After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 3: Tentative


Percy bit the tip of her tongue, and the pain woke him up a bit.

He simply didn't understand what Qi Xun was thinking. He thought that his research on Qi Xun was close to full marks, but he still couldn't keep up with Qi Xun's brain circuit.

He looked at Qi Xun in bewilderment, his eyes were round and round, like a cat with fried fur.

Qi Xun looked a little funny, and the corners of his lips were upturned.

Percy has stopped coughing, his fingers digging on the edge of the table a few times, knowing that the possibility is very small, but he is still cautious, holding one in ten thousand expectations and asking Qi Xun: "Why do you say you want to talk to him? I'm dating... do you sympathize with me, or do you like me a little?"

The last three words he asked were very light, like the heat from a coffee cup, lightly melted into the winter air.

He knew in his heart that the possibility was extremely low, but the moment he asked the question, his heart still jumped twice.

What if...

People will always have some unrealistic fantasies.

But Qi Xun was honest as always.

He said, "Not sympathy, but not liking either. Percy, I don't want to lie to you."

The pink foam in Percy's mind shattered.

He made a dry "Oh" and looked at Qi Xun awkwardly, "Why? You don't want to lose my friend?"

If this is the case, he should be proud of it, which shows that he has a lot of weight in Qi Xun's heart.

Qi Xun said: "I think we can try to fall in love. After today, it's hard for us to be friends anymore, why not consider another relationship. You like me, and I'm very familiar with you, compared to going with strangers Contact and running-in, we are much better together. In the past few years, my parents have frequently arranged blind dates for me, but I didn't go to see them because I hate wasting time. "

"But if it's you, I think it's acceptable."

Because of these last words, Percy's heart thumped a few times faster and faster.

He has been friends with Qi Xun for so many years. Of course, he knew that Qi Xun came out of the closet in college. Although same-sex marriage is legal now, it is not the mainstream of society after all. It took a long time for the family to agree.

After Qi Xun's parents figured it out, they immediately began to worry about their son's marriage like all parents in the world. After Qi Xun graduated from college, they actively arranged blind dates, not because of his sexual orientation. He was not allowed to escape the sanctions of marriage. .

It's just that Qi Xun hardly agreed.

Percy easily understood what Qi Xun meant.

He and Qi Xun are in the same family, their appearance and personality are not bad, and they know each other well. Qi Xun guessed that he was also annoyed by the family's urging marriage. He happened to find that he had a bad idea of himself, so he wanted to catch him and cultivate it. try.

Anyway, it's all a blind date, what is the difference between a stranger or a friend like him.

Qi Xun looked at Percy frankly: "If you want, we can date first. If we get along well, we can also consider getting married."

Although she was mentally prepared for what Qi Xun would say, Percy was still a little dizzy and sweaty.

He is still entangled here, will Qi Xun develop a passion for him, can Qi Xun even consider getting married

Those who didn't know thought that Qi Xunshang was rushing to chase him

He looked at Qi Xun a little stupidly, feeling that he was like poison dipped in icing sugar, but also like a magnificent and intoxicating dream.

If another person makes such a request, he must feel that the person has lost his mind and is crazy. Is dating such a casual thing, can it be established only by one side's goodwill and the other side's dislike

What if you regret it after two days of talking

But it was Qi Xun who made this statement.

It was Qi Xun, whom he had been secretly in love with for a long time.

Percy swallowed hopelessly, like a rabbit hanging by a carrot, hesitating whether to eat it or not.

Thinking about it carefully, if he really associates with Qi Xun, the one who suffers will be Qi Xun instead.

After all, he was the one who had a crush on him.

The two of them tried to fall in love, and if they succeeded, it would be God's eyes and a marriage, and once he turned over and sang, the bitter crush in the past was written off.

And even if he didn't succeed, he was just beaten back to his original shape and accepted his original ending.

Bai Xi pursed her lips and looked at Qi Xunchen's face with deep outlines, she was so distracted that she almost blurted out the word "good".

But before he spoke, Qi Xun added: "You don't have to rush to answer me, you can think about it for two days."

This sentence can easily give people the illusion that Percy is the one who has the initiative.

But he knew that it was just Qi Xun's calm and thoughtful, he nodded along with Qi Xun's words.

"Okay, me, I'll think about it again."

He thought that they should give each other a time to think about it. Maybe after Qi Xun woke up, he suddenly regretted it and didn't want to try it with him.

Percy didn't stay at Qi Xun's house for too long.

This morning's experience was a fantasy to him. Although Qi Xun seemed to be doing everything as usual, he was like an absconding criminal who could not wait to flee the crime scene as quickly as possible.

Qi Xun didn't have clothes that fit his size at home. Fortunately, there was a business district nearby. After the secretary bought the clothes and delivered them, Percy couldn't wait to leave.

Qi Xun didn't hold him back, knowing that he needed some time to think.

They drove Percy's car when they came back yesterday, but Percy's physical condition today is obviously not suitable for driving home by himself.

Qi Xun picked up another off-road vehicle in the garage, and said to Percy, "I'll take you back first, and let the assistant drive your car to your house later."

Percy buckled her seat belt and nodded haphazardly.

He didn't know why Qi Xun could do it so naturally, but he didn't have Qi Xun's skill anyway.

He pretended to sleep as soon as he got in the car.

After half an hour, Percy felt Qi Xun touch his hand, "Wake up, get out of the car."

Percy opened his eyes and followed him out of the car in confusion, only to find that it was not his house but the hospital in front of him.

He looked at Qi Xun inexplicably.

Qi Xun locked the car and dragged him forward, "I didn't take safety measures yesterday, maybe I hurt you, so I asked a doctor to check it out for you."

Percy blushed to the base of her ears, almost smoking.

He had received enough thunderbolts this morning.

He tried to break free from Qi Xun's hands, but he didn't cooperate much, "I'm fine, I don't need to be so nervous, I don't need to check..."

Qi Xun turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes were serious and serious, and he was not angry and arrogant, "You have to go, you don't want to have a fever and then be sent here."

Percy wilted again at the sight of him, stopped struggling, and followed along obediently.

The inspection process was a little better than Bai Xi thought. This is a private hospital. The director is someone Qi Xun knows. The doctor is also old and kind.

Qi Xun accompanied Percy the whole time, almost replacing Percy to answer questions.

The doctor glanced between the two of them a few times, probably mistaking them for a young couple, and laughed at Percy, "Young man, don't be shy, your boyfriend treats you well."

Percy twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to tell what he was feeling.

Qi Xun is such a contradictory person. He is obviously cold and distant, but he is contradictory, meticulous and patient. He has a strong sense of responsibility and will not escape from anything.

Just like now, Qi Xun doesn't like him, but Qi Xun feels that everything is his responsibility now, so he will definitely take care of him and be responsible to him.

Qi Xun proposed to him just now.

But if he is willing to go out a little and directly ask Qi Xun to marry him, Qi Xun might actually agree.

Percy looked at Qi Xun's profile, and she liked him and felt a little depressed.

It was this kind of contrasting tenderness that had kept him locked up for six years.

After the doctor's examination, he said that the problem was not serious, and prescribed a few ointments for Percy to remember to apply.

After leaving the hospital, Qi Xun took Percy home.

But the address he sent was not the apartment where Percy lived alone, but the villa of Percy's parents, not far from Qi Xun's parents' house.

Percy didn't object.

After graduating, he bought a high-rise apartment by himself, but he also came home from time to time, and the time for both sides was basically the same.

When he arrived at the door of his house, he could see the wood hibiscus in his yard from a distance, hanging brightly on the branches.

Qi Xun didn't go in, and stopped the car some distance from the gate. Percy put his hand on the car door and looked back at Qi Xun again.

Qi Xun also looked at him.

The space inside the car is narrow, and Qi Xun's eyes are very dark and bright, like a deep spring, reflecting Percy's shadow.

The atmosphere became ambiguous for no reason.

Percy lowered his head and rubbed his palms on his trousers helplessly. Although he didn't remember what happened last night, there seemed to be some fragments left in his mind. He vaguely remembered Qi Xun's kiss on his lips. Press on the bed and cannot escape.

He coughed, his face was burning with panic, and he was ready to run away. But before he opened the car door, he heard Qi Xun ask, "Can I ask you a question?"

He stopped again and turned to look at Qi Xun, "What's the problem?"

Qi Xun tilted his head slightly, "You said you liked me in high school, but I thought about it for a long time, we shouldn't have much contact in high school. How could you like me?"

Qi Xun is seriously asking this question.

He is not a curious person, and there are many people who like him like crucian carp crossing the river, and the reasons are nothing more than those, and he has no intention of exploring.

But Percy seems to be different.

He was two years apart from Percy, and the high schools were different, so he couldn't remember from beginning to end what role he played in Percy's high school career.

But Percy's tears that fell on his neck yesterday were so hot that he couldn't avoid it as if he had woken up from a hangover.

He was sure Percy really liked him.

Percy didn't expect him to ask this, and stayed there for a long time without saying a word.

Why did you like Qi Xun in the first place

In six years, the issue seems to have become less important.

But he remembered the beginning of everything very clearly, remembering how Qi Xun looked at him under the street lamp on a winter night six years ago.

He didn't really want to answer the question.

Probably because he was silent for too long, Qi Xun didn't ask any more questions.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk, remember to rest when you go back."

Percy took the opportunity to take the steps, "Well, then I'll go first."

He casually waved his hand to Qi Xun, pushed open the car door and left.

When he entered the house, the gardener was pruning the prosperous vegetation in the yard. His parents were not around, so he should have gone to the company. Only his sister was sitting in the living room, holding an ipad and not knowing what he was looking at.

His sister's name is Bo Ruo, who is a twin with him. Except for his appearance, he has almost no similarities. Like Qi Xun, he has been top-notch in everything and has a strong personality.

Although the two brothers and sisters have different temperaments, their relationship has been close since childhood.

Bo Ruo was quite happy to see him back, but when Bo Xi approached, she asked strangely, "Why are you looking pale today, and you stayed up late to work overtime yesterday?"

Of course Percy couldn't tell the truth.