After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis

Chapter 34


In the end, the three-way meeting of the first, second, and third grades decided that each grade first selects the grade grass representing the current grade, and then conducts a total PK. The person who won the school grass honor, in the grade, can choose another grade grass.

However, one is obviously not enough, and the arts and sciences obviously do not agree with each other. The liberal arts students said that the grass I think must be able to determine what terrain, climate, and characteristics of the residents are based on the shape of the leaves; the science students said that I think the grass must be able to know when there is gravity and when Without gravity, when does gravity and friction balance out.

The two sides were deadlocked, and the last three grades passed unanimously: in addition to the first year of high school, the remaining two grades can choose one liberal arts level grass and science level grass.

Looking at this situation, Lu Yunfei felt that Wen Mingyi had stabilized, and the worst was a liberal arts class. But he and Bian Jinyuan are not so lucky. If there is no school draft among the two of them, then there must be one person who is nothing.

Too bad. Lu Yunfei thought about Bian Jinyuan's face, it's still very handsome, it's just nothing, it's too miserable. But what if he loses? Lu Yunfei felt that this was even more inappropriate. He looked like this! How can I lose the election!

With this belief in mind, the first thing Lu Yunfei did when he woke up the next morning was to open the forum to see the results of last night's vote. However, when he saw it, he instantly woke up, "Damn it! It turned out that Bian Jinyuan won!"

Lu Yunfei quickly browsed the last few pages of the forum, and quickly understood the situation of yesterday's battle. He saw that when it was close to 10 o'clock, Wen Mingyi's side was still ahead of him and Bian Jinyuan by dozens of votes because of the concentrated voting of liberal arts students. . At exactly 10 o'clock, Bian Jinyuan defeated him by 8 votes. According to the agreement between sister Jinggu and sister Yunduo, the two parties officially merged into one, and voted for Bian Jinyuan with all their strength.

It was also at this time that liberal arts students finally entered the field in large numbers and slammed into Wen Mingyi. However, after all, there are only seven classes in the liberal arts, and thirteen classes in the science department. Therefore, even if they are united, they cannot compete with the science students with a large base. Bian Jinyuan easily won the championship and replaced the second year of high school. .

The liberal arts student regretted: "The main reason is that there are too many of you."

The science student is very modest: "Actually, you are also quite good, but there are few people."

In the end, the trend of the post became, "Bian Jinyuan, come on! The school grass must be in our sophomore year!"

Lu Yunfei's younger sister Yunduo is even more actively cheering, "Everyone must work hard in the vote the day after tomorrow, and the school grass must be Bian Jinyuan!"

Sister Jing Cake said in surprise, "Sister, have you climbed the wall?"

Wen Kaishui from Wen Mingyi's house next door said, "Wake up, Bian Jinyuan is so smart, why are you not smart at all?! If you can't get the school grass, won't Lu Yunfei disappear from the crowd?"

Sister Jing Cake suddenly realized, "Yes."

Sister Yun Duo said, "We Feifei are so handsome, how can we be like everyone else! Can you accept it? I can't!"

"No matter what, Bian Jinyuan must win the vote the day after tomorrow!"

"Yes, there is no need to discuss this matter, listen to me, the school draft must be Bian Jinyuan, and bet on the honor of the second year of high school, it must be our grade!"

Everyone was so excited, they knew it was a student joking, but if they didn't, they thought it was a large-scale star chasing scene. Lu Yunfei looked at the page in front of him and felt a little complicated. Unexpectedly, he not only lost to Bian Jinyuan, but also counted on Bian Jinyuan to beat others to make room for himself.

This feeling is... a little subtle.

The other protagonist of this incident, Bian Jinyuan, a candidate for the school draft who bears the hopes of all the second-year high school students, is completely unaware of this incident. Still in the morning after training the ball and running, supervising Lu Yunfei to write silently.

Lu Yunfei looked at him while writing silently.

Bian Jinyuan asked him more often, "I have the correct answer written on my face?"

"I just want to see how you look better than me." So much so that he can lead him by eight votes.

"Do you see that?"

"You have more sharp edges and corners." Lu Yunfei supported his head and observed him carefully, "Your eyes are pretty good too, your eyelashes are quite long, although they are not curled up, they are quite thick, and it looks like a hazy distance. sense."

Bian Jinyuan: "...You see it very carefully."

Hearing this, Lu Yunfei approached him slightly, observed him for a while, and finally came to a conclusion, "You are indeed pretty, and I can justify winning."

"Win you?"

"School forum." Lu Yunfei guessed that he had never visited the school forum, so he gave him some popular science about yesterday's events, "In the end, you won by eight votes ahead of me, so in the last two hours, everyone in the science class was You vote, you become a champion."

Bian Jinyuan didn't expect that there would be such a war without gunpowder where he didn't pay attention. He looked at Lu Yunfei and felt that Lu Yunfei had stared at him for so long, so he probably wanted to win him.

"You can tell me earlier." Bian Jinyuan said, "If you told me last night, I would tell them to choose you."

Lu Yunfei was shocked, "Why?"

"Because you look better." Bian Jinyuan said calmly.

Only then did Lu Yunfei remember that when he asked Bian Jinyuan who was more beautiful yesterday, Bian Jinyuan really said it was him.

"Do you really think I'm more handsome than you?"

Bian Jinyuan nodded.

Lu Yunfei is happy now, even if there are eight people who think Bian Jinyuan is more handsome than him, the quasi-caliber candidates they voted for don't think they are more handsome.

"Damn, it's actually pretty good for you to win the championship." Lu Yunfei paid tribute to each other, "Your grades are good, plus you have the status of a school grass, double-layered gold plating, you are the most beautiful cub in this school."

"Then can you concentrate on dictation now?"


Lu Yunfei picked up the pen, "Where did you just dictate?"

"Build, build."

Lu Yunfei lowered his head and quickly wrote the words on the paper. When Bian Jinyuan saw that he finally put his mind on dictation again, he smiled helplessly and tolerantly, and continued to test him according to the prepared words.

Jiang Rong was very sorry that his two brothers lost their positions as school grassroots, and sent several heartbroken expressions in the group.

Wen Mingyi said disdainfully, "Come on, you didn't vote for me again, what do you do with me, just ate Yunfei alone."

"Ming Yi, I also support you! I'm in the science class, so I can only support you in my heart."

Wen Mingyi made a spit expression.

Lu Yunfei persuaded Jiang Rong, "Bian Jinyuan is also a member of our basketball team. It's a good thing for him to win. Tomorrow's school grass selection, everyone remember to vote for Bian Jinyuan!"

Wen Mingyi: …

Li Yuanqing: ? ? ?

Li Yuanqing: Don't you think you are more handsome than him? ! Are you backing him now? !

Lu Yunfei is very high-sounding: both honors are honored, for the honor of our basketball team, and for the honor of the entire second year of high school!

Wen Mingyi: …

Li Yuanqing: …

Jiang Rong: No problem.

Lu Yunfei: Good brother!

Lu Yunfei said, and changed the group announcement to: It's a brother, let's vote!

Li Yuanqing almost laughed, texted him 666, and asked him, "The Dragon Slayer Sword, can you send it by clicking it?"

"Amitabha, Li Shizhu, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot." Lu Yunfei returned to him.

The next day, the vigorous school grass competition officially started.

The first grade sent Wu Yun from Class 3, the second grade sent Bian Jinyuan from Class 1, and the third grade sent Cheng Lu from Class 19. The photo of the three and the voting link are placed in the main building at the same time, and the voting time is from 12:00 noon to 12:00 pm.

The junior high school girl actively canvassed votes, "Look at our junior brother Wu Yun! Give my brother a chance!!! Caring for the junior brother, it starts with you and me!"

The senior senior in high school cried with tears, "Look at our seniors! The seniors are about to graduate, but you still have opportunities! The future will be yours in the end! Don't let the youth have regrets, and don't let the graduating seniors regret lifelong!"

Regarding the first and third grades playing emotional cards, the representative of the second grade had only one sentence: "The selection of the school grass is based on the face. Everyone feels their conscience and asks themselves, who of the three people in the main building is the most handsome and most qualified to do it. Start the school grass of our No. 1 Middle School?!"

This is almost a question of giving points. After all, Bian Jinyuan is the most handsome among these three people. The crowd watching the sophomore school's draft post even complained, "This quality is not as exciting as the sophomore year's internal fighting."

Therefore, although there are high school and high school parties who are fighting for grade honors and vote for their grade representatives, more people choose Bian Jinyuan.

Seeing that the situation was almost one-sided, Lu Yunfei couldn't help but report to Bian Jinyuanhui, "Your school draft is estimated to be stable."

"Are you finished with your phrases?"

Lu Yunfei put away his phone, "I'm not cheering you on."

"As a thank you, let me take a look at the mock questions you did?"

"Don't, don't." Lu Yunfei begged for mercy, "I haven't done it yet."

"So you should now?"

"Look at the phrase, do the question, I'll do it now."

Bian Jinyuan nodded, "I'll finish it before school~"

Oh you big bastard! Lu Yunfei had a slight smile on his face and complained in his heart.

At 0:00 in the morning, the school grass competition finally officially came to an end, and the voting channel was closed. Bian Jinyuan won the championship with nearly 1,000 votes, and the sophomore group cheered.

Senior senior sister pretended to be indifferent, "I'm a junior, so let's let you guys go."

The first-year junior high school girl also pretended that it didn't matter, "It's the senior, we freshmen have to respect it."

In the second year of high school, he went downhill, "Thank you, senior, senior, junior, junior, and junior. I wish you all to study hard, make progress every day, and make a name for yourself on the gold list, and show the prestige of our school!"

When Lu Yunfei woke up the next day, he saw that the direction of the post had changed to hello me hello everyone, senior three seniors complained online, and encouraged juniors and juniors to study hard. While inquiring about the life of the senior year, the juniors and juniors cheered on the seniors and seniors. Really, it's fun.

Just in the midst of this fun, the Autumn Games also came to everyone unknowingly.

In addition to the previous 100 meters and 4X100 relay, Lu Yunfei reported another 400 meters under the soft and hard bubble of the sports committee. He was so excited that he hugged him and didn't let go. Lu Yunfei took the opportunity to poke his stomach, it was really elastic. .

Just as Lu Yunfei was gearing up to show off his skills in the games, he unexpectedly heard Bian Jie say to Bian Jinyuan, "Tomorrow is your birthday, what do you want to eat? Let's go out to eat tomorrow."

Hearing that, Lu Yunfei, who was almost settled in Tmall Elf, instantly stopped thinking about reciting words and looked at Bian Jinyuan in doubt.

While eating, Bian Jinyuan replied, "No need, just eat it at home, auntie, you can just cook whatever you want."

"That's how it works." Bian Jie disagreed. "You take a leave from the boss tomorrow night, go home directly, and I'll take you and Shuangshuang out to eat. For your birthday, it's only once a year, so don't work too hard."

"Mmmm, go out to eat." Shuangshuang shouted happily.

Bian Jinyuan saw that both Bian Jie and Shuangshuang wanted to go out to eat, so he no longer refused, "Then I will tell Sister Liu later and come back as soon as possible tomorrow night."

"Okay." Bian Jie looked at him with tenderness in her eyes, "Unconsciously, you are also 17 years old. Alas, at this time next year, you will be an adult. Time flies so fast."

Bian Jinyuan smiled and said softly, "Yes."

Inadvertently, it has been so many years.

Seeing that what they said was almost the same, Lu Yunfei made a "ding" and "ding" sound, ready to say, "Happy birthday~"

As soon as he said this, the three people present immediately looked at him.

Bian Jinyuan and Bian Jie only thought that they had just finished playing with him, so the Tmall Genie was still activated. Bian Jie said with a smile, "It turns out that it has been eavesdropping on our conversation. I didn't expect it to be the first one in our family to say happy birthday to you."

Shuangshuang was not convinced, and immediately said, "Happy birthday to my brother! I am the second."

"it is good."

"Then I will also say happy birthday to you in advance, Xiaoyuan happy birthday."

"Thank you auntie."

"What gift do you want?" Lu Yunfei asked curiously.

"Yes, Xiaoyuan, what do you want?"

"I don't need anything, auntie, you don't need to buy me gifts."

"How can you have no gifts for your birthday? If you don't have what you want, I'll buy it for you according to my idea."

When Bian Jinyuan heard the words, he almost guessed what Bian Jie was going to buy for him. He knew Bian Jie so well that 80% wanted to buy him clothes. Clothes are fine though, they are practical anyway.

"Then buy it as you want."

"Okay." It happened that the season changed recently, so it's time to buy a new coat, Bian Jie thought.

Lu Yunfei waited for a while before Bian Jinyuan said what he wanted. After Bian Jie and Shuangshuang went back to sleep, he asked again, "What do you like?"

Bian Jinyuan was reading a book. Hearing him ask himself, he said calmly, "I like you to be quiet."

"Then what do you want for your birthday?"

Bian Jinyuan was about to let him rest when he suddenly thought of something and looked at him, "Or, will you sing me a happy birthday song in English tomorrow?"

Lu Yunfei: ... This stalk can't go away, right? ! This is clearly to make things difficult for him, Lu Aotian!

Lu Yunfei hummed.

Bian Jinyuan teased him with great interest, "Can't you?"

"You deliberately!"

"A birthday present, of course, it has to be a little sincere."

"There is no English data." Lu Yunfei simply made up and made up, "English data is not supported."

Bian Jinyuan heard the words, put down the book, and walked in front of him.

He looked at the small red box in front of him, "Then I will teach you, you have learned it, and sing it according to the tune of happy birthday to you in Chinese."

Lu Yunfei: ? ? ? ! ! ! Can it be so!

He has become a Tmall elf, why should he follow Bian Jinyuan to learn English? ! Usually it’s enough to study at school, but now I’m not a human being, why do I still have to study? ! Really learning boundless ah!

Lu Yunfei was silent.

Bian Jinyuan was very patient, "I say a word, and you follow me to read one—happy."

Lu Yunfei: …

"Isn't this okay?" Bian Jinyuan wondered, "I have searched the Internet before, and no one has reported that their Tmall Genie does not support English data. Even if you have problems with internal data, you should be able to parrot it."

Land Parrot: …

"Happy." Bian Jinyuan said it again.

However, Lu Yunfei couldn't be happy at all, he just wanted silence, silence, silence is no longer tonight's Cambridge, silence is tonight's Lu Yunfei.

Bian Jinyuan saw that he had not followed the repetition, and thought that there was a problem with the internal system, so he couldn't pronounce it. Alas, with so many artificial intelligences, Sister Liu bought this one, and it turned out to be good. There were problems when it left the factory. This kind of luck is really no one.

But it is also a fate, Bian Jinyuan thought, otherwise, it would not fall into his own hands.

"Forget it, if it doesn't, it won't. You said, if I buy another Tmall Genie, can the two of you talk to each other? Will he laugh at you knowing that you don't speak English?"

Lu Yunfei was shocked by his words! What a shameless remark! Is Bian Jinyuan crazy! I still want to buy another one! ! ! With such a smart, caring and kind Tmall elf, he is still not satisfied? I still want to find the mistress in front of me! Let Xiaosan laugh at himself!

"Scumbag!" Lu Yunfei scolded, "You scumbag, are you Bian Shixian?"

Bian Jinyuan laughed, "Why am I a scumbag, and Bian Shixian?"

"You still want to buy another one!" Lu Yunfei said angrily, "With me there is no him, with him there is no me!"

Lu Yunfei said, and sang:

"The pain of attachment to all love

For all the wounds that hate and cling to

I can't tell the difference between love and hate

is that so

blood and tears fall together

my heart is broken and weathered

The trembling hands can't stop


Bian Jinyuan: …