After I Flopped on My Crush

Chapter 5: Hair small


Because of this kiss, Percy didn't sleep well all night, tossing and turning, thinking of Qi Xun and giggling.

He recalled that Qi Xun swept the eyelashes on his face, looked down at him after kissing, and when they parted, in the underground garage, Qi Xun hugged him. His heart was like a deer, as if he had returned to his innocent boyhood overnight.

Thanks to the fact that he lives in the apartment where he lives alone today, no one noticed that he laughed so arrogantly.

He felt that his entanglement in the first two days was simply boring, and interacting with Qi Xun was clearly a big pie, and only the fool pushed it out.

The next day, he got up with two dark circles under his eyes, and he used a little bit of time to cover it up, but when a happy event happened, he was in good spirits. Even if he didn't get enough sleep, he looked in good spirits.

Becoming Qi Xun's boyfriend is 10,000 times better than Percy imagined.

At first, he hadn't been able to adapt to the change of identity, and he always maintained the boundaries of friends, daring not to act rashly. But for a few days, Qi Xun came to pick him up from get off work. The two went on a date and held hands like all ordinary couples. Qi Xun would kiss him and hug him. He would also say good night to him before going to bed. Later, it gradually desensitized.

During the lunch break, he also held his mobile phone and chatted with Qi Xun. He talked nonsense. If it was as usual, he would never bother Qi Xun. Friends are not qualified to be tired and crooked. He is very interesting. .

But now Qi Xun patiently replied to his news, and at his request, he took pictures of him and looked at the newly changed potted plants on the table.

The corners of Percy's mouth couldn't be restrained from rising, and she couldn't help smiling when she went to the tea room to pour coffee. The colleagues next to her had long suspected that he had gone on a date recently. He laughed and teased him, "Editor Bai, why are you in such a good mood, are you in love?"

Percy didn't mind being asked, just touched her face, "Is it so obvious?"

The colleague took a sip of coffee and teased him, "It's written on his face."

Percy didn't refute either, leaning against the table, "I just talked about someone I've liked for a long time."

The colleague showed a subtle smile, but she didn't ask any further questions, she knew everything she knew, and being a couple with her sweetheart, she couldn't help being intoxicated.

"Congratulations." She lifted the glass to Percy.

After pouring the coffee, Percy returned to the office. He was reading a manuscript when the phone rang.

The caller is he sends Xiaoliang Song.

Percy saw the two words jumping on the screen, and then realized that he was immersed in his love with Qi Xun these days, and he almost forgot about this most iron-haired boy.

What a sin.

Unlike Qi Xun, a friend who only got acquainted in college, Liang Song and him are real bamboo horses. They have been friends since their parents' generation. The two knew each other when they were wearing open-crotch pants. From elementary school all the way to college, their friendship is like King Kong. not broken.

Even when he came out with Liang Song in the first year of high school, the boat of friendship did not overturn. Liang Song accepted it after a short struggle, and in turn enlightened him.

Because of this, Liang Song is the only person around him who knows his feelings for Qi Xun, and has witnessed his secret love for the past six years.

Usually, the two of them would get together every three or five days, and from time to time they would form a team to play a game together, but recently he had not been in contact with Liang Song for eight or nine days.

When the phone was picked up, Liang Song asked over there, "Hey, Xixi, what have you been doing recently? You haven't spoken for a few days. Do you want to come out for a barbecue at night."

Liang Song's voice was a little hoarse. He probably just woke up. He is a painter, and his working hours and daily routine are quite loose.

Percy held up her phone, wondering for a moment whether she should tell the truth or not.

He hasn't told anyone about his love affair with Qi Xun, whether it's his friends or his sister. It's not that he deliberately concealed the affair, but it was only a few days after the love affair, and it was far from the stable period.

But Liang Song is different. In addition to being a witness to his long crush, he is also his closest friend. They can almost be said to have no secrets.

The only small problem is that Liang Song doesn't like seeing Qi Xun very much.

"There's something going on," Percy hesitated. "It's been a busy two days."

Liang Songxin believed it, thinking it was a matter of work.

"Then are you free today? Come out for dinner," Liang Song said happily, "I'll introduce you to a friend. She's my cousin's classmate, two years older than you, very handsome, 185, a designer, and has a bad temper. It's good, and people are stable."

Percy understood immediately.

Liang Song was quite dissatisfied with the fact that he was hanged on Qi Xun's tree. He could barely hold it back two years ago. Over the past year, seeing that his love path has remained silent, as if he was about to have a crush on Qi Xun until the end of the day, Liang Song. Song was in a hurry.

Adhering to the tenet that the old love cannot be forgotten, it must be that the new love is not good enough, Liang Song began to send him a handsome guy enthusiastically, and hoped that he could fall in love with one and smoothly transfer his love.

Percy had a headache, "Don't, Brother Song, don't think about introducing me, we can have dinner, don't bring outsiders."

Liang Song was very dissatisfied, "What happened to you, and I didn't force you to talk. I'll tell you, Percy, you just have too little experience in love, so you can..."

Seeing that Liang Song was going to talk about it again, Percy's words blocked his next words.

"I really don't need to, what am I, I have a partner recently."

Percy was still a little uncomfortable when he said this, and the pen twirled around the tip of his finger and fell to the table with a clatter.

Liang Song was silent there for a few seconds, and then groaned in shock.

"Who? Damn, what warrior! Are you serious, Percy?"

Percy's eardrums hurt so much, she couldn't help but move her phone away.

But Liang Song was obviously very happy, "Do I know this person? Bai Xi, you are good enough, why didn't you bring me to meet the person we talked to. Hurry up, make an appointment."

Percy was a little funny, he knew that Liang Song was happy for him from the bottom of his heart, but if Liang Song knew who his object was, he might not be able to laugh.

"He's also very busy. I won't bring you to meet for now. We can make an appointment tonight, and I'll tell you something. Don't bring that designer."

Liang Song said yes, "You said you already have a partner, so I won't pimp you. Then it's settled. See you at the barbecue restaurant next to our university at seven o'clock in the evening."

After Liang Song finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Percy continued to work on reviewing the manuscript. He estimated in his heart that he would definitely be interrogated by Liang Song at night.

When he was about to get off work, he called Qi Xun and told him that he would not see each other tonight, and he made an appointment with Liang Song for dinner.

Qi Xun and Liang Song also knew each other. Although their relationship was average, they were in the same circle anyway, and they met occasionally. If it is said that Liang Song has a little opinion on Qi Xun because of Bai Xi, then Qi Xun has only two words for Liang Song and is not familiar with it.

But he knew that Percy had a good relationship with Liang Song.

"Okay, you had a good time, do you want me to pick you up when the game is over?"

"No," Percy smiled, "I don't drink, I can drive."

He struggled for two seconds, and then said to Qi Xun, "I may tell Liang Song about our relationship. Do you mind? If you mind, I won't tell you."

Because he knew that Qi Xun didn't publicly announce that he was in love with the people around him.

Like the two of them who went from being friends to lovers, the circles have a high degree of overlap. Once the relationship of love spreads, it won't take long for everyone around them to hear about it.

Qi Xun was still working over there, and the sound of typing on the keyboard came from the phone, mixed with Qi Xun's unwavering voice: "Why should you mind, isn't he your friend?"

He said it too naturally, and Percy was stunned.

"I just thought that you might not want to speak up, and it would be inconvenient for you to know more people," Bai Xi said, but she felt a little happy. "But Liang Song is not a talkative person."

"I'm not talking about clandestine affairs, what's wrong with you," Qi Xun's voice was calm, and he even asked in turn, "I'm not very good at you, you dare not let your friends know?"

"How come," Percy laughed, "if you can't do it, no one can do it. You're very kind."

These last four words, Percy said sincerely, and her voice was a little sweet, soft, like she was acting like a spoiled child.

Qi Xun's hand on the keyboard paused for a while, and he quite like Percy's.

Only now did he realize how restrained Percy was in front of him before. He was obviously a coquettish and clingy personality, but he forced himself to be mature and steady, never disturbing him too much, and moving forward and backward in a moderate manner.

The two chatted a few more words before Percy hung up the phone and packed up to meet Liang Song.

The place for the dinner appointment is the barbecue restaurant that Percy and Liang Song University often go to, right on the snack street next to their alma mater.

Liang Song arrived first. He was sitting by the window wrapped in a thin down jacket and a peaked cap. He had a pretty face and a thin figure, which was inversely proportional to his hot personality.

Percy sat down opposite him.

Liang Song smiled when he saw him, as if the uncle of the peasant was looking at his harvest of cabbage, his eyes full of love.

"I've already ordered, let's see if you want to add more." Liang Song pushed the menu to him.

Percy glanced at it and felt that it was almost there, "That's all, no need to add any more."

He unbuttoned two clothes and opened a bottle of ice Coke. The air conditioner in the room was full, and he was a little hot.

Liang Song couldn't hold back, waited for Bai Xi to drink two sips of Coke, and couldn't wait to ask, "You can talk about the person you want to talk about. Who, do you have a photo, what's your name, how old, how tall?" It was like checking the household registration.

Percy didn't answer in a hurry. After drinking half a glass of Coke, she slowly put down the glass.

He looked into Liang Song's eyes and said sincerely, "Dude, I didn't hide it from you on purpose, but I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to accept it. My boyfriend, you actually know him."

Liang Song didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time, and he was still cheerful, "Yo, I know who it is? Couldn't it be Pan Wenyu?"

He was talking about another friend of the two of them, one of the few gay people they knew.

"Isn't that true? Comrade Xiao Pan looks good, but he seems to have bumped into your model." Liang Song was still worried, frowning worriedly, "You do it for love?"

What's this all about.

Bai Xi was speechless. He cleared his throat and stopped betraying Liang Song. He said bluntly, "I'm in love with Qi Xun. Really, it's only been six days."

Liang Song snorted and didn't take it seriously at all, "Oh no, you're kidding me, no one can be Qi Xun... I'm serious with you, don't make a fool of yourself, are you talking about someone?"

Percy knew that was his reaction.

He had to emphasize it again: "I didn't lie, it's really Qi Xun. We are together."

He looked at Liang Song frankly.

Ten seconds later, the smile on Liang Song's face gradually disappeared. He looked at Percy in disbelief. After realizing that Percy was not joking, he let out an earth-shattering cry of "Fuck!"

Liang Song slapped the table and shouted, "You might as well fall in love with Pan Wenyu!"