After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 48: Accumulate virtue and do good (two more)


It was a complete accident that Bai Xi picked up Zhao Qingtong.

After work this day, he came to the suburbs to find a teacher to pick up a manuscript. After saying goodbye, he left the teacher's house and had to walk through a small street to get to the parking place.

It is now evening, and it is raining. The small puddles in this small street are full of potholes. You have to be careful when you walk, or you will be splashed with mud if you are not careful.

Percy was carrying her bag and wanted to hurry back to the car, but when she turned a corner in the alley, she suddenly heard the sound of something smashing, and an annoyed sigh.

The sound came from the adjacent alley.

Percy looked to the side, and the first thing she saw was a gray umbrella that had fallen to the ground. There was a man sitting on the ground next to him, like a young boy. His black T-shirt was soaked in the rain and stuck to his body, outlining his thin waist.

Although he didn't know what happened, Percy still walked over. When he was about to approach, he leaned forward the umbrella in his hand and asked, "What's the matter with you, do you need help?"

The man sitting on the ground raised his head.

And Percy's umbrella was just above it.

The two looked at each other.

It stands to reason that this scene still has a sense of artistic conception of meeting by chance, but the moment he saw this person clearly, Percy deeply doubted whether he went out without reading the almanac.

Because this is none other than Zhao Qingtong.

The last time we met was on an island, and neither of them should have been happy. Why did they meet again in this alley in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Qingtong was also surprised to see him, his face was pale, his hair was wet against his face, and he looked in a mess.

Percy couldn't turn around and leave.

He pursed his lips, glanced at Zhao Qingtong up and down, and asked in a low voice, "What happened to you, did you fall?"

Zhao Qingtong did not expect that he was waiting for Percy in this place where few people passed by. But he really needs help now. After being silent for a few seconds, he still said, "Well, I just fell while walking and didn't pay attention. It may be broken and I can't get up."

Bai Xi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that someone could throw himself like this while walking. He looked to the side and noticed that there seemed to be a depression on the ground. Zhao Qingtong must have tripped without looking at the road.

He was about to ask something when he heard Zhao Qingtong say again, "My phone is in a puddle, can you call 120 for me? Thank you."

Bo Xi turned his eyes, and sure enough, there was a mobile phone in a small puddle not far away. Looking at it this way, Zhao Qingtong was a little bit too embarrassed, and he would encounter anything bad.

He was also considering playing 120.

But it's raining now, and the weather in early spring is not too hot, so he just left Zhao Qingtong here and waited for 120, and he couldn't bear it.

Percy sighed, thinking to herself that she was doing good deeds today.

He finally squatted down and asked Zhao Qingtong, "Can you still move now, if you can, I will help you to my car, and I will take you to the hospital?"

He stretched out an arm to Zhao Qingtong and motioned for him to come up.

Zhao Qingtong looked at him like he had seen a ghost.

But Percy just looked at him kindly.

A few seconds later, Zhao Qingtong didn't say anything, and silently got up with Percy. Percy was about the same height as him, so it wasn't too hard to support him. Zhao Qingtong's hands were fine, holding an umbrella, the two of them walked out of the alley together. Walk.

Along the way, Zhao Qingtong couldn't help but look at Percy several times.

Bo Xi knew that he was looking at himself, but he didn't say anything. When he got to the side of the car, he helped Zhao Qingtong into the co-pilot and sat down. He stepped on the accelerator and drove to the hospital.

During the driving process, Zhao Qingtong was very quiet. Apart from saying thank you, he didn't say anything, and acted like a cloud of air.

Fractures are not intractable. In order to get the treatment as soon as possible, Bai Xi found the nearest third-level hospital. Fortunately, the hospital was not too busy today. It seems that, without abandoning him, he successfully signed up and filmed.

Zhao Qingtong's fracture is not a fracture, but a bone fracture, which is relatively not serious.

But he may have been in the rain. During the examination, the doctor found that he had a fever, and he was asked to hang water with a flick of the pen.

The doctor probably took Percy as a family member of the patient, and was still telling him what to pay attention to, and asked, "Is this your brother or brother?"

Percy: "..."

Zhao Qingtong: "..."

"Neither," Percy raised her forehead, feeling that she was really looking for trouble, "he's my classmate."

This is also true, they are indeed the same school.

"Then you are quite a classmate. You are more attentive than many family members." The doctor didn't think there was anything wrong, and was still cheerful, "Okay, let's accompany your classmates to the infusion."

Bai Xi couldn't refute either, and sighed, she could only help Zhao Qingtong to get the medicine, and accompany him to the infusion hall.

There are many people in the infusion hall, and there are children running around.

Bai Xi asked Zhao Qingtong to sit down, covered him with the blanket he just bought, told Zhao Qingtong all the medicine prescribed by the doctor, and asked again, "Are you hungry, I want to buy you some pads. Are you hungry?"

He did all this out of sheer care.

But when he raised his head, he saw Zhao Qingtong looking at him like a fool.

Percy: "?"

He looked at Zhao Qingtong inexplicably, wondering why this person was quiet just now, but now his face suddenly changed.

Zhao Qingtong stared at him for a while, then he was defeated first and looked away.

In his opinion, Percy's ability to send him to the hospital was a great act of kindness and merit. But after he came to the hospital, Percy actually accompanied him to see the doctor, and even asked him if he was hungry...

Zhao Qingtong deeply suspects that people like Bai Xi will definitely be tricked into buying health care products when they get old.

He couldn't help asking Percy, "Are you doing this to everyone... or did you forget that I'm Qi Xun's ex?"

Percy was speechless.

He asked rhetorically, "So you want me to throw you in the rain? If you want, I can throw you back now."

Zhao Qingtong shut up, of course he didn't want to.

Percy was satisfied.

But he had nothing to do. A good man did it to the end. Seeing that Zhao Qingtong couldn't move the infusion, he took off an iodophor cotton swab to remove the poison from the scratch on Zhao Qingtong's hand.

Zhao Qingtong was completely convinced.

Percy, he thought, was a Madonna, if not a fool.

He is a natural rebel and likes to contradict others, but when he encounters a good-natured person like Percy, he can't seem to use his sharp teeth and sharp mouth, so he can only bite his lip.

The two sat in silence for a while.

Percy looked at the time. He had already asked Zhao Qingtong just now. He couldn't remember a friend's number, and his family was abroad, so he couldn't let go for the time being.

Fortunately, the infusion time was not too long, Percy thought, after the infusion sent the man back, he would not care.

Zhao Qingtong stared at his hand for a while, and after a while, he said softly to Percy, "Thank you."

Percy said casually, "No thanks."

Zhao Qingtong laughed again, looking at Percy with complicated eyes, "But you are really stupid. Do you know why I came back to China?"

Bo Xi was not convinced, just as he was about to speak, he heard Zhao Qingtong speak again.

"I'm here to dig your corner."

He looked at Percy very frankly, "I went to Qixun Company to find him on Tuesday, and wanted to relive his old dream to see if he would get back with me."

Percy's unspoken words got stuck in his throat.

Damn, on Tuesday, wasn't that the day he called Qi Xun, but Qi Xun didn't let him go to the company, Qi Xun didn't tell him!

He stared at Zhao Qingtong, his eyes were round, like an irritated chipmunk, and his hands were itchy.

But he couldn't say anything cruel, and finally he could only say, "Why are you like this... I knew I didn't care about you."

He really wants to throw Zhao Qingtong back into the rain now.

Zhao Qingtong suddenly laughed.

He propped his head on his uninfused hand, laughed for a while, then raised his head to look at Percy, "You can believe whatever you say."

He said sternly, "I lied to you just now."

Percy didn't believe it, and looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm serious, I didn't want to pry your corner. If I really wanted to pry, why would I tell you," Zhao Qingtong continued, "I just heard that Qi Xun is getting married, and I want to come back and see. Who was married, what kind of person moved him."

He said this in a low voice.

Percy believed a little, but was still unhappy, "Then why did you go to him?"

Zhao Qingtong shrugged, "I want to find him for dinner and talk about the recent situation over the years, which can be considered as letting me put it down. But he didn't give me this opportunity."

He smiled at Percy. "He only saw me for a few minutes before kicking me out because he's getting married and can't make his fiancé jealous. He's very loyal to you."

Percy didn't know whether to laugh or not.

But when he heard that Qi Xun did not agree to Zhao Qingtong, he felt a little happier.

Zhao Qingtong also saw it and said, "Don't worry, I'm going back abroad in a few days, and I won't go to him again in the future."

Percy stared at him for a moment, reluctantly believing.

"Okay, then I won't throw you back," Percy said.

Zhao Qingtong laughed sullenly again.

He didn't have much interaction with Percy before, and he didn't think Percy was very interesting, but he didn't expect it to be fun.

He looked at Percy with novelty. In fact, when he was in school, he realized that Percy might like Qi Xun, but there were many people who liked Qi Xun, so he didn't take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, after four years of separation, Percy and Qi Xun are really going to get married.

He's sure to have a lot of curiosity.

But before he could ask anything, Percy asked him first.

"When you came back this time, did you still miss Qi Xun? That's why you wanted to see who he married?"

Zhao Qingtong stopped smiling.

He replied after a while, "I don't know either, maybe it's just brooding."

Percy puzzled, "Didn't you like someone else first, what are you holding on to?"

Obviously it was Qi Xun who was dumped.

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhao Qingtong with condemning eyes.

He almost forgot that this person had abandoned Qi Xun.

Zhao Qingtong was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered something.

"Oh, you said that the junior I was looking for at the time," Zhao Qingtong didn't feel any guilt, "It's fake, I just made a show for him."

Percy: "???"

Although he didn't say anything, his eyes clearly conveyed a sentence - you are crazy!

Zhao Qingtong: "..."

In fact, today's scene is somewhat absurd, at least he never thought that he would sit with Qi Xun's fiancé in a peaceful manner.

But it was already like this anyway, he simply broke the jar and explained to Percy, "Did Qi Xun tell you that I just broke up with him, turned around and found someone else, and he bumped into him and kissed him?"

Percy nodded, thinking to himself, Qi Xun didn't say there was still a kiss.

He looked at Zhao Qingtong more like a scumbag.

Zhao Qingtong's head hurt when he saw it, and he explained quickly, "Believe it or not, I didn't cheat, I just wanted to find someone to stimulate Qi Xun to see if he loves me. I know this is very mentally retarded, so I don't need to come again. Tucao me."

Percy could only swallow the words from her lips.

But he couldn't figure it out, "Why are you doing this, Qi Xun is obviously very kind to you."

Zhao Qingtong smiled, "Yes, he is very good to me, except that he doesn't love me, he is very good everywhere."