end, he was so sloppy that he didn't even want to drink it himself.

Only Qi Xun admired his face, drank a bowl without changing his face, and finally commented, "It's a little lighter, is this pork ribs soup?"

Percy was embarrassed to say that he forgot to put the salt, the soup was half simmered before adding two tablespoons, and nodded vaguely, "Yes, yam pork ribs soup."

Probably afraid that Qi Xun would not believe it, he added, "I stewed it for several hours."

Qi Xun didn't say anything anymore, he just thought that Percy was quite talented in cooking, and if he did more research, he might be able to come up with a biochemical weapon.

If it weren't for a piece of spare ribs in the bowl, he would have thought it was shabu-shabu water.

But it was rare for Percy to have Yaxing to cook, and he was embarrassed to discourage Percy, and reluctantly said, "It's better than your last cake."

Percy: "..."

There must be progress, he almost fried the oven last time he made a cake.

He looked at the pot of failed works and silently put the lid on, pretending that nothing happened.

But he thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Qi Xun, "Are you still drinking?"

Qi Xun shook his head and refused.

No matter how much he followed Percy, he wouldn't be able to sacrifice his life for a pot of pork rib soup.

Back then, if Pan Jinlian gave Wu Dalang this drink, Wu Dalang would not necessarily drink it.

Percy could only say angrily, "I'll try again next time."

When Qi Xun lived at home for 18 days, Percy touched his increasingly rounded chin by the window, and told Qi Xun that he should go back in two days.

Qi Xun was reading the documents. Although he was wearing home clothes, he wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His complexion was white, his nose was high and his lips were thin.

He asked casually, "Why go back, get something?"

Percy was a little drowsy from the sun. He went to take pictures with the location yesterday. He came back after a busy day, and now he is a little sleep-deprived.

"I'm moving back," Percy said vaguely. "After living here for so long, my body has been taken care of, and some of the things I use often are at home. It's more convenient for me to move back. You can also Let Auntie Ding go back, she has done a good job in your house, she must have gotten used to it."

It's that he was quite reluctant to Aunt Ding's craftsmanship.

Qi Xun stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at Percy with an unswerving expression.

Percy looked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

"Are you uncomfortable living with me?" Qi Xun asked.

"No," Percy was taken aback, and hurriedly denied it, "I lived happily, and Aunt Ding was fine too."

He thought that Qi Xun felt that Aunt Ding was not working properly, and quickly dismissed it.

"Then why do you want to go back?" Qi Xun's eyes stared at him from behind the lens, under the sun, his eyes were close to amber, obviously warm, but very deserted, "if you need something, just move it over here. Now, it's not far from your work, and I can take care of you too."

It took Percy two seconds to understand what Qi Xun meant.

He widened his eyes, and he was no longer sleepy.

Qi Xun is inviting him to live together

In his mind, what Liang Song said to him a month ago appeared in his mind. At that time, he also swore that Qi Xun was not someone who was willing to live together.

Percy slowly sat up on the soft couch, her hair curled up in a mess from lying down.

He stared at Qi Xun strangely, "Are you... asking me to move in?"

"Well," Qi Xun admitted calmly, "I also agreed with Aunt Ding, let her not go back to my parents and work on my side, and she agreed."

Percy looked even more strange.

He wanted to laugh a little.

He sat up straight on the soft couch with his legs crossed, holding a small blanket in his arms, tilted his head and looked at Qi Xun, looking very strange.

"What's the matter?" Qi Xun was uncomfortable with him, "Don't you want to live here?"

How could he not want to.

Percy couldn't hold back, showing the dimples on her cheeks.

In fact, he is very used to living in Qi Xun's house. Qi Xun's house also bought a lot of things for him. This soft couch under him is specially put for him, so that he can lie here and eat snacks and read books, while sunbathing. sun.

And when he got off work, he put his hand on the steering wheel, and he would drive this way subconsciously, as if this was his territory too.

But he leaned over to Qi Xun, put his legs on Qi Xun's legs, and asked, "But don't you like living with people? Don't you feel uncomfortable when I live here?"

Qi Xun glanced at him, took the man into his arms, and rested his chin on Percy's head.

He held Percy in his arms, still answering emails.

"I'm not used to it."

He really likes being alone, otherwise he wouldn't have lived in a nanny in such a big villa, and only let the hourly workers come to the door.

"But you've lived here for more than half a month, and there's nothing wrong with it. You're used to it if you're not used to it."

Percy laughed, tugged at Qi Xun's neckline, and kissed Qi Xun's face.

Qi Xun is also used to this, his eyes are still fixed on the screen, but his neck is bent in cooperation.

Percy gave him an exaggerated "boo" in the face.

Twenty meters away, Aunt Ding, who brought a tray of afternoon tea to Percy, looked at the two people by the floor-to-ceiling window, wondering if she should go over.

She shook her head and sighed, thinking, no wonder Qi Xun gave her a salary increase, this money is really not easy to get.

Since he was about to move, Qi Xun went back to his apartment with Percy two days later.

Qi Xun has all the necessities of life. Percy mainly packs some china that he likes to use, working documents, and a pot of orchids that he has kept for a long time.

Percy brought all these things to Qi Xun's house.

Strange to say, Qi Xun's house is a three-story villa, and the place is empty enough, let alone one more person, even ten more people are more than enough.

But after Percy moved in, Qi Xun looked at the house he had lived in for a few years, but felt like it was full.

On the shelves were Percy's collection of antiques and china. There was a special cabinet for snacks in the room, and a bunch of Percy's favorite desserts were also stuffed in the refrigerator.

On the bed, Percy had just finished taking a shower and was lying there writing a manuscript. He was wearing home clothes, a big blue T-shirt, his hair was tied into a small tangle, and he stopped typing on the computer for a while, his brows furrowed like a A high school student rushing homework, a kind of green and innocent.

Qi Xun leaned against the door and watched him for a while.

It was true that he was not used to living with people for many years. When he first fell in love with Percy, he never thought that one day he would open the door to welcome people in.

But seeing Percy lying on the bed now, thinking that Percy will live here forever in the future, he feels very good.

He stood for a while, then walked over, put his arms around Percy's waist, and kissed someone.

His tongue pried open Percy's teeth, and after a few long minutes, he slowly backed out.

He looked down at Percy and said, "You stole Coke."

Percy's lips were sweet, a hint of cola.

Percy did just drink a can.

"It's not ice," Percy emphasized guiltily, "it's room temperature."

He is now severely restricted from eating ice.

But Qi Xun still looked at him seriously.

This made Percy feel a little overwhelmed. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Qi Xun suddenly smile.

He immediately knew that Qi Xun was teasing him.

He quit immediately, but before he could speak, Qi Xun blocked his lips again.

It didn't take long for Percy to be kissed softly and her eyes watered.

Qi Xun's hand reached into his clothes and pinched his waist.

"Xixi." Qi Xun called him close to his ear.

Percy couldn't stand Qi Xun's gentle and low voice. Before Qi Xun did anything to him, he put it in Qi Xun's hands.

Qi Xun raised his eyebrows.

Percy blushed like a boiled shrimp, "No, it was an accident..." He tried his best to explain, "It didn't work well."

Qi Xun didn't know whether to believe it or not.

But this night, Qi Xun still gave him a chance to prove himself. If he fails once, he will do it twice, and if he fails twice, he will do it three times.