After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 41: celebrate


Qi Xun thought that Percy had to think about the proposal for a few days.

But when he woke up the next day, he found an extra ring on his ring finger, glistening in the dim bedroom.

But Percy wasn't by his side, and the bed was empty, save for the messy quilt.

He turned around in the bedroom, but he didn't see Percy, until he went to the kitchen on the first floor, only to see Percy wearing an apron seriously, facing something like an enemy.

Aunt Ding was standing beside her, looking like she wanted to go up and help, but her face was full of hesitation.

Seeing Qi Xunlai, Aunt Ding seemed to be relieved and called, "Mr. Qi, good morning."

Qi Xun nodded to her, "Morning."

He motioned Aunt Ding to leave with his eyes, walked behind Percy, and hugged Percy's waist, "What are you doing?"

He saw the frying pan in front of Percy, and what was inside seemed to be an omelet, but it was hard to see what it really looked like because it was so mushy.

Percy was also puzzled.

He obviously did it under the supervision of Aunt Ding, why did he do it like this.

He lowered his head and said dejectedly, "On the first day of the engagement, I wanted to make breakfast by myself, and I specially ordered roses and put them on the table."

Rose Qi Xun saw it.

It was placed on the long table where they usually dine, and it was charming in the morning light.

He picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of a less burnt omelet, and commented, "I put less salt and more pepper, and I can hardly taste the egg."

Percy: "… oh."

On the first day of engagement, why did I have the urge to drop the ring

But Qi Xun said that he still ate this gooey egg pie with a lot of face.

He nudged Percy aside and beat a few more eggs and seasoned himself.

He is also a non-cook, but he can still cook breakfast, which is much better than Percy's.

Percy didn't try to snatch him, she ate the strawberries washed by Auntie next to her, and gave one to Qi Xun's mouth.

Qi Xun sat at breakfast, glanced at the diamond ring in his hand, pursed his lips, and asked him, "Are you thinking about marrying me for just one night?"

Percy nibbled at the strawberry, smiling with frowning eyes.

He got up in the morning and put the ring on Qi Xun's finger.

As if they were meant to be together.

He rubbed against Qi Xun's shoulder and said coquettishly, "Actually, you asked me yesterday to figure it out."

Qi Xun glanced at him.

"I don't have any other answers except yes."

The breath of Percy's words sprayed softly on Qi Xun's ears.

He turned off the fire and turned to look at Percy.

In the morning light, Percy was still wearing loose pajamas, revealing his thin collarbones and shoulders, and his lips were stained with strawberry juice, a kind of moist red, like a plump fruit, waiting to be picked.

Qi Xun lowered his head and kissed Percy's lips.

is sweet.

Can't tell if it's because the strawberries are sweet, or because the percy is sweet.

When he finally let go, Qi Xun hugged Percy and whispered in his ear, "Good morning, fiance."

Percy's ears were numb, as if a small electric current was passing through.

Looking at Qi Xun's deep eyes, he felt that his fiance was too handsome, and he was fascinated by it.

Qi Xun put the breakfast on the table, and next to the roses, the two of them ate this hand-made breakfast together.

After breakfast, Qi Xun sent Percy to work.

Percy sat in the co-pilot, as if he had just met Qi Xun, with one hand on the armrest of the car, staring at Qi Xun intently.

"What are you looking at?" Qi Xun asked knowingly.

Percy was also frank, "Look at my fiancé, he's very handsome."

The two laughed together.

The car was already parked downstairs at Percy Company, but no one wanted to leave like this.

Percy hooked Qi Xun's finger, he was still a little reluctant, and asked Qi Xun, "Are you coming to pick me up at night?"

Qi Xun said, "Come on."

Only then did Percy laugh. Seeing that it was almost time for work, he unfastened his seat belt and leaned over to kiss Qi Xun's chin again.

"Then I'm leaving, bye, see you tonight."

Percy got out of the car and turned around and entered the company gate three steps at a time.

And Qi Xun waited for his figure to disappear before driving away.

Percy entered the office.

The magazine office was very busy today. My colleagues were working without touching the ground or raising their heads. Except for Percy's little assistant, no one noticed that he was wearing an engagement ring.

It just so happened that Percy didn't want to be questioned either.

He stuffed the little assistant with a box of chocolates as a sealing fee, and then he immersed himself in his work.

It was not until noon that Bai Xi called Liang Song while taking advantage of the lunch break.

Liang Song is painting in the studio.

He was in a good mood when he received a call from Percy, thinking that Percy would invite him to dinner.

Percy said, "I want to eat rice. I'll invite you in two days to celebrate."

"What are you celebrating," Liang Song asked. "You're giving out bonuses and you want to be promoted?"

The corners of Percy's mouth couldn't help turning up, "Neither."

"Actually it's nothing," he pretended to be calm, "that is, I and Qi Xun are getting married."

Liang Song wondered for a moment what day of the month it was today.

Why does he seem to have returned to more than four months ago, in the barbecue shop, Percy said solemnly that he was dating Qi Xun

And his reaction was exactly the same as that day.


He is even more shocked now than the last time.

This is the level of aliens attacking the earth.

He almost dropped the phone on the ground, picked it up in a hurry, and roared, "No, calm down, Percy, love and marriage are not the same thing! Why jump to marriage?"

Percy lowered her head and admired her ring, "I didn't expect it to be so fast, but Qi Xun proposed to me."

Liang Song's eyes widened, or is it the marriage that Qi seeks?

"Then, even if he proposes to marry him, marriage is not a family game, you are only twenty-five, what are you anxious about!"

"But he proposed to me."

"Brother, I heard it, don't say it anymore, don't you think it's too fast?"

"But he proposed to me."


Liang Song was convinced and suspected that the opposite was a repeater.

He sighed and pressed his temples with a headache, "I figured it out, you won't be able to hear me, and you will be selectively deaf. You just want to come to me to ask you to marry me, and he loves you terribly, doesn't he? ?"

Bai Xi raised the corners of her mouth and denied it, "I didn't, you said it yourself."

Liang Song rolled his eyes at the sky.

There was silence on both ends of the phone for a few seconds.

Liang Song threw the brush away, calmed down and digested this fact.

He asked Percy again, "Do you really plan to marry Qi Xun, seriously, don't you regret it?"

Percy didn't hesitate. "Yes. No regrets."

Liang Song was even more silent.

He looked back at a painting that he had not yet finished. There were large peach blossoms on it, and it was full of flamboyance on this spring day.

Or how to say spring impetuous.

It was only a few days before spring, and Percy was in a hurry to pack herself up and send it out.

He scratched his head and didn't know what to say, so he could only walk to the window and open it.

He broke the jar and said, "Let's tie it up, I don't care if you give birth to Qi Xun's triplets tomorrow."

He said this fiercely, but a helpless smile appeared in his eyes.

Percy also laughed, "Then I don't have this function."

Liang Song blew the morning breeze and asked again, "Then did you tell the family?"

"Not yet, no hurry, we plan to talk face to face next time."

This seems to have been considered, Liang Song thought.

He listened to Percy telling him the details of the proposal, saying that Qi Xun had already prepared a ring, playing with a lighter in his hand, and was a little absent-minded.

He remembered that a few months ago, in the barbecue restaurant, Percy told him softly that he was with Qi Xun.

The moon was bright that day, and so were Percy's eyes.

At that time, he was pessimistic about Percy's love path, and he just prayed that Percy would not be broken.

But who would have thought that one day, that cold Qi Xun, who seemed to care nothing about anyone, would actually propose to Percy.

I don't know whether to say that things are unpredictable or that love is mysterious.

But he knew that Percy probably wanted to congratulate him for sharing it with him at the first time.

So he didn't say anything splashing cold water.

Wait until the output of Bo Xi Pa Pa Pa is finished.

He smiled softly, "Okay, don't worry. I have nothing to say, just be happy, congratulations."

Percy also smiled, "Thank you."

The soft spring light outside the window warmed his body and made his brows and eyes extraordinarily vivid.

He hung up the phone, stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth, and looked at the ring on his hand, feeling that even the boring documents had become less annoying.

When he got off work at night, Qi Xun really waited downstairs in Percy's company.

And when he left the company, Secretary Yan's eyes were very resentful, very much like an ancient courtier looking at a faint-hearted emperor.

Secretary Yan thought bitterly, he can be considered to have discovered that since the boss fell in love, he started to arrive late and leave early.

It's even worse when you're engaged, and you've learned to skip work.

This is not what it is!

Qi Xun didn't know what his secretary was slandering at all, so he went to the restaurant he ordered when he got off work.

While waiting for the dishes to arrive, he asked Percy, "Are you on holiday this weekend?"

"Let's go, what's the matter?" Percy asked.

"You didn't


Does it mean that I want to go to the beach to play? I booked the hotel's seaside villa. "Qi Xun pushed the phone to him, which was full of landscape pictures and travel routes. "Since it's an engagement, we have to celebrate." "

Percy took a sip of juice and looked down at her phone.

This sea area is not far from their city and can be reached by car. Because the development has not been done for a few years, the scenery is very good and the climate is pleasant.

He really wanted to go to the beach when the weather was warmer, but he only mentioned it once in a while, but he didn't expect it to be remembered by Qi Xun.

He smiled and asked Qi Xun, "Are we going to have an early honeymoon?"

Qi Xun said, "Whatever you say, it's nothing."

Percy couldn't stop laughing.

He took another sip of the juice and thought, honeymoon, that's a beautiful word too.

Even though he wasn't married yet, he felt that Qi Xun seemed to belong to him.