After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis

Chapter 54


Li Li put the textbook in her hand on her desk and asked Li Yuanqing, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yunfei and the others also walked from Xiao Jin's desk to Li Li's side at this time.

"Mr. Li," Lu Yunfei looked at her and said straight to the point, "I thought that the last time Teacher Zhang framed me and left the dean's office, even if it was over. But Teacher Zhang obviously didn't think so, she said it right away. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm wrong, and I guess I still hate me so much that every time I have an English class, I have to go out and stand. If this goes on, should I cancel the subject of English?"

Li Li didn't expect this incident to have such a follow-up. She looked at Zhang Yanrong in disbelief, and Zhang Yanrong said calmly, "He speaks in class and affects the discipline of the class. Is it wrong for me to let him stand up?"

"What did I say?" Lu Yunfei sneered, "If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse."

"Mr. Li, it's not just Lu Yunfei," Li Yuanqing said, "and us, we were all punished by Teacher Zhang."

"That's because you have to stand up for Lu Yunfei, and you don't listen to each class well."

"We want to listen to the class, and you have to tell it. If you don't tell anything, how can we listen." He Pan said in a low voice.

Zhang Yanrong let out a "ha", "As long as you don't pay attention to class discipline, talk and sleep, I don't have the mood to give you a lecture."

Li Li had a headache, he looked at the classmates in front of him, and then looked at Zhang Yanrong.

"Mr. Zhang, they don't obey the discipline in class. You can criticize them, and you can punish them for standing up, but you don't have to let them stand up. In a few days, the mid-term exam will be taken. If you look like this, their grades will be sure. It will be affected, it is irresponsible to the students and the class, you better let them all go back to class."

"Mr. Li is worthy of being a class teacher and is considerate to students, but this one teacher has one teaching method. You are a math teacher, not an English teacher, so don't interfere with my teaching."

"You can't say that, Mr. Zhang." Xiao Jin smiled, "You are considered corporal punishment, now it's not like when we were in school, corporal punishment is not allowed, like you, this group of children are also good, so I didn't make a video I didn't post it on the Internet, otherwise, at this moment, it is estimated that a reporter would have interviewed you."

Lu Yunfei gave a low laugh, thinking that teacher Xiao Jin is quite interesting, but who said he didn't make a video anymore. It's just Zhang Yanrong's fault, it's Zhang Yanrong's fault, and it has nothing to do with the other teachers in No. 1 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School. And once the video is posted on the Internet, others will not only talk about Zhang Yanrong, but more will smear Yizhong. This is not what Lu Yunfei wants to see.

After listening to Xiao Jin's words, Zhang Yanrong just smiled contemptuously, "Mr. Xiao is trying to persuade me, or give advice to these students."

"Of course I persuade you, Mr. Zhang, you are a teacher, you are an elder, why bother with these juniors, you have let them stand for so many days, they also know that they are wrong, and they will definitely not dare to disobey discipline, forget it. Bar."

Li Li also persuaded, "Yeah, Teacher Zhang, they all know they're wrong, so please forgive them."

Zhang Yanrong heard the words and asked, "Really? Lu Yunfei, do you know what's wrong?"

Lu Yunfei has been studying for so many years, but this is the first time he has encountered a teacher like Zhang Yanrong. He nodded, "My biggest mistake is probably treating you as a normal teacher."

"you… "

"What am I? What's wrong with me, let me hear it when you say it."

Zhang Yanrong was furious, Li Li had a headache, and Lu Yunfei said calmly, "Aren't you just targeting me? Yes, but don't take anger at other people, don't take anger on our classmates."

"Who made your classmates angry!"

"Who else but you?"

The two immediately quarreled again.

"Ding-" The class bell rang, this is Li Li's math class, Li Li pressed Lu Yunfei's shoulder and said to him, "Go, go to class first."

Everyone followed Li Li back to the classroom. Li Li closed the door and looked at the students in the classroom, a little worried.

"Have you been having a bad time with Teacher Zhang recently?" she asked.

"Yes." Someone whispered.

"It's not that we were unhappy with her. She didn't take classes well. What can we do?" Li Yuanqing complained.

"Yeah." Everyone echoed, "We are asked to study for self-study every day. We have been studying for two days. Can't we take this English class?"

"And she keeps throwing her temper at us, and we didn't offend her, so what are we doing with our anger."

"Teacher, can you change our English teacher?" someone asked.

As soon as these words came out, it was as if someone had opened the spring's eyes, and the spring water spurted out instantly, "Yes, Mr. Li, can you change our English teacher? Mr. Zhang doesn't want to have a good class, we still want to have a good class."

Li Li didn't expect that the conflict between Zhang Yanrong and the class would be so serious. She wondered, "It's not that easy to change teachers. Teacher Zhang has been studying for so many years, and she is also the leader of the English grade group.

"But she doesn't want to teach us lessons now, so what should we do?"

"I'm going to talk to Teacher Zhang about this, but everyone should take a step back and stop being angry with Teacher Zhang. You are students, and you are angry with the teacher. You are the one who suffers. Understand?"

Everyone looked at her with unwillingness, but said nothing.

When the get out of class was over, Li Li called Lu Yunfei out and said warmly, "Lu Yunfei, I will talk to Teacher Zhang when I go back, and I will let her teach you a good lesson. So, just take my face and don't get angry with her. already."

Lu Yunfei never thought that things would develop to this point, "I didn't pay any attention to her at all, it was all her own nerves, as long as she taught the class well, I wouldn't be angry with her."

Li Li smiled, "Our classmate Lu Yunfei is very reasonable and considers the overall situation."

"That's right," Lu Yunfei said without modesty, "I'm more reasonable than her."

"Well, then you go back and have a good class."

Lu Yunfei walked back, and Li Yuanqing saw him coming back and asked him, "What did Mr. Li tell you?"

"It's nothing, that is to say, she will let Zhang Yanrong give us a good lesson, and let me not care about Zhang Yanrong."

Li Yuanqing was speechless, "Who cares about her, is she chasing after us to make a deal with us?"

"Forget it, as long as she has a good class later." Lu Yunfei didn't bother to care, "I'm afraid she promises again and thinks about other things in her heart."

"Alas, it's also because we were unlucky. It's annoying to be assigned such a teacher."

"Don't be annoying." Lu Yunfei patted his shoulder and returned to his seat.

I don't know what Li Li and Zhang Yanrong said. When Zhang Yanrong came to class in the afternoon, she did not let Lu Yunfei stand out again. Everyone in the first class breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this matter was finally over, and they could have a good class. But who knew that Zhang Yanrong talked about the paper for ten minutes, and then said, "Today's class will be here first, and the rest of the time will be self-study."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, sending messages in the class group puzzled.

"What is this? It's just two radio choices?"

"It's not over yet."

"I really took it, it's been three days! I haven't finished the exam paper for a month! What is this!"

"What exactly does Zhang Yanrong want to do?"

"Fuck, does she still want to be a teacher!"

"The mid-term exam will be in a few days. If she keeps doing this, what kind of exam are we going to take."

"Absolutely, there will be a parent-teacher meeting after the mid-term exam."

"I'm going, I'm really fucking pissed."

Looking at the chat in the group, Lu Yunfei guessed that it would be like this. Zhang Yanrong apologized to him in front of the dean and Li Li at the time, but turned around and asked him to go out and take a penalty stand. Now that the classmates in the class are making such a fuss, how could she be at peace? She definitely wants them to bow their heads to admit their mistakes and bow their heads.

Spicy chicken, Lu Yunfei complained.

The group is still discussing: what should I do now? We can't really skip classes.

"If we don't go, we won't go, it's not that we don't want to go."

"Qian Feng, calm down, it's us who want the midterm exam, not Zhang Yanrong."

"That's right. My mother asked me what was going on after I got poor grades in the test. I said that the teacher didn't teach in class. Isn't there a parent-teacher meeting after this mid-term test? Let Zhang Yanrong and the parents explain it."

"You are just angry words. When Zhang Yanrong slaps her back, it's us who will be scolded by her parents."

"It would be nice if there were other teachers who could teach us lessons."

"Yeah, Zhang Yanrong is doing this just because we can't change teachers."

"It really doesn't work, you can only teach yourself first."

"Sister, if we have this ability, what kind of school are we going to go to? Can't we just prepare for the exam at home?"

Li Yuanqing looked at it, suddenly thought of something, and chatted with Lu Yunfei privately: Have you watched the group

"Look, what's wrong?" Lu Yunfei wondered.

"I just suddenly thought, in fact, if Bian Jinyuan is willing, he can teach everyone a lesson."

Lu Yunfei: ? ? ? ! ! !

Lu Yunfei felt that Li Yuanqing was probably crazy: Have you watched too much anime? He was still infected by Wen Mingyi, so you can tell the middle two words!

Li Yuanqing felt that his idea was very feasible: I'm serious, you see now, Zhang Yanrong obviously doesn't plan to give us a good class, but everyone still has exams later, and we haven't been in class, and in the end, we are the ones who suffer. It would be better to let Bian Jinyuan give lectures, so that when the mid-term exam is completed, we will also have confidence. When the parents meet, they will directly propose to change teachers. If the test is not good, then we can sell the miserable, and let the parents help us propose to change the teacher. The main thing is to kill her spirit, don't think we really can't do anything about her

I think you think a lot. When Lu Yunfei looked at Li Yuanqing's words, he always felt that this was a bit out of line. The student stood on the podium and went to class. Although he had this confidence in Bian Jinyuan, he was so old and not yet. It's too bold to see someone do this.

On the other hand, the class group is also actively thinking of ways: if it doesn't work, we will have to study by ourselves. Let's find a tutor these days, or borrow notes from other classmates.

The students who were afraid of the incident suggested: Either we should go and apologize to Teacher Zhang. Let's apologize, and Teacher Zhang should be in class.

As a result, as soon as the text was sent out, it was scolded by a few violent boys in the class: If you want to apologize, you should apologize, we have done nothing wrong, why should we apologize.

"Yeah, I apologized this time. If she loses her temper with us in the future, should we apologize too? We are here to go to school, not to be a punching bag."

The boys and girls in the class scrambled to make a statement, saying that it is impossible to apologize, and it is impossible to die.

Lu Yunfei looked at it, sighed helplessly, and asked Bian Jinyuan, "Mr. Bian, are you willing to develop on a bigger stage?"