After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became the Wealthiest in Interstellar

Chapter 79


Mingyou came to Maple Leaf Star to watch the Maple Leaf Festival, which has long been spread among the spirit beasts of the Star Alliance.

The spirit beasts said that there are many people in the entire Star Alliance who want to harm Mingyou. In order to protect Mingyou, they must rush to the Maple Leaf Star to kill everyone and everything that may harm Mingyou.

As for the national idol Xianluo, it is rare to come to the Maple Leaf Festival again. This time, it is the dream twin dancers dancing together or something. They are not a star chaser, and they don't really care.


"Where's the ticket?! It's gone so soon?! The promised spirit beast will have priority!"

"But the tickets were robbed by spirit beasts." The ticket sellers kept wiping away sweat. Although spirit beasts are very rare, there may only be a dozen or so on a planet, and the spirit beasts in powerful administrative stars are at most three digits, but do you know how many planets there are in the Covenant? Did you know that there are also spirit beasts in the Chaos Sector? Did you know that tourists from alien systems also get priority

We are really out of tickets.

The spirit beasts who arrived late squatted on the side of the road, weak and pitiful and helpless.

It's just that I can't get tickets for the concert of the Ten Heroes, and I can't even get VIP tickets for the Maple Leaf Festival. What's the use of me wanting the identity of this spirit beast!

Seeing a big pile of stuffed dumplings crouched under the tree, Mingyou couldn't take his eyes away, and his footsteps moved towards the plush dumplings unconsciously.

The little black cat with the hood on his head coughed dryly, and Mingyou silently retracted his gaze.

Recently, he was freed by a big black cat, and his temper was so used to being free from other spirit beast partners. Now he actually forgot that the little black cat was on top of his head.

hold back hold back.

"Well, he looks so pitiful, can I give him a bag of candy?" Mingyou asked in a low voice, looking at the pitiful and pitiful big plush dumpling in every hair.

Arthur the cat sneered: "Do you believe it or not, give him a bag of candy now, and soon this whole street will be filled with pitiful spirit beasts?! Do you know who he is?"

Mingyu shook his head. Although he doesn't know, but as the strongest power user, unless it is overcast, it should be difficult for the spirit beast to fall into the point of begging along the street. He still knows this.

But this fluffy ball looks really pathetic! The mood swings he exudes are really pathetic! Maybe he was really sad

Also, this is a big cat! Although the big cat spirit beasts in Interstellar are not all relatives of his own Da Hei, but he loves Wu Jiwu, and he really can't stand idly by the rare big cat spirit beast!

Mingyou took off the hooded Arthur cat from the top of his head and held it in the palm of his hand, looking at Arthur cat eagerly: "Then... you go to deliver it? Just a bag, a small bag of non-handmade candy, no one will know that it was delivered by me. of."

The little black cat in the hood said: "Is there any difference between my delivery and your delivery? This big cat is indeed not my relative, but the big cats are basically at the top of the food chain and are top predators, that is to say, change shape. The power user who is a big cat is definitely a lot stronger than other power users. Now the food of the spiritual beast has basically been completely released, and he does not lack your bag of candy."

Mingyou's eyes moved to the big cat with the same coat color as his little black cat, um, another big black cat, so he couldn't look away.

The big black cat has very pointed and long ears, and there are two long black hairs that look like streamers on the tip of the ears. At first glance, it looks like a caracal cat. The big black caracal is so cute.

No, it's so pitiful, you see he's lying on the ground, turning into a puddle of cat liquid that has lost his dreams!

The little black cat with the hood lowered his head and bit Mingyou's fingers in anger.

Do not watch! I can only have a black cat at home!

"I won't take him home." Mingyou smiled dryly, the cat's territorial concept is really strong, he will never make such a mistake, "I just want to ask him what help he needs."

"What else can I need? It's definitely that I didn't get the tickets for the concert and the Maple Leaf Festival." The hooded black cat complained.

Mingyou thought about the few friendship tickets in his pocket, and he continued to look at the little black cat in the hood: "Look, Brother Chenxi and Brother Zanghu both got tickets by their own luck, and I don't have any to give. Ticket friends…”

The little black cat with the hood was very happy: "You are so determined to send something, right?"

Mingyou grimaced: "That's a big black cat. I think of you as soon as I see him, and I can't stand the mood swings on his back."

The little black cat in the hood bit Mingyou's finger again and jumped out of the optical camouflage, frightening the big black caracal lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

What the hell! In such a hidden place, I even put the ability to be invisible, how could it be discovered by other cats!

Is this cat also a spirit beast? how so small. Could it be an underage natural beast? Aren't the natural beasts very fragile when they were young? Whose adults are so irresponsible

The big black caracal said, "Kaci crunch." Little guy, where is your adult

The nose of the hooded black cat spewed contemptuous air. The caracal's meowing is so unpleasant.

"Here you are." The hooded black cat took out two tickets, "Don't lie here, now the entire Maple Leaf Star is full of spirit beasts, you are not ashamed, I am also a cat and feel ashamed."

The big black caracal looked at the two e-tickets projected by the little black cat in the hood. He scanned it with his brain, and the tickets were actually real, and the location was quite good.

"Is it a child of the Royal Covenant?" The big black caracal immediately understood the identity of the hooded little black cat.

Covenant big cat spirit beasts are not common but not too rare, as long as they are strong enough, they may become cats. But to say that the most famous and powerful big cat family is naturally the family of the Emperor of the Star Alliance.

Poor see, how did a group of cats get lured to the throne? All the big cats sympathize with them.

"Are you from the Chaos Sector?" The hooded little black cat saw that the big black caracal hadn't recognized him yet, so he guessed the big caracal's origin.

"Although I am an interstellar hunter in the Chaos Sector, I am a hero who fought against the Zerg battlefield and has the honorary citizenship of the Star Alliance." Big Caracal said lazily, "I am very good."

"There is no adult cat that is not powerful." The hooded black cat continued to complain, "You are a powerful interstellar hunter, so you know that in the Chaos Sector, the injured spirit beast was betrayed by the private spirit beast sanatorium, Are you imprisoned as an experiment?"

"Kitten is very curious and likes to be a hero. I don't know where you heard this news, but child, as an elder, I have to advise you that adults can take care of this kind of thing." He took out a large piece of energy crystal from his space backpack, "I'll use this to buy you a ticket."

If you talk about the price of the ticket itself, this energy crystallization is too much. Even if you take the auction ticket from the scalper, it is impossible to exchange such a large piece of energy crystal.

This pure energy crystal can be replaced by a small starship in the Chaos Star Region. The big caracal can take it out and give it away, which shows that its own strength does not have the title of top predator.

"Then you know." The hooded black cat put away the energy crystal rudely. Such a large piece of energy crystal can be used to make a lot of candy, "Okay, you are arrested!"

Big Caracal: "???" Are all the cats and children of the Royal Covenant so skinny

"Catch this big caracal for me!" The hooded black cat raised its small paws and turned to command.

The big caracal followed the hooded black cat and turned around, and saw a very weak-looking young man walking out of the bushes, rolling up his sleeves eagerly.

Although the big cat is very cute, the big black cat makes him love Wujiwu even more. But he also wanted to know if he could catch a big cat after practicing self-defense for so long.

The big caracal looked at the young man carefully, and then the whole cat bowed its back, bouncing off the ground like a spring cat: "Fuck! Spirit Beast Master Mingyou!"

Mingyou, who was about to fight the big caracal, put down his hands and said, "Do you know me?"

The little black cat in the hood rolled his eyes: "Can't you just pretend? If he cheats, you will expose your identity."

Mingyou: "... That's right. Well, I say now that I'm not, do you believe it?"

The big caracal stomped and calmed down. He looked at the little black cat in the hood and said, "Prince Arthur of the Covenant is a big black liger."

The hooded black cat raised his head, and the two pointed black ears on the hood twitched, but the edge of the hood could still firmly cover his hairless eyelids and browbones.

Demo, do you finally know who I am? Come and worship me!

"Is this Prince Arthur's child?" The big caracal looked at the hooded black cat curiously, "No, Prince Arthur is not married yet, illegitimate child?"

The hooded black cat who suddenly became his own illegitimate child: "..."

hairy! If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't wear a hood when he got bigger, it would expose his half bald cat face. He would now become a big black cat and give this guy two claws!

"This... that..." Mingyou held up the little black cat in the hood, who was so angry that the ears of the plane were pulled. Should he reveal Dahei's identity

At this time, a white bear head appeared in Mingyou's one-shoulder backpack: "What's the matter? Who is your Highness asking us to beat?"

As soon as the white bear's voice fell after realizing it, another small Erha squeezed out of the one-shoulder backpack... Ah no, the little gray wolf's head: "Wow!" Are you going to fight!

The big black caracal was silent for a while, and he suddenly thought of a rumor.

Legend has it that the spirit beast master Mingyou can make adult spirit beasts smaller. It is said that this is a magical means of treating spirit beasts

Most of the spirit beasts in the Chaos Sector do not believe such absurd rumors. They are spirit beasts themselves, don't they know how stable the structure of the energy body of spirit beasts is? What becomes bigger and smaller, you think we are plasticine, and what is concentrated is the essence

but now…

"His Royal Highness?" The big caracal asked uncertainly.

The hooded little black cat said strangely: "Isn't it the illegitimate son of His Royal Highness?"

The little white bear, like a stuffed toy, looked around: "Where is it? Someone came to the door with His Highness's illegitimate child?"

The little gray wolf also shook his head vigorously, then dazed himself, and kept sticking out his tongue and breathing.

"It's not Da Hei's illegitimate child who came to the door, it's Da Hei who recognizes Da Hei as Da Hei's illegitimate child." Mingyou explained in a language that Da Hei couldn't understand.

The little white bear silently shrank his head back.

It turned out to be not a bloody story, I went back to my backpack to catch up and prepare for the concert at night.

The little gray wolf also shrank his head back. He is a little dizzy now and needs to squint for a while.

The hooded black cat gritted his teeth.

It was rare for him to sneak out of his busy schedule to accompany Cunyou out to climb the mountain for a while, and these two had to keep up and say they were guards. It turned out that the guard was sleeping in the backpack? Do you two want to lose your job? !

"It's really Your Highness, it's amazing, it turns out that the spirit beast can really shrink." The big caracal is still as calm as always, and has a strong psychological quality. Jin, "Can it get bigger?"

"Yes, I'm too lazy to change." The hooded black cat jumped on Mingyou's head and lay down, "Isn't it better to have a mount than to walk by yourself?"

"Good idea." The big caracal nodded, "I will have a spirit beast master in the future, and I will also use the spirit beast master as a mount."

Mingyou: "..." It really deserves to be a cat, so you have reached a consensus

"Let's find a place to talk?" The hooded black cat didn't expect to climb a mountain by himself, and he could find a breakthrough point for the things he was worrying about recently. Could this be Dumb You's luck bonus

"There's nothing to talk about. Since His Royal Highness wants to take action, I'll send you the information directly." Big Caracal said generously, "I was going to gather a few friends to try it out, but if the Star Alliance officials want to intervene, we won't. It's confusing. If it's useful, please say so."

Mingyu was very curious. How can the big caracal talk so well? Is this the reason why the charm and prestige of his big black are too powerful

The hooded little black cat did not look surprised at all, and exchanged contact information with the big caracal.

The big caracal glanced at Mingyou again, as if to keep this most talked-about legend in the entire Star Alliance in his heart, and then Shi Shiran walked away with his paw pads on, and there was no nostalgia at all.

Compared with the groundhog holding a sign asking for shelter, and the grass mud rabbit crying and touching porcelain, the calm attitude of the big caracal makes Mingyou very impractical.

He thought that when the spirit beasts saw him, they would cry and hug their thighs for support.

"They may be like this online. In reality, not everyone can afford to lose face." The hooded black cat said, "Besides, they understand in their hearts that it is impossible to add other partner spirit beasts around you."

Mingyou nodded: "It's enough for me to take care of you, you won't be able to take care of more."

Now that his partner can't even make a scratching board for each beast, how can he raise other spirit beasts? Does he fit

"But this big caracal is really free and easy, I think of one person." The little black cat with the hood tapped the claws in the void, letting Xiaotian drag out the information on the people worth noting in the Chaos Sector in his database.

After Xiaotian passed the comparison, he pulled out a hologram of a middle-aged man with a black head and a lazy face, like he didn't wake up.

"The name is ominous, the code name is Shadow, the free hunter in the chaos star area, the style is not bad, but he likes to rob star thieves when he has something to do, so the reward ranking in the dark market has always been high in the top ten." The hooded little black cat said, " By the way, you and I are tied for first place."

Mingyou's eyes lit up: "Really! We are both amazing!"

The little black cat in the hood despised: "I don't think it's something to be proud of." Although he said that, the corners of his mouth were upturned wildly, the cat's tail behind him also stood up straight, and even his ears turned into devil horns.

"He was indeed active on the battlefield against the Zerg. He performed all assassination missions, and he was very powerful." What the hooded black cat didn't say, he paid attention to this person first, because his name was also "Shadow" , and this name is much louder than his Shadow Liger. As long as the shadow is mentioned, people immediately think of this elusive star hunter, not his shadow liger.


How come the name of his brother, the Golden Glitter Demon King, has not been bumped into, but the name he finally came up with has bumped into someone? This person is quite powerful, he actually can't grab this name.

Up to now, Arthur Tiger's name has a lot of decorations in front of it, but people who mention him will say "Star Hero", "Hero Prince", "One of the greatest Star Marshals", "One of the greatest men of this century" One", but no one mentioned the title of "Shadow".

The title he racked his brains for was completely in vain!

Now his code name seems to have completely changed to "Prince", "His Royal Highness", or "His Royal Highness Big Black Cat".

The hooded black cat stepped on Mingyou's hair displeasedly: "Go home."

No more shopping, no more shopping, pissed off a cat! The more you think, the more angry you are!

"Well, go home and have a good rest, don't affect the state of the concert at night." When Mingyou heard the code name of the big caracal "Shadow", he knew what was wrong with him.

It's really annoying to hit names or something.

After the big caracal walked a few hundred meters, it immediately ran up a tree to hide, and took out its light brain and stabbed its friend wildly.

"Share [ticket] [ticket], you can't imagine what I have encountered!"

"Fuck, how did you get the ticket? Did you meet a fool to refund the ticket?!"

"No, no, this ticket was given to me by Prince Arthur!"

"...You're not going to be a big cat pretending to be a relative of Prince Arthur, right?"

"It's even more bizarre than this! I just turned into a spirit beast and rested in a tree, and a little black cat with a hood suddenly jumped out to deliver the ticket!"

"Little black cat? It's not what I thought, right?"

"It's not what you think, it's not His Highness's illegitimate son, it's His Highness himself! His Highness can really become smaller!"

"...Are you mentally retarded? When you saw the little black cat, didn't you immediately think of the previous rumors, His Highness can become smaller! You shouldn't say in front of His Highness that he is his own illegitimate child? You won't be so rude Is it reliable?"

"How is that possible, you think too much." The big caracal licked its ears with its paws, "This is not the point, the point is that I also saw Mr. Ming!"

"Then, you rolled on the spot, did Mr. Qiu Ming take care of you? (Lemon Lemon)"

"No, I persuaded QAQ. After chatting for a while, I went for a walk. I didn't even mix a small cookie."


"Waste cat."

"What do you want."

"Is your adventure just used to prove that you are useless?"

"Anyway, ask a few questions about your physical condition. This is an opportunity for a free medical examination! The spirit beasts that are not in our establishment can't be exchanged for money at all!"

"Why are you so useless? Just kick it out of the group, this group can't hold you a waste cat."

The big caracal's dejected ears were stuck to his forehead, like two little girls who had combed their hair.

What can he do? He was so nervous that he didn't know what to say. Moreover, there is His Royal Highness, the Prince of the Star Alliance, whom he admires very much. He doesn't even dare to act like a spoiled child.

Can you understand the feelings of those who meet idols

The most regrettable thing about the big caracal is that he has never seen that mighty black liger on the battlefield. I heard that His Highness's name is also Shadow, isn't it a coincidence! After he heard about it, he was proud for a long time.

In the end, he finally got an adventure. Not only did he fail to ask the spirit beast master to ask for the biscuits made by the spirit beast master himself, he didn't even have the courage to ask the idol prince for an autograph photo.

QAQ you are really a waste cat! Among the feline animal spirits, there is no such wasteful cat as you!

"Stop talking about this, let's change the subject." The big caracal drooped its ears and tail and continued, "His Royal Highness is investigating the disappearance of the spirit beasts in the Chaos Star District."

The group was silent for a few seconds, and then everyone who usually dived jumped out.

"Really?! His Highness is really investigating! Is he going to break the unspoken rules of the Chaos Sector?!"

"Who stabbed this matter to His Highness? Isn't this embarrassing for His Highness? His Highness will definitely not abandon the spirit beasts who have been on the battlefield with him, but the Chaos Star Region itself has nothing to do with the Star Alliance, let His Highness take action. right?"

"Who said it wasn't? His Highness was injured like that at the time, and he even sent messages to keep us one by one, saying that the injured spirit beasts are not as good as the beasts outside. If there is no force to protect them, they might be attacked by others. Public spirit beast sanatoriums at least With his elder brother, His Majesty the Golden Lion, staring at him and daring not to mess around, other private nursing homes will not know about it. If he was retained like this and left, wouldn't he have to be responsible for himself?"

"Don't say it, His Highness has done enough for us, and now he has also publicly announced that the spirit beasts who have been on the battlefield in the Chaos and Autonomous Star regions can directly transfer their nationality, as long as they have not violated the laws of the Covenant, You can immediately get the official status of the Covenant, and reissue the merits and medals for the previous battlefield performance. We can't trouble him with this kind of thing."

"The official involvement of the Star Alliance in the Chaos Sector will definitely cause full-scale turmoil in the Chaos Sector. Now that the surrounding environment of the Star Alliance has finally been balanced, it is estimated that there will be another conflict."

"Almost all the spirit beasts in the Covenant are recovering from their injuries. If there is chaos in the chaotic star area, the Covenant will probably have a hard time."

"I can't help it. His Highness will definitely take action when he finds out about this. He is so noble and idealistic that he can't bear it."

"The mood is quite complicated. Actually, I also want His Highness to help. On the battlefield, I am accustomed to relying on His Highness's command when I have something to do. It is troublesome to use my own mind. But I know that I am sorry for your Highness."

"The relatives and friends of the missing spirit beast must have gone crazy. It's normal for them to go to the hospital in a hurry. It's just... Well, forget it, my friends are also missing. I understand their feelings."

"I understand, but this is really too much. Now His Highness is definitely going to take action. How to clean up the mess after that? Those careerists in the Chaos Sector and the Autonomous Sector probably have an excuse to riot. Now the Covenant is completely weak, if What should I do when the Zerg comes again during the war? I found several Zerg whistleblowers in the Chaos Sector."

"We can only continue to follow His Highness. If someone opposes His Highness, we will fight with him. Otherwise, what else can we do?"

"Rescue the people first. I just hope that no one thinks this is His Highness' fault, and His Highness is not their parents, so he has to take care of all their affairs. Now that they are all in the Chaos Sector, they still think about someone. Be in charge of yourself, why don't you stay in the Covenant?"

"Thinking that His Highness will be uncomfortable, I feel aggrieved. Renshan is bullied by others."

There was a lot of discussion in the group, and the big caracal nodded vigorously.

That's right, this group of people is bullying His Royal Highness! The big caracal clasped its claws together, hoping to tell His Royal Highness the accident to the spirit orcs.

In this group of spirit beasts named "His Royal Highness Liger and Tiger", and the group of friends who have fought for the Chaos Sector, many people began to send similar emojis.

Claws together. I hope that something has happened to the spirit orcs who make His Highness embarrassed. It doesn't need to be a big deal, just a little cold.

Get used to you!

On a certain spaceship, after getting the news, a certain Pengci Rabbit who didn't even have time to attend the Maple Leaf Festival and the concert sneezed wildly.

He was wrapped in the quilt and shivered.

Is it a bit too much to sell all the hair for the food of the spirit beast, and now it feels chilly when it turns back to the spirit beast, as if he has the symptoms of a cold.

How could a spirit beast catch a cold

He immediately turned back into a human, took his temperature, and sure enough he caught a cold.

The humanoid Pengci Rabbit looked at the thermometer for a while and was speechless. After he became a power user, how many years has he not had a cold? Does the fur of the spirit beast still have this effect? It seems that he can't sell hair every year.

Even if you sell it, you can only sell half of it. That's horrible. When I think that my fur can't be converted into resources, I feel sad when I touch porcelain rabbits.

If you round it up, you will lose hundreds of millions! He also wants to mobilize the whole family to sell rabbit fur together!

Hold on, I'm only selling half, so they can sell them all. While drinking the cold medicine, Pengci Rabbit wondered how to mobilize the whole family to sell wool together, and how to take the brokerage fee from the family and not be beaten.

The whole family is good at doing business, so it's not easy to cheat.

He remembered the fool friend who came to him to "call the police" after the energy body dissipated and told him to be careful.

It's a fool's friend who is easy to deceive, and he can take out the purse at will. Without such a foolish friend, he didn't know how much he would lose.

According to the lifespan of the spirit beast, he probably lost more money than his current family fortune.

It's so frustrating.

Mingyou was going to start a live broadcast to sell clothes, but his family Dabai and Dahui suddenly entered a period of anxiety before taking the stage. He had to temporarily put aside the plan to make money and give psychological counseling to the bear and the wolf.

The little white bear shrank into a stuffed ball: "I haven't performed publicly yet."

Big Hui, who has always disliked being a little grey wolf, has now completely turned into a heartless puppy, trying to paralyze himself with his instincts, without even saying a word: "Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang!"

Mingyou had no choice but to hold a little white bear and a little gray wolf in his arms, hoping to use his blind optimism to infect these two spirit beasts who had been completely nervous and unable to extricate themselves.

The hooded black cat is also very nervous.

He has to go on stage too, but his hair hasn't grown yet!

Although he was inspired by the little cloak that Mingyou sewed for him, when he was ready to go on stage, he would wear clothes and a wide-brimmed hat to cover the bald spot above his eyelids. But what if he accidentally exposed the bald spot? The stalk of his pink belly hasn't passed yet, is the stalk of the bald cat coming again

Should I not be on stage? The hooded little black cat stepped on the right paw with its left paw, stepped on the right paw to make a paw, stepped on it and twisted its foot into a twist, and fell to make a cake.

Mingyou immediately came to coax the little black cat.

My God, is this show going to go well? But the tickets are all sold out, so we can't cancel it, right

"How about you all wear holographic glasses?" Mingyou suggested, "Look at me, don't be nervous when you wear holographic glasses."

His spirit beasts nodded their heads. It can only be this way.

The big red fox licked his claws and looked at his new family with disdain.

A bunch of rubbish, even going on stage will be nervous.

"It's really not good. When the time comes, Xiaoyou and I will perform on stage, and you will all stay under the stage." Da Hong said with contempt, and was glared at by other spirit beasts.

Did you grow up performing on stage great? ! Well, it's really amazing.

The little white bear shrank his limbs, lowered his head and whimpered, very sad.

It was his dream to hold a concert. What if he messed up? His whole bear stiffened.

"How could we screw up." Mingyou patted his chest, "You forget, can your emotions be mobilized by me? As long as I don't have stage fright, you won't have stage fright!"

His fluffy people glanced at Mingyou and became more worried.

Mingyou is very confident at this time. After he takes the stage, maybe his mentality will have to be mediated by the resonance of their group of spirit beast partners.

Do you think your social anxiety has healed? Unless all the audiences under the stage become spirit beasts, you can't be worthy of our reliance at all.

"It's really possible that there are all spirit beasts in the audience. Who can beat them to grab the tickets." Da Lan glanced at the ticketing system, "Besides, only a small part of the tickets for our concerts entered the market, and most of them can only be used for In exchange for contribution value.”

Mingyou said that he was not nervous at all. As long as he knew that the audience was full of stuffed dumplings, not only was he not nervous, but he was also very excited.

The hooded black cat glanced at Mingyou and stopped tossing his claws.

Forget it, he has to perform on stage anyway, even if it is found that the cat's face is half bald... Then he will be found, anyway, the matter of his hair change will be announced soon.

Of course, it cannot be hidden and tucked away in such an important research that a spirit beast needs to change its hair and change its shape. Otherwise, which spirit beast will endure like him and enter the form changing period, but without knowing its own physical state, rashly undertake difficult tasks. What if life is in danger

This is a necessary sacrifice. The hooded black cat pulled his hood down, so frustrated that the cat's ears drooped.

Couldn't he be free from "bald"

So angry. When he finishes changing his hair, he must turn the Chaos Sector upside down.

I am unhappy with Arthur, and I must make people as unhappy as I am.

Mingyou listened to the swearing oath by the claws of the little black cat in the hood, and applauded together with the big blue seal.

Dahei looks good, we support you.

The big green kangaroo shook his head helplessly. His Highness is still so childish.

Dacheng turned his head and asked Da Zi: "The Chaos Star Region has been defeated, who will govern it? The grassroots poverty alleviation cadres of the Star Alliance are tired enough."

While combing his purple mane, Da Zi said, "Who cares who manages it, we are not grassroots poverty alleviation cadres anyway."

Big Orange was silent. What you said makes sense. It really smells like an upper-level leader who will be scolded to death.

A word from the leader, the grassroots run and break their legs, and the grassroots cadres of the Star Alliance will be pitiful again.

But if the welfare is full, in fact... maybe... maybe... it's okay. Big Orange mourns.

At dusk, the Maple Leaf Festival begins.

The opening dance of the Maple Leaf Festival was led by Xianluo and Xianwei.

For the first time, Mingyou saw Xianluo wearing a gorgeous dress and dancing with a fan.

Xianluo's dancing clothes are a bit like the robes of his previous life in ancient China, with wide sleeves and fluttering robes.

He didn't know how to dance, but he felt that Xianluo and Xianwei danced very nicely, which made people completely immersed in their wonderful dancing postures, and even felt the thoughts they wanted to express in their dances.

However, the dance of Xianluo and Xianwei in human form just made Mingyou feel good-looking. When Xianluo and Xianwei turned into two big red foxes and danced in the sky above the Maple Leaf Festival, Mingyou really ignited with the flames.

He slapped his palms red, and shouted louder than the most ardent fans. At first glance, he was a brainless fan among the big red brainless fans.

Arthur, who was sitting beside him in human form, applauded unhurriedly, and glanced at Mingyou with contempt in his eyes.

Compared to human dance, you simply like watching the big fox dance, right? As long as it's fluffy, even if you dance around, do you think you can dance better than humans

But the dance of the two big foxes using their supernatural abilities is really beautiful. Even the spectators outside were mesmerized, as if they saw a grand fireworks.

They originally thought that if they couldn't grab or buy the tickets in the front row, they could only look at the holographic projection to feel the atmosphere of the scene. Who knows, this dance can jump to the sky.

"Is this the spirit beast mentioned in the news reports? That big fox is so beautiful." An old woman exclaimed, "The spirit beasts can dance in the sky, what's so scary about that?"

"It's like the fairy beast in the legend." His wife also nodded, "So this is the spirit beast, so good."

"Mom! Look! Big fox!" The little girl applauded.

Her mother's expression was similar to her daughter's, full of excitement: "Husband husband, big fox dancing!"

"The fireworks are beautiful." Her husband nodded slightly, holding his over-excited wife and daughter tightly, afraid that they would be scattered by the crowd.

"I think it's a fairy tale scene." A middle-aged man with a group of children who looked like a teacher said, "You guys have a good look and go back and write your essay."

"Your sentence doesn't quite fit the fairy tale scene." Beside him, a colleague who was younger than him complained.

But the children cooperated and shouted "Okay", clenching their fists tightly, jumping and screaming with excitement, not at all depressed about the composition to be written in the future.

Seeing the scene in this fairy tale book, the children have endless words in their hearts.

"The effect is very good. The Maple Leaf Festival is indeed the best time for spirit beasts to appear in front of ordinary people." Arthur looked at the data compiled by Xiaotian and nodded with satisfaction.

Xianluo and Xianwei were originally big stars in Interstellar, with many fans, and their popularity among the passers-by was unbelievably good. It is most suitable for them to lead the frenzy of spirit beast stars first.

Arthur doesn't believe it. Those who say that spirit beasts are all beasts can reason more than real passers-by and quarrel more than fans.

"The reaction of the spirit beast is a bit interesting." Xiaotian projected a smirk.

As soon as he heard the word "spirit beast", Mingyou immediately stretched out his head to look at it.

Let me see, the little cuties of spirit beasts commented on the dance of Dahong and Dahong's brother.

Hmm... so scary? ! shivering? !

Mingyou: "...What are they afraid of?"

Arthur laughed: "What else to be afraid of? These fireworks are good-looking and good-looking, and they hurt a lot when you hit them. Have you forgotten that Xianluo's fire tree and silver flowers are not at night? This is an enhanced version of the power of the two foxes."

Mingyu thought about it, that's true.

Now if the fireworks are placed against the ground, it is estimated that the sphere of Maple Leaf Star will be flattened.

This is indeed quite terrifying for a knowledgeable spirit beast.

The author has something to say: After the caracal, there are still a lot of scenes (probably).