After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became the Wealthiest in Interstellar

Chapter 132


When Gu Hai came to the holy place in the hearts of the followers of the new spirit animalism - the No. 1 healing star, he was unexpectedly greeted by Mingyou holding the little black cat at the airport in person.

The flattered Gu Hai was unable to even speak.

"Don't be nervous, let's take a small test first, let me see your academic ability." Mingyou said old-fashioned.

Gu Hai became even more nervous.

Mingyou led Gu Hai into a room covered with soft carpets. Except for a small desk, the whole room was full of soft sofas and soft cushions and soft big nests.

Gu Hai sat in front of the small desk, looking at Ming You who was stuck in the soft sofa, he felt that he was out of place in this space.

"The question has been passed on to your brain, Xiaotian is the invigilator, don't try to cheat." Mingyou pointed at the curly black cat that appeared above his head.

Xiao Tian Miao raised her paw: "Good morning Gu Hai, I am the invigilator Xiao Tian Miao!"

The super AI that shocked the entire Star Alliance... Gu Hai felt that his head was about to freeze.

The pressure is too much.

Knowing this earlier, he begged Louis to ask for leave to accompany him. Mr. Ming seems to like Louis very much, maybe for Louis' sake, he will be kinder to himself.

As a military college student, he was actually frightened by the serious face of a three-year-old baby, and Gu Hai spurned himself.

Fortunately, when he started to do the questions, he couldn't think about it.

The knowledge of the test paper is not difficult, but it is complicated. If the basic knowledge is not solid, it is difficult to answer the whole test paper within the stipulated time.

Gu Hai doesn't think he is a genius, but he grew up with the round seal and bamboo horse since he was a child, and he knows a little more about spirit beasts than ordinary people. In addition, he is a loyal viewer of the live broadcast room of Mingyou Spirit Beast Forum, and he takes notes seriously in each live broadcast. These questions are not difficult for him.

Mingyou stared at Gu Hai and touched the ears of the little black cat in his arms.

It seems.

Gu Hai's devotion is really similar to Da Lan's devotion to scientific research.

Although Da Hei mentioned it to him, after seeing Gu Hai alive, Mingyou really understood what Da Hei said, what Da Lan meant by living like Gu Hai.

With the expression, tone, and gesture, Mingyou could find the shadow of the young man in front of him from the big blue in his memory.

When Da Lan turned into a seal in private, he would act coquettishly to Mingyou, and he would also be mean to his fellows around him. At that time, he was similar to what Mingyou heard about Louis in this life.

But when Da Lan becomes Louis, his character will become calm and gentle, as if all the willful indulgence is wrapped up with reason.

Everyone said that Louis became calm and mature after the war, only Da Hei quietly told Mingyou that Da Lan was not calm and mature, but a simple "ghost upper body".

Of course Mingyou believed what Daikuro said.

Dahei is the first in the whole universe.

After being reborn and seeing Gu Hai with his own eyes, Ming You nodded in his heart, and sure enough, Da Hei was the one who saw through everything.

Fortunately, with the passage of time and the growth of age, Louis' deliberate tenderness and maturity gradually faded and became his own temperament. It was just his long-standing habit that made him carry some Gu Hai shadows in his temperament.

Mingyou jumped off the sofa, walked to Gu Hai's side, and stood on tiptoe to watch Gu Hai answer the questions.

Gu Hai was so absorbed that he didn't realize that Ming You had walked up to him.

"Not bad, I got ninety-one points." As soon as Gu Hai submitted the answer sheet, Xiao Tian had already finished marking the test sheet. Mingyou nodded and said, "However, for those who want to enter my research institute, half of the people in the first round of the basic knowledge test got full marks."

Gu Hai's eyes lit up when he heard Mingyou's compliment, but when he heard the second half of Mingyou's sentence, the light in his eyes went out.

When he saw the mistakes that Xiaotianmiao circled for him, bitterness spread in his heart.

"What are you frustrated about? They came prepared, is it the same as if you were temporarily selected for the test?" Ming You slapped Gu Hai's arm with a small slap, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

Gu Hai: "..." Was he being bullied

"Squat down!" Mingyou said.

Gu Hai didn't know why, so he left his seat and squatted down on the spot.

"Lower your head!" Mingyou said again.

Gu Hai lowered his head in confusion.

Mingyou hugged the cat in one hand, and put the other hand on top of Gu Hai's head and rubbed it vigorously, "I am a teacher for one day and a father for life, and I will be your chief in the future. If anyone dares to bully you, tell me, and I will take care of him for you. ."

"Okay, get up, follow me to the research institute, and I will introduce the researchers in the institute to you." After Mingyou rubbed Gu Hai's hair into a mess, he withdrew his hand.

Gu Hai opened his mouth, but he couldn't let out the noise in his heart.

No matter how much he was bullied, he couldn't possibly complain to a three-year-old child

"Mr. Ming, why do you want to accept me as your apprentice?" Gu Hai hesitated for a long time, but still asked the doubts in his heart.

He is not a genius, nor does he have an extraordinary family background. No matter what he thinks, he should not be spotted by a super genius spirit beast master who almost turned the world of spirit beast academia at the age of three.

Mingyou turned around, looked at Gu Hai who was restless, thought about it with a wrinkled face, and said, "This, because you and I are the same type of person."

"For me, spirit beasts are the whole world. My life, dreams, and even life revolve around spirit beasts."

"You too."

Mingyou stretched out his hand, and light blue energy fluctuations surrounded his small palm: "Stretch out."

Gu Hai stretched out his hand for unknown reasons, and carefully placed his big palm on Ming You's small palm.

At the moment when Gu Hai's palm overlapped with Ming You's, his brain seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer, and his eardrum made a loud "hum" sound.

His eyes darkened, and it was as if he was participating in weightlessness training for the first time, and he almost fell to the ground.

When Gu Hai's sight returned, Ming You had already withdrawn his hand. And on his own palm, energy fluctuations similar to Mingyou's color actually emitted.

Even if he is only a B-rank power user, he can clearly see the light blue energy fluctuations around his palms.

This kind of fluctuation is not supernatural, nor is it spiritual power, but it gives Gu Hai a very familiar feeling. While taking care of Louie, he unconsciously noticed this strange energy fluctuation in his body several times.

But that kind of energy fluctuation is too weak, just as he wanted to "capture", the energy fluctuation disappeared immediately. Even if he rummaged through every book about supernatural powers in the school library, he could not find any records of similar energy fluctuations.

"In the New Spiritual Beasts, it is said that, as intelligent creatures with complex emotions, the power that human beings can manipulate is not only supernatural power and spiritual power, but also mind and emotion. Spiritual beasts, as energy bodies, feel very sorry for this kind of power. Keen. After they evolve further, they can control this power independently and assist the sublimation of the energy body."

"Minds and emotions are not one-sided. When someone resonates with the souls and emotions of spirit beasts, the bond between them will also turn into a specific force. This is the energy fluctuation you feel now."

"As long as they have enough knowledge of spiritual beasts, anyone can become a spiritual beast cultivator. However, a spiritual beast cultivator recognized by spiritual beasts and a spiritual beast cultivator who possesses the power of fetters is the only one who can work with spiritual beasts. A true spirit beast master fighting side by side."

"In this world, people who have a deep bond with spirit beasts do not know the real cultivation knowledge, and those who participate in the cultivation of spirit beasts have no bond with spirit beasts. At present, I only see you possess such power."

"When the new spirit animal science is further promoted, there will be more and more people with the power of the heart. At that time, your experience will become a beacon to guide them."

"You are the first true spirit beast master in the Star Alliance."

Mingyou raised his head, looked at Gu Hai's shocked expression, and thought to himself, Gu Hai, one of the founders of Spirit Beast Science, who will be mourned and regretted by everyone in the Star Alliance in the future, Gu Hai, the first spirit beast master in the Star Alliance, will be in his life for the rest of his life. What is the achievement of education

Without those ten or twenty years of sparring and slandering, could Gu Hai still become a dazzling gem

When Gu Hai returned to the dormitory, his mind was still blank.

"Why are you in a daze?" Blue Seal stood up and patted Gu Hai on the head.

Gu Hai looked at the blue seal blankly and said, "I succeeded in apprenticeship..."

The blue seal tilted his head: "Then?"

Gu Hai: "Master said I'm a genius..."

The blue seal applauded: "Wow!"

Gu Hai squatted down with his head in his hands, "How could I be a genius? I don't even know that I am a genius! The pressure is so great that my head is going to explode!"

The blue seal stopped clapping, scratched his head with his front flippers, and turned back into a human.

Louis patted Gu Hai's head and said, "I'll tell you a way to decompress."

Gu Hai raised his head and said weakly, "What method?"

Louis said seriously: "When you feel the pressure is too high and you are not confident in yourself, just give up thinking and follow His Highness's instructions completely."

Gu Hai: "Huh?" What is this guy talking about

The expression on Louis's face was serious, not joking at all: "Hesitating, wavering, despairing, no matter what situation you encounter, as long as you follow Prince Arthur's instructions, there is no problem. His Royal Highness is the only light."

Gu Hai stood up and took a deep breath. He patted Louis on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Louis, I don't object to your personal cult, but please don't become a religious fanatic."

Louis snorted coldly: "You don't understand. But you will definitely be like me in the future."

Gu Hai: "..." No, I wouldn't be like that.

"His Royal Highness Arthur is light, so what is Mr. Ming?" Gu Hai asked curiously. Louis seems to admire Mingyou too.

Louis said: "I worked hard to raise my parents."

Gu Hai: "..." My childhood sweetheart is helpless.

Why did Louis become paranoid after only meeting with His Royal Highness Arthur and Mr. Ming? When they watched the live broadcast together before, they never saw Louis like this.

Gu Hai sighed, pointed to himself and said, "What about me?"

Louis said without hesitation: "Tong bride."

Gu Hai: "...Goodbye." This evaluation hasn't changed since childhood.

Louis turned back into a blue seal and rolled around on the ground: "No goodbye, no goodbye, never goodbye."

"Okay, no goodbye, no goodbye. Don't get out, there will be protests downstairs again." Gu Hai resignedly embraced the blue seal in his arms, coaxing him like a little baby, "Speaking of which, Mr. Ming also said He used to be the head of the family, so if I was bullied, I would go to him and sue him. How could I sue a three-year-old baby. Also, what is the power of bondage? ."

Gu Hai babbled, babbled, and spit out all the noise he had accumulated all day today towards the blue seal, and the pressure in his heart was greatly relieved.

Whenever he was too stressed and distressed to move forward, just holding the warm, fluffy seal would cheer him up.

(“You are like me, the spirit beast is the whole world.”)

Gu Hai lowered his head and looked at the big, fluffy head of the blue seal.

Rather than saying that spirit beasts are his whole world, it is better to say...

I really don't want to admit this.

Child bridesmaid or something.

The author has something to say: "There are always monsters disturbing my study" will be opened tomorrow, although only two chapters have been saved.

This post will end in mid-December.