After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became the Wealthiest in Interstellar

Chapter 120


Not to mention the mourning expressions of the Xianjia people, and the nympho faces of the ordinary audience who are completely immersed in the special effects and the cat dance that doubles their cuteness. Those spirit beasts watching the live broadcast room are already blown up.

Xiaotian Miao thoughtfully posted the energy meter in the live broadcast room, telling those spirit beasts who know how to do it, these dance art special effects are not just bells and whistles.

"No, no, no? This level of energy concentration is too exaggerated, right? No spirit beast can do this, right? This is just a seven-year-old child!"

"I have to remind you that although His Royal Highness is seven years old this year, he has not yet reached his seventh birthday."

"Shadow points|Shadow points|Shadow points|Body, who can tell me how to shadow|Body??? This is so cool!!"

"I originally thought it was a phantom type of ability, but these separated kittens can also use abilities!"

"It's definitely not a phantom. The little tiger also has an energy body reaction. This is a real clone."

"It's so scary, so scary, no wonder the Senate wanted to use His Highness as an experiment, but His Majesty bombed the roof."

"The New Spiritual Beast Study was promoted by His Highness, right? His Highness is indeed a born saint, right? The kind born with knowledge?"

"Whether it is or not, I have decided to worship this Highness anyway. Looking at His Highness's avatar, I know that His Majesty may not have given money to His Highness."

"Trembling, Marshal Zong said that after a period of time, His Highness Arthur will come down to discuss with us. I originally thought it was to teach His Highness the powers, but now I am a little suspicious of Marshal Zong's intentions."

"You are also a member of the special forces directly under Marshal Zong? I'm worried now, how powerful is His Royal Highness, won't he be comparable to an adult spirit beast?"

"If it is only compared to strength, His Highness is so young, and the storage capacity of supernatural powers in his body will definitely not be comparable to that of adult spirit beasts. Let's use our strength to make it happen. But Marshal Zong is not stupid. It is estimated that it is directly compared to technical things, such as moving targets and the like.”

"Okay, I'll give up on the spot. I'm a beast, how can I compare the number of targets with seven beasts???"

"You group of fighting mad beasts, you only know how to fight and kill, so you can't focus on how beautiful His Highness's abilities are! All of us can only deal with waves, and the special abilities that His Highness uses are simply amazing! It's like coming out of two worlds."

"Well, we are in the world of low martial arts, and His Highness is already cultivating immortals."

"Well, lie down and cry, and be peaceful."

His Majesty Aldrich, who was working in the office and watching the live broadcast, laughed and scolded: "This kid will find something for me."

Monty Big Black Bear Duran sighed and said, "Is Arthur too powerful?"

His Majesty Aldridge said proudly: "When Xiaoyou grows up, Arthur will be even more powerful."

Do you think Arthur is the only one who's hanging up? It is said that when Xiaoyou was at his peak, he could directly give an increase buff to a spirit beast army with more than 10,000 people without signing a contract.

His Majesty Aldridge couldn't imagine that Fat Xiaoyou, who chased and beat him with small fists every day, had such a powerful side.

But Arthur wouldn't lie, he was looking forward to the "return" of the strongest spirit beastmaster.

"I wonder if they have been crossed." Mundy has read a lot of novels recently, and the more he reads, the more he thinks there is definitely something wrong with Arthur.

His Majesty Aldridge did not tell Mondi Arthur that he was the "true protagonist" who came back from the future. He continued with a smile: "The experience of a hero who appears in every era is always more exciting than what is described in the novel. If you don't believe it, turn to Flip through the history books?"

"I believe it." Mundy sighed, "My stupid brother is almost better than me, can I not believe it?"

That's all, His Royal Highness Arthur, the big cat family always likes to appear such outrageous geniuses. What's the matter with my silly brother? Why did he suddenly become a genius

His Majesty Aldrich thought, why is this? Of course it's because of Arthur. Arthur knew himself better than Herman. With Arthur developing a power training plan for Herman, can Herman's progress be slow

"You said, I also recognize His Highness as the boss now, can my abilities progress as fast as Herman?" Mundy apparently also realized this problem.

His Majesty Aldrich's mouth twitched slightly: "Are you kidding me?"

Mundy said seriously: "Do you think I'm joking?"

His Majesty Aldridge: "..." Are Zhenzhen's younger brothers all idiots? No wonder Zhenzhen is so mature and reliable, this was all forced by Hanhanxiong's younger brother.

In the palace, Arthur the cat ended the dance and jumped to the top of the Xianwei fox with satisfaction. The little paw patted the Xianwei fox on the head: "Don't waste your talent."

Xianwei Fox stood blankly, not knowing what to say or what to do.

"Talent? Do I have talent?" Xianwei Fox seems to be asking, and also seems to be asking himself, "Am I not a waste? My father, mother, and all my relatives say I'm a waste."

"Spiritual beasts are all waste as the strongest power user, so what are the others? Your so-called family members are really not jealous of you and want to destroy you?" Arthur licked his paws, lazily Said, "There are too many things like this in the Star Alliance. Incompetent people are jealous of the talent of the natural beasts. When the claws of the spirit beasts are not fully grown, they put the beasts in cages and destroy the talent of the spirit beasts."

"Look at the old beastology, isn't it the same? The Covenant is an interstellar country, who doesn't know that science is the primary productive force? But the science that affects the lives of ordinary people is developing every day, but the beastology has never been There has been progress, even to theology and metaphysics."

"Spirituality and Energetics are closely related, but scientists who try to use Energetics to interpret spiritual beasts have been slapped into heresy."

"And what about the so-called mainstream academics? Have they produced any scientific research results? The academics in other professional fields have only made outstanding achievements by themselves, so they have gathered a network of teachers and students. Although the academics are very involved. It's disgusting, it's still following someone who is capable."

"But have the leaders of spiritual beasts ever made any discovery across the ages? It's better to say that they are scientists than politicians."

"I suspect that the reason why pseudo-spiritual beastism has existed for so long is because there are too many people who are jealous of spiritual beasts, want the death of spiritual beasts, and want the destruction of power users."

"You can't do it yourself, so you don't want others to do it, so you can protect your rights, right?"

"Look, the spirit beasts are starving to death, and the S-level ability user is the strongest. The S-level ability user all died when they broke through, and the A-level ability user can be the boss."

"But, this world is not only the Covenant. You have killed the Covenant's combat power, who will protect the safety of the Covenant. As long as the other party is stronger than me, you will do everything possible to destroy the other party. Do you sacrifice yourself?"

Arthur the cat stepped on the big fox's ears and said domineeringly: "You bully spirit beasts, but because spirit beasts are talents in various fields, they are arrogant and difficult to obey others. Therefore, they cannot gather into a powerful force. , against injustice."

"It seems that the spirit beasts are very strong and have a high status, but the spirit beasts that govern their own affairs, the spirit beasts who refuse to unite, and even those rumors on the Internet that 'spirit beasts are mindless beasts, they will eat children' are all rumors. Unable to resist."

"Once you refute it, it's like, 'Aren't you the strongest superpowers? Are you so concerned about rumors, don't you lose face'. Moral kidnapping, wearing a high hat, you are very skilled. Even children are kidnapped by your morality and become Xianluo He Xianwei couldn't bear the abuse, and when he ran away from home, he would be ridiculed, 'Aren't you spiritual beasts, aren't you the strongest? Why can't you even accept this kind of cold words?'.

"They're just kids!"

"I have recorded the evidence of specific mental abuse. The law cannot punish you, so let morality punish you. After listening to the recording and watching the video, you can make your own evaluation."

Arthur the cat said what he wanted to say in one breath, and after he opened the map cannon, he glanced coldly around, and the golden vertical pupils seemed to emit cold air, which made the audience couldn't help but snort. Chills.

"Humans have always been like this. When no one stands up, it is a mass of scattered sand. As the most powerful person, the spirit beast is not exempt."

"Then, let me lead the spirit beast."

"From now on, I will accept a battle invitation once a month. It's fine for spirit beasts, as well as other abilities. Two-on-two, Xiaoyou and I will fight."

"Come on, come and see if I have the qualifications to lead you!"

The audience is stupid.

His Majesty Aldrich's power exploded, burning his brain.

The All-Star Alliance is boiling.

Arthur the cat closed the live broadcast with satisfaction, and stretched a big lazy waist on the big fox's head.

A bear, a wolf, a fox, and a flat-headed brother who stumbled and was dumbfounded by the shock rushed over.

"His Royal Highness, do you need my help?"

"Your Highness, please let me fight."

"His Royal Highness, I can! I can't only dance!"

The bear wolf fox was emotional, and the honey badger and the other big red fox were dumbfounded.

Wait, you hurried out, didn't you want to persuade His Royal Highness Arthur? Why did you take the initiative to fight

"Aren't you in the training room?" Arthur the cat jumped into Baby Mingyou's arms, and while being touched by Baby Mingyou, he said angrily, "Have you been peeping on the side?"

The four spirit beasts tried to fool around with smirks.

"Hmph." Arthur snorted coldly, raised his head and asked, "Stupid You, are you confident?"

Mingyou Baobao said old-fashioned: "If you don't call me stupid, I will be very confident."

Arthur the cat sneered: "It seems very confident. Your brain is back?"

Baby Mingyou said, "No, but my external brain woke up."

Arthur the cat was sluggish for a while, and asked telepathically, "You mean... the old father-in-law of the system?"

Baby Mingyou nodded: "Dad Tongzi is awake. In addition to assisting me like in his previous life, he has a new task, which is to cultivate Xiaotian. In the future, Xiaotian can follow him and become a new system."

Arthur's cat face showed a kindness that did not match his age: "That's great."

He and Mingyou have been worried that when they have all become the dust of history, leaving only Xiaotian who is close to immortality, how lonely Xiaotian will be.

Even if Xiaotian will have a new bond in the future, every time the bond is forced to break, it will definitely leave him with a heavy heartache.

Lifespan theory is an eternal tragic topic.

Now that the old father-in-law of the system is watching, he and Mingyou finally don't have to worry about Xiaotian's future. :,,,