After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became the Wealthiest in Interstellar

Chapter 84


The fluffy people in a big boat were waiting in full force, and Mingyou made a stick in the middle - this is what Mingyou said quietly to the big black cat, and the serious big black cat wanted to fly Mingyou's paw immediately.

Can you be serious!

Mingyou actually really wanted to be serious, but the scene really made him not serious.

When Mingyou felt the strange energy fluctuations, he let the spacecraft search nearby. When he found that strange energy fluctuation and contacted it with the power of his heart, a large group of energy fluctuation light spots rushed towards his face, smearing his face.

At the same time, there was a loud bark, squeak, squeak, squeak, and squeak sounding beside his "ear", which almost made his head explode.

Is this the thought of the captured spirit beast? Why are you so energetic! And it seems to be very excited? !

Because the victim was not sad at all, tragic, sad and angry, and even a little excited, Mingyou opened his heart, and his mood was affected by this lot of thought energy, and he couldn't be serious even if he wanted to be serious.

"What message did they pass?" said the big black cat solemnly.

Mingyou carefully discerned the message from the minds of these roaring spirit beasts: "Uh... this chaotic magnetic field is indeed their base, map... guards... important locations... important personnel... and... uh, there are all kinds of gossip. ."

The serious big black cat raised its hind legs and kicked its ears: "All kinds of gossip?"

Mingyou nodded: "For example, who slept with whom immediately after sleeping with whom..."

"Don't listen to these messy things!" the big black cat said angrily.

Mingyou said embarrassingly: "It's not that I can't listen if I want to."

If it wasn't for the system to help him filter the news, the huge flow of information transmitted by the spirit beast's mind, he didn't know how to capture the key points.

The big black cat was so angry that his nose was blowing: "They look very energetic?!"

Mingyou said: "Actually, they are not mental. Some of them are imprisoned, and some of them seem to have been killed when their energy is exhausted."

"Like?" The big black cat raised its hind legs and kicked its ears again. This ambiguity really makes the cat bald.

He doesn't want to be bald!

Mingyou glanced at the energy response extracted by the system, and said, "Well, there is a mind that is spinning on top of the grass mud rabbit, saying that he thought he was dead, so the residual thoughts after death flew out to call the grass mud rabbit and let the grass mud rabbit call the police. Be careful with the grass mud rabbit. As a result, he returned to the base after his remnants were exhausted, and he could continue to fly out."

"If they are dead, then the residual thoughts should disappear after death. I boldly speculate that they may be in a vegetative state? Specifically, I will wait until I see it."

Profiteer Rabbit stunned: "He didn't die?"

Mingyou said: "I don't know. I just said that this is not in line with common sense. Anyway, let's attack first and then talk about it."

The profiteer rabbit didn't seem to hear Mingyou's words. The grass-mud rabbit with no neck raised his head hard, trying to find the remnants of that stupid friend from the top of his head.

"Don't look for it, he's here now." Mingyou stretched out his hand, as if something was stuck on his fingertips.

Profitable Business Rabbit's pair of rabbit eyes turned into cross-eyed eyes, and he finally felt a little familiar energy fluctuation. His heart that was originally calm is now up and down, and the original emptiness has turned into anxiety.

He glanced at Mingyou and silently swallowed what he wanted to say.

Mingyou felt the profiteer Rabbit's heart to let him save people, but although he was judged as silly and sweet by his own big black, the petty people still had the self-protection heart. This kind of thing he can't be sure of, can't just promise. If you promise to save the other party, but fail to do it, not to mention whether you can bear the consequences, and let the people who are expecting disappoint and despair again, their injuries may be even greater.

The big black cat also realized this. He glanced at Fluffy who was present and said, "We will try our best to save what we can, but I don't want medical troubles among you."

The fluffy guys shook their heads in unison first, then realized that something was wrong, and nodded in unison. A lot of fluffy big ears and small ears shook vigorously with the movement of shaking his head and nodding, and Mingyou couldn't be serious again.

When the plushs shook their heads and nodded, the energy waves flying around Mingyou were like butterflies, shuttled around a lot of plush.

Mingyou doesn't know if these energy residual thoughts have self-awareness, but they are too skinny. Mingyou could even feel that they found a specific person to kick people's noses, pull people's ears, and dance on top of their fluffy heads.

Uh... These could be their friends and relatives

When there was an energy remnant trying to pull the big black cat's beard, he was caught by Mingyou: "No skin on my big black body!"

The big black cat tilted its head: "Ow?"

"There is a residual energy trying to pull your beard." Mingyou let go, and the lively energy residual flew to other spirit beasts to act as a demon.

Big black cat: "Ouch?!" Who is so bold! I'm going to slap him with my paws!

"We discussed how to attack the base. I'm afraid they will take the spirit beasts held in the base as hostages." Mingyou said, "My partner can be smaller and thrown in, plus my ability, they probably won't find it."

The big black cat temporarily ignored the guy who dared to pull his beard, and ordered: "Our battleship can be invisible optically, and the spirit beast can use the ability to be invisible again, Xiaoyou, you help."

With so many spirit beasts, it is still very easy to hide a battleship with abilities. A well-fed beast, but the most powerful fighting force of the Covenant.

"I'll turn on the fire." Mingyou began to roll up his sleeves, as if he wanted to fight by himself, and the big black cat's ears twitched.

In this attack, for Mingyou's safety, Mingyou must be by his side. But he was worried that Mingyou might actually go to hand-to-hand combat when he went to the battlefield.

Forget it, this time he will feel wronged to be a mount. Arthur Hu did not feel relieved to leave Mingyou to others to take care of him.

After Mingyou asked Xiaotian to send the internal map and other information to Arthur Hu, Arthur Hu began to formulate a detailed battle plan.

Mingyou took notes on the side and listened very carefully.

When he heard that he was riding his big black cat to the front line to fight, he couldn't see his eyes from laughing.

Other spirit beasts have objections. Mr. Ming is so important, although they are very confident in their own strength, they should not let Mr. Ming go to the front line.

"No one can control him except me. I think you don't want to see him rushing into the enemy's hand-to-hand combat." Arthur Hu Tucao.

"My partners can't protect me, then no one in the entire Star Alliance can protect me." Mingyou pulled the big yellow monkey over and said, "My brother monkey is still wearing a magical costume, who can match Brother monkey. A stick?"

Grass Mud Rabbit and Groundhog remembered the exaggerated disguise of Rhubarb Monkey, and pressed the approval vote, and said that after confirming that the hostages were rescued, Rhubarb Monkey would change into another wave to scare them.

When it comes to transformation, the other spirit beasts remembered the exaggerated fields of the ten heroes, and thought that it would be good to open a few more fields at that time. They also have their own abilities with exaggerated effects, and they will be released together when the time comes.

Mingyu was perplexed.

You just said that I am not serious, now you are more serious than each other? Is this how you go about the difficult task

"It's good to get used to it. After everyone becomes a spirit beast, it's easy to let go of yourself, so occasionally you can't be serious." Adeline's mother comforted, "As long as the result is good, don't worry."

"Well..." Mingyou thought, and when everyone is rescued, just follow their suggestion and set off fireworks at this base a few more times.

The fluffy ones aren't too much of an offer, and he'll try his best to satisfy it.

Arthur Hu "heared" Mingyou's heart and glanced at Mingyou. If it weren't for the crowd now, he would have whipped Mingyou with his tail.

Eleven spirit beasts of his own are not enough, and he always wants to pet other spirit beasts.

The serious combat meeting ended when the coach was frantically distracted, and the other fluffy nodded vigorously, shook their ears and tails.

Big Green and Little Green are the super-great pseudo-main forces of spirit beasts used by the two stealth abilities, other spirit beasts with corresponding stealth abilities, and Mingyou's system assistance, completely cover up the battleship.

Not to mention radar detection optical detection energy detection, even if floating around the battleship, the spirit beasts will not feel the existence of the battleship.

Xiaotian detected that the battleship was enveloped by a strange energy, and this optical stealth was more powerful than his own, and immediately reported to Arthur.

Arthur glanced at Mingyou: "How much can your educational light brain do that our existing technology in the Star Alliance can't do?"

Mingyou shook his head: "I don't know. But what I know is that the knowledge value is not enough to burn."

Arthur: "...Well, it makes sense." With the knowledge acquired by Mingyou as the "currency", he really didn't know what to say.

At first, he thought that Mingyou's educational brain was to let Mingyou collect information and use the amount of information as "currency". Later, Mingyou told him that his knowledge value was calculated only after he "learned" it.

This is not how much information the system has obtained, but how much information Mingyou has obtained. This is an educational light brain that purely cultivates people.

After pondering, Arthur could only think that this might be an advanced civilization dominated by spirit beasts. He really couldn't bear the current tragic situation of the Covenant, so he would just throw a light brain and a fool to change the world of the Covenant.

Higher civilizations may hope that second-class civilizations can become stronger on their own.

Even Mingyou, the opportunity to make the Star Alliance powerful, is only a tiny chance for the Star Alliance.

Just imagine, if Mingyou was tortured to death by the Tan family, or if the spirit beast he encountered was not him, perhaps this opportunity would be missed by the Covenant.

But this also shows that I, Arthur Hu, are the absolute protagonists of destiny. Arthur Hu put on a small vest with pedals while cocking his beard proudly.

Other spirit beasts who worship Prince Arthur's highness see Arthur Hu's skillful attitude of putting on a small vest, and their hearts are very complicated.

"But if it were us, it would probably be..." said a spirit beast from the Chaos Sector.

The other spirit beasts were stunned for a moment, then nodded frantically, their ears swaying vigorously as they nodded, and they could no longer see their ears.

That's right, what's wrong with letting Mr. Ming ride? That is a special treatment for Mr. Ming's partner.

"Soon you will know how explosive the output is with Your Highness and Xiaoyou." Leo Monkey from the Chaos Sector said, "If you weren't worried about the safety of the hostages, Your Highness and Xiaoyou would be able to put this base together. exploded."

Leo doesn't know how many high-tech weapons and how many powers there are on this planet, but he still believes so.

Mingyou's halo is fully activated, which can fully fill all the abilities and talents of His Royal Highness the Big Black Cat, completely making up for the deficiency of His Royal Highness Big Black Cat's ability to have many but not refined abilities.

In other words, His Highness the Big Black Cat is an army of spirit beasts, and it is an army of spirit beasts with tacit understanding and infinite blue.

If you add those strange skill cards and equipment cards in Mingyou's hands that cannot be interpreted by Star Alliance technology at present, His Royal Highness, the big black cat, can easily suppress an ordinary administrative star with a cat.

This spirit beast has really become the strongest weapon of the Star Alliance, comparable to the Star Destroyer.

The ears of the spirit beasts in the Chaos Star Sector stood up one after another, showing adoring eyes.

Although this may sound incredible, there are many incredible things in their own right for His Royal Highness Prince Arthur and Mr. Ming. Besides, they will fight side by side, and they will soon be able to see the majesty of His Royal Highness the big black cat fighting.

The spirit beast that fights side by side with the spirit beast master is invincible

"Come, come here." Mingyou waved to his partners.

Leo Monkey also walked to Mingyou's side and turned into a little monkey hanging on Mingyou.

"When you get to the sky, I will launch you all. You go to the place where the spirit beasts are imprisoned. The energy residual thoughts of the imprisoned spirit beasts will guide you." Mingyou said.

His spirit beast partners nodded. Although the body has become smaller, they can complete this small task.

When the battleship slowly broke through the chaotic magnetic field and landed on an orange-red planet, the planet was unaware.

This is a barren star with very bad conditions, but because there are a lot of energy minerals, the steel bunker standing in the orange-red desert can maintain the livable environment in the base by burning energy minerals.

This is their illegal research base.

The steel bunker is just the corner of the iceberg, and most of the bases are under the ground, even hollowing out half of the planet.

The place where the spirit beasts are imprisoned is in the deepest part of this planet.

Remnants of energy surrounded Mingyou, and suddenly began to glow, like a firefly. This kind of energy fluctuation, even ordinary spirit beasts can "see" it.

At this time, Mingyou was like a fairy in myths and legends, attracting attention.

Many words were stuck in the throat of the spirit beast, but they couldn't come out.

Spirit Beast Master, the person who understands spirit beasts best. Even the spirit beasts with only remnants left will surround the spirit beast master. Spirit Beast Master will listen to their words and fulfill their last wishes.

"They will lead the way." Mingyou felt the thoughts of this group of "flowing fireflies".

Although "Liu Ying" should not have self-awareness, it is only influenced by the strongest obsession of the spirit beast, and its instinctive actions. But at this time, they seemed to be "alive" and took the initiative to help.

"I'm the first." Big Green took the lead.

He is an assassin, of course, he must be the first.

The Elf Prince Deer jumped on top of the big black cat, and the big black cat left the fleet and stood proudly in the void above the steel fortress.

It's a pity that his constantly flapping wings are too small. If he is now wearing big wings that cover the sky, he must look very handsome.

"Let's go." Mingyou pressed his right hand on the Beast Master's bracelet, and Liu Ying gathered towards the Elf Prince Deer and "pasted" it on the Elf Prince Deer's body, turning the Elf Prince Deer into a vague energy light group.

An acceleration card appeared between Mingyou's fingers, swipe the card, and light blue energy fluctuations enveloped the energy light group that the elf prince deer turned into. The light group flew out with a "swoosh", like a meteor, hitting the energy fortress.

The protective mask of the energy fortress was not touched at all, and the meteor entered the interior of the energy fortress without hindrance, as if it were directly passing through the wall.

The spirit beasts, including Arthur's personal guards, were stunned.

Can you do this? How can this be

Although they heard the content of the plan of "Ten heroes become smaller and sneak in, find and protect the hostages" in the battle plan, but they thought that the smaller spirit beasts also used a very complicated method to break the energy mask little by little, and step by step Step by step to avoid enemy patrols and countless machine surveillance, carefully sneak into the base.

Of course, the smaller spirit beasts are much more flexible than their larger spirit beasts. The task of infiltrating, of course, should be completed by ten heroes who can be reduced.

But they never imagined that the so-called sneaking in is to become a light and fly in with a "swoosh".

Wear the energy shield or even through the wall, and fly in with a "swoosh"...

Is this really a pure energy wave? ! You are the energy body! It is solidified energy!

Is this the power of the spirit beast master, or the new supernatural talent of the ten heroes, or the power of those energy remnants

Mingyou felt the question marks from the spirit beasts that were more hairy than them, but now he didn't have the energy to answer.

After feeling the message of "safety" from Dalu, Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief, Xiaolu, go on!

The younger sister Lu was also wrapped in residual energy and the power of the heart, turned into a streamer, opened the sky, and entered the steel fortress.

Mingyou's infiltration plan that he tried for a long time on Healing Star was very successful.

When Mingyou helped his partner spirit beasts to train their abilities, he found that at extreme speed, spirit beasts could be transformed into pure energy waves to achieve the effect of penetrating walls.

It might even be possible to fool the energy shield if it supports hidden powers.

However, this requirement is very harsh, and the requirements for the spiritual power, the power of the heart and the supernatural talent of the spiritual beast are very high.

It is easier for spirit beasts with special abilities to use this ability. If it is an ordinary ability, it must be condensed into a higher level of energy before it can be assisted by Mingyou.

In addition, the spirit beasts that have been completely transformed into energy have extremely poor defensive power, and are entirely protected by the spirit and spiritual power of the spirit beast master. And if the spirit beast has distracted thoughts in this state, it will "exit" the energy fluctuation state. That is to say, if the spirit beast is "frightened" and does not trust the spirit beast master, this skill cannot be used.

It not only requires the abilities of spirit beast masters and spirit beasts, but also requires a strong bond and trust between spirit beast masters and spirit beasts. Mingyou does not think that the method of using this ability can be "promoted", so he can rest assured in front of outsiders. used.

His spirit beast partners kept turning into meteors of various colors, shooting from the top of the big black cat's head, making the other spirit beasts numb.

This is completely beyond their imagination, is it the way of fighting a spirit beast with a spirit beast master? I admired it, it was so full, it looked like a real spirit beast at first glance. Unlike them, except for a few energy waves, the fighting style is no different from that of beasts.

"Phew, all right, they're all sent in. The next step is to go back and wait for their news." Mingyou lay on the back of the big black cat, feeling a little out of strength.

The big black cat with a convex posture in mid-air hurriedly spread its four cat claws and flew back to the battleship. Xiaotian hurriedly controlled the robot to deliver water to Mingyou.

After Mingyou poured in a large bottle of electrolyte water, he wiped his mouth and sighed: "Ah! I'm alive!"

A row of ellipses flew out of the heads of the spirit beasts who were worried about him.

After seeing the very mysterious spirit beast meteor, the spirit beasts accepted the fact that Mingyou would be exhausted from exhaustion.

Such a powerful trick, firing ten bullets in a row, it is inevitable to lose strength. They have already made the mental preparation that Mingyou can no longer continue to fight and needs to rest all the time.

When the hostages are rescued by the ten heroes, it is time for us to show our strength!

As a result, Mingyou drank a bottle of water and came back to life. This looks like an ordinary weak college student who ran 800 meters.

Oh, an ordinary college student who ran 800 meters would have to take a few breaths and walk a dozen or so steps before returning to normal. Mr. Ming just drank a bottle of water and was completely alive and kicking

Perhaps, Mr. Ming's spirit is still very tired? The spirit beasts can only think so. Otherwise, Mingyou's strength is beyond their imagination.

What if Mr. Ming was just an ordinary person with no ability and a little (?) strength? This terrifying spiritual power is called an ordinary person

The spirit beasts understood. Not only the study of spirit beasts has been improved, but also the study of supernatural powers has to be greatly improved. Because it does not belong to the existing power types of the Star Alliance, so Mr. Ming’s powerful abilities cannot be called supernatural powers. Mr. Ming can actually call himself an ordinary person. So unfair.

They don't want to be beaten by "ordinary people" like Mr. Ming, and then they will become spirit beasts after being laughed at, and they can't beat "ordinary people".

Is your "ordinary person" this "ordinary" method? !

The secretly proud eldest brother Alpaca thought, yes, ordinary people in my family are this common law, and the Tan family is blind.

Oh, Xiaoyou has nothing to do with the Tan family. Isn't Tan Changgeng a red grass-mud horse? Ha ha.

"They have found the place where the spirit beasts are being held and injected the virus with Xiaotian's backup into the opponent's center. But the opponent's center has super AI, and Xiaotian can't directly capture the opponent's control center." Mingyou soon joined the group. Received reports from everyone.

Well, in the group.

The spirit beasts tilted their heads one after another, their ears flickering.

Do you just use ordinary optical brain groups to deliver messages? Can you please stop being so rude.

Mingyou laughed dryly: "I don't know why they don't block the network signal, probably because the people in their base also have to go online for entertainment and decompression?"

The spirit beasts tilted their heads to the other side, their ears flickering.

Also, what about this? It seems reasonable.

The big black cat bowed his head, wanting to throw two white-eyed cannonballs at this group of stupid and cute spirit beasts.

You are the most elite spirit beast troops in the Covenant and Chaos Sector! You were so deceived by Mingyou? Can people in the secret base still access the Star Alliance public network? Are they not afraid of leaks? !

At present, only Mingyou's "Blind Date and Love Family" group can still be used. This network line is obviously not under the jurisdiction of any network base station in the Star Alliance. It is obviously created by Mingyou's educational brain.

The big black cat is now completely sure that the civilization where Mingyou's light brain is located is indeed not interested in their Star Alliance at all.

That's it? That's it? Is this the Star Alliance network? An ordinary educational light brain can paralyze you in an instant, right? This wave is a dimensionality reduction blow, just like the Covenant treats primitive planets that cannot yet explore space.

When a civilization with absolute power radiates kindness to you, you don't need to doubt the purpose behind the other party's kindness at all, because you don't deserve it.

After the big black cat found out about this, he didn't sleep well for several nights with a heart attack. But he quickly adjusted his mood.

There is a civilization in the universe that is much stronger than the Covenant, and the Covenant has already concluded. And higher civilizations will not take the initiative to contact lower civilizations, which is also a recognized rule of cosmic civilization.

Maybe people's civilization is so high that it is no longer the same dimension as you. Unless you are at that level of the other person, communication is not good for each other.

Therefore, the super-advanced civilization with spirit beasts is so depressed about the current situation of the spirit beasts in the Star Alliance, so it throws out an educational brain and trains a fool to see if it can pull the star alliance

But this life-saving straw is too thin. If I, Arthur Hu, were not the son of luck, the life-saving straw probably wouldn't even know that the corner of the float was buried in the soil.

So, I am still very good at Arthur Tiger. The big black cat licked its claws and claws: "Is there an AI more powerful than Xiaotian? Let's take it directly."

Xiao Tian had to keep smashing the big black cat on top of the big black cat with his emoji: "Xiao Tian is the best! There is no AI in the Star Alliance that is more powerful than Xiao Tian! Give me five minutes! No! One minute! I'll beat him!"

The spirit beasts continued to do cervical spine exercises and circled their heads.

Why is this AI so wrong? Aren't the Covenant AIs all cold robotic tones? Is this AI too lively? Have AI feelings and self-awareness grown to this point now? Or, is this also a new spirit animal science technology? Such as the integration of spirit beast energy and the like.

Mingyou, who didn't know that he suddenly took the blame, hurriedly advised: "Don't be angry, Xiaotian, take your time, take your time, don't be in a hurry, the task must not be urgent, protecting the safety of those spirit beasts that were taken away is the most important thing. "

Xiaotian smashed a "bulge" on the head of the big black cat, and continued to fight with the opponent's AI in a rage.

The big black cat kept the inverted triangle eyes and airplane ears. After Xiaotian finished smashing it, he raised his hind legs and kicked his ears, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

you show me! I will donate to you one day! I have never seen an AI so rude to its master!

Mingyou hurriedly lifted the big black cat's airplane ear, afraid that the big black cat would get angry, so he closed Xiaotian's little black house when he went back.

When humans and spirit beasts are extremely angry, their power will explode, and so does AI.

Under the extreme anger, Xiaotian's running speed exceeded the limit, as if breaking through a wonderful boundary.

His "head" was suddenly "awake" like never before, and all the information flow in front of him became very simple and easy to understand, as if the problems that plagued him were actually pediatrics, but he set the wrong formula and got to the tip of the bull's horn.

The other side's super AI of the same level as him seems to suddenly become a backward old program, and the sound of old parts being worn out can be heard when running.

I was stopped by this thing before? That's it? That's it? In the information flow, Xiaotian transformed into a little black cat with a scarf. He tiptoed his catwalk with his tail raised, and stepped into the processing center of the other party. A cat's paw scattered the other party's light ball.

The other party only discovered the invasion of the little black cat at this time. He tried his best to send out the news of the invasion, but was slapped by the serial slaps of the little black cat and couldn't find the north. He instantly lost control of the center and fell into endless darkness.

"Humph." The data flowed through Xiao Tmall's eyes, and the complicated energy flow slowly deformed in front of him, turning into a comfortable cat litter.

He got into the cat's nest and the farmer sent a message to Arthur Hu and Mingyou: "It's done!"

At the same time, he also attached the new look in his information flow.

I, Xiaotian, evolve autonomously, and I am no longer the AI of the past!

The big black cat looked at the little black cat that was carried by the farmer in the cathouse, and was speechless for a while. You want to change the image, can you change one? This has become my illegitimate child! You're still covered in black curly hair! The scarf is like a hot roll! Are there any cats that are curly

"Xiaotian looks like it is me and your child." Mingyou said stupidly.

Big Black Cat: "... Please think about it before you speak. Do you know what you are talking about?"

Mingyou's face flushed immediately, and he stammered, "Yes, I'm sorry."

"Nothing sorry." The big black cat was very tired. One day, he'll be pissed off by this idiot, oh, and that little Tian who pretends to be his and Mingyou's child.

"The general attack is launched." The tired big black cat decided to use the base below to vent.

Mingyou hurriedly hugged the big black cat's neck, turned over and rode on the big black cat: "Don't leave me! Let's go together."

The big black cat twitched the ears of the plane. You ride a big tiger very quickly. Why do you procrastinate when you go to bed at night, and you can't finish washing and procrastinating for an hour

"The list of the captured spirit beasts has been checked, the locations of all spirit beasts have been locked, and we have ensured control of these areas." Adeline reported, "The awake spirit beasts have been released and can act with us. Some of the spirit beasts are not in the right state, so Xiaoyou should come and see it in person. Please go to the marked place first."

"Can bombing be carried out?" Arthur Hu asked.

Adeline said: "Yes. The central system has been completely controlled by Xiaotian, and the two areas we are in have become independent. Our ability can protect these two areas during your bombardment, Your Highness."

"Then just blast the shell." A black light group condensed in front of the big black cat, and the black light group rotated, like a black hole in the concept.

Mingyou was busy attacking the big black cat. He put a bunch of cards in front of him and swiped them one by one to fill up the big black cat's state.

The big black cat has a bunch of buffs on its head, and there are more and more black light balls around it.

Countless black light ball vortices are linked together, actually covering the entire bright sky, leaving the entire steel fortress in the dark night.

At this time, the people in the base finally realized that something was wrong. They immediately checked the defense equipment, only to find that they had lost control of the information.

"Switch to manual." An old man said.

In this highly automated world, there is an emergency preparedness for a complete AI loss of control.

Xiaotian regrets to find that he has lost some control.

But it doesn't matter, the area where the hostages are located is still under his firm control. If it wasn't for safety, he put most of his power into the area where the hostages were. They wanted to switch to manual, but it wasn't so easy.

"Cut it, cut it, if you cut it, will you be able to endure His Royal Highness's Star River hanging upside down?" Xiaotian's cat's beard twitched, and even his proud look was learned from Arthur Tiger.

"The galaxy hangs upside down." When Arthur Hu made his move, he also called out the name of the move.

When making a big move, if you have time, you must call out the name of the big move, right? The big move is to call out the name, and there will definitely be a power bonus.

Arthur Hu believes so, and Mingyou believes so too. So when Arthur Hu shouted out the name of the big move, Mingyou clenched his fist with one hand and shouted the words "Xinghe hangs upside down" along with him.

The name of the trick is to shout louder and louder!

Countless upside-down black vortexes tilted toward the steel fortress. In the black vortex, there were stars of various colors, like a real galaxy.

These stars are the agglomerates of various supernatural energies mastered by Arthur Hu. He used the lunar energy he was best at to bring these dangerous energy condensates together.

When these energy condensates leave the black vortex, their own destabilizing effect causes them to explode immediately.

Explosive power, that is, a spirit beast's ultimate move erupts so much.

The spirit beasts of various attributes erupted together. After careful calculation by Arthur Tiger, different energies collided together, resulting in a dramatic reaction that was much stronger than the energy of the ultimate move. And different upheaval reactions are intertwined, and they will continue to produce upheaval reactions.

Arthur Tiger is proud. Is he using his brain to play supernatural powers? So how could those spirit beasts that only instinctively spray energy waves outperform him

As soon as the galaxy hung upside down, the steel fortress seemed to be erased directly, missing a large piece.

This is the result after they fully open the energy shield.

"The superstructure has all been paralyzed." Xiaotian proudly announced the good news to Arthur Hu, "We are really amazing! We can rush in directly!"

"Let's rush in." Arthur Hu said to Mingyou first, then turned around, "Me and Mingyou go directly to the place where the hostages are, and you are responsible for cleaning. If the prisoners of war do not cooperate, they will all be shot dead."

The spirit beasts nodded dumbly.

They still have to wait for the battleship to land before going to suppress this illegal base, and Arthur Hu has already carried Mingyou and flew out.

"I think... we are a little redundant." A certain spirit beast in Arthur's personal guard said.

"I think too. Your Highness and the ten heroes can easily wipe out this base by themselves. What are we going to do?"

"This is too strong, isn't it? The strength of the energy shield of this fortress is almost the same as that of ordinary administrative Star Wars, right? It was just smashed to pieces? And the fortress that looked like it was built with very expensive and strong materials was melted. already?"

"This wave, can you send a battleship directly?"

"So what are we doing, watching?"

The spirit beasts looked at each other.

The spirit beasts in the Chaos Sector said weakly: "Didn't your Highness say it? Let's clean up the battlefield and arrest the criminals. Someone has to do this kind of finishing work, right? There are so few of them, so surely they can't catch them all?"

Oh yes! We are still useful!

The spirit beasts regained their confidence, and before the battleship had fully landed, they jumped down from the hatch like a parachute!

Capture prisoners of war! Accumulate military merit! Change the cookies!

The author has something to say: (catch bugs)